コード例 #1
ファイル: ClickController.php プロジェクト: A-Lawrence/VASOPS
 public function get_click($id)
     //Are we even working with a number?
     if (!is_numeric($id)) {
         //Yikes let's get the hell out of here
         App::abort(404, 'Invalid click link');
     //Now to pull our VA record or fail
     $va = User::find($id);
     if (empty($va)) {
         return Redirect::to('/')->with('topmessage', 'Sorry, that VA URL could not be located. Please try again and open a ticket if you continue experiencing the same issue.');
     //Great a VA exists, let's make sure to add one to their clicks if this IP hasn't added a click within the last minute.
     $existingClick = Click::where('ip', '=', Request::getClientIp())->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->first();
     if (!empty($existingClick)) {
         $lastClickByIp = strtotime($existingClick->created_at);
         if (time() - $lastClickByIp > 60) {
             //No click found by the same IP in the last 60 seconds thus we should add this one
             $click = new Click();
             $click->vid = $id;
             $click->ip = Request::getClientIp();
     } else {
         //No click found by that same IP at all. Let's insert into the DB
         $click = new Click();
         $click->vid = $id;
         $click->ip = Request::getClientIp();
     //Finally redirect the user to the VA URL
     return Redirect::to($va->url);
コード例 #2
ファイル: advertiser.php プロジェクト: vNative/vnative
  * @before _secure
 public function campaign($id)
     $ad = \Ad::first(['_id' => $id, 'org_id' => $this->org->_id]);
     if (!$ad) {
     $this->seo(["title" => $ad->title]);
     $view = $this->getActionView();
     if (RM::post("action")) {
         // action value already checked in _postback func
         $this->_postback('add', ['ad' => $ad]);
     if (RM::type() === 'DELETE') {
     $start = RM::get("start", date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-7 day")));
     $end = RM::get("end", date('Y-m-d'));
     $limit = RM::get("limit", 10);
     $page = RM::get("page", 1);
     $query = ['adid' => Db::convertType($id), 'created' => Db::dateQuery($start, $end)];
     $clicks = \Click::all($query, [], 'created', 'desc', $limit, $page);
     $count = \Click::count($query);
     $cf = Utils::getConfig("cf", "cloudflare");
     $view->set("domain", $cf->api->domain)->set("clicks", $clicks)->set("count", $count)->set('advertiser', $this->user);
     $comms = Commission::all(["ad_id = ?" => $id], ['model', 'coverage', 'revenue', 'description']);
     $models = ArrayMethods::arrayKeys($comms, 'model');
     $advertiser = User::first(["id = ?" => $ad->user_id], ['name']);
     $categories = \Category::all(["org_id = ?" => $this->org->_id], ['name', '_id']);
     $this->_postback('show', ['ad' => $ad]);
     $view->set("ad", $ad)->set("comms", $comms)->set("categories", $categories)->set("advertiser", $advertiser)->set('models', $models)->set("start", $start)->set("end", $end);
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.php プロジェクト: vNative/vnative
 public function bounceRate()
     $this->willRenderLayoutView = $this->willRenderActionView = false;
     $output = function () {
         $name = APP_PATH . '/public/assets/img/_blue.gif';
         $fp = fopen($name, 'rb');
         header("Content-Type: image/gif");
         header("Content-Length: " . filesize($name));
     $clickId = RequestMethods::get('ckid');
     $link = base64_decode(RequestMethods::get('link', ''));
     $ref = RequestMethods::get('ref');
     if (!$clickId || $link === false) {
         return $output();
     // Find cookie from DB
     $click = Click::first(['_id' => $clickId], ['adid', 'cookie', 'pid']);
     if (!$click) {
         return $output();
     $search = ['cookie' => $click->cookie, 'url' => $link, 'adid' => $click->adid, 'pid' => $click->pid];
     $pageView = PageView::first($search);
     if (!$pageView) {
         $pageView = new PageView($search);
         $pageView->view = 0;
コード例 #4
 public function index()
     $vin = Input::get('vin', '');
     $vehicle = Vehicle::where('vin', '=', $vin)->first();
     $dealer = Dealer::where('id', '=', $vehicle->dealer)->first();
     $click = new Click();
     $click->vin = $vehicle->vin;
     $click->dealer = $dealer->dealer;
     $click->state = $vehicle->state;
