public function index(){ $view = $this->getView(); $permissionmanager = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/user/permissions/manage'); $factory = new ModelFactory('UserGroupModel'); if(Core::IsComponentAvailable('multisite') && MultiSiteHelper::IsEnabled()){ if(MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID()){ // Child site, only display global and site-specific sites. $w = new \Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $w->setSeparator('or'); $w->addWhere('site = ' . MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID()); $w->addWhere('site = -1'); $factory->where($w); $displayglobal = true; $multisite = false; } else { // Root site, display all groups across all sites. $factory->where('site != -2'); $displayglobal = false; $multisite = true; } $site = MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID(); } else{ $displayglobal = false; $multisite = false; $site = null; } $factory->order('name'); $groups = $factory->get(); $view->title = 'User Group Administration'; $view->assign('groups', $groups); $view->assign('permissionmanager', $permissionmanager); $view->assign('display_global', $displayglobal); $view->assign('site', $site); $view->assign('multisite', $multisite); $view->addControl('Add Group', '/usergroupadmin/create', 'add'); }
/** * Internal function to do the multisite check on the model. * If the model supports a site attribute and none requested, then set it to the current site. */ private function _performMultisiteCheck(){ $m = $this->_model; $ref = new ReflectionClass($m); $schema = $ref->getMethod('GetSchema')->invoke(null); $index = $ref->getMethod('GetIndexes')->invoke(null); //$schema = $m::GetSchema(); //$index = $m:: // Is there a site property? If not I don't even care. if( isset($schema['site']) && $schema['site']['type'] == Model::ATT_TYPE_SITE && Core::IsComponentAvailable('multisite') && MultiSiteHelper::IsEnabled() ){ // I want to look it up because if the script actually set the site, then // it evidently wants it for a reason. $siteexact = (sizeof($this->_dataset->getWhereClause()->findByField('site')) > 0); $idexact = false; // The primary check will allow a model to be instantiated with the exact primary key string. $pri = isset($index['primary']) ? $index['primary'] : null; if($pri && !is_array($pri)) $pri = [$pri]; if($pri){ $allids = true; foreach($pri as $k){ if(sizeof($this->_dataset->getWhereClause()->findByField($k)) == 0){ $allids = false; break; } } if($allids) $idexact = true; } if(!($siteexact || $idexact)){ $w = new \Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $w->setSeparator('or'); $w->addWhere('site = ' . MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID()); $w->addWhere('site = -1'); $this->_dataset->where($w); //$this->_dataset->where('site = ' . MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID()); } } }
/** * parses conditions usually used in WHERE * * @return array parsed condition * @uses SQL_Parser::$token * @uses SQL_Parser::$lexer * @uses SQL_Parser::getTok() * @uses SQL_Parser::raiseError() * @uses SQL_Parser::getParams() * @uses SQL_Parser::isFunc() * @uses SQL_Parser::parseFunctionOpts() * @uses SQL_Parser::parseCondition() * @uses SQL_Parser::isReserved() * @uses SQL_Parser::isOperator() * @uses SQL_Parser::parseSelect() * @uses SQL_Parser_Lexer::$tokText * @uses SQL_Parser_Lexer::unget() * @uses SQL_Parser_Lexer::pushBack() */ public function parseWhereCondition() { $clause = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $laststatement = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhere(); while (true) { // parse the first argument if ($this->token == 'not') { $this->getTok(); } if ($this->token == '(') { $this->getTok(); $clause->addWhere($this->parseWhereCondition()); if ($this->token != ')') { $this->raiseError('Expected ")"'); } $this->getTok(); } elseif ($this->isFunc()) { $result = $this->parseFunctionOpts(); if (false === $result) { return $result; } var_dump($result); die('Umm, now