コード例 #1
  * Return associative array with config option values by name and given 
  * company
  * @param Company $company
  * @return array
 function getValues($names, $company)
     $result = array();
     // lets get option definition instances
     $options = ConfigOptions::findByNames($names, COMPANY_CONFIG_OPTION);
     if (is_foreachable($options)) {
         // Now we need all company specific values we can get
         $values = db_execute_all('SELECT name, value FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'company_config_options WHERE name IN (?) AND company_id = ?', $names, $company->getId());
         $foreachable = is_foreachable($values);
         // Populate result
         foreach ($options as $name => $option) {
             if ($foreachable) {
                 foreach ($values as $record) {
                     if ($record['name'] == $name) {
                         $result[$name] = trim($record['value']) != '' ? unserialize($record['value']) : null;
                     // if
                 // foreach
             // if
             if (!isset($result[$name])) {
                 $result[$name] = $option->getValue();
             // if
         // foreach
     // if
     return $result;