コード例 #1
 public function writeln(Charcoal_LogMessage $msg)
     // フォーマット
     $out = parent::formatMessage($msg) . PHP_EOL;
     // エンコーディング変換
     $conv = Charcoal_EncodingConverter::fromString($this->getSandbox(), 'PHP', 'CLI');
     $out = $conv->convert($out);
     // 画面出力
     echo $out;
コード例 #2
 public function writeln(Charcoal_String $level, Charcoal_String $message, Charcoal_String $file, Charcoal_Integer $line)
     $level = $level->getValue();
     $message = $message->getValue();
     $file = $file->getValue();
     $line = $line->getValue();
     $window_id = $this->_window_id;
     if ($this->_window_open === FALSE) {
         $html_code = Profile::getString(s('HTML_CODE'));
         echo '<script language="JavaScript">' . PHP_EOL;
         echo "var w_{$window_id} = window.open('', {$window_id}, 'toolbar=no,scrollbars,width=600,height=650');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('<html><head>');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset={$html_code}\">');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('<style type=\"text/css\">');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('* { font-family: Courier New; font-size: 8pt; }');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('td.b0 { background-color:#ffffff; }');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('td.b1 { background-color:#CFCFCF; }');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('th { border-bottom: #4169e1 3px solid; }');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('h2 { font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold; }');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('</style>');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('</head><body>');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('<table border=0 cellspacing=0>');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('<tr><th>Date</th><th>Level</th><th>Message</th><th>File</th><th>Line</th></tr>');" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "</script>" . PHP_EOL;
         $this->_window_open = TRUE;
     $time = date("y/m/d H:i:s");
     $file = basename($file);
     // 変数展開(PHP5.2.0以前との互換のため)
     $message = System::toString($message);
     // エンコーディング変換
     $conv = Charcoal_EncodingConverter::fromString($this->getSandbox(), 'PHP', 'HTML');
     $message = $conv->convertEncoding(s($message));
     // ¥を/に変換
     $message = str_replace('\\', '/', $message);
     // 画面出力
     $message = h($message);
     $clazz = 'b' . $this->_line % 2;
     $msg = '<tr>';
     $msg .= '<td class="' . $clazz . '">' . $time . '</td>';
     $msg .= '<td class="' . $clazz . '" style="text-align:center">' . $level . '</td>';
     $msg .= '<td class="' . $clazz . '">' . $message . '</td>';
     $msg .= '<td class="' . $clazz . '">' . $file . '</td>';
     $msg .= '<td class="' . $clazz . '">' . $line . '</td>';
     $msg .= '</tr>';
     echo '<script language="JavaScript">' . PHP_EOL;
     echo "w_{$window_id}.document.writeln('{$msg}');" . PHP_EOL;
     echo '</script>' . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #3
 private function _prepareExecute(Charcoal_String $sql, Charcoal_Vector $params = NULL)
     $timer_handle = Charcoal_Benchmark::start();
     $flag = new Charcoal_ErrorReportingSwitcher(0, E_DEPRECATED);
     $sql = $sql->getValue();
     //print "SQL:$sql start<BR>";
     $conv = Charcoal_EncodingConverter::fromString($this->getSandbox(), 'DB', 'PHP');
     $log_params = $conv->convertArray(v($params));
     $log_message = "[SQL]" . $sql . ($params ? " [params]" . implode(",", $log_params) : '');
     log_debug("sql,debug", $log_message);
     //print "SQL:$sql<BR>";
             for( $i=0; $i<count($params); $i++ ){
                 $p1 = $params[$i];
                 if ( is_string($p1) ){
                     $params[$i] = $p1;
     $stmt = $this->_connection->prepareExecute($sql);
     if (DB::isError($stmt)) {
         $msg = $stmt->getMessage() . "(" . $stmt->getCode() . ")";
         log_error("system", $msg);
         log_error("sql,debug", "...FAILED: {$msg}");
         _throw(new Charcoal_DBDataSourceException($msg));
     $params = $params ? $params->toArray() : array();
     $result = $this->_connection->execute($stmt, $params);
     if (DB::isError($result)) {
         $msg = $result->getMessage();
         log_error("system", $msg);
