public function registerPushNotif() { IMBAuth::checkOAuth(); $app_id = addslashes($_POST['app_id']); $app_token = addslashes($_POST['app_token']); $app = new AppAccount(); $app->getByID($app_id); if ($app->app_token != $app_token) { $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "Token Mismatched"; echo json_encode($json); die; } $acc_id = addslashes($_POST['acc_id']); $now = addslashes($_POST['now']); $ios = addslashes($_POST['ios']); $_GET['ios'] = $ios; $push_title = addslashes($_POST['push_title']); $push_msg = addslashes($_POST['push_msg']); $push_url = addslashes($_POST['push_url']); $push_img = addslashes($_POST['push_img']); $push_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(addslashes($_POST['push_date']))); $push_time = (int) addslashes($_POST['push_time']); $img = ''; if ($push_img != '') { $img = Crud::savePic($push_img); } $push = new PushNotCamp(); $push->camp_client_id = $app->app_client_id; $push->camp_img = $img; $push->camp_name = $push_title; $push->camp_title = $push_title; $push->camp_active = 1; $push->camp_start = $push_date; $push->camp_hour = $push_time; $push->camp_msg = $push_msg; $push->camp_url = $push_url; $push->camp_create_by = $acc_id; $push->camp_app_id = $app->app_id; $camp_id = $push->save(); if ($camp_id) { $json['status_code'] = 1; if ($now) { //langsung do push $succ = Pusher::pushbyID($camp_id); $json['status_message'] = "Push Notifications Pushed"; echo json_encode($json); die; } else { $json['status_message'] = "Push Notifications Registration Success"; echo json_encode($json); die; } } else { $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "Push Notifications Registration Failed"; echo json_encode($json); die; } }
public static function parseToLLAccount($VRO) { $ll = new LL_Account(); $ll->macc_ll_customer_id = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->CustomerID; $ll->macc_id = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->CustomerID; if (!$ll->macc_id) { return 0; } /* * cek apa di database sudah ada */ $ll->getByID($ll->macc_id); if ($ll->macc_id != "" || $ll->macc_id != 0) { $ll->load = 0; } /* * cek if ada fb_id atau foto */ $macc_foto = addslashes($_POST['macc_foto']); $macc_fb_id = addslashes($_POST['macc_fb_id']); if ($macc_foto != "") { $ll->macc_foto = Crud::savePic($macc_foto); } if ($macc_fb_id != "") { $ll->macc_fb_id = $macc_fb_id; } //insert name $arrName = $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->Name; foreach ($arrName->Name as $obj) { $var = self::xml_attribute($obj, 'TypeCode'); //pr($obj); //echo "var : ".$var; if ($var == "FamilyName") { $ll->macc_last_name = (string) $obj; } if ($var == "GivenName") { $ll->macc_first_name = (string) $obj; } if ($var == "PreferredName") { $ll->macc_prefered_name = (string) $obj; } } if ($_GET['test']) { echo "names : "; pr($ll); } //insert dob $arrTelp = $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->ContactInformation->Telephone; foreach ($arrTelp as $obj) { $var = self::xml_attribute($obj, 'TypeCode'); if ($var == "Home") { $ll->macc_phone_home = (string) $obj->LocalNumber; } if ($var == "Mobile") { $ll->macc_phone = (string) $obj->LocalNumber; } if ($var == "Work") { $ll->macc_phone_work = (string) $obj->LocalNumber; } } if ($_GET['test']) { echo "telp : "; pr($ll); } //Address $arrAddress = $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->ContactInformation->Address; $ll->macc_address = (string) $arrAddress->AddressLine; $ll->macc_address_city = (string) $arrAddress->City; $ll->macc_address_territory = (string) $arrAddress->Territory; $ll->macc_address_postalcode = (string) $arrAddress->PostalCode; $ll->macc_address_country = (string) $arrAddress->Country; //email $arrEmail = $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->ContactInformation->EMail; foreach ($arrEmail as $obj) { $var = self::xml_attribute($obj, 'TypeCode'); if ($var == "Home") { $ll->macc_email = (string) $obj->EMailAddress; } } if ($_GET['test']) { echo "email : "; pr($ll); } //PersonalSummary $personalSum = $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary; foreach ($personalSum->attributes() as $a => $b) { //echo $a,'="',$b,"\""; //echo "IN $a $b"; //echo "haloo ".