コード例 #1
  * A draft can be loaded from the database if an id was supplied
  * or filled with dummy data if no id was supplied. If no id was supplied,
  * the user wants to create a new email. In this case, the id defaults to
  * -1. If the user requests to save the draft later on, the id will be updated
  * to the value of the auto_increment field of the table.
  * Along with an id the application will need a folder_id so it can tell whether
  * an existing view has to be updated if this draft was edited and the folder
  * is currently visible.
  * Note, that getDraft will also be executed when the user wants to reply to
  * an email or forward an email. in this case, the id defaults to the email to
  * which the user wants to forward/ reply to.
  * The method awaits 4 POST parameters:
  * id - the original message to reply to OR the id of the draft that is being
  * edited
  * type - the context the draft is in: can be either "new", "forward",
  *        "reply", "reply_all" or "edit"
  * name:    the name of an recipient to send this email to
  * address: the address of an recipient to send this email to. If that value is not
  *          empty. id will be set to -1 and type will be set to new. If address equals
  *          to name or if name is left empty, only the address will be used to send the
  *          email to. Address is given presedence in any case
 public function getDraftAction()
     if ($this->_helper->conjoonContext()->getCurrentContext() != self::CONTEXT_JSON) {
          * see Conjoon_Controller_Action_InvalidContextException
         require_once 'Conjoon/Controller/Action/InvalidContextException.php';
         throw new Conjoon_Controller_Action_InvalidContextException("Invalid context for action, expected \"" . self::CONTEXT_JSON . "\", got \"" . $this->_helper->conjoonContext()->getCurrentContext() . "\"");
     $path = $_POST['path'];
     // check if folder is remote folder
      * @see Conjoon_Text_Parser_Mail_MailboxFolderPathJsonParser
     require_once 'Conjoon/Text/Parser/Mail/MailboxFolderPathJsonParser.php';
     $parser = new Conjoon_Text_Parser_Mail_MailboxFolderPathJsonParser();
     $pathInfo = $parser->parse($path);
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Folder_Facade
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Folder/Facade.php';
     $facade = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Folder_Facade::getInstance();
     if (!empty($pathInfo) && $facade->isRemoteFolder($pathInfo['rootId'])) {
         return $this->getDraftFromRemoteServer($_POST['id'], $path, $_POST['type']);
      * @see Conjoon_Keys
     require_once 'Conjoon/Keys.php';
      * @see Conjoon_BeanContext_Inspector
     require_once 'Conjoon/BeanContext/Inspector.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftResponse
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Draft/Filter/DraftResponse.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Account_Model_Account
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Account/Model/Account.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Util_Array
     require_once 'Conjoon/Util/Array.php';
     $auth = Zend_Registry::get(Conjoon_Keys::REGISTRY_AUTH_OBJECT);
     $userId = $auth->getIdentity()->getId();
     $id = (int) $_POST['id'];
     $type = (string) $_POST['type'];
     $accountModel = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Account_Model_Account();
     // create a new draft so that the user is able to write an email from scratch!
