/** * Import CSV file * * @param report_file_path The file path to import. * @param test_session_id The session's id. */ public static function import_csv($report_file_path, $test_session_id, $conn, $merge_flag) { $qa_generic = sfConfig::get("app_table_qa_generic"); // Retrieve table_name_id from table_name table $table_name_test_result = Doctrine_Core::getTable("TableName")->findOneByName("test_result"); $table_name_test_result_id = $table_name_test_result->getId(); $test_result_exists_flag = false; // Open the file $csv_report_file = @fopen($report_file_path, 'r'); if ($csv_report_file) { // Get file first line $first_line = fgets($csv_report_file); // Detect delimiter if (preg_match("#,#", $first_line)) { $delimiter = ','; } else { if (preg_match("#;#", $first_line)) { $delimiter = ';'; } else { return 2001; } } // Detect structure type // CSV old if (preg_match("#(?=.*Feature)(?=.*Check ?points)(?=.*Notes ?\\(bugs\\))(?=.*Status)#i", $first_line)) { // Return at the beginning of file fseek($csv_report_file, 0); // Determine order between different fields on the first line $idx = 0; $ref_tab = array(); foreach (fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter) as $element) { if (preg_match("#^ ?Feature.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[0] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Check ?points.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[1] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Notes ?\\(bugs\\).?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[2] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Status.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[3] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Duration.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[4] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Bug.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[5] = $idx; } $idx++; } // Go through file and fill datas $data_tab = array(); while ($data_tab = fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter)) { if (count($data_tab) > 3) { // Check if feature is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[0]])) { return 2101; } else { $feature = $data_tab[$ref_tab[0]]; } // Check if check points is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[1]])) { return 2102; } else { $case_id = $data_tab[$ref_tab[1]]; } // Check if status is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[3]])) { return 2103; } else { $status = $data_tab[$ref_tab[3]]; } // Check if execution time is not empty if (!empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[4]])) { $executionTime = $data_tab[$ref_tab[4]]; } else { $executionTime = 0; } // Check if bug list is not empty if (!empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[5]])) { $bugs = $data_tab[$ref_tab[5]]; } else { $bugs = ""; } // Write datas into qa_generic database if (preg_match("#^ ?pass(ed)? ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } else { if (preg_match("#^ ?fail(ed)? ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } else { if (preg_match("#^ ?block(ed)? ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -3; } else { if (preg_match("#^ ?defer(red)? ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -4; } else { if (preg_match("#^ ?not ?run ?\$#i", $status) || preg_match("#^ ?not_run ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -5; } else { return 2104; } } } } } // Status hard coded $resultStatus = 0; if ($merge_flag) { // Retrieve test result id relying on test name and feature label, if it exists $query = "SELECT tr.id tr_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $qa_generic . ".test_result tr\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".table_name tn ON tn.name = 'test_result'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".complementary_tool_relation ctr ON ctr.table_name_id = tn.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.table_entry_id = tr.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.label = '" . addslashes($feature) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE tr.test_session_id = " . $test_session_id . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND tr.name = '" . addslashes($case_id) . "'"; $result = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->execute($query)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($result)) { $test_result_exists_flag = true; $testResultId = $result['tr_id']; } } // Write into test_result table if ($test_result_exists_flag) { $testResult = Doctrine_Core::getTable("TestResult")->findOneById($testResultId); } else { $testResult = new TestResult(); $testResult->setName($case_id); $testResult->setTestSessionId($test_session_id); } $testResult->setDecisionCriteriaId($decision_criteria_id); $testResult->setComplement($test_case); $testResult->setComment($comment); $testResult->setStatus($resultStatus); $testResult->setExecutionTime($executionTime); $testResult->setBugs($bugs); $testResult->save($conn); // Retrieve test_result id created $test_result_id = $testResult->getId(); // Category = Feature = 1 $category = 1; // Write into complementary_tool_relation table if (!$test_result_exists_flag) { $complementaryToolRelation = new ComplementaryToolRelation(); $complementaryToolRelation->setLabel($feature); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableNameId($table_name_test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableEntryId($test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setCategory($category); $complementaryToolRelation->save($conn); } } $data_tab = array(); $test_result_exists_flag = false; } } elseif (preg_match("#(?=.*Feature)(?=.*Check ?points)(?=.*Notes ?\\(bugs\\))(?=.*Pass)(?=.*Fail)(?=.*N/A)#i", $first_line)) { // Return at the beginning of file fseek($csv_report_file, 0); // Determine order between different fields on the first line $idx = 0; $ref_tab = array(); foreach (fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter) as $element) { if (preg_match("#^ ?Feature.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[0] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Check ?points.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[1] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Notes ?\\(bugs\\).?