コード例 #1
 public function fakeCrowdFundingPurches($id)
     $bottom = Input::get('bottom', '');
     $top = Input::get('top', '');
     $p_id = Input::get('p_id', '');
     try {
         if (!$p_id || !$top || !$bottom) {
             throw new Exception("需要关键数据", 1);
         $funding = CrowdFunding::find($id);
         $product = CrowdFundingProduct::find($p_id);
         $quantity = 1;
         $users = User::where('u_mobile', '>=', $bottom)->where('u_mobile', '<=', $top)->get();
         foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
             $u_id = $user->u_id;
             // sku need to be calulated before cart generated
             // add cart
             $cart = new Cart();
             $cart->p_id = $p_id;
             $cart->p_name = $product->p_title;
             $cart->u_id = $u_id;
             $cart->b_id = $product->b_id;
             $cart->created_at = Tools::getNow();
             $cart->c_quantity = $quantity;
             $cart->c_price = $product->p_price;
             $cart->c_amount = $product->p_price * $quantity;
             $cart->c_discount = 100;
             $cart->c_price_origin = $product->p_price;
             $cart->c_amount_origin = $product->p_price * $quantity;
             $cart->c_status = 2;
             $cart->c_type = 2;
             $re = $cart->save();
             if (!$re) {
                 throw new Exception("提交库存失败", 7006);
             $shipping_address = 'Fake Purches';
             $shipping_name = $user->u_name;
             $shipping_phone = $user->u_mobile;
             $date_obj = new DateTime($funding->eventItem->e_start_at);
             $delivery_time_obj = $date_obj->modify('+' . ($funding->c_time + $funding->c_yield_time) . 'days');
             // add order
             $order_group_no = Order::generateOrderGroupNo($u_id);
             $rnd_str = rand(10, 99);
             $order_no = $order_group_no . $cart->b_id . $rnd_str;
             $order = new Order();
             $order->u_id = $u_id;
             $order->b_id = $cart->b_id;
             $order->o_amount_origin = $cart->c_amount_origin;
             $order->o_amount = $cart->c_amount;
             $order->o_shipping_fee = $funding->c_shipping_fee;
             $order->o_shipping_name = $shipping_name;
             $order->o_shipping_phone = $shipping_phone;
             $order->o_shipping_address = $shipping_address;
             $order->o_delivery_time = $delivery_time_obj->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $order->o_shipping = $funding->c_shipping;
             $order->o_comment = 'Fake Order';
             $order->o_number = $order_no;
             $order->o_group_number = $order_group_no;
             $o_id = $order->addOrder();
             Cart::bindOrder([$order->o_id => [$cart->c_id]]);
             $order->o_status = 2;
             $order->o_shipping_status = 10;
             $order->paied_at = Tools::getNow();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
     echo "done";
コード例 #2
ファイル: Cart.php プロジェクト: qnck/qingnianchuangke
 public function checkoutCrowdFunding()
     if ($this->c_type != 2) {
         return true;
     // push msg to seller
     $booth = Booth::find($this->b_id);
     $product = CrowdFundingProduct::find($this->p_id);
     $funding = CrowdFunding::find($product->cf_id);
     $funding->c_amount += $this->c_amount;
     $msg = new MessageDispatcher($booth->u_id);
     $msg->fireCateToUser('您的众筹' . $funding->c_title . '已有人认购', 1, $funding->cf_id);
     return true;
コード例 #3
 public function postOrder($id)
     $token = Input::get('token', '');
     $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0);
     $p_id = Input::get('product', 0);
     $quantity = Input::get('quantity', 0);
     $shipping_name = Input::get('shipping_name', '');
     $shipping_phone = Input::get('shipping_phone', '');
     $shipping_address = Input::get('shipping_address', '');
     $comment = Input::get('comment', '');
     try {
         $funding = CrowdFunding::find($id);
         $date_end = new DateTime($funding->eventItem->e_end_at);
         $date_start = new DateTime($funding->eventItem->e_start_at);
         $now = new DateTime();
         if ($now > $date_end) {
             throw new Exception("抱歉, 众筹已经结束", 2001);
