コード例 #1
ファイル: TaoAction.class.php プロジェクト: yunsite/tp-coupon
 public function show()
     $c_id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
     $c_id or die('id invalid.');
     $ccModel = D('TaoCoupon');
     $detail = $ccModel->info($c_id);
     if (!$detail || $detail['is_active'] == 0) {
     $fetch_limit_conf = CouponCodeConf::fetch_limit_conf();
     $ccmService = service('TaoShop');
     $shop = $ccmService->info($detail['s_id']);
     $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance();
     $today = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'));
     if ($detail['expiry_type'] == 1) {
         $detail['expiry_timestamp'] = $detail['expiry'] + $this->_CFG['timezone'] * 3600;
         if ($detail['expiry'] - $today == 0) {
             $detail['expiry'] = 1;
         } else {
             $detail['expiry'] = $detail['expiry'] - $today > 0 ? ceil(($detail['expiry'] - $today) / (3600 * 24)) : 0;
     $title = '';
     if ($detail['title']) {
         $title .= $detail['title'];
     } else {
         $title .= $shop['title'];
         if ($detail['c_type'] == 1) {
             $title .= '满' . $detail['money_max'] . '减' . $detail['money_reduce'] . '元优惠券';
         } else {
             $title .= $detail['money_amount'] . '元代金券';
     if ($detail['data']['seo_title']) {
         $page_title = $detail['data']['seo_title'];
     } else {
         $page_title = '淘宝优惠券 - ' . $title;
     $detail['title'] = $title;
     $detail['data']['directions'] = Ubb::ubb2html($detail['data']['directions']);
     $detail['data']['fetch_limit'] = $fetch_limit_conf[$detail['data']['fetch_limit']];
     $this->assign('detail', $detail);
     $this->assign('shop', $shop);
     $nowtime = LocalTime::getInstance()->gmtime();
     $this->assign('nowtime', $nowtime);
     $keys = array('c_id', 's_title', 'title', 'c_type', 'money_max', 'money_reduce', 'money_amount', 'expiry_type', 'expiry');
     $others = $ccModel->all4mall($detail['s_id'], $keys, $c_id);
     $this->assign('others', $others);
     $this->assign('page_title', $page_title . ' - ');
     $this->assign('page_keywords', $detail['data']['seo_keywords'] ? $detail['data']['seo_keywords'] : $this->_CFG['site_keywords']);
     $this->assign('page_description', $detail['data']['seo_desc'] ? $detail['data']['seo_desc'] : $this->_CFG['site_description']);
コード例 #2
  * 推荐商家列表
 public function recs()
     $mall_rec_position_conf = CouponCodeConf::mall_rec_position_conf();
     $ccrsService = service('CouponCodeMallRecs');
     $malls = array();
     $res = $ccrsService->getAll();
     foreach ($res as $rs) {
         foreach ($rs as $r) {
             $r['position'] = $mall_rec_position_conf[$r['position']];
             $malls[] = $r;
     $this->assign('malls', $malls);
     $this->assign('ur_href', '商家管理 > 推荐商家列表');
     $this->assign('_hash_', buildFormToken());
コード例 #3
 public function view()
     $c_id = intval($_REQUEST['c_id']);
     $ccModel = D('TaoCoupon');
     $code = $ccModel->info($c_id);
     $code or die('id invalid.');
     $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance();
     if ($code['expiry_type'] == 1) {
         $code['expiry'] = $localTimeObj->local_date($this->_CFG['date_format'], $code['expiry']);
     $fetch_limit_conf = CouponCodeConf::fetch_limit_conf();
     $code['fetch_limit'] = $fetch_limit_conf[$code['data']['fetch_limit']];
     $code['data']['directions'] = Ubb::ubb2html($code['data']['directions']);
     $this->assign('code', $code);
     $this->assign('ur_href', '淘宝优惠券管理 > 优惠券详情');
コード例 #4
  * 领取优惠券
 public function pull()
     if ($this->isAjax()) {
         $localTimeObj = LocalTime::getInstance();
         $nowtime = $localTimeObj->gmtime();
         $today = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'));
         $cccModel = D('CouponCodeCodes');
         $ip = get_client_ip();
         $begin_time = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
         if ($this->_CFG['ip_fetch_limit'] && $cccModel->where("fetch_time>='{$begin_time}' AND fetch_time<='{$today}' AND ip='{$ip}'")->count() >= intval($this->_CFG['ip_fetch_limit'])) {
             $this->ajaxReturn('', '您今天领取的优惠券数量已超过限制,请明天再来', 0);
         $c_id = intval($_REQUEST['c_id']);
         $c_id or die('id invalid.');
         $ccModel = D('CouponCode');
         $detail = $ccModel->info($c_id);
         $detail or die('id invalid.');
         if ($detail['is_active'] == 0) {
             $this->ajaxReturn('', '该优惠券已下架,请选择商家其他的优惠券', 0);
         if ($detail['expiry_type'] == 1 && $detail['expiry'] < $today) {
             $this->ajaxReturn('', '该优惠券已过期,请选择商家其他的优惠券', 0);
         if ($detail['fetched_amount'] >= $detail['amount']) {
             $this->ajaxReturn('', '该优惠券已发放完毕,请选择其他的优惠券', 0);
         if ($detail['data']['fetch_account_limit'] != 200 && intval($_SESSION['login_type']) != $detail['data']['fetch_account_limit']) {