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[2] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Pass.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[3] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Fail.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[4] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?N/?A.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[5] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Defer(red)?.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[8] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Not ?run.?\$#i", $element) || preg_match("#^ ?Not_run.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[9] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Duration.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[6] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Bug.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[7] = $idx; } $idx++; } // Go through file and fill datas $data_tab = array(); while ($data_tab = fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter)) { if (count($data_tab) > 5) { // Check if feature is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[0]])) { return 2201; } else { $feature = $data_tab[$ref_tab[0]]; } // Check if case_id is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[1]])) { return 2202; } else { $case_id = $data_tab[$ref_tab[1]]; } // Check if bug list is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[7]])) { $bugs = ""; } else { $bugs = $data_tab[$ref_tab[7]]; } $comment = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[2]]) ? " " : $data_tab[$ref_tab[2]]; if (!($data_tab[$ref_tab[3]] == "1" or $data_tab[$ref_tab[4]] == "1" or $data_tab[$ref_tab[5]] == "1" or $data_tab[$ref_tab[8]] == "1" or $data_tab[$ref_tab[9]] == "1")) { return 2203; } $pass = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[3]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[3]]; $fail = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[4]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[4]]; $block = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[5]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[5]]; $deferred = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[8]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[8]]; $notrun = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[9]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[9]]; if ($pass == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } elseif ($fail == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } elseif ($block == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -3; } elseif ($deferred == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -4; } elseif ($notrun == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -5; } if (!empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[6]])) { $executionTime = $data_tab[$ref_tab[6]]; } else { $executionTime = 0; } // Status hard coded $status = 0; if ($merge_flag) { // Retrieve test result id relying on test name and feature label, if it exists $query = "SELECT tr.id tr_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $qa_generic . ".test_result tr\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".table_name tn ON tn.name = 'test_result'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".complementary_tool_relation ctr ON ctr.table_name_id = tn.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.table_entry_id = tr.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.label = '" . addslashes($feature) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE tr.test_session_id = " . $test_session_id . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND tr.name = '" . addslashes($case_id) . "'"; $result = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->execute($query)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($result)) { $test_result_exists_flag = true; $testResultId = $result['tr_id']; } } // Write into test_result table if ($test_result_exists_flag) { $testResult = Doctrine_Core::getTable("TestResult")->findOneById($testResultId); } else { $testResult = new TestResult(); $testResult->setName($case_id); $testResult->setTestSessionId($test_session_id); } $testResult->setDecisionCriteriaId($decision_criteria_id); $testResult->setComplement($test_case); $testResult->setComment($comment); $testResult->setStatus($status); $testResult->setExecutionTime($executionTime); $testResult->setBugs($bugs); $testResult->save($conn); // Retrieve test_result id created $test_result_id = $testResult->getId(); // Category = Feature = 1 $category = 1; // Write into complementary_tool_relation table if (!$test_result_exists_flag) { $complementaryToolRelation = new ComplementaryToolRelation(); $complementaryToolRelation->setLabel($feature); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableNameId($table_name_test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableEntryId($test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setCategory($category); $complementaryToolRelation->save($conn); } } $data_tab = array(); $test_result_exists_flag = false; } } elseif (preg_match("#(?=.*Feature)(?=.*Case ?id)(?=.*Check ?points)(?=.*Notes)(?=.*Pass)(?=.*Fail)(?=.*N/A)#i", $first_line)) { // Return at the beginning of file fseek($csv_report_file, 0); // Determine order between different fields on the first line $idx = 0; $ref_tab = array(); foreach (fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter) as $element) { if (preg_match("#^ ?Feature.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[0] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Case ?id.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[1] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Check ?points.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[2] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Notes.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[3] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Pass.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[4] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Fail.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[5] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?N/?A.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[6] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Defer(red)?.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[9] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Not ?run.?\$#i", $element) || preg_match("#^ ?Not_run.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[10] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Duration.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[7] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Bug.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[8] = $idx; } $idx++; } // Go through file and fill datas $data_tab = array(); while ($data_tab = fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter)) { if (count($data_tab) > 6) { // Check if feature is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[0]])) { return 2301; } else { $feature = $data_tab[$ref_tab[0]]; } // Check if case_id is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[1]])) { return 2302; } else { $case_id = $data_tab[$ref_tab[1]]; } $test_case = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[2]]) ? " " : $data_tab[$ref_tab[2]]; $comment = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[3]]) ? " " : $data_tab[$ref_tab[3]]; if (!($data_tab[$ref_tab[4]] == "1" or $data_tab[$ref_tab[5]] == "1" or $data_tab[$ref_tab[6]] == "1")) { return 2303; } $pass = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[4]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[4]]; $fail = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[5]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[5]]; $block = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[6]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[6]]; $deferred = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[9]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[9]]; $notrun = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[10]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[10]]; if ($pass == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } elseif ($fail == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } elseif ($block == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -3; } elseif ($deferred == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -4; } elseif ($notrun == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -5; } // Check if execution time is not empty if (!empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[7]])) { $executionTime = $data_tab[$ref_tab[7]]; } else { $executionTime = 0; } // Check if bug list is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[8]])) { $bugs = ""; } else { $bugs = $data_tab[$ref_tab[8]]; } // Status hard coded $status = 0; if ($merge_flag) { // Retrieve test result id relying on test name and feature label, if it exists $query = "SELECT tr.id tr_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $qa_generic . ".test_result tr\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".table_name tn ON tn.name = 'test_result'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".complementary_tool_relation ctr ON ctr.table_name_id = tn.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.table_entry_id = tr.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.label = '" . addslashes($feature) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE tr.test_session_id = " . $test_session_id . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND tr.name = '" . addslashes($case_id) . "'"; $result = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->execute($query)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($result)) { $test_result_exists_flag = true; $testResultId = $result['tr_id']; } } // Write into test_result table if ($test_result_exists_flag) { $testResult = Doctrine_Core::getTable("TestResult")->findOneById($testResultId); } else { $testResult = new TestResult(); $testResult->setName($case_id); $testResult->setTestSessionId($test_session_id); } $testResult->setDecisionCriteriaId($decision_criteria_id); $testResult->setComplement($test_case); $testResult->setComment($comment); $testResult->setStatus($status); $testResult->setExecutionTime($executionTime); $testResult->setBugs($bugs); $testResult->save($conn); // Retrieve test_result id created $test_result_id = $testResult->getId(); // Category = Feature = 1 $category = 1; // Write into complementary_tool_relation table if (!$test_result_exists_flag) { $complementaryToolRelation = new ComplementaryToolRelation(); $complementaryToolRelation->setLabel($feature); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableNameId($table_name_test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableEntryId($test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setCategory($category); $complementaryToolRelation->save($conn); } } $data_tab = array(); $test_result_exists_flag = false; } } elseif (preg_match("#(?=.*Feature)(?=.*Case ?Id)(?=.*Test ?Case)(?=.*Pass)(?=.*Fail)(?=.*N/A)(?=.*Comment)#i", $first_line)) { // Return at the beginning of file fseek($csv_report_file, 0); // Determine order between different fields on the first line $idx = 0; $ref_tab = array(); foreach (fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter) as $element) { if (preg_match("#^ ?Feature.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[0] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Case ?Id.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[1] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Test ?Case.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[2] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Pass.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[3] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Fail.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[4] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?N/?A.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[5] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Measured.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[6] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Comment.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[7] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Measurement ?Name.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[8] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Value.