public function executeIndex() { ChatHelper::info(__METHOD__ . ': Method called'); global $wgUser, $wgFavicon, $wgOut, $wgHooks, $wgSitename; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); // String replacement logic taken from includes/Skin.php $this->wgFavicon = str_replace('', '', $wgFavicon); $this->mainPageURL = Title::newMainPage()->getLocalURL(); // add messages (fetch them using <script> tag) JSMessages::enqueuePackage('Chat', JSMessages::EXTERNAL); // package defined in Chat_setup.php $this->jsMessagePackagesUrl = JSMessages::getExternalPackagesUrl(); // Variables for this user $this->username = $wgUser->getName(); $this->avatarUrl = AvatarService::getAvatarUrl($this->username, ChatController::CHAT_AVATAR_DIMENSION); // Find the chat for this wiki (or create it, if it isn't there yet). $this->roomId = (int) NodeApiClient::getDefaultRoomId(); // we overwrite here data from redis since it causes a bug DAR-1532 $this->roomName = $wgSitename; $this->roomTopic = wfMsg('chat-default-topic', $wgSitename); $this->chatkey = Chat::echoCookies(); // Set the hostname of the node server that the page will connect to. $chathost = ChatHelper::getChatConfig('ChatHost'); $server = explode(":", $chathost); $this->nodeHostname = $server[0]; $this->nodePort = $server[1]; $chatmain = ChatHelper::getServer('Main'); $this->nodeInstance = $chatmain['serverId']; // Some building block for URLs that the UI needs. $this->pathToProfilePage = Title::makeTitle(!empty($this->wg->EnableWallExt) ? NS_USER_WALL : NS_USER_TALK, '$1')->getFullURL(); $this->pathToContribsPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Contributions', '$1')->getFullURL(); $this->bodyClasses = ""; if ($wgUser->isAllowed('chatmoderator')) { $this->isChatMod = 1; $this->bodyClasses .= ' chat-mod '; } else { $this->isChatMod = 0; } // Adding chatmoderator group for other users. CSS classes added to body tag to hide/show option in menu. $userChangeableGroups = $wgUser->changeableGroups(); if (in_array('chatmoderator', $userChangeableGroups['add'])) { $this->bodyClasses .= ' can-give-chat-mod '; } // set up global js variables just for the chat page $wgHooks['MakeGlobalVariablesScript'][] = array($this, 'onMakeGlobalVariablesScript'); $wgOut->getResourceLoader()->getModule('mediawiki'); $ret = implode("\n", array($wgOut->getHeadLinks(null, true), $wgOut->buildCssLinks(), $wgOut->getHeadScripts(), $wgOut->getHeadItems())); $this->globalVariablesScript = $ret; //Theme Designer stuff $themeSettingObj = new ThemeSettings(); $themeSettings = $themeSettingObj->getSettings(); $this->themeSettings = $themeSettings; $this->wordmarkThumbnailUrl = ''; if ($themeSettings['wordmark-type'] == 'graphic') { $title = Title::newFromText($themeSettings['wordmark-image-name'], NS_FILE); if ($title) { $image = wfFindFile($title); if ($image) { $this->wordmarkThumbnailUrl = $image->createThumb(self::CHAT_WORDMARK_WIDTH, self::CHAT_WORDMARK_HEIGHT); } } if (empty($this->wordmarkThumbnailUrl)) { $this->wordmarkThumbnailUrl = WikiFactory::getLocalEnvURL($themeSettings['wordmark-image-url']); } } // CONN-436: Invalidate Varnish cache for ChatRail:GetUsers ChatRailController::purgeMethod('GetUsers', ['format' => 'json']); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }