コード例 #1
ファイル: message.php プロジェクト: petkivim/id-registry
 private function loadTemplate($message, $code, $formId, $publisherId)
     // Add configuration helper file
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/configuration.php';
     // Check that code is valid
     if (!ConfigurationHelper::isValidParameterName($code)) {
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_ISSNREGISTRY_ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_CODE_PARAMETER'), 'error');
         return false;
     // Get component parameters
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_issnregistry');
     // Check if this is a form handled message
     $isFormHandled = ConfigurationHelper::isFormHandled($code);
     // Check if this is a publisher summary message
     $isPublisherSummary = ConfigurationHelper::isPublisherSummary($code);
     // Init variables
     $form = null;
     // Get message type id for the given code
     $messageTypeId = $params->get($code, 0);
     // Check that the value has been defined
     if ($messageTypeId == 0) {
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_ISSNREGISTRY_ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TYPE_FOUND'), 'warning');
         return false;
     // Set message type id
     $message->message_type_id = $messageTypeId;
     // Load publisher model
     $publisherModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('publisher', 'IssnregistryModel');
     // Variable that tell if publisher email address should be used
     $usePublisherEmail = false;
     if ($isFormHandled) {
         // Load form model
         $formModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('form', 'IssnregistryModel');
         // Load form
         $form = $formModel->getItem($formId);
         // Check that we found a form
         if (!$form) {
             JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_ISSNREGISTRY_ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_FORM_FOUND'), 'warning');
             return false;
         // Set form id
         $message->form_id = $form->id;
         // Set publisher id
         $publisherId = $form->publisher_id;
         // Set language code
         $message->lang_code = $form->lang_code;
         // Update recipient
         $message->recipient = $form->email;
         // If email is empty, use publisher email
         if (empty($message->recipient)) {
             $usePublisherEmail = true;
     // Load publisher
     $publisher = $publisherModel->getPublisherById($publisherId);
     // Check the result
     if (!$publisher) {
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_ISSNREGISTRY_ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_PUBLISHER_FOUND'), 'warning');
         return false;
     if ($isPublisherSummary || $usePublisherEmail) {
         // Set language code
         $message->lang_code = $publisher->lang_code;
         // Update recipient
         $message->recipient = $this->getEmail($publisher);
     // Set publisher id
     $message->publisher_id = $publisherId;
     // Load message template model
     $messageTemplateModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('messagetemplate', 'IssnregistryModel');
     // Load template
     $template = $messageTemplateModel->getMessageTemplateByTypeAndLanguage($messageTypeId, $message->lang_code);
     // Check that we found a template
     if (!$template) {
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_ISSNREGISTRY_ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_TEMPLATE_FOUND'), 'warning');
         return false;
     // Update template id
     $message->message_template_id = $template->id;
     // Set subject
     $message->subject = $template->subject;
     // Set message
     $message->message = $template->message;
     // Load language file - translations are used
     // in "filterPublications" function later
     JFactory::getLanguage()->load('com_issnregistry_email', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $message->lang_code, true);
     // Init publications array
     $publications = array();
     // If so, load publications
     if ($isFormHandled || $isPublisherSummary) {
         // Load publication model
         $publicationModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('publication', 'IssnregistryModel');
         // Load publications
         if ($isFormHandled) {
             $publications = $publicationModel->getPublicationsByFormId($formId);
         } else {
             $publications = $publicationModel->getPublicationsByPublisherId($publisherId);
         // Check the result
         if (!$publications) {
             JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_ISSNREGISTRY_ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_PUBLICATIONS_FOUND'), 'warning');
         // Add publications info
         $message->message = $this->filterPublications($message->message, $publications);
         // Add publication title
         $message->message = $this->filterPublicationTitle($message->message, $publications);
         // Add publication title to subject
         $message->subject = $this->filterPublicationTitle($message->subject, $publications);
     // Filter message
     $message->message = $this->filterMessage($message->message, $form, $publisher);
     // Operation was successfull
     return true;