     $click->datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $click->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $click->paid = $vehicle->paid;
     $dealer->current_clicks = $dealer->current_clicks + 1;
     if ($vehicle->paid > 0) {
         $dealer->paid_clicks = $dealer->paid_clicks + 1;
     if ($dealer->active == 1 && $dealer->monthly_clicks <= $dealer->paid_clicks) {
         $dealer->active = 0;
         DB::table('vehicle')->where('dealer', $dealer->id)->update(array('paid' => 0, 'modified' => 1));
     return Redirect::to($vehicle->url);
コード例 #5
 public function clicked()
     try {
         $inputs = [];
         foreach (Input::all() as $key => $value) {
             $inputs[strtolower($key)] = Input::get($key);
         $apicall_id = explode('@', $inputs['message-id'])[0];
         if ($inputs['tag'] != 'Password Recovery') {
             $analytic = Analytic::whereRecipient($inputs['recipient'])->whereApicallId($apicall_id)->first();
             $click = Click::whereEmailId($analytic->email_id)->whereSubscriberId($analytic->subscriber_id)->whereUrl($inputs['url'])->count();
             if (!$click) {
                 $click = new Click();
                 $click->email_id = $analytic->email_id;
                 $click->subscriber_id = $analytic->subscriber_id;
                 $click->url = $inputs['url'];
                 if ($analytic->client_name == NULL) {
                     $analytic->ip = $inputs['ip'];
                     $analytic->country = $inputs['country'];
                     $analytic->city = $inputs['city'];
                     $analytic->client_name = $inputs['client-name'];
                     $analytic->client_type = $inputs['client-type'];
                     $analytic->client_os = $inputs['client-os'];
                     $analytic->device_type = $inputs['device-type'];
                     $analytic->reason = "disabled images";
         return Response::json(['success'], 200);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return Response::json(['error'], 406);
コード例 #6
ファイル: VaController.php プロジェクト: A-Lawrence/VASOPS
 public function get_va()
     //Pull our users VA data
     $record = User::where('cid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->first();
     //        //Figure out what the last 4 months are and append -1 for the first day of the month
     //        $month = date('Y-m');
     //        $month .= '-1';
     //        $month1before = date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month'));
     //        $month1before .= '-1';
     //        $month2before = date('Y-m', strtotime('-2 month'));
     //        $month2before .= '-1';
     //        $month3before = date('Y-m', strtotime('-3 month'));
     //        $month3before .= '-1';
     //        //Convert to unix time stamps to compare with the DB
     //        $month = strtotime($month);
     //        $month1before = strtotime($month1before);
     //        $month2before = strtotime($month2before);
     //        $month3before = strtotime($month3before);
     //        //Now let's store our month names in an array
     //        $clicks = array();
     //        $clicks['month_name'] = date("F", $month);
     //        $clicks['month1before_name'] = date("F", $month1before);
     //        $clicks['month2before_name'] = date("F", $month2before);
     //        $clicks['month3before_name'] = date("F", $month3before);
     //        //Count the data in the DB
     //        //Where data is greater than the first of this month and is associated with our logged in user.
     //        $month = Click::where('created_at', '>=', $month)->where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //        //Where data is greater than the first of last month, but less than the first of this month and is associated with our logged in user.
     //        $month1before = Click::where('created_at', '>=', $month1before)->where('created_at', '<', $month)->where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //        //You get the point :)
     //        $month2before = Click::where('created_at', '>=', $month2before)->where('created_at', '<', $month1before)->where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //        $month3before = Click::where('created_at', '>=', $month3before)->where('created_at', '<', $month2before)->where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //        //Add to our clicks array.