         log_error("sql,debug", "...FAILED: {$msg}");
         _throw(new Charcoal_DBDataSourceException($msg));
     if (is_object($result)) {
         $numRows = $result->numRows();
         log_debug("sql,debug", "...success(numRows={$numRows})");
     } else {
         $numRows = null;
         log_debug("sql,debug", "...success({$result})");
     // ログ
     $elapse = Charcoal_Benchmark::stop($timer_handle);
     log_debug('sql,debug', "prepareExecute() end. time=[{$elapse}]sec.");
     return $result;
コード例 #4
  * process event
  * @param Charcoal_IEventContext $context
  * @return boolean|Charcoal_Boolean
 public function processEvent($context)
     /** @var ShowTableEvent $event */
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     // get event parameters
     $db_name = $event->getDatabase();
     $table_name = $event->getTable();
     /** @var Charcoal_SmartGateway $gw */
     $gw = $context->getComponent('smart_gateway@:charcoal:db');
     // confirm if the table exists
     $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ? ";
     $params = array($table_name, $db_name);
     $count = $gw->queryValue(NULL, $sql, $params);
     if ($count < 1) {
         print "[ERROR] Specified table '{$table_name}' does not exist in schema: '{$db_name}'. Maybe table name is wrong?" . PHP_EOL;
         return b(true);
     print "Showing table information." . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     print "=========================================" . PHP_EOL;
     print "Table description: {$table_name}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     // Retrieve column information
     $sql .= " FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ? ";
     $params = array($table_name, $db_name);
     $colmn_attr_list = $gw->query(NULL, $sql, $params);
     // get max length
     $field_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_NAME', 'Field Name');
     $type_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_TYPE', 'Type');
     $null_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'IS_NULLABLE', 'Null');
     $key_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_KEY', 'Key');
     $default_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_DEFAULT', 'Default');
     $extra_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'EXTRA', 'Extra');
     $comment_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_COMMENT', 'Comment');
     print "null_max_width: {$null_max_width}\n";
     print "key_max_width: {$key_max_width}\n";
     print str_pad("Field Name", $field_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Type", $type_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Null", $null_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Key", $key_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Default", $default_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Extra", $extra_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Comment", $comment_max_width + 1) . PHP_EOL;
     $line_width = $field_max_width + $type_max_width + $null_max_width + $key_max_width + $default_max_width + $extra_max_width + $comment_max_width + 15;
     print str_repeat("-", $line_width) . PHP_EOL;
     $conv = Charcoal_EncodingConverter::fromString($this->getSandbox(), 'DB', 'CLI');
     foreach ($colmn_attr_list as $colmn_attr) {
         $field = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_NAME'];
         $type = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_TYPE'];
         $null = $colmn_attr['IS_NULLABLE'];
         $key = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_KEY'];
         $default = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_DEFAULT'];
         $extra = $colmn_attr['EXTRA'];
         $comment = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_COMMENT'];
         $comment = $conv->convert($comment);
         $field = str_pad($field, $field_max_width + 1);
         $type = str_pad($type, $type_max_width + 1);
         $null = str_pad($null, $null_max_width + 1);
         $key = str_pad($key, $key_max_width + 1);
         $default = str_pad($default, $default_max_width + 1);
         $extra = str_pad($extra, $extra_max_width + 1);
         $comment = str_pad($comment, $comment_max_width + 1);
         print "{$field} {$type} {$null} {$key} {$default} {$extra} {$comment}" . PHP_EOL;