what?'); $clause['args'][] = $result; } elseif ($this->token == 'ident') { // This is a column key name $parsed = $this->parseIdentifier(); $laststatement->field = $parsed['column']; } else { $arg = $this->lexer->tokText; // Translate NULL to the actual null value. if($arg === 'NULL' || $arg === 'null') $arg = null; $laststatement->value = $arg; $this->getTok(); } if (! $this->isOperator()) { // no operator, return (after I append the final last statement) if($laststatement->field){ $clause->addWhere($laststatement); } return $clause; } // parse the operator $op = $this->token; if ($op == 'not') { $this->getTok(); $not = 'not '; $op = $this->token; } else { $not = ''; } $this->getTok(); switch ($op) { case 'is': // parse for 'is' operator if ($this->token == 'not') { $op .= ' not'; $this->getTok(); } $laststatement->op = $op; break; case 'like': $laststatement->op = $not . $op; break; case 'between': // @todo //$clause['ops'][] = $not . $op; //$this->getTok(); break; case 'in': // parse for 'in' operator if ($this->token != '(') { $this->raiseError('Expected "("'); } // read the subset $this->getTok(); // is this a subselect? if ($this->token == 'select') { $this->raiseError('Datasets do not supported nested SELECT statements!'); //$clause['args'][] = $this->parseSelect(true); } else { $this->lexer->pushBack(); // parse the set $result = $this->getParams($values, $types); if (false === $result) { return $result; } $laststatement->value = $values; } if ($this->token != ')') { $this->raiseError('Expected ")"'); } break; case 'and': case 'or': // AND and OR statements are where statement separators. $clause->setSeparator($not . $op); // Don't forget to append the previous statement and start a new one. $clause->addWhere($laststatement); $laststatement = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhere(); continue; break; default: $laststatement->op = $not . $op; } // next argument [with operator] } return $clause; }
/** * Given all the user defined filter, sort, and what not, apply those values to the ModelFactory if possible. * * @since 2.4.0 * @param ModelFactory $factory */ public function applyToFactory(ModelFactory $factory){ if($this->hassort){ $factory->order($this->getOrder()); } if($this->haspagination){ // Determine the starting count if the page is requested. if($this->_currentpage > 1){ $startat = $this->_limit * ($this->_currentpage - 1); $factory->limit($startat . ', ' . $this->_limit); } else{ $factory->limit($this->_limit); } } foreach($this->_elements as $el){ /** @var $el FormElement */ $name = $el->get('name'); $idxname = $name; if(strpos($name, 'filter[') === 0){ $name = substr($name, 7, -1); } // If this element is not in the index of elements, skip to the next element. if(!isset($this->_elementindexes[$idxname])){ continue; } // If this doesn't have a link attribute, just skip. if(!$el->get('link')){ continue; } // No value, just skip. if($el->get('value') === '' || $el->get('value') === null){ continue; } // If there is a "" option, interpret that as empty and allow "0" to be used. if($el->get('value') === '0'){ if($el->get('options') && isset($el->get('options')[''])){ // '' is set... proceed. } else{ continue; } } $value = $el->get('value'); // Was there a prefix and/or suffix requested? if($el->get('linkvalueprefix')){ $value = $el->get('linkvalueprefix') . $value; } if($el->get('linkvaluesuffix')){ $value = $value . $el->get('linkvaluesuffix'); } // If this link is a date object, convert a date string to its unix timestamp representation. if($el instanceof FormDateInput || $el->get('dateformat')){ // Default to a unix timestamp, but allow the user to override this. // This is useful for saving a date in the datastore as a human-readable format. $format = $el->get('dateformat') ? $el->get('dateformat') : 'U'; $date = new CoreDateTime($value); $value = $date->getFormatted($format, Time::TIMEZONE_GMT); } if($el->get('linkname')){ $name = $el->get('linkname'); } // New