コード例 #1

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../config/config.inc.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../init.php';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../paypal.php';
// create an instance of the payment module
$paypal = new CartAPI_Module_PayPal();
// run the original module's hookpayment and ignore the result, this fills all the info in smarty
$params = array('cart' => $cart);
// output
$smarty->force_compile = true;
// remove after tpl debug
$smarty->display(dirname(__FILE__) . '/paypal.tpl');
コード例 #2

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../config/config.inc.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../init.php';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../paypal.php';
// code taken from modules/paypal/payment/submit.php displayConfirm(), to skip the extra confirmation page
if (!$cookie->isLogged()) {
    die('Error: not logged in');
$paypal = new CartAPI_Module_PayPal();
if ($cart->id_currency != $paypal->getCurrency((int) $cart->id_currency)->id) {
    $cart->id_currency = (int) $paypal->getCurrency((int) $cart->id_currency)->id;
    $cookie->id_currency = (int) $cart->id_currency;
$currency_id = $paypal->getCurrency((int) $cart->id_currency)->id;
Tools::redirect('modules/paypal/payment/submit.php?submitPayment=1&currency_payement=' . $currency_id . '&');
コード例 #3

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../config/config.inc.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../init.php';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../paypal.php';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/paypalpayment.php';
// code taken from modules/paypal/payment/submit.php validOrder(), to display errors nicely
echo '<h1>Paypal Error</h1>';
if (!$cookie->isLogged()) {
    die('Error: not logged in');
if (!isset($cookie->paypal_token) or !$cookie->paypal_token) {
    // before authorization, try to get the authorization error again
    $ppPayment = new CartAPI_Module_PayPalPayment();
    $result = $ppPayment->getAuthorisation();
    $logs = $ppPayment->getLogs();
    $ppPayment->displayPayPalAPIError($ppPayment->l('Authorisation to PayPal failed', 'submit'), $logs);
} else {
    // after authorization
    $paypal = new CartAPI_Module_PayPal();
    if (!($payerID = Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(strval(Tools::getValue('PayerID'))))) {
        die('Invalid payerID');
    $paypal->makePayPalAPIValidation($cookie, $cart, $cart->id_currency, $payerID, 'payment');