     //        $clicks['month'] = $month;
     //        $clicks['month1before'] = $month1before;
     //        $clicks['month2before'] = $month2before;
     //        $clicks['month3before'] = $month3before;
     //Let's just keep it simple for now and get the total number of clicks
     $clicks = Click::where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->count();
     //Pull our ticket information
     $opentickets = Ticket::where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->where('status', '=', '1')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get();
     $openticketscount = count($opentickets);
     $closedtickets = Ticket::where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->where('status', '=', '0')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get();
     $closedticketscount = count($closedtickets);
     //Create our array
     $tickets = array();
     $tickets['opentickets'] = $opentickets;
     $tickets['opentickets_count'] = $openticketscount;
     $tickets['closedtickets'] = $closedtickets;
     $tickets['closedtickets_count'] = $closedticketscount;
     //Pull our replies
     $tickets_request = Ticket::where('vid', '=', Auth::user()->get()->cid)->get();
     $tids = array();
     foreach ($tickets_request as $ticket_request) {
         $tid = $ticket_request->id;
         $tids[$tid] = $tid;
     if (!empty($tids)) {
         $replies = TicketReply::whereIn('tid', $tids)->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC')->get();
     } else {
         $replies = '';
     $tickets['replies'] = $replies;
     //Pull our Category data
     $categories = Category::where('hidden', '!=', 1)->get();
     //Check to see if there is a banner if so provide the source for it
     if ($record->banner) {
         $banner = User::getBannerUrl(Auth::user()->get()->cid);
     } else {
         //No banner we will set this as false so the views no not to try and display it.
         $banner = FALSE;
     //Get our news
     $news = News::orderBy("updated_at", "DESC")->get();
     //Create our view with the VA, clicks, categories and tickets data.
     return View::make('va')->with(array('news' => $news, 'record' => $record, 'clicks' => $clicks, 'tickets' => $tickets, 'categories' => $categories, 'banner' => $banner));
コード例 #7
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: vNative/vnative
 public function delete()
     $deleteList = ['Link', 'Platform', 'Ad', 'Performance', 'Invoice', 'Adaccess'];
     $query = ['user_id' => $this->_id];
     $delete = false;
     switch ($this->_type) {
         case 'publisher':
             $clicks = Click::count(['pid' => $this->_id]);
             if ($clicks !== 0) {
                 return false;
             $delete = true;
         case 'advertiser':
             $ads = Ad::all(['user_id' => $this->_id], ['_id']);
             if (count($ads) === 0) {
                 $delete = true;
             } else {
                 $in = array_keys($ads);
                 $in = Db::convertType($in, 'id');
                 $clickCount = Click::count(['adid' => ['$in' => $in]]);
                 if ($clickCount === 0) {
                     Commission::deleteAll(['ad_id' => ['$in' => $in]]);
                     $delete = true;
     if ($delete) {
         foreach ($deleteList as $table) {
     return $delete;
コード例 #8
ファイル: publisher.php プロジェクト: vNative/vnative
 private function _reportspub($query, $start, $end, $limit, $page)
     $view = $this->getActionView();
     $dateQuery = Utils::dateQuery(['start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
     $links = \Link::all($query, [], 'created', 'desc', $limit, $page);
     $count = \Link::count($query);
     $query["created"] = Db::dateQuery($start, $end);
     $performances = \Performance::all($query, ['created', 'clicks', 'revenue'], 'created', 'desc');
