コード例 #1
     * Displays the random-image widget.
     * @uses ClassBlogs_Plugins_RandomImage to get a random image to display
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        $instance = $this->maybe_apply_instance_defaults($instance);
        $plugin = ClassBlogs::get_plugin('random_image');
        $image = $plugin->get_random_image();
        if ($image) {
            $this->start_widget($args, $instance);
            // If the image is associated with a specific post, provide a link
            // to the post.  If it has no post linkages, show a link to the blog.
            if ($image->post_id) {
                $post_link = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(get_permalink($image->post_id)), esc_html(get_post($image->post_id)->post_title));
                // Show a link to a post on a blog when running in multisite
                // mode, or a link to the post by a particular user when not
                if (ClassBlogs_Utils::is_multisite()) {
                    $caption = sprintf(__('From the post %1$s on %2$s', 'classblogs'), $post_link, sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(ClassBlogs_NXTClass::get_blogaddress_by_id($image->blog_id)), esc_html(ClassBlogs_NXTClass::get_blog_option($image->blog_id, 'blogname'))));
                } else {
                    $user = get_userdata($image->user_id);
                    $caption = sprintf(__('From the post %1$s by %2$s', 'classblogs'), $post_link, sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(get_author_posts_url($image->user_id)), esc_html($user->display_name)));
            } else {
                // Show a link to the source blog when running in multisite mode,
                // or show the image's title when not
                if (ClassBlogs_Utils::is_multisite()) {
                    $caption = sprintf(__('From the blog %s', 'classblogs'), sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(ClassBlogs_NXTClass::get_blogaddress_by_id($image->blog_id)), esc_html(ClassBlogs_NXTClass::get_blog_option($image->blog_id, 'blogname'))));
                } else {
                    $caption = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url($image->url), esc_attr($image->title));
            // Display the link to the image with an appropriate caption
						<a href="%1$s"><img src="%1$s" alt="%2$s" title="%2$s" width="80%%" /></a>
						<br />
				</ul>', esc_url($image->url), esc_attr($image->title), $caption);
コード例 #2
  * Updates the student-blogs widget.
  * @uses ClassBlogs_Plugins_StudentBlogList to clear the blog cache
 public function update($new, $old)
     // Update the widget options
     $instance = $old;
     $instance['display'] = ClassBlogs_Utils::sanitize_user_input($new['display']);
     $instance['title'] = ClassBlogs_Utils::sanitize_user_input($new['title']);
     // Clear the cached blog list and return the new instance
     $plugin = ClassBlogs::get_plugin('student_blogs');
     return $instance;
コード例 #3
  * Displays the sitewide tag cloud widget.
  * @uses ClassBlogs_Plugins_Aggregation_SitewideTags to get all sitewide tags
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     $instance = $this->maybe_apply_instance_defaults($instance);
     $plugin = ClassBlogs::get_plugin('sitewide_tags');
     $most_usage = $plugin->get_max_usage_count();
     $least_usage = $plugin->get_min_usage_count();
     if (!$most_usage && !$least_usage) {
     $this->start_widget($args, $instance);
     $most_usage = max($most_usage, $instance['min_usage']);
     $least_usage = max($least_usage, $instance['min_usage']);
     $max_font = $instance['max_font_size'];
     $min_font = $instance['min_font_size'];
     // Display each tag as a weighted link a list
     echo "<div class='tagcloud'>";
     foreach ($plugin->get_tags_for_tag_cloud($instance['min_usage']) as $tag) {
         printf('<a class="tag-link" href="%s" rel="tag" title="%s" style="font-size: %dpt;">%s</a> ', esc_url($tag->url), esc_attr(sprintf(_n('%d topic', '%d topics', $tag->count), $tag->count)), $min_font + floor(($tag->count - $least_usage) / max($most_usage - $least_usage, 1) * ($max_font - $min_font)), esc_html($tag->name));
     echo "</div>";
コード例 #4
  * Updates the sitewide comments widget.
  * @uses ClassBlogs_Plugins_Aggregation_SitewideComments to clear the cached widget
 public function update($new, $old)
     // Update the widget options
     $instance = $old;
     $instance['max_comments'] = absint(ClassBlogs_Utils::sanitize_user_input($new['max_comments']));
     $instance['max_comments_per_blog'] = absint(ClassBlogs_Utils::sanitize_user_input($new['max_comments_per_blog']));
     $instance['meta_format'] = ClassBlogs_Utils::sanitize_user_input($new['meta_format']);
     $instance['show_excerpt'] = ClassBlogs_Utils::checkbox_as_bool($new, 'show_excerpt');
     $instance['title'] = ClassBlogs_Utils::sanitize_user_input($new['title']);
     // Clear the cached sidebar widget
     $plugin = ClassBlogs::get_plugin('sitewide_comments');
     return $instance;
コード例 #5
  * Calculates the number of words produced by a student in the given date window.
  * @param  int    $user_id    the ID of the user
  * @param  object $start_dt   a DateTime of the start date
  * @param  object $end_dt     a DateTime of the end date
  * @return int                the number of words produced by the student
  * @uses ClassBlogs_Plugins_Aggregation_SitewidePosts to get all sitewide posts
  * @uses ClassBlogs_Plugins_Aggregation_SitewideComments to get all sitewide comments
  * @access private
  * @since 0.1
 private function _get_word_count_for_student($user_id, $start_dt, $end_dt)
     $words = 0;
     // Be explicit about the times of the given dates, making the start date
     // begin at midnight an the end date end at one second before midnight
     $start_dt->setTime(0, 0, 0);
     $end_dt->setTime(23, 59, 59);
     // Start with the word counts from the posts
     $sitewide_posts = ClassBlogs::get_plugin('sitewide_posts');
     $posts = $sitewide_posts->filter_posts($user_id, $start_dt, $end_dt);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $words += $this->_get_word_count_for_text($post->post_content);
     // Add the word count from all comments
     $sitewide_comments = ClassBlogs::get_plugin('sitewide_comments');
     $comments = $sitewide_comments->filter_comments($user_id, $start_dt, $end_dt);
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $words += $this->_get_word_count_for_text($comment->comment_content);
     return $words;
コード例 #6
  * Populates the YouTube playlist from the videos in all posts on the site.
  * @access private
  * @since 0.4
 private function _sync_playlist()
     $plugin = ClassBlogs::get_plugin('sitewide_posts');
     if (!empty($plugin)) {
         // Create records of all videos used
         foreach ($plugin->get_sitewide_posts() as $post) {
         // Request information on all added videos from YouTube
コード例 #7
 * Returns the number of comments that a student has left
 * @param  int    $user_id the user ID of a student
 * @return string          the number of comments left by the student
function classblogging_get_total_comments_for_student($user_id)
    $sitewide_comments = ClassBlogs::get_plugin('sitewide_comments');
    return $sitewide_comments->get_total_comments_for_student($user_id);