case 'get-file': case 'gf': if (count($argv) == 3) { Command_Line::quit('Missing parameter for the file number'); } Command_Line::getFile($client, $auth, $issue_id, $argv[3]); break; case 'close': Command_Line::closeIssue($client, $auth, $issue_id); break; // email related commands // email related commands case 'list-emails': case 'le': // lists all emails for the given issue Command_Line::listEmails($client, $auth, $issue_id); break; case 'get-email': case 'ge': // views an email if (count($argv) == 3) { Command_Line::quit('Missing parameter for the email number'); } if (@$argv[4] == '--full') { $full = true; } else { $full = false; } Command_Line::printEmail($client, $auth, $issue_id, $argv[3], $full); break; // note related commands