     if ($id <= 0) {
          * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft
         require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Draft.php';
         $standardId = $accountModel->getStandardAccountIdForUser($userId);
         if ($standardId == 0) {
             $this->view->error = $this->getErrorDto('Error while opening draft', 'Please configure an email account first.', Conjoon_Error::LEVEL_ERROR);
             $this->view->draft = null;
             $this->view->success = false;
         $post = $_POST;
         Conjoon_Util_Array::apply($post, array('groupwareEmailAccountsId' => $standardId, 'groupwareEmailFoldersId' => -1));
         $draftFilter = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftResponse($post, Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftResponse::CONTEXT_NEW);
         $data = $draftFilter->getProcessedData();
         $draft = Conjoon_BeanContext_Inspector::create('Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft', $data);
         $this->view->success = true;
         $this->view->error = null;
         $this->view->draft = $draft->getDto();
         $this->view->type = $type;
     // load an email to edit, to reply or to forward it
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Model_Draft
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Draft/Model/Draft.php';
     $draftModel = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Model_Draft();
     $draftData = $draftModel->getDraft($id, $userId, $type);
     if (empty($draftData)) {
         $this->view->error = $this->getErrorDto('Error while opening draft', 'Could not find the referenced draft.', Conjoon_Error::LEVEL_ERROR);
         $this->view->draft = null;
         $this->view->success = false;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'reply':
             $context = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftResponse::CONTEXT_REPLY;
         case 'reply_all':
             $context = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftResponse::CONTEXT_REPLY_ALL;
         case 'forward':
             $context = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftResponse::CONTEXT_FORWARD;
         case 'edit':
             $context = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftResponse::CONTEXT_EDIT;
             throw new Exception("Type {$type} not supported.");
     $addresses = $accountModel->getEmailAddressesForUser($userId);
     $draftData['userEmailAddresses'] = $addresses;
      * @ticket CN-708
      * if context is not edit and equals to reply* or forward, read out the
      * "to" address and find the matching account we'll be using for setting as
      * account from which the mail gets edited
     $matchingAccountId = -1;
     if ($context !== Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftResponse::CONTEXT_EDIT) {
         $orgTo = $draftData['to'];
         $matchingAccountId = $this->guessMailAccountForAddress($orgTo);
         if ($matchingAccountId > -1) {
             $draftData['groupwareEmailAccountsId'] = $matchingAccountId;
     $draftFilter = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftResponse($draftData, $context);
     $data = $draftFilter->getProcessedData();
     $templateData = $data;
     // needed for draft forward because of Bean_Inspector
     if ($type == 'forward') {
         $data['to'] = array();
         $data['cc'] = array();
     // convert email addresses
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Address
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Address.php';
     $to = array();
     $cc = array();
     $bcc = array();
     foreach ($data['to'] as $add) {
         $to[] = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Address($add);
     foreach ($data['cc'] as $add) {
         $cc[] = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Address($add);
     foreach ($data['bcc'] as $add) {
         $bcc[] = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Address($add);
     $data['to'] = $to;
     $data['cc'] = $cc;
     $data['bcc'] = $bcc;
     $draft = Conjoon_BeanContext_Inspector::create('Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft', $data)->getDto();
     if ($type == 'forward') {
         $applicationPath = $this->_helper->registryAccess()->getApplicationPath();
          * @see Conjoon_Text_PhpTemplate
         require_once 'Conjoon/Text/PhpTemplate.php';
          * @see Conjoon_Filter_StringWrap
         require_once 'Conjoon/Filter/StringWrap.php';
          * @see Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities
         require_once 'Zend/Filter/HtmlEntities.php';
         $cfsw = new Conjoon_Filter_StringWrap('[Fwd: ', ']');
         $zfhe = new Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities(array('quotestyle' => ENT_COMPAT, 'charset' => 'UTF-8'));
         $draft->subject = $cfsw->filter($templateData['subject']);
         $templateData['subject'] = $zfhe->filter($templateData['subject']);
         $phpTemplate = new Conjoon_Text_PhpTemplate(array(Conjoon_Text_PhpTemplate::PATH => $applicationPath . '/templates/groupware/email/message.forward.phtml', Conjoon_Text_PhpTemplate::VARS => $templateData));
         $draft->contentTextPlain = $phpTemplate->getParsedTemplate();
     $this->view->success = true;
     $this->view->error = null;
     $this->view->draft = $draft;
     $this->view->type = $type;
コード例 #2
  * Bulk sends emails. Awaits the parameter ids as a numeric array with the ids of
  * the emails which should get send.
 public function bulkSendAction()
     if (!$this->_helper->connectionCheck()) {
          * @see Conjoon_Error_Factory
         require_once 'Conjoon/Error/Factory.php';
         $this->view->success = false;
         $this->view->sentItems = array();
         $this->view->error = null;
         $this->view->contextReferencedItems = array();
         $this->view->error = Conjoon_Error_Factory::createError("Unexpected connection failure while trying to bulk-send emails. " . "Please try again.", Conjoon_Error::LEVEL_WARNING, Conjoon_Error::DATA)->getDto();
     $toSend = $_POST['ids'];
     if ($this->_helper->conjoonContext()->getCurrentContext() == self::CONTEXT_JSON) {
         require_once 'Zend/Json.php';
         $toSend = Zend_Json::decode($toSend, Zend_Json::TYPE_ARRAY);
     $date = null;
     if (isset($_POST['date'])) {
         require_once 'Conjoon/Filter/DateIso8601.php';
         $dateFilter = new Conjoon_Filter_DateIso8601();
         $date = $dateFilter->filter((int) $_POST['date']);
      * @see Conjoon_Filter_EmailRecipients
     require_once 'Conjoon/Filter/EmailRecipients.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Item_Filter_ItemResponse
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Item/Filter/ItemResponse.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Address
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Address.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Draft.php';
      * @see Conjoon_BeanContext_Inspector
     require_once 'Conjoon/BeanContext/Inspector.php';
      * @see Conjoon_BeanContext_Decorator
     require_once 'Conjoon/BeanContext/Decorator.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Util_Array
     require_once 'Conjoon/Util/Array.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Keys
     require_once 'Conjoon/Keys.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Model_Draft
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Draft/Model/Draft.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftInput
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Draft/Filter/DraftInput.php';
      * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Sender
     require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Sender.php';
     $auth = Zend_Registry::get(Conjoon_Keys::REGISTRY_AUTH_OBJECT);
     $userId = $auth->getIdentity()->getId();
     $draftFilter = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Filter_DraftInput(array(), Conjoon_Filter_Input::CONTEXT_CREATE);
     $draftModel = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft_Model_Draft();
     $accountDecorator = new Conjoon_BeanContext_Decorator('Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Account_Model_Account');
     $recipientsFilter = new Conjoon_Filter_EmailRecipients();
     $newVersions = array();
     $sendItems = array();
     $contextReferencedItems = array();
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($toSend as $pathInfo) {
         $remoteInfo = array();
         $id = $pathInfo['id'];
         $path = $pathInfo['path'];
         $account = null;
         $remoteAttachments = array();
         // check if path is remote!
         $isRemote = $this->isRemotePath($path, $userId);
         if ($isRemote) {
             $rawDraft = $this->getRawImapMessage($id, $path);
             if (empty($rawDraft)) {
             //we have to post the existing attachments of the remote draft
             // again when assembling the message to send.
             // Otherwise the sender would not know which attachments should get send
             // along with the message
             $remoteAttachments = $rawDraft['attachments'];
             foreach ($remoteAttachments as &$remoteAttachment) {
                 $remoteAttachment['metaType'] = 'emailAttachment';
                 $remoteAttachment['name'] = $remoteAttachment['fileName'];
             $remoteInfo = array('uid' => $id, 'account' => $isRemote, 'path' => $path);
             $rawDraft['groupwareEmailAccountsId'] = $isRemote->id;
             $account = $accountDecorator->getAccountAsEntity($rawDraft['groupwareEmailAccountsId'], $userId);
         } else {
             $rawDraft = $draftModel->getDraft($id, $userId);
             $account = $accountDecorator->getAccountAsEntity($rawDraft['groupware_email_accounts_id'], $userId);
         // no account found?
         if (!$account) {
              * @todo think about using the standard account as a fallback or use at last
              * an error message to inform the user that the account used to write this email
              * is not available anymore
         $id = (int) $id;
         if ($id <= 0) {
         if (empty($rawDraft)) {
         $rawDraft['to'] = $recipientsFilter->filter($rawDraft['to']);
         $rawDraft['cc'] = $recipientsFilter->filter($rawDraft['cc']);
         $rawDraft['bcc'] = $recipientsFilter->filter($rawDraft['bcc']);
         // create the message object here
         $to = array();
         $cc = array();
         $bcc = array();
         foreach ($rawDraft['cc'] as $dcc) {
             $add = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Address($dcc);
             $cc[] = $add;
         foreach ($rawDraft['bcc'] as $dbcc) {
             $add = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Address($dbcc);
             $bcc[] = $add;
         foreach ($rawDraft['to'] as $dto) {
             $add = new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Address($dto);
