function display() { global $smarty; $alls = $corps = $pilots = false; if (config::get('cfg_allianceid')) { $alls = array(); foreach (config::get('cfg_allianceid') as $entity) { $alliance = new Alliance($entity); if ($alliance->getExternalID()) { $url = edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $alliance->getExternalID(), 'all_ext_id'); } else { $url = edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $alliance->getID(), 'all_id'); } $alls[] = array('id' => $alliance->getID(), 'extid' => $alliance->getExternalID(), 'name' => $alliance->getName(), 'portrait' => $alliance->getPortraitURL(128), 'url' => $url); } } if (config::get('cfg_corpid')) { $corps = array(); foreach (config::get('cfg_corpid') as $entity) { $corp = new Corporation($entity); if ($corp->getExternalID()) { $url = edkURI::page('corp_detail', $corp->getExternalID(), 'crp_ext_id'); } else { $url = edkURI::page('corp_detail', $corp->getID(), 'crp_id'); } $corps[] = array('id' => $corp->getID(), 'extid' => $corp->getExternalID(), 'name' => $corp->getName(), 'portrait' => $corp->getPortraitURL(128), 'url' => $url); } } if (config::get('cfg_pilotid')) { $pilots = array(); foreach (config::get('cfg_pilotid') as $entity) { $pilot = new Pilot($entity); if ($pilot->getExternalID()) { $url = edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $pilot->getExternalID(), 'plt_ext_id'); } else { $url = edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $pilot->getID(), 'plt_id'); } $pilots[] = array('id' => $pilot->getID(), 'extid' => $pilot->getExternalID(), 'name' => $pilot->getName(), 'portrait' => $pilot->getPortraitURL(128), 'url' => $url); } } $smarty->assignByRef('alliances', $alls); $smarty->assignByRef('corps', $corps); $smarty->assignByRef('pilots', $pilots); return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('self')); }
/** * Set the type and ID of the feed to retrieve. * @param string $type pilot/corp/alliance. * @param integer $id * @return boolean false on failure. */ function setID($type = '', $id = 0) { //Check id is int. $id = (int) $id; //Set to board owner. if ($type == '') { if (config::get('cfg_allianceid')) { $alls = array(); foreach (config::get('cfg_allianceid') as $val) { $all = new Alliance($val); if (!$all->getExternalID()) { return false; } $alls[] = $all->getExternalID(); } $this->options['alliance'] = implode(',', $alls); } if (config::get('cfg_corpid')) { $crps = array(); foreach (config::get('cfg_corpid') as $val) { $crp = new Corporation($val); if (!$crp->getExternalID()) { return false; } $crps[] = $crp->getExternalID(); } $this->options['corp'] = implode(',', $crps); } if (config::get('cfg_pilotid')) { $pilots = array(); foreach (config::get('cfg_pilotid') as $val) { $pilot = new Pilot($val); if (!$pilot->getExternalID()) { return false; } $pilots[] = $pilot->getExternalID(); } $this->options['pilot'] = implode(',', $pilots); } return true; } else { if ($id > 0) { if ($type == 'alliance') { $this->options['alliance'] = $id; } else { if ($type == 'corporation') { $this->options['corp'] = $id; } else { if ($type == 'pilot') { $this->options['pilot'] = $id; } else { return false; } } } return true; } } return false; }
function thumbInt($int_id, $size, $type) { $this->size = $size; switch ($this->type) { case 'pilot': case '': $pilot = new Pilot($int_id); $this->id = $pilot->getExternalID(); if ($this->id) { $url = imageURL::getURL('Pilot', $this->id, $size); header(html_entity_decode("Location: {$url}")); die; } $this->type = 'pilot'; $this->encoding = 'jpeg'; $this->validate(); break; case 'corp': case 'npc': $this->type = 'corp'; $corp = new Corporation($int_id); if (!$corp->getExternalID()) { $this->id = 0; } $this->id = $corp->getExternalID(); if ($this->id) { $url = imageURL::getURL('Corporation', $this->id, $size); header("Location: {$url}"); die; } $this->encoding = 'png'; if ($this->type == 'npc') { $this->type = 'npc'; //$this->encoding = 'png'; } $this->validate(); break; default: $this->id = $str_id; $this->type = $type; $this->encoding = 'jpeg'; $this->validate(); } }
/** * Start constructing the page. * Prepare all the shared variables such as dates and check alliance ID. * */ function start() { $this->page = new Page('Corporation details'); $this->scl_id = (int) edkURI::getArg('scl_id'); $this->crp_id = (int) edkURI::getArg('crp_id'); if (!$this->crp_id) { $this->crp_external_id = (int) edkURI::getArg('crp_ext_id'); if (!$this->crp_external_id) { $id = (int) edkURI::getArg('id', 1); // True for NPC corps too, but NPC alliances recorded as corps // fail here. Use Jedi mind tricks? if ($id > 1000000) { $this->crp_external_id = $id; } else { $this->crp_id = $id; } } } $this->view = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', '', edkURI::getArg('view', 2)); if ($this->view) { $this->page->addHeader('<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />'); } if (!$this->crp_id) { if ($this->crp_external_id) { $this->corp = new Corporation($this->crp_external_id, true); $this->crp_id = $this->corp->getID(); } else { $html = 'That corporation does not exist.'; $this->page->setContent($html); $this->page->generate(); exit; } } else { $this->corp = Cacheable::factory('Corporation', $this->crp_id); $this->crp_external_id = $this->corp->getExternalID(); } if ($this->crp_external_id) { $this->page->addHeader("<link rel='canonical' href='" . edkURI::build(array('crp_ext_id', $this->crp_external_id, true)) . "' />"); } else { $this->page->addHeader("<link rel='canonical' href='" . edkURI::build(array('crp_id', $this->crp_id, true)) . "' />"); } $this->alliance = $this->corp->getAlliance(); if ($this->view) { $this->year = (int) edkURI::getArg('y', 3); $this->month = (int) edkURI::getArg('m', 4); } else { $this->year = (int) edkURI::getArg('y', 2); $this->month = (int) edkURI::getArg('m', 3); } if (!$this->month) { $this->month = kbdate('m'); } if (!$this->year) { $this->year = kbdate('Y'); } if ($this->month == 12) { $this->nmonth = 1; $this->nyear = $this->year + 1; } else { $this->nmonth = $this->month + 1; $this->nyear = $this->year; } if ($this->month == 1) { $this->pmonth = 12; $this->pyear = $this->year - 1; } else { $this->pmonth = $this->month - 1; $this->pyear = $this->year; } $this->monthname = kbdate("F", strtotime("2000-" . $this->month . "-2")); }