     $in = [];
     foreach ($links as $l) {
         // only find clicks for the ads whose links are created
         $in[] = Utils::mongoObjectId($l->ad_id);
     // find clicks
     $clickCol = Registry::get("MongoDB")->clicks;
     $records = Db::query('Click', ['adid' => ['$in' => $in], 'is_bot' => false, 'pid' => $query['user_id'], 'created' => $query['created']], ['adid', 'country']);
     $view->set(['limit' => $limit, 'page' => $page, 'count' => $count, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'links' => $links, 'performances' => $performances, 'clicks' => Click::classify($records, 'adid'), 'commission' => $this->user->commission(), 'dq' => $query['created']]);
コード例 #9
 function exportAction()
     // make sure we have a valid ID
     $id = AF::get($this->params, 'id', FALSE);
     if (!$id) {
         throw new AFHttpException(0, 'no_id');
     $connectionModel = new Fulfillment();
     $model0 = new FulfillmentField();
     $model1 = new FulfillmentFields('FulfillmentField');
     $model2 = new Order();
     $model3 = new Payment();
     $model4 = new Click();
     // grab fields assigned to fulfillment_id
     $assignedFields = $model1->getFulfillmentFieldsByFulfillmentId($id);
     $assignColumns = array();
     $assignedOColumns = array();
     $assignedPColumns = array();
     $assignedCColumns = array();
     foreach ($assignedFields as $af) {
         $assignColumns[] = $af['fulfillment_field_column'];
         if ($af['fulfillment_field_model'] == 'order') {
             $assignedOColumns[] = $af['fulfillment_field_column'];
         } else {
             if ($af['fulfillment_field_model'] == 'payment') {
                 $assignedPColumns[] = $af['fulfillment_field_column'];
             } else {
                 if ($af['fulfillment_field_model'] == 'click') {
                     $assignedCColumns[] = $af['fulfillment_field_column'];
     // build fieldsArray to be used in the "default" export columns selection.  don't include fields that are already assigned
     $fields = $model1->getFulfillmentFieldsByFulfillmentId(0);
     $fieldsArray = array();
     $parentsArray = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if ($field['fulfillment_field_model'] == 'parent') {
             $parentsArray[] = array("fulfillment_field_column" => $field['fulfillment_field_column'], "fulfillment_field_name" => $field['fulfillment_field_name'], "fulfillment_field_model" => $field['fulfillment_field_model'], "checked" => false, "fulfillment_field_rank" => '', "fulfillment_field_static" => '');
         } else {
             if (!in_array($field['fulfillment_field_column'], $assignColumns)) {
                 $fieldsArray[] = array("fulfillment_field_column" => $field['fulfillment_field_column'], "fulfillment_field_name" => $field['fulfillment_field_name'], "fulfillment_field_model" => $field['fulfillment_field_model'], "checked" => false, "fulfillment_field_rank" => '', "fulfillment_field_static" => '');
         // , "rank"=>$idex++
     // build orderFieldsArray to be used in the "additional order" export columns selection.  don't include fields that are already assigned
     $oFields = $model2->attributeLabels();
     $oKeys = array_keys($oFields);
     $oFieldsArray = array();
     foreach ($oKeys as $field) {
         if (!in_array($field, $assignedOColumns)) {
             $oFieldsArray[] = array("fulfillment_field_column" => $field, "fulfillment_field_name" => $oFields[$field], "fulfillment_field_model" => 'order', "checked" => false, "fulfillment_field_rank" => '', "fulfillment_field_static" => '');
         // , "rank"=>$idex++
     // build paymentFieldsArray to be used in the "additional payment" export columns selection.  don't include fields that are already assigned
     $pFields = $model3->attributeLabels();
     $pKeys = array_keys($pFields);
     $pFieldsArray = array();