support for multiple link names! if(!is_array($name)){ $name = [$name]; } $statements = []; foreach($name as $n){ switch($el->get('link')){ case FilterForm::LINK_TYPE_STANDARD: case FilterForm::LINK_TYPE_GT: case FilterForm::LINK_TYPE_GE: case FilterForm::LINK_TYPE_LT: case FilterForm::LINK_TYPE_LE: $statements[] = $n . $el->get('link') . $value; break; case FilterForm::LINK_TYPE_STARTSWITH: $statements[] = $n . ' LIKE ' . $value . '%'; break; case FilterForm::LINK_TYPE_CONTAINS: $statements[] = $n . ' LIKE %' . $value . '%'; break; } } if(sizeof($statements) > 1){ // Create a sub where clause for these. $subwhere = new \Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $subwhere->setSeparator('OR'); foreach($statements as $s){ $subwhere->addWhere($s); } // Add this sub clause to the main where clause. $factory->where($subwhere); } else{ // A single command just gets added to the main clause. $factory->where($statements[0]); } } // Might as well update the count now, it can always be updated later. $this->setTotalCount($factory->count()); }
/** * @todo Finish documentation of smarty_function_widgetarea * @param array $params Associative (and/or indexed) array of smarty parameters passed in from the template * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $smarty Parent Smarty template object * * @return string|void */ function smarty_function_widgetarea($params, $smarty) { // Get all widgets set to load in this area. $body = ''; $baseurl = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest()->getBaseURL(); $template = $smarty->template_resource; $tmpl = $smarty->getTemplateVars('__core_template'); $topview = ($tmpl instanceof \Core\Templates\TemplateInterface) ? $tmpl->getView() : \Core\view(); $parameters = []; $name = null; $installable = null; $assign = null; foreach($params as $k => $v){ switch($k){ case 'name': $name = $v; break; case 'installable': $installable = $v; break; case 'assign': $assign = $v; break; default: $parameters[$k] = $v; break; } } // I need to resolve the page template down to the base version in order for the lookup to work. foreach(Core\Templates\Template::GetPaths() as $base){ if(strpos($template, $base) === 0){ $template = substr($template, strlen($base)); break; } } // Given support for page-level widgets, this logic gets slightly more difficult... $factory = new ModelFactory('WidgetInstanceModel'); $factory->order('weight'); if(Core::IsComponentAvailable('multisite') && MultiSiteHelper::IsEnabled()){ $factory->whereGroup('or', ['site = -1', 'site = ' . MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID()]); } $subwhere = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $subwhere->setSeparator('OR'); // First, the skin-level where clause. $skinwhere = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $skinwhere->setSeparator('AND'); $skinwhere->addWhere('template = ' . $template); $skinwhere->addWhere('widgetarea = ' . $name); $subwhere->addWhere($skinwhere); // And second, the page-level where clause. if($baseurl){ $pagewhere = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $pagewhere->setSeparator('AND'); $pagewhere->addWhere('page_baseurl = ' . $baseurl); $pagewhere->addWhere('widgetarea = ' . $name); $subwhere->addWhere($pagewhere); } $factory->where($subwhere); $widgetcount = 0; try{ $widgets = $factory->get(); } catch(Exception $e){ if(DEVELOPMENT_MODE){ $body .= '<p class="message-error">Exception while trying to load widget area ' . $name . '!</p>'; $body .= '<pre class="xdebug-var-dump">' . $e->getMessage() . '</pre>'; } else{ \Core\ErrorManagement\exception_handler($e, false); } $widgets = []; ++$widgetcount; } foreach ($widgets as $wi) { /** @var $wi WidgetInstanceModel */ // User cannot access this widget? Don't display it... if(!\Core\user()){ continue; } if (!