コード例 #1
$finder = sfPropelFinder::from('Category')->
  select(array('Id','Name'), sfModelFinder::SIMPLE);
$category = $finder->findOne();
$t->is_deeply(array_keys($category), array(0, 1), 'The row returned by findOne() called after select(array, sfModelFinder::SIMPLE) is an array with numeric keys');
$t->is($category[0], $category1->getId(), 'The row returned by findOne() called after select(array, sfModelFinder::SIMPLE) is an array where the values are the requested column values');
$t->is($category[1], $category1->getName(), 'The row returned by findOne() called after select(array, sfModelFinder::SIMPLE) is an array where the values are the requested column values');

/* sfPropelFinder::select() and withColumn() */

$t->diag('sfPropelFinder::select() and withColumn()');

$category1 = new Category();
$category2 = new Category();
$article1 = new Article();
$article2 = new Article();
$article3 = new Article();