/** * Returns array of queries that will return Dashboard Objects * * @param string $proj_ids * @param string $tag * @param boolean $count if false the query will return objects, if true it will return object count */ static function getDashboardObjectQueries($project = null, $tag = null, $count = false, $trashed = false, $linkedObject = null, $order = 'updatedOn', $filterName = '', $archived = false, $filterManager = '') { if ($trashed && $trashed !== 'all') { $order = 'trashedOn'; } else { if ($archived) { $order = 'archivedOn'; } } switch ($order) { case 'dateCreated': $order_crit_companies = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_contacts = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_file_revisions = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_calendar = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_tasks = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_milestones = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_webpages = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_files = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_emails = '`received_date`'; $order_crit_comments = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_messages = '`created_on`'; $order_crit_workspaces = '`created_on`'; break; case 'trashedOn': $order_crit_companies = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_contacts = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_file_revisions = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_calendar = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_tasks = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_milestones = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_webpages = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_files = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_emails = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_comments = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_messages = '`trashed_on`'; $order_crit_workspaces = '`updated_on`'; break; case 'archivedOn': $order_crit_companies = '`archived_on`'; $order_crit_contacts = '`archived_on`'; $order_crit_file_revisions = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_calendar = '`archived_on`'; $order_crit_tasks = '`archived_on`'; $order_crit_milestones = '`archived_on`'; $order_crit_webpages = '`archived_on`'; $order_crit_files = '`archived_on`'; $order_crit_emails = '`archived_on`'; $order_crit_comments = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_messages = '`archived_on`'; $order_crit_workspaces = '`completed_on`'; break; case 'name': $order_crit_companies = '`name`'; $order_crit_contacts = "TRIM(CONCAT(' ', `lastname`, `firstname`, `middlename`))"; $order_crit_file_revisions = "'zzzzzzzzzzzzzz'"; //Revisar $order_crit_calendar = '`subject`'; $order_crit_tasks = '`title`'; $order_crit_milestones = '`name`'; $order_crit_webpages = '`title`'; $order_crit_files = '`filename`'; $order_crit_emails = '`subject`'; $order_crit_comments = '`text`'; $order_crit_messages = '`title`'; $order_crit_workspaces = '`name`'; break; default: $order_crit_companies = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_contacts = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_file_revisions = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_calendar = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_tasks = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_milestones = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_webpages = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_files = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_emails = '`received_date`'; $order_crit_comments = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_messages = '`updated_on`'; $order_crit_workspaces = '`updated_on`'; break; } if ($project instanceof Project) { $proj_ids = $project->getAllSubWorkspacesQuery(true); $proj_cond_companies = Companies::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); $proj_cond_messages = ProjectMessages::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); $proj_cond_documents = ProjectFiles::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); $proj_cond_emails = MailContents::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); $proj_cond_events = ProjectEvents::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); $proj_cond_tasks = ProjectTasks::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); $proj_cond_charts = ProjectCharts::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); $proj_cond_milestones = ProjectMilestones::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); $proj_cond_weblinks = ProjectWebpages::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); $proj_cond_contacts = Contacts::getWorkspaceString($proj_ids); } else { $proj_cond_companies = "true"; $proj_cond_messages = "true"; $proj_cond_documents = "true"; $proj_cond_emails = "true"; $proj_cond_events = "true"; $proj_cond_tasks = "true"; $proj_cond_charts = "true"; $proj_cond_milestones = "true"; $proj_cond_weblinks = "true"; $proj_cond_contacts = "true"; } if ($trashed) { if ($trashed === 'all') { $trashed_cond = '`trashed_on` >= ' . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME); } else { $trashed_cond = '`trashed_on` > ' . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME); } $archived_cond = '1 = 1'; // Show all objects in trash $comments_arch_cond = "1 = 1"; } else { $trashed_cond = '`trashed_on` = ' . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME); if ($archived) { $archived_cond = "`archived_by_id` > 0"; $comments_arch_cond = "1 = 0"; // Don't show comments in archived objects listings } else { $archived_cond = "`archived_by_id` = 0"; $comments_arch_cond = "1 = 1"; } } if (isset($tag) && $tag && $tag != '') { $tag_str = " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "tags` `t` WHERE `tag`= " . DB::escape($tag) . " AND `co`.`id` = `t`.`rel_object_id` AND `t`.`rel_object_manager` = `object_manager_value`) "; } else { $tag_str = ' '; } if ($linkedObject instanceof ProjectDataObject) { $link_id = $linkedObject->getId(); $link_mgr = get_class($linkedObject->manager()); $link_str = " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "linked_objects` `t` WHERE\n\t\t\t(`t`.