$arrName->Name[$b]; if ($a == "GenderType") { $ll->macc_gender = (string) $b; } } if ($_GET['test']) { echo "gender : "; pr($ll); } //insert dob $dob = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary->BirthDate; $exp = explode("+", $dob); $ll->macc_dob = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($exp[0])); $ll->macc_card_nr = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary->LoyaltyTokenID; $ll->macc_card_barcode = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary->LoyaltyTokenBarcode; $ll->macc_member_type = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary->MemberType; $ll->macc_member_tier = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary->MemberTier; //real tier n type $ll->macc_real_member_type = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary->MemberType; $ll->macc_real_tier = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary->MemberTier; $tkdate = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary->TokenIssueDate; $ll->macc_token_issue_date = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", strtotime($tkdate)); $ll->macc_token_status = (string) $VRO->CustomerBody->EntityInformation->Individual->PersonalSummary->TokenStatus; if ($_GET['test']) { echo "members : "; pr($ll); } $ll->macc_member_mismatch = 0; //mismatch calculator if ($ll->macc_real_member_type == "STC" && $ll->macc_real_tier != "Stamp Card Member") { $ll->macc_member_mismatch = 1; } if ($ll->macc_real_member_type == "133") { if ($ll->macc_real_tier != "Fan" && $ll->macc_real_tier != "LYB Member") { $ll->macc_member_mismatch = 1; } } if ($ll->macc_real_member_type == "LYB") { if ($ll->macc_real_tier != "Fan" && $ll->macc_real_tier != "LYB Member") { $ll->macc_member_mismatch = 1; } } //converter member type Stamp card if ($ll->macc_member_tier == "Fan" || $ll->macc_member_tier == "LYB Member") { $ll->macc_member_type == "LYB"; } // if($ll->macc_member_tier == "Stamp Card Member") { // $ll->macc_member_type == "STC"; // } //converter member type Stamp card if ($ll->macc_member_type == "STC") { // $ll->macc_member_type = "STC"; $ll->macc_member_tier = "Stamp Card Member"; } //points $arrPoints = $VRO->CustomerBody->CustomerAccount->LoyaltyAccount->Points; //pr($arrPoints); $sem = array(); $pointsDetails = array(); foreach ($arrPoints as $obj) { $var = self::xml_attribute($obj, 'Type'); $sem[$var] = (string) $obj; foreach ($obj->attributes() as $a => $b) { $pointsDetails[$var][$a] = (string) $b; } } if ($_GET['test']) { echo "points : "; pr($ll); } //sementara pakai balance $ll->macc_points = $sem['Balance']; //sementara saja $ll->macc_point_details = serialize(array("points" => $sem, "details" => $pointsDetails)); //$this->points_details = $pointsDetails; return $ll; }
public static function processAgent($mode = "web") { $json = array(); $json['err'] = ""; $json['bool'] = 0; $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "Failed"; if ($mode == "web") { $rand = $_SESSION['rand']; $token = $_POST['token']; if ($rand != $token) { $json['err'] .= "Wrong Token<br>"; } } //check username $ktp = addslashes($_POST['ktp']); if ($ktp == "") { $json['err'] .= "Ktp cannot be empty<br>"; } //check username $npwp = addslashes($_POST['npwp']); // if($npwp==""){ // $json['err'] .= "Npwp cannot be empty<br>"; // } //check username $bank_name = addslashes($_POST['bank_name']); if ($bank_name == "") { $json['err'] .= "Bank Name cannot be empty<br>"; } //check username $account_nr = addslashes($_POST['account_nr']); if ($account_nr == "") { $json['err'] .= "Bank Name cannot be empty<br>"; } //check username $account_name = addslashes($_POST['account_name']); if ($account_name == "") { $json['err'] .= "Bank Name cannot be empty<br>"; } //check username $branch_name = addslashes($_POST['branch_name']); if ($branch_name == "") { $json['err'] .= "Bank Name cannot be empty<br>"; } if ($mode == "web") { //check username $tos = addslashes($_POST['tos']); if ($tos == "") { $json['err'] .= "Please accept Terms of Service<br>"; } } if ($json['err'] == "") { //process npwp or ktp if ($mode == "web") { $npwp_dipakai = $npwp; } else { if ($npwp != "") { $npwp_dipakai = Crud::savePic($npwp); } } if ($mode == "web") { $ktp_dipakai = $ktp; } else { if ($ktp != "") { $ktp_dipakai = Crud::savePic($ktp); } } $acc = new Account(); $acc->getByID(Account::getMyID()); $acc->admin_bank = $bank_name; $acc->admin_bank_acc = $account_nr; $acc->admin_bank_acc_name = $account_name; $acc->admin_bank_kcu = $branch_name; $acc->admin_ktp = $ktp_dipakai; $acc->admin_npwp = $npwp_dipakai; $acc->admin_isAgent = -1; $succ = $acc->save(); if ($succ) { $_SESSION['account'] = $acc; } $json['bool'] = $succ; if ($succ) { $json['status_code'] = 1; $json['status_message'] = "Submission Successful, Waiting for Approval"; } } // $json['post'] = $_POST; echo json_encode($json); die; }