     foreach ($pKeys as $field) {
         if (!in_array($field, $assignedPColumns)) {
             $pFieldsArray[] = array("fulfillment_field_column" => $field, "fulfillment_field_name" => $pFields[$field], "fulfillment_field_model" => 'payment', "checked" => false, "fulfillment_field_rank" => '', "fulfillment_field_static" => '');
         // , "rank"=>$idex++
     // build cFieldsArray to be used in the "additional click" export columns selection.  don't include fields that are already assigned
     $cFields = $model4->attributeLabels();
     $cKeys = array_keys($cFields);
     $cFieldsArray = array();
     foreach ($cKeys as $field) {
         if (!in_array($field, $assignedCColumns)) {
             $cFieldsArray[] = array("fulfillment_field_column" => $field, "fulfillment_field_name" => $cFields[$field], "fulfillment_field_model" => 'click', "checked" => false, "fulfillment_field_rank" => '', "fulfillment_field_static" => '');
         // , "rank"=>$idex++
     // preload the JQX assets
     $this->render('export', array('model' => $model0, 'connectionModel' => $connectionModel, 'defaultFields' => $fieldsArray, 'assignedFields' => $assignedFields, 'orderFields' => $oFieldsArray, 'paymentCCFields' => $pFieldsArray, 'clickFields' => $cFieldsArray, 'parentFields' => $parentsArray));
コード例 #10
 private function buildClick($cid = null)
     $this->click = new Click();
     // if a click id is already present, check the details against the post
     if ($cid && $this->click->fillFromDbPk($cid)) {
         if (isset($this->post['hit_id']) && $this->click->hit_id != $this->post['hit_id']) {
             $this->click = new Click();
     // is there a click id?
     if (!empty($this->post['click_id']) && is_numeric($this->post['click_id'])) {
         // is there a click record?
         if ($this->click->fillFromDbPk($this->post['click_id'])) {
             // check to see if click camp details match
             if ($this->campaign->campaign_id != $this->click->campaign_id) {
                 // reset click and continue
                 $this->click = new Click();
                 $this->post['hit_id'] = $this->post['click_id'];
                 $this->post['click_id'] = '';
                 //$this->apiError('error5 - Invalid campaign/click info');
         } else {
             // there's a click_id, but it does not belong to LJ3.  disregard info
             $this->post['hit_id'] = $this->post['click_id'];
             $this->post['click_id'] = '';
     // is click empty?
     if (!$this->click->getPkValue()) {
         $this->click->created = $this->click->updated = 'NOW():sql';
         //date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         // check validity of
         // HOW TO HANDLE 3rd Party AFIDs?  is the afid called something different
         if (isset($this->post['AFID']) && strlen($this->post['AFID']) && !isset($this->post['aff_id'])) {
             // did it work?  remove AFID then
             if ($this->click->aff_id) {
                 $this->click->AFID = '';
         $cookie_name = 's' . $this->click->campaign_id;
         $expire = time() + 3600 * 24 * 100;
         if (isset($this->cookie[$cookie_name])) {
             $old_click_id = $this->cookie[$cookie_name];
             // check the ID
             $c = new Click();
             if ($c->getPkValue()) {
                 // is this click from a different affiliate?  if so, don't use the old cookie click
                 if ($c->aff_id == $this->click->aff_id) {
                     setcookie($cookie_name, $old_click_id, $expire, "/");
         if (!$this->click->save()) {
             $this->apiError('click error ' . $this->click->geterrors2string());
         setcookie($cookie_name, $this->click->click_id, $expire, "/");
コード例 #11
ファイル: ad.php プロジェクト: vNative/vnative