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[9] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Unit.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[10] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Target.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[11] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Failure.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[12] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Duration.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[13] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Bug.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[14] = $idx; } $idx++; } // Go through file and fill datas $data_tab = array(); while ($data_tab = fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter)) { if (count($data_tab) > 6) { // Check if feature is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[0]])) { return 2401; } else { $feature = $data_tab[$ref_tab[0]]; } // Check if case_id is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[1]])) { return 2402; } else { $case_id = $data_tab[$ref_tab[1]]; } if (!($data_tab[$ref_tab[3]] == "1" or $data_tab[$ref_tab[4]] == "1" or $data_tab[$ref_tab[5]] == "1" or $data_tab[$ref_tab[6]] == "1")) { return 2403; } $test_case = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[2]]) ? " " : $data_tab[$ref_tab[2]]; $pass = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[3]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[3]]; $fail = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[4]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[4]]; $block = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[5]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[5]]; $deferred = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[15]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[15]]; $notrun = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[16]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[16]]; $measured = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[6]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[6]]; $comment = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[7]]) ? " " : $data_tab[$ref_tab[7]]; $measurement_name = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[8]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[8]]; $value = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[9]]) ? "" : preg_replace('#(,)#', '.', $data_tab[$ref_tab[9]]); $unit = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[10]]) ? " " : $data_tab[$ref_tab[10]]; $target = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[11]]) ? "" : preg_replace('#(,)#', '.', $data_tab[$ref_tab[11]]); $failure = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[12]]) ? "" : preg_replace('#(,)#', '.', $data_tab[$ref_tab[12]]); $executionTime = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[13]]) ? 0 : $data_tab[$ref_tab[13]]; $bugs = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[14]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[14]]; preg_replace('#(,)#', '.', $data_tab[$ref_tab[9]]); // Write datas into qa_generic database if ($pass == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } elseif ($fail == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } elseif ($block == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -3; } elseif ($deferred == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -4; } elseif ($notrun == "1") { $decision_criteria_id = -5; } elseif ($measured == "1") { if (empty($failure)) { if ($value < $target) { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } else { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } } else { if ($failure > $target) { if ($value < $failure) { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } else { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } } elseif ($failure < $target) { if ($value > $failure) { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } else { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } } else { if ($value < $target) { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } else { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } } } } // Status hard coded $status = 0; if ($merge_flag) { // Retrieve test result id relying on test name and feature label, if it exists $query = "SELECT tr.id tr_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $qa_generic . ".test_result tr\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".table_name tn ON tn.name = 'test_result'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".complementary_tool_relation ctr ON ctr.table_name_id = tn.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.table_entry_id = tr.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.label = '" . addslashes($feature) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE tr.test_session_id = " . $test_session_id . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND tr.name = '" . addslashes($case_id) . "'"; $result = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->execute($query)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($result)) { $test_result_exists_flag = true; $testResultId = $result['tr_id']; } } // Write into test_result table if ($test_result_exists_flag) { $measures = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('*')->from('Measure')->where('test_result_id = ?', $testResultId)->execute(); foreach ($measures as $measure) { $measure->delete($conn); } $testResult = Doctrine_Core::getTable("TestResult")->findOneById($testResultId); } else { $testResult = new TestResult(); $testResult->setName($case_id); $testResult->setTestSessionId($test_session_id); } $testResult->setDecisionCriteriaId($decision_criteria_id); $testResult->setComplement($test_case); $testResult->setComment($comment); $testResult->setStatus($status); $testResult->setExecutionTime($executionTime); $testResult->setBugs($bugs); $testResult->save($conn); // Retrieve test_result id created $test_result_id = $testResult->getId(); // Category = Feature = 1 $category = 1; // Write into complementary_tool_relation table if (!