コード例 #1
 * Render select category control
 * Supported paramteres:
 * - all HTML attributes
 * - project - Parent project, required
 * - module - Module
 * - controller - Controller name
 * - value - ID of selected category
 * - optional - If false there will be no -- none -- option
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_select_category($params, &$smarty)
    static $ids = array();
    $project = array_var($params, 'project', null, true);
    if (!instance_of($project, 'Project')) {
        return new InvalidParamError('project', $project, 'Project parameter is required for select category helper and it needs to be an instance of Project class', true);
    // if
    $user = array_var($params, 'user', null, true);
    $module = trim(array_var($params, 'module', null, true));
    if ($module == '') {
        return new InvalidParamError('module', $module, 'Module parameter is required for select category helper', true);
    // if
    $controller = trim(array_var($params, 'controller', null, true));
    if ($controller == '') {
        return new InvalidParamError('controller', $controller, 'Controller parameter is required for select category helper', true);
    // if
    $id = array_var($params, 'id', null, true);
    if (empty($id)) {
        $counter = 1;
        do {
            $id = "select_category_{$counter}";
        } while (in_array($id, $ids));
    // if
    $params['id'] = $id;
    $value = array_var($params, 'value', null, true);
    $optional = array_var($params, 'optional', true, true);
    $options = array();
    if ($optional) {
        $options[] = option_tag(lang('-- None --'), '');
    // if
    $categories = Categories::findByModuleSection($project, $module, $controller);
    if (is_foreachable($categories)) {
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $option_attributes = array('class' => 'object_option');
            if ($category->getId() == $value) {
                $option_attributes['selected'] = true;
            // if
            $options[] = option_tag($category->getName(), $category->getId(), $option_attributes);
        // foreach
    // if
    if (instance_of($user, 'User') && Category::canAdd($user, $project)) {
        $params['add_object_url'] = Category::getQuickAddUrl($project, $controller, $module);
        $params['object_name'] = 'category';
        $params['add_object_message'] = lang('Please insert new category name');
        $options[] = option_tag('', '');
        $options[] = option_tag(lang('New Category...'), '', array('class' => 'new_object_option'));
    // if
    return select_box($options, $params) . '<script type="text/javascript">$("#' . $id . '").new_object_from_select();</script>';
コード例 #2
  * Show categories in this section
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function categories()
     $categories = Categories::findByModuleSection($this->active_project, $this->active_module, $this->getControllerName());
     if ($this->request->isApiCall()) {
         $this->serveData($categories, 'categories');
     } else {
         $this->setTemplate(array('module' => RESOURCES_MODULE, 'controller' => 'categories', 'template' => 'list'));
         $this->smarty->assign(array('categories' => $categories, 'can_add_category' => Category::canAdd($this->logged_user, $this->active_project)));
     // if