     print PHP_EOL . "Done." . PHP_EOL;
     return b(true);
コード例 #5
  * Initialize instance
  * @param Charcoal_Config $config   configuration data
 public function configure($config)
     $this->log_format = $config->getString('log_format', self::DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT);
     $this->converter = Charcoal_EncodingConverter::fromString($this->getSandbox(), 'PHP', 'LOG');
コード例 #6
  * generate table model file
  * @param string $table_name
  * @param array $colmn_attr_list
  * @param string $table_model_class_name
  * @param string $table_dto_class_name
  * @param string $out_dir
 private function generateTableModelFile($table_name, $colmn_attr_list, $table_model_class_name, $table_dto_class_name, $out_dir)
     $lines = NULL;
     $lines[] = "<?php";
     $lines[] = "/**";
     $lines[] = " *   (Auto Generated Class)";
     $lines[] = " *   {$table_model_class_name} class";
     $lines[] = " *   ";
     $lines[] = " *   this is a table mondel class for the DB table: {$table_name}";
     $lines[] = " *   ";
     $lines[] = " *   generated by CharcoalPHP ver." . Charcoal_Framework::getVersion();
     $lines[] = " */";
     $lines[] = "class {$table_model_class_name} extends Charcoal_DefaultTableModel";
     $lines[] = "{";
     $lines[] = "    public \$___table_name      = '{$table_name}';";
     $lines[] = "";
     $conv = Charcoal_EncodingConverter::fromString($this->getSandbox(), 'DB', 'PHP');
     foreach ($colmn_attr_list as $colmn_attr) {
         $field = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_NAME'];
         $type = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_TYPE'];
         $null = $colmn_attr['IS_NULLABLE'];
         $key = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_KEY'];
         $default = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_DEFAULT'];
         $extra = $colmn_attr['EXTRA'];
         $comment = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_COMMENT'];
         $spaces = str_repeat(" ", self::SPACE_COUNT - strlen($field));
         // make field spec
         $fieldspec = array('@field', '@type:' . $type);
         $is_nullable = strtolower($null) == 'yes' ? true : false;
         $has_default = strlen($default) !== 0 ? true : false;
         $is_primary_key = strtolower($key) == "pri" ? true : false;
         $is_auto_increment = strtolower($extra) == 'auto_increment' ? true : false;
         $is_created_date = strtolower($field) == 'created_date' ? true : false;
         $is_modified_date = strtolower($field) == 'modified_date' ? true : false;
         if (!$is_nullable) {
             $fieldspec[] = '@notnull';
         if ($has_default) {
             $fieldspec[] = '@default:' . $default;
         if ($is_auto_increment) {
             $fieldspec[] = '@serial';
         if ($is_primary_key) {
             $fieldspec[] = '@pk';
             $fieldspec[] = '@insert:' . ($is_auto_increment ? 'no' : 'value');
             $fieldspec[] = '@update:no';
         } elseif ($is_created_date) {
             $fieldspec[] = '@insert:function[now]';
             $fieldspec[] = '@update:no';
         } elseif ($is_modified_date) {
             $fieldspec[] = '@insert:function[now]';
             $fieldspec[] = '@update:function[now]';
         } else {
             $fieldspec[] = '@insert:value';
             $fieldspec[] = '@update:value';
         if (!empty($comment)) {
             $fieldspec[] = '@comment:' . $conv->convert($comment);
         // make line
         $line = "    public \${$field}{$spaces}= '" . implode(' ', $fieldspec) . "';";
         $lines[] = $line;
     $lines[] = "";
     $lines[] = "    /**";
     $lines[] = "     * returns new DTO";
     $lines[] = "     * ";
     $lines[] = "     * @param array \$values";
     $lines[] = "     * ";
     $lines[] = "     * @return {$table_dto_class_name}";
     $lines[] = "     */";
     $lines[] = "    public function createDTO( \$values = array() )";
     $lines[] = "    {";
     $lines[] = "        return new {$table_dto_class_name}( \$values );";
     $lines[] = "    }";
     $lines[] = "}";
     $file_name = $table_model_class_name . ".class.php";
     $outfile = new Charcoal_File($file_name, $out_dir);
     Charcoal_FileSystemUtil::outputFile($outfile, $lines);
     print "{$outfile} was successfully generated." . PHP_EOL;