             $to[] = $add;
         $rawDraft['to'] = $to;
         $rawDraft['cc'] = $cc;
         $rawDraft['bcc'] = $bcc;
         $message = Conjoon_BeanContext_Inspector::create('Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Draft', $rawDraft, true);
         if ($date !== null) {
         try {
             $transport = $this->getTransportForAccount($account);
             $assembleInformation = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Sender::getAssembledMail($message, $account, $remoteAttachments, array(), $this->getCurrentAppUser()->getId(), $transport);
             $assembledMail = $assembleInformation['message'];
             $postedAttachments = $assembleInformation['postedAttachments'];
             $mail = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Sender::send($assembledMail);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $errors[] = array('subject' => $message->getSubject(), 'accountName' => $account->getName(), 'reason' => $e->getMessage());
         if ($isRemote) {
              * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_ImapHelper
             require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/ImapHelper.php';
             $uId = $remoteInfo['uid'];
             $account = $remoteInfo['account'];
             $path = $remoteInfo['path'];
             // check if folder is remote folder
              * @see Conjoon_Text_Parser_Mail_MailboxFolderPathJsonParser
             require_once 'Conjoon/Text/Parser/Mail/MailboxFolderPathJsonParser.php';
             $parser = new Conjoon_Text_Parser_Mail_MailboxFolderPathJsonParser();
             $pathInfo = $parser->parse(json_encode($path));
              * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Folder_Facade
             require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/Folder/Facade.php';
             $facade = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Folder_Facade::getInstance();
             // get the account for the root folder first
             $imapAccount = $facade->getImapAccountForFolderIdAndUserId($pathInfo['rootId'], $userId);
             if ($imapAccount && !empty($pathInfo) && $facade->isRemoteFolder($pathInfo['rootId'])) {
                 // if remote, where is the referenced mail stored?
                 $globalName = $facade->getAssembledGlobalNameForAccountAndPath($imapAccount, $pathInfo['path']);
                  * @see Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_ImapHelper
                 require_once 'Conjoon/Modules/Groupware/Email/ImapHelper.php';
                  * @see Conjoon_Mail_Storage_Imap
                 require_once 'Conjoon/Mail/Storage/Imap.php';
                 $protocol = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_ImapHelper::reuseImapProtocolForAccount($imapAccount);
                 $storage = new Conjoon_Mail_Storage_Imap($protocol);
                 // get the number of the message by it's unique id
                 $messageNumber = $storage->getNumberByUniqueId($uId);
                 // move from sent folder
                 $sentGlobalName = $this->getGlobalNameForFolderType($imapAccount, 'SENT');
                 if (!$sentGlobalName) {
                 $storage->copyMessage($messageNumber, $sentGlobalName);
                 $newMessageNumber = $storage->countMessages();
             // put email into sent folder
             $protocol = Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_ImapHelper::reuseImapProtocolForAccount($imapAccount);
             $storage = new Conjoon_Mail_Storage_Imap($protocol);
             // read out single item
             $item = $this->getSingleImapListItem($account, $userId, $newMessageNumber, $sentGlobalName);
             $newVersions[$uId] = $item['id'];
             $sendItems[] = $item;
         } else {
             // if the email was send successfully, save it into the db and
             // return the params savedId (id of the newly saved email)
             // and savedFolderId (id of the folder where the email was saved in)
             $itemDecorator = new Conjoon_BeanContext_Decorator('Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Item_Model_Item', new Conjoon_Modules_Groupware_Email_Item_Filter_ItemResponse(array(), Conjoon_Filter_Input::CONTEXT_RESPONSE), false);
             $item = $itemDecorator->saveSentEmailAsDto($message, $account, $userId, $mail, '');
             if (!$item) {
             $sendItems[] = $item;
             $cri = $itemDecorator->getReferencedItemAsDto($item->id, $userId);
             if (!empty($cri)) {
                 $contextReferencedItems[] = $cri;
     if (!empty($errors)) {
          * @see Conjoon_Error
         require_once 'Conjoon/Error.php';
         $m = array();
         $m[] = "One or more messages could not be sent:";
         for ($i = 0, $len = count($errors); $i < $len; $i++) {
             $m[] = "Message " . ($i + 1) . ":";
             $m[] = "Subject: \"" . $errors[$i]['subject'] . "\"";
             $m[] = "Account: " . $errors[$i]['accountName'];
             $m[] = "Failure reason: " . $errors[$i]['reason'];
         $errorMessage = implode("\n", $m);
         $error = new Conjoon_Error();
     $this->view->newVersions = $newVersions;
     $this->view->success = true;
     $this->view->sentItems = $sendItems;
     $this->view->error = isset($error) ? $error->getDto() : null;
     $this->view->contextReferencedItems = $contextReferencedItems;