コード例 #1
        $floraRowsDeleted = $dbConnection->mysqliObject->affected_rows;
        // Print out confirmation message.
        print 'Rows deleted in floratable is ' . $floraRowsDeleted . '<br /><br />';
        // Delete all rows in the weather table with the passed in weather id.
        // SQL statement to gather data.
        $sqlStatement = "DELETE FROM weathertable\n                             WHERE weatherid = '{$weatherID}'";
        // Call insertUpdateDeleteDatabase function to add new row.
        $insertUpdateDeleteResult = $dbConnection->insertUpdateDeleteDatabase($sqlStatement);
        // Confirm insert was done.
        $weatherRowsDeleted = $dbConnection->mysqliObject->affected_rows;
        // Print out confirmation message.
        print 'Rows deleted in weathertable is ' . $weatherRowsDeleted . '<br /><br />';
    // Only do this if successfully connected to the database.
    if ($connectionResult == 0) {
        // Call function to close database connection.
        $closeResults = $dbConnection->closeConnection();
        // Print results of function closeConnection().
        print $closeResults . '<br /><br />';
    // Only do this if successfully connected to the database.
    if ($connectionResult == 0) {
        // Put the include statement in this location only for it to work.
        // The statement sends the program to this next page.  It also still allows access to any
        // variables on this page.
        include_once "../Views/Administrative-Menu.php";
} else {
    // Print error message.
    print $_GET["weatherid"] . ' is not a valid Weather ID.' . '<br /><br />';