         if ($now < $date_start) {
             throw new Exception("抱歉, 众筹还未开始, 请耐心等待", 2001);
         if ($funding->c_status != 4) {
             throw new Exception("抱歉, 无效的众筹状态", 2001);
         if ($funding->u_id == $u_id) {
             throw new Exception("您不能认筹自己发起的众筹", 2001);
         $validator = Validator::make(['收货人电话' => (string) $shipping_phone, '收货人姓名' => $shipping_name, '收获地址' => $shipping_address, '产品' => $p_id, '数量' => $quantity], ['收货人电话' => 'required|numeric|digits:11', '收货人姓名' => 'required', '收获地址' => 'required', '产品' => 'required|numeric', '数量' => 'required|numeric']);
         if ($validator->fails()) {
             $msg = $validator->messages();
             throw new Exception($msg->first(), 7001);
         $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id);
         if (!$user->u_mobile && ($id = 30)) {
             throw new Exception("此众筹需要绑定联系电话,请到[我的-编辑资料]里绑定后进行支持", 2001);
         if ($funding->c_local_only) {
             $funding_owner = User::find($funding->u_id);
             if ($funding_owner->u_school_id != $user->u_school_id) {
                 throw new Exception("该众筹仅限于同校参与", 2001);
         $product = CrowdFundingProduct::find($p_id);
         if ($product->p_price == 0) {
             if ($quantity != 1) {
                 throw new Exception("此类众筹只能认筹一份", 1);
             // check if user has bought
             $chk = Cart::where('u_id', '=', $u_id)->where('c_type', '=', 2)->where('p_id', '=', $p_id)->where('c_status', '>', 0)->first();
             if (!empty($chk)) {
                 throw new Exception("此类众筹每人限认筹一次", 7001);
         // sku need to be calulated before cart generated
         // add cart
         $cart = new Cart();
         $cart->p_id = $p_id;
         $cart->p_name = $product->p_title;
         $cart->u_id = $u_id;
         $cart->b_id = $product->b_id;
         $cart->created_at = Tools::getNow();
         $cart->c_quantity = $quantity;
         $cart->c_price = $product->p_price;
         $cart->c_amount = $product->p_price * $quantity;
         $cart->c_discount = 100;
         $cart->c_price_origin = $product->p_price;
         $cart->c_amount_origin = $product->p_price * $quantity;
         $cart->c_status = 2;
         $cart->c_type = 2;
         $re = $cart->save();
         if (!$re) {
             throw new Exception("提交库存失败", 7006);
         if (!$funding->c_shipping) {
             $shipping_address = '';
         $shipping_name = $shipping_name ? $shipping_name : $user->u_name;
         $shipping_phone = $shipping_phone ? $shipping_phone : $user->u_mobile;
         $date_obj = new DateTime($funding->eventItem->e_start_at);
         $delivery_time_obj = $date_obj->modify('+' . ($funding->c_time + $funding->c_yield_time) . 'days');
         // add order
         $order_group_no = Order::generateOrderGroupNo($u_id);
         $rnd_str = rand(10, 99);
         $order_no = $order_group_no . $cart->b_id . $rnd_str;
         $order = new Order();
         $order->u_id = $u_id;
         $order->b_id = $cart->b_id;
         $order->o_amount_origin = $cart->c_amount_origin;
         $order->o_amount = $cart->c_amount;
         $order->o_shipping_fee = $funding->c_shipping_fee;
         $order->o_shipping_name = $shipping_name;
         $order->o_shipping_phone = $shipping_phone;
         $order->o_shipping_address = $shipping_address;
         $order->o_delivery_time = $delivery_time_obj->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $order->o_shipping = $funding->c_shipping;
         $order->o_comment = $comment;
         $order->o_number = $order_no;
         $order->o_group_number = $order_group_no;
         $o_id = $order->addOrder();
         Cart::bindOrder([$order->o_id => [$cart->c_id]]);
         // change order to finish if price = 0
         if ($order->o_amount == 0) {
             $order->o_status = Order::$STATUS_FINISHED;
             $order->o_shipping_status = Order::$SHIPPING_STATUS_FINISHED;
             $order->paied_at = Tools::getNow();
         $data = ['order_no' => $order_group_no];
         $re = Tools::reTrue('提交订单成功', $data);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '提交订单失败:' . $e->getMessage());
     return Response::json($re);