$test_result_exists_flag) { $complementaryToolRelation = new ComplementaryToolRelation(); $complementaryToolRelation->setLabel($feature); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableNameId($table_name_test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableEntryId($test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setCategory($category); $complementaryToolRelation->save($conn); } // Write into measure table if (!empty($measurement_name) and !empty($value)) { $measureObject = new Measure(); $measureObject->setTestResultId($test_result_id); $measureObject->setValue($value); $measureObject->setUnit($unit); $measureObject->setDescription($measurement_name); $measureObject->setCategory(1); $measureObject->setOperator(1); $measureObject->save($conn); if (!empty($target)) { $measureObject = new Measure(); $measureObject->setTestResultId($test_result_id); $measureObject->setValue($target); $measureObject->setUnit($unit); $measureObject->setDescription($measurement_name); $measureObject->setCategory(2); $measureObject->setOperator(1); $measureObject->save($conn); } if (!empty($failure)) { $measureObject = new Measure(); $measureObject->setTestResultId($test_result_id); $measureObject->setValue($failure); $measureObject->setUnit($unit); $measureObject->setDescription($measurement_name); $measureObject->setCategory(3); $measureObject->setOperator(1); $measureObject->save($conn); } } } $data_tab = array(); $test_result_exists_flag = false; } } elseif (preg_match("#(?=.*Name)(?=.*\\b ?Status ?\\b)#i", $first_line)) { // Return at the beginning of file fseek($csv_report_file, 0); // Determine order between different fields on the first line $idx = 0; $ref_tab = array(); $entityTypeFound = false; foreach (fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter) as $element) { if (preg_match("#^ ?Component.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[0] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Name.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[1] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Status.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[2] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Feature.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[3] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Description.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[4] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Comment.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[5] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Bug.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[6] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Package.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[7] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Measurement ?Name.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[8] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Value.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[9] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Unit.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[10] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Target.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[11] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Failure.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[12] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?StepActualResult.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[13] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("# ?EntityType.?#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[14] = $idx; $entityTypeFound = true; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?Duration.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[15] = $idx; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?StepNotes.?\$#i", $element)) { $ref_tab[16] = $idx; } $idx++; } if (!isset($ref_tab[1])) { return 2501; } if (!isset($ref_tab[2])) { return 2502; } if (!isset($ref_tab[0]) && !isset($ref_tab[7])) { return 2509; } // Go through file and fill datas $data_tab = array(); while ($data_tab = fgetcsv($csv_report_file, 0, $delimiter)) { if (count($data_tab) > 2) { // If 'EntityType' label is found, pass over 'StepRunResult' lines if ($entityTypeFound) { if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[14]])) { return 2503; } elseif (!preg_match("#^ ?TestScriptAssignment.?\$#i", $data_tab[$ref_tab[14]])) { continue; } } // Check if feature is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[0]]) and empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[7]])) { return 2504; } else { if (!empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[0]])) { $feature = $data_tab[$ref_tab[0]]; } else { $feature = $data_tab[$ref_tab[7]]; } } // If 'EntityType' label is found, keep last two string (delimited by '|') in the feature label if ($entityTypeFound) { $feat_delimiter = '|'; $feature_tab = explode($feat_delimiter, $feature); $tab_length = count($feature_tab); $feature = $feature_tab[$tab_length - 2] . $feat_delimiter . $feature_tab[$tab_length - 1]; } // Check if case_id is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[1]])) { return 2506; } else { $case_id = $data_tab[$ref_tab[1]]; } // Check if status is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[2]])) { return 2507; } else { $status = $data_tab[$ref_tab[2]]; } $test_case = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[4]]) ? " " : $data_tab[$ref_tab[4]]; $comment = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[5]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[5]]; // $bug = (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[6]])) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[6]]; $step_actual_result = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[13]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[13]]; $step_notes = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[16]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[16]]; $measurement_name = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[8]]) ? "" : $data_tab[$ref_tab[8]]; $value = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[9]]) ? "" : preg_replace('#(,)#', '.', $data_tab[$ref_tab[9]]); $unit = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[10]]) ? " " : $data_tab[$ref_tab[10]]; $target = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[11]]) ? "" : preg_replace('#(,)#', '.', $data_tab[$ref_tab[11]]); $failure = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[12]]) ? "" : preg_replace('#(,)#', '.', $data_tab[$ref_tab[12]]); $executionTime = empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[15]]) ? 