             $fetch_account_limit_conf = CouponCodeConf::fetch_account_limit_conf();
             $this->ajaxReturn('', $fetch_account_limit_conf[$detail['data']['fetch_account_limit']], 0);
         if ($detail['data']['fetch_limit'] == 101) {
             if ($cccModel->getOneByUid($this->_user['user_id'], $c_id)) {
                 $this->ajaxReturn('', '您已领取过该优惠券,请选择其他的优惠券', 0);
         } else {
             if ($detail['data']['fetch_limit'] == 102) {
                 $b_time = $localTimeObj->local_strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
                 $e_time = $today;
                 $params = array('b_time' => $b_time, 'e_time' => $e_time);
                 if ($cccModel->getOneByUid($this->_user['user_id'], $c_id, $params)) {
                     $this->ajaxReturn('', '您今天已领取过该优惠券,请选择其他的优惠券', 0);
         if ($detail['price_type'] != 1) {
             $userModel = D('User');
             $user = $userModel->info($this->_user['user_id'], array('money', 'credit'));
             if ($detail['price_type'] == 2) {
                 if ($user['money'] < $detail['price']) {
                     $this->ajaxReturn('', '您的账户金额不足,请先到帐号中心充值再来购买。请点击<a href="' . reUrl('Payment/pay') . '" target="_blank">在线充值</a>', 0);
                 $spend = Consume::spend($this->_user['user_id'], $detail['price'], Consume::TYPE_MONEY);
             } else {
                 if ($detail['price_type'] == 3) {
                     if ($user['credit'] < $detail['price']) {
                         $this->ajaxReturn('', '您的账户积分不足,请选择其他的优惠券', 0);
                     $spend = Consume::spend($this->_user['user_id'], $detail['price'], Consume::TYPE_CREDIT);
             if ($spend !== 1) {
                 $this->ajaxReturn('', '支付失败,请重试', 0);
         $code = $cccModel->pull($c_id, $this->_user['user_id'], $this->_user['nick'], $nowtime, $ip);
         if ($code) {
             $ccModel->update($c_id, array('fetched_amount' => $detail['fetched_amount'] + 1));
             $yestoday = $nowtime - 24 * 3600;
             $ccdModel = D('CouponCodeData');
             $r = $ccdModel->info($c_id, array('yesterdayfetched', 'dayfetched', 'weekfetched', 'monthfetched', 'updatetime'));
             $yesterdayfetched = date('Ymd', $r['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $yestoday) ? $r['dayfetched'] : $r['yesterdayfetched'];
             $dayfetched = date('Ymd', $r['updatetime']) == date('Ymd', $nowtime) ? $r['dayfetched'] + 1 : 1;
             $weekfetched = date('YW', $r['updatetime']) == date('YW', $nowtime) ? $r['weekfetched'] + 1 : 1;
             $monthfetched = date('Ym', $r['updatetime']) == date('Ym', $nowtime) ? $r['monthfetched'] + 1 : 1;
             $data = array('yesterdayfetched' => $yesterdayfetched, 'dayfetched' => $dayfetched, 'weekfetched' => $weekfetched, 'monthfetched' => $monthfetched, 'updatetime' => $nowtime);
             $ccdModel->update($c_id, $data);
             if ($this->_CFG['sina_wb_open'] && $_SESSION['sina']['token']['access_token'] || $this->_CFG['qq_open'] && $_SESSION['qq']["access_token"]) {
                 $ccmService = service('CouponCodeMall');
                 $mall = $ccmService->info($detail['m_id']);
                 $title = '';
                 if ($detail['title']) {
                     $title .= $detail['title'];
                 } else {
                     $title .= $mall['name'];
                     if ($detail['c_type'] == 1) {
                         $title .= '满' . $detail['money_max'] . '减' . $detail['money_reduce'] . '元优惠券';
                     } else {
                         $title .= $detail['money_amount'] . '元代金券';
                 $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . reUrl('Code/view?id=' . $c_id);
                 $pic_path = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . FixedUploadedFileUrl($mall['figure_image']);
                 $text = '我刚刚在#' . $this->_CFG['site_name'] . '#领取了一张【' . $title . '】,数量有限,抢完为止,一般人我不告诉!' . $url;
                 if ($this->_CFG['sina_wb_open'] && $_SESSION['sina']['token']['access_token']) {
                     include_once DOC_ROOT_PATH . 'Addons/plugins/login/sina.class.php';
                     $sina = new sina();
                     $sina->upload($text, $pic_path);
                 } else {
                     if ($this->_CFG['qq_open'] && $_SESSION['qq']["access_token"]) {
                         include_once DOC_ROOT_PATH . 'Addons/plugins/login/qq.class.php';
                         $qq = new qq();
                         $title = '我刚刚在' . $this->_CFG['site_name'] . '领取了一张【' . $title . '】,数量有限,抢完为止,一般人我不告诉!';
                         $site = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
                         $qq->add_share($title, $url, $site, $pic_path);
             $this->ajaxReturn($code, '领取成功', 1);
         } else {
             $this->ajaxReturn('', '领取失败', 0);