public function findLatestProductId($ids) { global $wpdb; $output = false; if (is_array($ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT id from ' . Cart66Common::getTableName('orders') . " WHERE account_id = '" . $this->account_id . "'"; $orders = $wpdb->get_col($sql); if (count($orders) > 0) { $orderIds = implode($orders, ','); $sql = 'SELECT product_id from ' . Cart66Common::getTableName('order_items') . " WHERE `order_id` IN ({$orderIds}) ORDER BY id desc"; $products = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if (count($products) > 0) { foreach ($products as $product) { $productIds[] = $product->product_id; if (in_array($product->product_id, $ids)) { Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] order item id: {$product->product_id} found in list of subscription products matching feature level and subscription name."); $output = $product->product_id; break; } } } } } return $output; }
public static function resendEmailFromLog($id) { $resendEmail = false; global $wpdb; $tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('email_log'); $sql = "SELECT * from {$tableName} where id = {$id}"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $r) { $resendEmail = Cart66Notifications::mail($r->to_email, $r->subject, $r->body, $r->headers); $email = new Cart66EmailLog(); $email_data = array('from_email' => $r->from_email, 'from_name' => $r->from_name, 'to_email' => $r->to_email, 'to_name' => $r->to_name, 'head' => array('headers' => $r->headers), 'subject' => $r->subject, 'msg' => $r->body, 'attachments' => $r->attachments, 'order_id' => $r->order_id); if (!$resendEmail) { if (Cart66Setting::getValue('log_resent_emails')) { $email->saveEmailLog($email_data, $r->email_type, $r->copy, 'RESEND FAILED'); } } else { if (Cart66Setting::getValue('log_resent_emails')) { $email->saveEmailLog($email_data, $r->email_type, $r->copy, 'RESEND SUCCESSFUL'); } } } } return $resendEmail; }
public static function getCartSettings() { global $wpdb; $out = "\n=====================\nCART SETTINGS\n=====================\n\n"; $cartTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('cart_settings'); $sql = "SELECT * from {$cartTable} order by `key`"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, OBJECT); foreach ($results as $row) { $out .= $row->key . ' = ' . $row->value . "\n"; } return $out; }
/** * Only save shipping methods if the carrier code combo does not exist. */ public function save() { $save = true; $shippingMethods = Cart66Common::getTableName('shipping_methods'); if (!empty($this->carrier) && !empty($this->code)) { $sql = "SELECT id from {$shippingMethods} where carrier=%s and code=%s"; $sql = $this->_db->prepare($sql, $this->carrier, $this->code); $id = $this->_db->get_var($sql); $save = $id === NULL; } if ($save) { parent::save(); } }
public static function exportOrders($startDate, $endDate) { global $wpdb; $start = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($startDate)); $end = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($endDate . ' + 1 day')); $orders = Cart66Common::getTableName('orders'); $items = Cart66Common::getTableName('order_items'); $orderHeaders = array('id' => __('Order ID', 'cart66'), 'trans_id' => __('Order Number', 'cart66'), 'ordered_on' => __('Date', 'cart66'), 'bill_first_name' => __('Billing First Name', 'cart66'), 'bill_last_name' => __('Billing Last Name', 'cart66'), 'bill_address' => __('Billing Address', 'cart66'), 'bill_address2' => __('Billing Address 2', 'cart66'), 'bill_city' => __('Billing City', 'cart66'), 'bill_state' => __('Billing State', 'cart66'), 'bill_country' => __('Billing Country', 'cart66'), 'bill_zip' => __('Billing Zip Code', 'cart66'), 'ship_first_name' => __('Shipping First Name', 'cart66'), 'ship_last_name' => __('Shipping Last Name', 'cart66'), 'ship_address' => __('Shipping Address', 'cart66'), 'ship_address2' => __('Shipping Address 2', 'cart66'), 'ship_city' => __('Shipping City', 'cart66'), 'ship_state' => __('Shipping State', 'cart66'), 'ship_country' => __('Shipping Country', 'cart66'), 'ship_zip' => __('Shipping Zip Code', 'cart66'), 'phone' => __('Phone', 'cart66'), 'email' => __('Email', 'cart66'), 'coupon' => __('Coupon', 'cart66'), 'discount_amount' => __('Discount Amount', 'cart66'), 'shipping' => __('Shipping Cost', 'cart66'), 'subtotal' => __('Subtotal', 'cart66'), 'tax' => __('Tax', 'cart66'), 'total' => __('Total', 'cart66'), 'ip' => __('IP Address', 'cart66'), 'shipping_method' => __('Delivery Method', 'cart66'), 'status' => __('Order Status', 'cart66')); $orderColHeaders = implode(',', $orderHeaders); $orderColSql = implode(',', array_keys($orderHeaders)); $out = $orderColHeaders . ",Form Data,Item Number,Description,Quantity,Product Price,Form ID\n"; $sql = "SELECT {$orderColSql} from {$orders} where ordered_on >= %s AND ordered_on < %s AND status != %s order by ordered_on"; $sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $start, $end, 'checkout_pending'); Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] SQL: {$sql}"); $selectedOrders = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); foreach ($selectedOrders as $o) { $itemRowPrefix = '"' . $o['id'] . '","' . $o['trans_id'] . '",' . str_repeat(',', count($o) - 3); $orderId = $o['id']; $sql = "SELECT form_entry_ids, item_number, description, quantity, product_price FROM {$items} where order_id = {$orderId}"; Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Item query: {$sql}"); $selectedItems = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); $out .= '"' . implode('","', $o) . '"'; $printItemRowPrefix = false; if (!empty($selectedItems)) { foreach ($selectedItems as $i) { if ($printItemRowPrefix) { $out .= $itemRowPrefix; } if ($i['form_entry_ids'] && CART66_PRO) { $i['form_id'] = $i['form_entry_ids']; $GReader = new Cart66GravityReader(); $i['form_entry_ids'] = $GReader->displayGravityForm($i['form_entry_ids'], true); $i['form_entry_ids'] = str_replace("\"", "''", $i['form_entry_ids']); } $i['description'] = str_replace(",", " -", $i['description']); $out .= ',"' . implode('","', $i) . '"'; $out .= "\n"; $printItemRowPrefix = true; } } else { $out .= "\n"; } } Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Report\n{$out}"); return $out; }
/** * Hide pages that the logged in user may not access */ public static function hideSubscriptionPages($featureLevel, $activeAccount = false) { global $wpdb; $hiddenPages = array(); $posts = Cart66Common::getTableName('posts', ''); $meta = Cart66Common::getTableName('postmeta', ''); $sql = "SELECT post_id, meta_value from {$meta} where meta_key='_cart66_subscription'"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if (count($results)) { foreach ($results as $m) { $requiredFeatureLevels = explode(',', $m->meta_value); if (!in_array($featureLevel, $requiredFeatureLevels) || !$activeAccount) { $hiddenPages[] = $m->post_id; Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Excluding page: " . $m->post_id); } } } return $hiddenPages; }
protected static function _deleteMe() { global $wpdb; $tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('sessions'); $sql = "DELETE from {$tableName} where id = %d"; $sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, self::$_data['id']); $wpdb->query($sql); }
public function loadByEmail($email) { $itemsTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('accounts'); $sql = "SELECT id from {$itemsTable} where email = '{$email}'"; $id = $this->_db->get_var($sql); $this->load($id); return $this->id; }
public static function showReportData() { global $wpdb; $orders = Cart66Common::getTableName('orders'); $reportData = array(); $sql = "SELECT sum(`total`) from {$orders}"; $lifetimeTotal = $wpdb->get_var($sql); $reportData[] = array("Total Sales", "total_sales", $lifetimeTotal); $sql = "SELECT count('id') from {$orders}"; $totalOrders = $wpdb->get_var($sql); $reportData[] = array("Total Orders", "total_orders", $totalOrders); $sql = "SELECT ordered_on from {$orders} order by id asc LIMIT 1"; $firstSaleDate = $wpdb->get_var($sql); $reportData[] = array("First Sale", "first_sale", $firstSaleDate); $sql = "SELECT ordered_on from {$orders} order by id desc LIMIT 1"; $lastSaleDate = $wpdb->get_var($sql); $reportData[] = array("Last Sale", "last_sale", $lastSaleDate); $postTypes = get_post_types('', 'names'); foreach ($postTypes as $postType) { if (!in_array($postType, array("post", "page", "attachment", "nav_menu_item", "revision"))) { $customPostTypes[] = $postType; } } $customPostTypes = empty($customPostTypes) ? "none" : implode(',', $customPostTypes); $reportData[] = array("Custom Post Types", "custom_post_types", $customPostTypes); $output = "First Sale: " . $firstSaleDate . "<br>"; $output .= "Last Sale: " . $lastSaleDate . "<br>"; $output .= "Total Orders: " . $totalOrders . "<br>"; $output .= "Total Sales: " . $lifetimeTotal . "<br>"; $output .= "Custom Post Types: " . $customPostTypes . "<br>"; $output .= "WordPress Version: " . get_bloginfo("version") . "<br>"; $output .= CART66_PRO ? "Cart66 Version: Pro " . Cart66Setting::getValue('version') . "<br>" : "Cart66 Version: " . Cart66Setting::getValue('version') . "<br>"; $output .= "PHP Version: " . phpversion() . "<br>"; //$output .= ": " . "" . "<br>"; return $output; }