\Core\user()->checkAccess($wi->get('access'))){ continue; } if($installable){ $wi->set('installable', $installable); } $view = $wi->execute($parameters); // Some widgets may return simply a blank string. Those should just be ignored. if ($view == ''){ continue; } // If it's just a string, return that. if (is_string($view)) { $contents = $view; } elseif($view->error == View::ERROR_NOERROR){ // Ensure that the widget's View knows it's linked to a parent! $view->parent = $topview; $contents = $view->fetch(); } else{ $contents = 'Error displaying widget [' . $wi->get('baseurl') . '], returned error [' . $view->error . ']'; } ++$widgetcount; // Does this widget have controls attached to it? $widget = $wi->getWidget(); if($widget->controls instanceof ViewControls && $widget->controls->hasLinks()){ $contents = '<div class="widget-controls-wrapper">' . '<menu id="widget-controls-' . $wi->get('id') . '">' . $widget->controls->fetch() . '</menu>' . '</div>' . $contents; } $body .= '<div class="widget">' . $contents . '</div>'; } // Do some sanitizing for the css data $class = 'widgetarea-' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $name)); $html = '<div class="widgetarea ' . $class . '" widgetarea="' . $name . '">' . $body . '</div>'; // No widgets, no inner content! if($widgetcount == 0){ $html = ''; } if($assign){ $smarty->assign($assign, $html); } else{ return $html; } }
/** * Display a listing of all widgets registered in the system. */ public function admin(){ $view = $this->getView(); $request = $this->getPageRequest(); $viewer = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/core/widgets/manage'); $manager = \Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/core/widgets/manage'); if(!($viewer || $manager)){ return View::ERROR_ACCESSDENIED; } // Build a list of create pages for all registered components. $components = Core::GetComponents(); $pages = []; $skins = []; $selected = null; $selectedtype = null; $baseurl = null; $selectoptions = []; $links = []; $theme = ThemeHandler::GetTheme(); $formtheme = null; $formskin = null; $formtemplate = null; foreach($components as $c){ /** @var Component_2_1 $c */ $viewdir = $c->getViewSearchDir(); if($viewdir){ $dirlen = strlen($viewdir); $component = $c->getName(); $dh = \Core\Filestore\Factory::Directory($viewdir); //$pagetplfiles = $dh->ls('tpl', true); $pagetplfiles = $dh->ls(null, true); // not sure why getFilename(path) isn't working as expected, but this works too. foreach($pagetplfiles as $obj){ // I don't want directories. if($obj instanceof \Core\Filestore\Directory) continue; /** @var $obj \Core\Filestore\File */ $file = substr($obj->getFilename(), $dirlen); // Since this is a template, it may actually be in a different location than where the package maintainer put it. // ie: user template user/templates/pages/user/view.tpl may be installed to themes/myawesometheme/pages/user/view.tpl instead. $tpl = Core\Templates\Template::Factory($file); if($tpl->hasWidgetAreas()){ $pagetitle = $file; if(strpos($pagetitle, 'pages/') === 0){ $pagetitle = substr($pagetitle, 6); } // Replace directory slashes with a space $pagetitle = str_replace(['/', '-'], ' ', $pagetitle); // Capitalize them $pagetitle = ucwords($pagetitle); // And trim off the ".tpl" suffix. $pagetitle = substr($pagetitle, 0, -4); $pages[$file] = $pagetitle; } } } foreach($c->getXML()->getElements('/widgets/widgetcreate') as $node){ /** @var DOMElement $node */ if($node->getAttribute('baseurl')){ $nodebaseurl = $node->getAttribute('baseurl'); $image = ''; } elseif($node->getAttribute('class')){ /** @var Widget_2_1 $obj */ $obj = Widget_2_1::Factory($node->getAttribute('class')); $nodebaseurl = '/widget/create?class=' . $node->getAttribute('class'); if($obj){ $image = $obj->getPreviewImage(); } else{ \Core\set_message('Invalid "widgetcreate" found in ' .