  * Overrides the parent delete method to check for clicks on the
  * ad before deleting it
 public function delete()
     $id = Utils::mongoObjectId($this->_id);
     $count = \Click::count(['adid' => $id]);
     if ($count !== 0) {
         return ['message' => 'Can not delete!! Campaign contain clicks', 'success' => false];
     \Commission::deleteAll(['ad_id' => $id]);
     \Link::deleteAll(['ad_id' => $id]);
     return ['message' => 'Campaign removed successfully!!', 'success' => true];
コード例 #12
ファイル: auth.php プロジェクト: vNative/vnative
 protected function perf($clicks, $arr, $dq = [])
     $perf = new Performance();
     $commissions = [];
     $classify = \Click::classify($clicks, 'adid');
     foreach ($classify as $key => $value) {
         $countryWise = \Click::classify($value, 'country');
         foreach ($countryWise as $country => $records) {
             $adClicks = count($records);
             $updateData = [];
             $extra = array_merge($arr, $dq);
             $info = \Commission::campaignRate($key, $commissions, $country, $extra);
             $earning = \Ad::earning($info, $adClicks);
             \Framework\ArrayMethods::copy($earning, $updateData);
     return $perf;
コード例 #13
ファイル: cron.php プロジェクト: vNative/vnative
 protected function _performance($date = null)
     if (!$date) {
         $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'));
     $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'));
     // find the publishers
     $publishers = \User::all(['type = ?' => 'publisher', 'live = ?' => true], ['_id', 'email', 'meta', 'org_id']);
     $dq = ['start' => $date, 'end' => $date];
     $dateQuery = Utils::dateQuery($dq);
     $start = $dateQuery['start'];
     $end = $dateQuery['end'];
     // store AD commission info
     $commInfo = [];
     $orgs = [];
     $advPerfs = [];
     $advertisers = [];
     $adsInfo = [];
     foreach ($publishers as $p) {
         $org = \Organization::find($orgs, $p->org_id);
         // find the clicks for the publisher
         $clicks = Db::query('Click', ['pid' => $p->_id, 'is_bot' => false, 'created' => Db::dateQuery($date, $date)], ['adid', 'country', 'device', 'os', 'referer']);
         $perf = Performance::exists($p, $date);
         // classify the clicks according to AD ID
         $classify = \Click::classify($clicks, 'adid');
         $countryWise = $deviceWise = $osWise = $refWise = [];
         foreach ($classify as $key => $value) {
             $ad = \Ad::find($adsInfo, $key, ['user_id', 'url']);
             $advert = Usr::find($advertisers, $ad->user_id, ['_id', 'meta', 'email', 'org_id']);
             $advertPerf = Usr::findPerf($advPerfs, $advert, $date);
             $countries = \Click::classify($value, 'country');
             foreach ($countries as $country => $records) {
                 $updateData = [];
                 $adClicks = count($records);
                 ArrayMethods::counter($countryWise, $country, $adClicks);
                 $pComm = \Commission::campaignRate($key, $commInfo, $country, array_merge(['type' => 'both', 'publisher' => $p], $dq));
                 $earning = \Ad::earning($pComm, $adClicks);
                 ArrayMethods::copy($earning, $updateData);
                 $updateData['profit'] = $updateData['revenue'] - $updateData['payout'];
                 $updateData['revenue'] = $updateData['payout'];
                 $aComm = \Commission::campaignRate($key, $commInfo, $country, array_merge(['type' => 'advertiser'], $dq));
                 $updateData = [];
                 $earning = \Ad::earning($aComm, $adClicks);
                 ArrayMethods::copy($earning, $updateData);
             $deviceWise = Click::classifyInfo(['clicks' => $value, 'type' => 'device', 'arr' => $deviceWise]);
             $osWise = Click::classifyInfo(['clicks' => $value, 'type' => 'os', 'arr' => $osWise]);