`object_id`=" . DB::escape($link_id) . " AND `t`.object_manager = " . DB::escape($link_mgr) . " AND `co`.`id` = `t`.`rel_object_id` AND `t`.`rel_object_manager` = `object_manager_value`) OR\n\t\t\t(`t`.`rel_object_id`=" . DB::escape($link_id) . " AND `t`.rel_object_manager = " . DB::escape($link_mgr) . " AND `co`.`id` = `t`.`object_id` AND `t`.`object_manager` = `object_manager_value`)) "; } else { $link_str = ' '; } $tag_str .= $link_str; $res = array(); /** If the name of the query ends with Comments it is assumed to be a list of Comments **/ $cfn = ''; if ($filterName != '') { $cfn = " AND text LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; } // Notes if (module_enabled('notes')) { $fn = ''; if ($filterName != '') { $fn = " AND title LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; } $permissions = ' AND ( ' . permissions_sql_for_listings(ProjectMessages::instance(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, logged_user(), '`project_id`', '`co`') . ')'; if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "ProjectMessages") { $res['ProjectMessages'] = "SELECT 'ProjectMessages' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_messages} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_messages` `co` WHERE " . $trashed_cond . " AND {$archived_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_messages . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectMessages'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $fn; } if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Comments") { $res['ProjectMessagesComments'] = "SELECT 'Comments' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_comments} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `rel_object_manager` = 'ProjectMessages' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `co`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_messages` `co` WHERE `trashed_by_id` = 0 AND {$comments_arch_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_messages . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectMessages'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $cfn . ")"; } } // Events if (module_enabled("calendar")) { $fn = ''; if ($filterName != '') { $fn = " AND subject LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; } $permissions = ' AND ( ' . permissions_sql_for_listings(ProjectEvents::instance(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, logged_user(), '`project_id`', '`co`') . ')'; if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "ProjectEvents") { $res['ProjectEvents'] = "SELECT 'ProjectEvents' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_calendar} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_events` `co` WHERE " . $trashed_cond . " AND {$archived_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_events . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectEvents'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $fn; } if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Comments") { $res['ProjectEventsComments'] = "SELECT 'Comments' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_comments} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `rel_object_manager` = 'ProjectEvents' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `co`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_events` `co` WHERE `trashed_by_id` = 0 AND {$comments_arch_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_events . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectEvents'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $cfn . ")"; } } // Documents if (module_enabled("documents")) { $fn = ''; if ($filterName != '') { $fn = " AND filename LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; } $permissions = ' AND ( ' . permissions_sql_for_listings(ProjectFiles::instance(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, logged_user(), '`project_id`', '`co`') . ')'; $typestring = array_var($_GET, "typestring"); if ($typestring) { $typecond = " AND ((SELECT count(*) FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_file_revisions` `pfr` WHERE `" . "pfr`.`type_string` LIKE " . DB::escape($typestring) . " AND `" . "co`.`id` = `pfr`.`file_id`) > 0)"; } else { $typecond = ""; } if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "ProjectFiles") { $res['ProjectFiles'] = "SELECT 'ProjectFiles' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` as `oid`, {$order_crit_files} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_files` `co` WHERE " . $trashed_cond . " AND {$archived_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_documents . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectFiles'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $typecond . $fn; } if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Comments") { $res['ProjectFilesComments'] = "SELECT 'Comments' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_comments} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `rel_object_manager` = 'ProjectFiles' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `co`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_files` `co` WHERE `trashed_by_id` = 0 AND {$comments_arch_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_documents . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectFiles'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $cfn . ")"; } if ($trashed) { $file_rev_docs = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_files` `co` WHERE `trashed_by_id` = 0 AND " . $proj_cond_documents . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectFiles'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $typecond; $res['FileRevisions'] = "SELECT 'ProjectFileRevisions' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_file_revisions} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_file_revisions` `co` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `file_id` IN (" . $file_rev_docs . ")"; } } // Tasks and Milestones if (module_enabled("tasks")) { $fn = ''; if ($filterName != '') { $fn = " AND title LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; } $completed = $trashed || $archived ? '' : 'AND `completed_on` = ' . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME); $permissions = ' AND ( ' . permissions_sql_for_listings(ProjectTasks::instance(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, logged_user(), '`project_id`', '`co`') . ')'; if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "ProjectTasks") { $res['ProjectTasks'] = "SELECT 'ProjectTasks' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_tasks} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_tasks` `co` WHERE `is_template` = false {$completed} AND " . $trashed_cond . " AND {$archived_cond} AND `is_template` = false AND " . $proj_cond_tasks . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectTasks'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $fn; } if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Comments") { $res['ProjectTasksComments'] = "SELECT 'Comments' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_comments} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `rel_object_manager` = 'ProjectTasks' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `co`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_tasks` `co` WHERE `trashed_by_id` = 0 AND {$comments_arch_cond} AND `is_template` = false AND " . $proj_cond_tasks . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectTasks'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $cfn . ")"; } $fn = ''; if ($filterName != '') { $fn = " AND name LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; } $permissions = ' AND ( ' . permissions_sql_for_listings(ProjectMilestones::instance(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, logged_user(), '`project_id`', '`co`') . ')'; if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "ProjectMilestones") { $res['ProjectMilestones'] = "SELECT 'ProjectMilestones' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_milestones} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_milestones` `co` WHERE " . $trashed_cond . " AND {$archived_cond} AND `is_template` = false AND " . $proj_cond_milestones . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectMilestones'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $fn; } if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Comments") { $res['ProjectMilestonesComments'] = "SELECT 'Comments' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_comments} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `rel_object_manager` = 'ProjectMilestones' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `co`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_milestones` `co` WHERE `trashed_by_id` = 0 AND {$comments_arch_cond} AND `is_template` = false AND " . $proj_cond_milestones . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectMilestones'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $cfn . ")"; } } // Weblinks if (module_enabled("weblinks")) { $fn = ''; if ($filterName != '') { $fn = " AND title LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; } $permissions = ' AND ( ' . permissions_sql_for_listings(ProjectWebpages::instance(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, logged_user(), '`project_id`', '`co`') . ')'; if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "ProjectWebpages") { $res['ProjectWebPages'] = "SELECT 'ProjectWebPages' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_webpages} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_webpages` `co` WHERE " . $trashed_cond . " AND {$archived_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_weblinks . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectWebpages'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $fn; } if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Comments") { $res['ProjectWebPagesComments'] = "SELECT 'Comments' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_comments} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `rel_object_manager` = 'ProjectWebpages' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `co`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_webpages` `co` WHERE " . $trashed_cond . " AND {$comments_arch_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_weblinks . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'ProjectWebpages'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $cfn . ")"; } } // Email if (module_enabled("email")) { $fn = ''; if ($filterName != '') { $fn = " AND subject LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; } $permissions = ' AND ( ' . permissions_sql_for_listings(MailContents::instance(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, logged_user(), $project instanceof Project ? $project->getId() : 0, '`co`') . ')'; if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "MailContents") { $res['MailContents'] = "SELECT 'MailContents' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_emails} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_contents` `co` WHERE (" . $trashed_cond . " AND {$archived_cond} AND `is_deleted` = 0 AND " . $proj_cond_emails . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'MailContents'", $tag_str) . $permissions . ") {$fn}"; } if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Comments") { $res['MailContentsComments'] = "SELECT 'Comments' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_comments} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `rel_object_manager` = 'MailContents' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `co`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_contents` `co` WHERE `trashed_by_id` = 0 AND {$comments_arch_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_emails . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'MailContents'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $cfn . ")"; } } // Conacts and Companies if (module_enabled("contacts")) { $fn = ''; $fn2 = ''; if ($filterName != '') { $fn = " AND firstname LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; $fn2 = " AND name LIKE '%" . $filterName . "%'"; } // companies $permissions = ' AND ( ' . permissions_sql_for_listings(Companies::instance(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, logged_user(), '`project_id`', '`co`') . ')'; if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Companies") { $res['Companies'] = "SELECT 'Companies' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` as `oid`, {$order_crit_companies} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "companies` `co` WHERE " . $trashed_cond . " AND {$archived_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_companies . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'Companies'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $fn2; } $res['CompaniesComments'] = "SELECT 'Comments' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_comments} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `rel_object_manager` = 'Companies' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `co`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "companies` `co` WHERE `trashed_by_id` = 0 AND {$comments_arch_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_documents . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'Companies'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $cfn . ")"; // contacts $permissions = ' AND ( ' . permissions_sql_for_listings(Contacts::instance(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, logged_user(), '`project_id`', '`co`') . ')'; if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Contacts") { $res['Contacts'] = "SELECT 'Contacts' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_contacts} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "contacts` `co` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND {$archived_cond} AND {$proj_cond_contacts} " . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'Contacts'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $fn; } $res['ContactsComments'] = "SELECT 'Comments' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_comments} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "comments` WHERE {$trashed_cond} AND `rel_object_manager` = 'Contacts' AND `rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `co`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "contacts` `co` WHERE `trashed_by_id` = 0 AND {$comments_arch_cond} AND " . $proj_cond_documents . str_replace('= `object_manager_value`', "= 'Contacts'", $tag_str) . $permissions . $cfn . ")"; } // Workspaces (only for archived objects view) if ($archived) { if ($filterManager == '' || $filterManager == "Projects") { $res['Projects'] = "SELECT 'Projects' AS `object_manager_value`, `id` AS `oid`, {$order_crit_workspaces} AS `order_value` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "projects` `co` WHERE `completed_on` <> " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `id` IN (" . logged_user()->getWorkspacesQuery() . ")"; } } if ($count) { foreach ($res as $p => $q) { $res[$p] = "SELECT count(*) AS `quantity`, '{$p}' AS `objectName` FROM ( {$q} ) `table_alias`"; } } return $res; }
function export_to_csv_file() { $this->setTemplate('csv_export'); $type = array_var($_GET, 'type', array_var($_SESSION, 'import_type', 'contact')); //type of import (contact - company) tpl_assign('import_type', $type); if (!isset($_SESSION['import_type']) || $type != $_SESSION['import_type'] && $type != '') { $_SESSION['import_type'] = $type; } if ($type == 'contact') { $checked_fields = array_var($_POST, 'check_contact'); } else { $checked_fields = array_var($_POST, 'check_company'); } if (is_array($checked_fields)) { $titles = ''; $imp_type = array_var($_SESSION, 'import_type', 'contact'); if ($imp_type == 'contact') { $field_names = Contacts::getContactFieldNames(); foreach ($checked_fields as $k => $v) { if (isset($field_names["contact[{$k}]"]) && $v == 'checked') { $titles .= $field_names["contact[{$k}]"] . ','; } } $titles = substr_utf($titles, 0, strlen_utf($titles) - 1) . "\n"; } else { $field_names = Companies::getCompanyFieldNames(); foreach ($checked_fields as $k => $v) { if (isset($field_names["company[{$k}]"]) && $v == 'checked') { $titles .= $field_names["company[{$k}]"] . ','; } } $titles = substr_utf($titles, 0, strlen_utf($titles) - 1) . "\n"; } $filename = rand() . '.tmp'; $handle = fopen(ROOT . '/tmp/' . $filename, 'wb'); fwrite($handle, $titles); $project = active_project(); if ($project instanceof Project) { $pids = $project->getAllSubWorkspacesQuery(true); } $wsConditions = null; $tag_str = null; $tag = array_var($_GET, 'active_tag'); if (array_var($_SESSION, 'import_type', 'contact') == 'contact') { if (isset($pids)) { $wsConditions = Contacts::getWorkspaceString($pids); } if (isset($tag) && $tag && $tag != '') { $tag_str = " EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "tags` `t` WHERE `tag` = " . DB::escape($tag) . " AND `co`.`id` = `t`.`rel_object_id` AND `t`.`rel_object_manager` = 'Contacts') "; } $conditions = $wsConditions ? $wsConditions . ($tag_str ? " AND {$tag_str}" : '') : $tag_str; $conditions .= ($conditions == "" ? "" : " AND ") . "`archived_by_id` = 0" . ($conditions ? " AND {$conditions}" : ""); $contacts = Contacts::instance()->getAllowedContacts($conditions); foreach ($contacts as $contact) { fwrite($handle, $this->build_csv_from_contact($contact, $checked_fields) . "\n"); } } else { if (isset($pids)) { $wsConditions = Companies::getWorkspaceString($pids); } if (isset($tag) && $tag && $tag != '') { $tag_str = " EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "tags` `t` WHERE `tag` = " . DB::escape($tag) . " AND `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "companies`.`id` = `t`.`rel_object_id` AND `t`.`rel_object_manager` = 'Companies') "; } $conditions = $wsConditions ? $wsConditions . ($tag_str ? " AND {$tag_str}" : '') : $tag_str; $conditions .= ($conditions == "" ? "" : " AND ") . "`archived_by_id` = 0" . ($conditions ? " AND {$conditions}" : ""); $companies = Companies::getVisibleCompanies(logged_user(), $conditions); foreach ($companies as $company) { fwrite($handle, $this->build_csv_from_company($company, $checked_fields) . "\n"); } } fclose($handle); $_SESSION['contact_export_filename'] = $filename; flash_success($imp_type == 'contact' ? lang('success export contacts') : lang('success export companies')); } else { unset($_SESSION['contact_export_filename']); return; } }