$node->getAttribute('class') . ', ' . $node->getAttribute('title'), 'error'); $image = ''; } } else{ \Core\set_message('Invalid "widgetcreate" found in ' . $c->getName() . ', ' . $node->getAttribute('title'), 'error'); continue; } $links[] = [ 'baseurl' => $nodebaseurl, 'title' => $node->getAttribute('title'), 'preview' => $image, ]; } } // Build the array of skins for the current theme $themeskins = $theme->getSkins(); $defaultskin = null; foreach($themeskins as $dat){ $skins[ 'skins/' . $dat['file'] ] = $dat['title']; if($dat['default']){ $defaultskin = 'skins/' . $dat['file']; } } // Now that the various templates have been loaded into a flat array, I need to sort them. asort($pages); asort($skins); foreach($skins as $k => $v){ $selectoptions[ $k ] = 'Skin: ' . $v; } foreach($pages as $k => $v){ $selectoptions[ $k ] = 'Page: ' . $v; } if($request->getParameter('baseurl')){ // It's a URL-specific request, lookup which template that page used last. $baseurl = $request->getParameter('baseurl'); $page = PageModel::Construct($baseurl); if(!isset($pages[ $page->get('last_template') ])){ \Core\set_message('Requested page template does not seem to contain any widget areas.', 'error'); \Core\go_back(); } $selected = $page->get('last_template'); $selectedtype = 'url'; $formtemplate = $selected; } elseif($request->getParameter('template')){ $selected = $request->getParameter('template'); if(isset($pages[ $selected ])){ $selectedtype = 'page'; $formtemplate = $selected; } else{ $selectedtype = 'skin'; $formtheme = $theme->getKeyName(); $formskin = $selected; } } else{ // Just use the default theme skin. $selected = $defaultskin; $selectedtype = 'skin';$formtheme = $theme->getKeyName(); $formskin = $selected; } $template = \Core\Templates\Template::Factory($selected); $areas = $template->getWidgetAreas(); $installables = [0 => '']; foreach($areas as $k => $dat){ // Ensure that each area has a widgets array, (even if it's empty) $areas[$k]['widgets'] = []; $installables[] = $dat['installable']; } $installables = array_unique($installables); $factory = new ModelFactory('WidgetInstanceModel'); $factory->order('weight'); if(Core::IsComponentAvailable('multisite') && MultiSiteHelper::IsEnabled()){ $factory->whereGroup('or', ['site = -1', 'site = ' . MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID()]); } if($selectedtype == 'skin'){ // First, the skin-level where clause. $skinwhere = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $skinwhere->setSeparator('AND'); //$skinwhere->addWhere('theme = ' . $theme->getKeyName()); $skinwhere->addWhere('template = ' . $selected); $factory->where($skinwhere); } elseif($selectedtype == 'page'){ $factory->where('template = ' . $selected); } elseif($selectedtype == 'url'){ $factory->where('page_baseurl = ' . $baseurl); } else{ \Core\set_message('Invalid/unknown template type', 'error'); \Core\go_back(); } foreach($factory->get() as $wi){ /** @var $wi WidgetInstanceModel */ $a = $wi->get('widgetarea'); $areas[$a]['widgets'][] = $wi; } $available = WidgetModel::Find(['installable IN ' . implode(', ', $installables)]); /* $table = new Core\ListingTable\Table(); $table->setName('/admin/widgets'); $table->setModelName('WidgetModel'); // Add in all the columns for this listing table. $table->addColumn('Title', 'title'); if(Core::IsComponentAvailable('enterprise') && MultiSiteHelper::IsEnabled() && \Core\user()->checkAccess('g:admin')){ $table->addColumn('Site', 'site', false); $ms = true; } else{ $ms = false; } $table->getModelFactory()->where('installable IN ' . implode(', ', $installables)); $table->addColumn('Base URL', 'baseurl'); $table->addColumn('Installable', 'installable'); $table->addColumn('Created', 'created'); $table->loadFiltersFromRequest(); */ $view->mastertemplate = 'admin'; $view->title = 'All Widgets'; //$view->assign('table', $table); $view->assign('available_widgets', $available); $view->assign('links', $links); $view->assign('manager', $manager); $view->assign('theme', $formtheme); $view->assign('skin', $formskin); $view->assign('template', $selected); $view->assign('page_template', $formtemplate); $view->assign('page_baseurl', $baseurl); $view->assign('options', $selectoptions); $view->assign('selected', $selected); $view->assign('areas', $areas); //$view->assign('multisite', $ms); }