//if session is defined, lets find only courses of this session $courseList = SessionManager::get_course_list_by_session_id($_GET['session_id'], $_GET['q']); } else { //if session is not defined lets search all courses STARTING with $_GET['q'] //TODO change this function to search not only courses STARTING with $_GET['q'] $courseList = CourseManager::get_courses_list(0, 0, 1, 'ASC', -1, $_GET['q'], null, true); } $results = array(); if (empty($courseList)) { echo json_encode([]); break; } foreach ($courseList as $course) { $title = $course['title']; if (!empty($course['category_code'])) { $parents = CourseCategoryManager::getParentsToString($course['category_code']); $title = $parents . $course['title']; } $results['items'][] = array('id' => $course['id'], 'text' => $title); } echo json_encode($results); } break; case 'search_course_by_session': if (api_is_platform_admin()) { $results = SessionManager::get_course_list_by_session_id($_GET['session_id'], $_GET['q']); $results2 = array(); if (!empty($results)) { foreach ($results as $item) { $item2 = array(); foreach ($item as $id => $internal) {
if ($result) { Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang('ItemCopied'))); } else { Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang('ThereWasAnError'), 'error')); } header('Location: session_list.php'); exit; } $tool_name = get_lang('SessionList'); Display::display_header($tool_name); $courseId = isset($_GET['course_id']) ? $_GET['course_id'] : null; $sessionFilter = new FormValidator('course_filter', 'get', '', '', array(), FormValidator::LAYOUT_INLINE); $courseSelect = $sessionFilter->addElement('select_ajax', 'course_name', get_lang('SearchCourse'), null, array('url' => api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH) . 'course.ajax.php?a=search_course')); if (!empty($courseId)) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId); $parents = CourseCategoryManager::getParentsToString($courseInfo['categoryCode']); $courseSelect->addOption($parents . $courseInfo['title'], $courseInfo['code'], ['selected' => 'selected']); } $url = api_get_self(); $actions = ' <script> $(function() { $("#course_name").on("change", function() { var courseId = $(this).val(); if (!courseId) { return; } window.location = "' . $url . '?course_id="+courseId; });