             $refWise = Click::classifyInfo(['clicks' => $value, 'type' => 'referer', 'arr' => $refWise]);
         $msg = 'Performance saved for user: '******' with clicks: ' . $perf->clicks . ' impressions: ' . $perf->impressions;
         $splitCountry = ArrayMethods::topValues($countryWise);
         $splitCountry['rest'] = array_sum($countryWise) - array_sum($splitCountry);
         $meta = ['country' => $splitCountry, 'device' => ArrayMethods::topValues($deviceWise, count($deviceWise)), 'os' => ArrayMethods::topValues($osWise, count($osWise)), 'referer' => ArrayMethods::topValues($refWise, count($refWise))];
         $perf->meta = $meta;
     foreach ($advPerfs as $key => $perf) {
         $msg = 'Saving performance for advertiser: ' . $key . ' with clicks: ' . $perf->clicks . ' earning: ' . $perf->revenue . ' impressions: ' . $perf->impressions;
コード例 #14
 public function savexi()
     $data = Input::all();
     $data['openid'] = Session::get('openid') ? Session::get('openid') : null;
     $save = array('openid' => $data['openid'], 'score' => $data['sub'], 'time' => $data['score']);
     if ($data['openid'] != null) {
         $num = Click::where('openid', '=', $data['openid'])->count();
         if ($num != 0) {
             $info = Click::where('openid', '=', $data['openid'])->first();
             if ($save['score'] > $info['score']) {
                 Click::where('openid', '=', $data['openid'])->update($save);
                 $id = Click::where('openid', '=', $data['openid'])->first();
             } elseif ($save['score'] == $info['score'] && $save['time'] < $info['time']) {
                 Click::where('openid', '=', $data['openid'])->update($save);
                 $id = Click::where('openid', '=', $data['openid'])->first();
             } else {
                 $id = Click::create($save);
                 $uid = $id['id'];
                 $paiming = DB::select("SELECT rowno as list FROM (SELECT id,score,time,(@rowno:=@rowno+1) as rowno FROM `click`, (SELECT (@rowno:=0)) a ORDER BY score DESC, time ASC )b WHERE id = {$uid} limit 1");
                 return $paiming;
         } else {
             $id = Click::create($save);
     } else {
         $id = Click::create($save);
     $uid = $id['id'];
     $paiming = DB::select("SELECT rowno as list FROM (SELECT id,score,time,(@rowno:=@rowno+1) as rowno FROM `click`, (SELECT (@rowno:=0)) a ORDER BY score DESC, time ASC )b WHERE id = {$uid} limit 1");
     return $paiming;
コード例 #15
if (!$Login->is_user_logged_in("logged_in")) {
    //if user is not logged in then show login, register, and recover_password options
    //link to search bar
    echo "<a href=\"search/search.php\"> Search on this site </a> </br>";
    echo "<a href='login_user/login.php'> Login </a> </br>";
    echo "<a href='register_account/register.php'> Register new account </a> </br>";
    echo "<a href='recover_password/recover_password.php'> Recover password </a> </br>";
if ($Login->is_user_logged_in("logged_in")) {
    //greet user
    echo "<p style=\"display:inline\">Hello</p> <p style=\"display:inline\" class='thread_by'> {$_SESSION["logged_in"]} </p> </br>";
    //link to search bar
    echo "<a href=\"search/search.php\"> Search on this site </a> </br>";
    echo "<a href=\"login_user/logout.php\"> Logout </a> </br>";
    echo "<a href=\"user_profile.php\"> My profile </a> </br>";
    echo "<a href=\"chatbox/chat_box.php\"> Join chat </a> </br>";
    //If user is logged in(session exists), we're going to check if user is admin.
    //..checks if user is admin
    if ($Login->is_user_admin()) {
        echo "<a href=\"admin/admin_cp.php\"> Admin control panel </a> </br>";
//Shows categories and other things.
//instantiating Click class.
$click_tracker = new Click($conn);
//Calling store_clicks();
//Calling show_hits_amount(), this shows the amount your site has been hit.