0 : $data_tab[$ref_tab[12]]; // Concatenate notes if (empty($comment)) { if (empty($step_notes)) { $notes = ""; } else { $notes = $step_notes; } } else { if (empty($step_notes)) { $notes = $comment; } else { $notes = $comment . " " . $step_notes; } } // Check if step_actual_result is not empty if (empty($data_tab[$ref_tab[13]])) { $bugs = ""; } else { $bugs = $data_tab[$ref_tab[13]]; } // Write datas into qa_generic database if (preg_match("#^ ?pass(ed)? ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?fail(ed)? ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?block(ed)? ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -3; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?defer(red)? ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -4; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?not_run ?\$#i", $status) || preg_match("#^ ?not ?run ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -5; } elseif (preg_match("#^ ?measured ?\$#i", $status)) { if (empty($failure)) { if ($value < $target) { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } else { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } } else { if ($failure > $target) { if ($value < $failure) { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } else { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } } elseif ($failure < $target) { if ($value > $failure) { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } else { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } } else { if ($value < $target) { $decision_criteria_id = -2; } else { $decision_criteria_id = -1; } } } } else { if (preg_match("#^ ?in ?progress ?\$#i", $status)) { $decision_criteria_id = -5; } else { return 2508; } } // Status hard coded $resultStatus = 0; if ($merge_flag) { // Retrieve test result id relying on test name and feature label, if it exists $query = "SELECT tr.id tr_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $qa_generic . ".test_result tr\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".table_name tn ON tn.name = 'test_result'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".complementary_tool_relation ctr ON ctr.table_name_id = tn.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.table_entry_id = tr.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ctr.label = '" . addslashes($feature) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE tr.test_session_id = " . $test_session_id . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND tr.name = '" . addslashes($case_id) . "'"; $result = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->execute($query)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($result)) { $test_result_exists_flag = true; $testResultId = $result['tr_id']; } } // Write into test_result table if ($test_result_exists_flag) { $measures = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('*')->from('Measure')->where('test_result_id = ?', $testResultId)->execute(); foreach ($measures as $measure) { $measure->delete($conn); } $testResult = Doctrine_Core::getTable("TestResult")->findOneById($testResultId); } else { $testResult = new TestResult(); $testResult->setName($case_id); $testResult->setTestSessionId($test_session_id); } $testResult->setDecisionCriteriaId($decision_criteria_id); $testResult->setComplement($test_case); $testResult->setStatus($resultStatus); $testResult->setExecutionTime($executionTime); $testResult->setBugs($bugs); $testResult->setComment($notes); $testResult->save($conn); // Retrieve test_result id created $test_result_id = $testResult->getId(); // Category = Feature = 1 $category = 1; // Write into complementary_tool_relation table if (!$test_result_exists_flag) { $complementaryToolRelation = new ComplementaryToolRelation(); $complementaryToolRelation->setLabel($feature); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableNameId($table_name_test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setTableEntryId($test_result_id); $complementaryToolRelation->setCategory($category); $complementaryToolRelation->save($conn); } // Write into measure table if (!empty($measurement_name) and !empty($value)) { $measureObject = new Measure(); $measureObject->setTestResultId($test_result_id); $measureObject->setValue($value); $measureObject->setUnit($unit); $measureObject->setDescription($measurement_name); $measureObject->setCategory(1); $measureObject->setOperator(1); $measureObject->save($conn); if (!empty($target)) { $measureObject = new Measure(); $measureObject->setTestResultId($test_result_id); $measureObject->setValue($target); $measureObject->setUnit($unit); $measureObject->setDescription($measurement_name); $measureObject->setCategory(2); $measureObject->setOperator(1); $measureObject->save($conn); } if (!empty($failure)) { $measureObject = new Measure(); $measureObject->setTestResultId($test_result_id); $measureObject->setValue($failure); $measureObject->setUnit($unit); $measureObject->setDescription($measurement_name); $measureObject->setCategory(3); $measureObject->setOperator(1); $measureObject->save($conn); } } } $data_tab = array(); $test_result_exists_flag = false; } } else { // Close the file fclose($csv_report_file); return 2000; } // Close the file fclose($csv_report_file); return 0; } else { return 10; } }
public function getFeatures() { $qa_generic = sfConfig::get("app_table_qa_generic"); $tableName = Doctrine_Core::getTable("TableName")->findOneByName("test_result"); $query = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection(); $result = $query->execute("\n\t\t\tSELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM " . $qa_generic . ".complementary_tool_relation ctr\n\t\t\t\tJOIN " . $qa_generic . ".test_result tr ON tr.id = ctr.table_entry_id\n\t\t\tWHERE ctr.table_name_id = " . $tableName->getId() . "\n\t\t\t\tAND ctr.category = 1\n\t\t\t\tAND tr.test_session_id = " . $this->getId() . "\n\t\t\tGROUP BY ctr.label\n\t\t\tORDER BY ctr.label ASC\n\t\t"); $array = $result->fetchAll(); $features = array(); foreach ($array as $row) { $feature = new ComplementaryToolRelation(); $feature->fromArray($row); array_push($features, $feature); } return $features; }