コード例 #1
ファイル: authors.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Update attachment record
  * @return  void
 public function saveItem($manifest, $blockId, $pub, $actor = 0, $elementId = 0, $aid = 0)
     $aid = $aid ? $aid : Request::getInt('aid', 0);
     // Load classes
     $row = new \Components\Publications\Tables\Author($this->_parent->_db);
     $objO = new \Components\Projects\Tables\Owner($this->_parent->_db);
     // We need attachment record
     if (!$aid || !$row->load($aid) || $row->publication_version_id != $pub->version_id) {
         return false;
     // Instantiate a new registration object
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_members' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'registration.php';
     $xregistration = new \Components\Members\Models\Registration();
     // Get current owners
     $owners = $objO->getIds($pub->_project->get('id'), 'all', 1);
     $email = Request::getVar('email', '', 'post');
     $firstName = Request::getVar('firstName', '', 'post');
     $lastName = Request::getVar('lastName', '', 'post');
     $org = Request::getVar('organization', '', 'post');
     $credit = Request::getVar('credit', '', 'post');
     $sendInvite = 0;
     $code = \Components\Projects\Helpers\Html::generateCode();
     $uid = Request::getInt('uid', 0, 'post');
     $regex = '/^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+/';
     $email = preg_match($regex, $email) ? $email : '';
     if (!$firstName || !$lastName) {
         return false;
     $row->organization = $org;
     $row->firstName = $firstName;
     $row->lastName = $lastName;
     $row->name = $row->firstName . ' ' . $row->lastName;
     $row->credit = $credit;
     $row->modified_by = $actor;
     $row->modified = Date::toSql();
     // Check that profile exists
     if ($uid) {
         $profile = User::getInstance($uid);
         $uid = $profile->get('id') ? $uid : 0;
     // Tying author to a user account?
     if ($uid && !$row->user_id) {
         // Do we have an owner with this user id?
         $owner = $objO->getOwnerId($pub->_project->get('id'), $uid);
         if ($owner) {
             // Update owner assoc
             $row->project_owner_id = $owner;
         } else {
             // Update associated project owner account
             if ($objO->load($row->project_owner_id) && !$objO->userid) {
                 $objO->userid = $uid;
                 $objO->status = 1;
     $row->user_id = $uid;
     if ($row->store()) {
         $this->set('_message', Lang::txt('Author record saved'));
         // Reflect the update in curation record
         $this->_parent->set('_update', 1);
     } else {
         return false;
     // Update project owner (invited)
     if ($email && !$row->user_id && $objO->load($row->project_owner_id)) {
         $invitee = $objO->checkInvited($pub->_project->get('id'), $email);
         // Do we have a registered user with this email?
         $user = $xregistration->getEmailId($email);
         if ($invitee && $invitee != $row->project_owner_id) {
             // Stop, must have owner record
         } elseif (in_array($user, $owners)) {
             // Stop, already in team
         } elseif ($email != $objO->invited_email) {
             $objO->invited_email = $email;
             $objO->invited_name = $row->name;
             $objO->userid = $row->user_id;
             $objO->invited_code = $code;
             $sendInvite = 1;
     // (Re)send email invitation
     if ($sendInvite && $email) {
         // Get project model
         $project = new \Components\Projects\Models\Project($pub->_project->get('id'));
         // Plugin params
         $plugin_params = array(0, $email, $code, 2, $project, 'com_projects');
         // Send invite
         $output = Event::trigger('projects.sendInviteEmail', $plugin_params);
         $result = json_decode($output[0]);
     return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: author.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Save publication submitter
  * @param      integer $vid 				Pub version ID
  * @param      integer $by					Publication creator
  * @return     mixed False if error, Object on success
 public function saveSubmitter($vid = NULL, $by = 0, $projectid = 0)
     if (!$vid) {
         $vid = $this->publication_version_id;
     if (!$vid || !$by) {
         return false;
     // Get name/org
     $author = $this->getAuthorByUid($vid, $by);
     if (!$author) {
         return false;
     require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_projects' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'owner.php';
     // Get project owner info
     $objO = new \Components\Projects\Tables\Owner($this->_db);
     $owner_id = $objO->getOwnerId($projectid, $by);
     // Load submitter record if exists
     $query = "SELECT * FROM {$this->_tbl} WHERE role='submitter' AND publication_version_id=" . $this->_db->quote($vid);
     if ($result = $this->_db->loadAssoc()) {
         $this->modified = Date::toSql();
         $this->modified_by = User::get('id');
     } else {
         $this->publication_version_id = $vid;
         $this->role = 'submitter';
         $this->created = Date::toSql();
         $this->created_by = User::get('id');
         $this->ordering = 1;
     $this->project_owner_id = $owner_id;
     $this->user_id = $by;
     $this->status = 1;
     $this->name = $author->name ? $author->name : $author->p_name;
     $this->organization = $author->organization ? $author->organization : $author->p_organization;
     $this->firstName = $author->firstName ? $author->firstName : NULL;
     $this->lastName = $author->lastName ? $author->lastName : NULL;
     $this->credit = 'Submitter';