echo "</br> </br> </br> </br> </br> <p  style='background-color:yellow; color:black; width:300px'>Forum script by <a href='https://github.com/phpdevsami/samforum'> samforum S. Samiuddin</a> </p>";
コード例 #16
 public function getOrderDetails()
     $shippingAddress = new FullAddress();
     $billingAddress = new FullAddress();
     $customer = new Customer();
     $click = new Click();
     $click->allFIelds = true;
     $date = new DateTime();
     // DateTime($this->created);
     return array('orderId' => $this->order_id, 'billFirst' => $billingAddress->fname, 'billLast' => $billingAddress->lname, 'billAddress1' => $billingAddress->address1, 'billAddress2' => $billingAddress->address2, 'billCity' => $billingAddress->city, 'billState' => $billingAddress->state_name, 'billZip' => $billingAddress->zip, 'billCountry' => $billingAddress->country_name, 'billPhone' => $billingAddress->phone, 'billEmail' => $customer->email, 'shipFirst' => $shippingAddress->fname, 'shipLast' => $shippingAddress->lname, 'shipAddress1' => $shippingAddress->address1, 'shipAddress2' => $shippingAddress->address2, 'shipCity' => $shippingAddress->city, 'shipState' => $shippingAddress->state_name, 'shipZip' => $shippingAddress->zip, 'shipCountry' => $shippingAddress->country_name, 'shipPhone' => $shippingAddress->phone, 'shipEmail' => $customer->email, 'orderTotal' => sprintf("%.2f", $this->amount_product + $this->amount_shipping), 'dateOfSale' => $date->format('Y-m-d'), 'timeOfSale' => $date->format('H:i:s'), 'ipAddress' => $this->getip_formatted(), 'aff_id' => $click->aff_id === NULL ? '' : $click->aff_id, 'AFID' => $click->aff_ref === NULL ? $click->AFID : $click->aff_ref, 'SID' => $click->SID === NULL ? '' : $click->SID, 'c1' => $click->c1 === NULL ? '' : $click->c1, 'c2' => $click->c2 === NULL ? '' : $click->c2, 'c3' => $click->c3 === NULL ? '' : $click->c3, 'click_id' => $click->click_id, 'hit_id' => $click->hit_id);
コード例 #17
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: vNative/vnative
 public static function livePerf($user, $s = null, $e = null)
     $start = $end = date('Y-m-d');
     $type = $user->type ?? '';
     if ($s) {
         $start = $s;
     if ($e) {
         $end = $e;
     $perf = new \Performance();
     $match = ['is_bot' => false, 'created' => Db::dateQuery($start, $end)];
     switch ($user->type) {
         case 'publisher':
             $match['pid'] = Db::convertType($user->_id);
         case 'advertiser':
             $ads = \Ad::all(['user_id' => $user->_id], ['_id']);
             $keys = array_keys($ads);
             $match['adid'] = ['$in' => Db::convertType($keys)];
             return $perf;
     $results = $commissions = [];
     $records = self::_livePerfQuery($match);
     foreach ($records as $r) {
         $obj = Utils::toArray($r);
         $adid = Utils::getMongoID($obj['_id']);
         $results[$adid] = $obj;
     $comms = Db::query('Commission', ['ad_id' => ['$in' => array_keys($results)]], ['ad_id', 'rate', 'revenue', 'model', 'coverage']);
     $comms = \Click::classify($comms, 'ad_id');
     foreach ($comms as $adid => $value) {
         $value = array_map(function ($v) {
             $v["ad_id"] = Utils::getMongoID($v["ad_id"]);
             return (object) $v;
         }, Utils::toArray($value));
         $commissions[$adid] = \Commission::filter($value);
     foreach ($results as $adid => $obj) {
         $comms = $commissions[$adid];
         foreach ($obj['countries'] as $value) {
             $country = $value['country'];
             $clicks = $value['count'];
             $commission = \Commission::campaignRate($adid, $comms, $country, ['type' => $type, "{$type}" => $user, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'commFetched' => true]);
             $updateData = [];
             $earning = \Ad::earning($commission, $clicks);
             AM::copy($earning, $updateData);
     return $perf;
コード例 #18
 public function get_stats()
     //Todo in progress
     $clicks = Click::all();
     $totalcount = $clicks->count();
     //Yes this is really messy.....
     $uniqueclicks = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ip) FROM clicks"));
     foreach ($uniqueclicks[0] as $uc) {
     return View::make('console.stats')->with(array("uniqueclicks" => $uc, "count" => $totalcount));