public function deleteMe($resetInventory = false, $resetRedemptions = false) { if ($this->id > 0) { // Delete attached Gravity Forms if they exist $items = $this->getItems(); foreach ($items as $item) { if (!empty($item->form_entry_ids)) { $entryIds = explode(',', $item->form_entry_ids); if (is_array($entryIds)) { foreach ($entryIds as $entryId) { RGFormsModel::delete_lead($entryId); } } } } if ($resetInventory && Cart66Setting::getValue('track_inventory')) { $this->resetInventoryForItems(); } if ($resetRedemptions && $this->coupon != 'none') { $this->resetRedemptionsForCoupon(); } // Delete order items $orderItems = Cart66Common::getTableName('order_items'); $sql = "DELETE from {$orderItems} where order_id = {$this->id}"; $this->_db->query($sql); // Delete the order $sql = "DELETE from {$this->_tableName} where id = {$this->id}"; $this->_db->query($sql); } }
public function __construct($id = null) { $this->_tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('order_fulfillment'); parent::__construct($id); }
<?php if (CART66_PRO) { ?> <h3 style="margin-top: 40px;"><?php _e('Daily Income Totals', 'cart66'); ?> </h3> <?php global $wpdb; $data = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 42; $i++) { $dayStart = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('today -' . $i . ' days', Cart66Common::localTs())); $dayEnd = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime("{$dayStart} +1 day", Cart66Common::localTs())); $orders = Cart66Common::getTableName('orders'); $sql = "SELECT sum(`total`) from {$orders} where ordered_on > '{$dayStart}' AND ordered_on < '{$dayEnd}'"; $dailyTotal = $wpdb->get_var($sql); $data['days'][$i] = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($dayStart, Cart66Common::localTs())); $data['totals'][$i] = $dailyTotal; } ?> <table class="Cart66TableMed"> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['days']); $i++) { ?> <?php if ($i % 7 == 0) { echo '<tr>'; } ?>
} if (isset($_GET['duid'])) { $duid = $_GET['duid']; $product = new Cart66Product(); if ($product->loadByDuid($duid)) { $okToDownload = true; if ($product->download_limit > 0) { // Check if download limit has been exceeded $order_item_id = $product->loadItemIdByDuid($duid); if ($product->countDownloadsForDuid($duid, $order_item_id) >= $product->download_limit) { $okToDownload = false; } } if ($okToDownload) { $data = array('duid' => $duid, 'downloaded_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'order_item_id' => $product->loadItemIdByDuid($duid)); $downloadsTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('downloads'); $wpdb->insert($downloadsTable, $data, array('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')); $setting = new Cart66Setting(); if (!empty($product->s3Bucket) && !empty($product->s3File)) { require_once CART66_PATH . '/models/Cart66AmazonS3.php'; $link = Cart66AmazonS3::prepareS3Url($product->s3Bucket, $product->s3File, '1 minute'); wp_redirect($link); exit; } else { $dir = Cart66Setting::getValue('product_folder'); $path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $product->download_path; Cart66Common::downloadFile($path); } exit; } else { echo '<p>' . __("You have exceeded the maximum number of downloads for this product", "cart66") . '.</p>';
public static function promotionProductSearch() { global $wpdb; $search = Cart66Common::getVal('q'); $product = new Cart66Product(); $tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('products'); $products = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, name from {$tableName} WHERE name LIKE '%%%{$search}%%' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10"); $data = array(); foreach ($products as $p) { $data[] = array('id' => $p->id, 'name' => $p->name); } echo json_encode($data); die; }
public function __construct($id = null) { $this->_tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('pp_recurring_payments'); parent::__construct($id); }
function totalFromRange($start, $end) { global $wpdb; $tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('orders'); $sql = "SELECT sum(total) as total from {$tableName} where ordered_on > '{$start}' AND ordered_on < '{$end}'"; $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql, ARRAY_A); $output = $result ? (double) $result['total'] : "N/A"; return $output; }
public function saveTcoOrder() { global $wpdb; // NEW Parse custom value $referrer = false; $ouid = $_POST['custom']; if (strpos($ouid, '|') !== false) { list($ouid, $referrer) = explode('|', $ouid); } $order = new Cart66Order(); $order->loadByOuid($ouid); if ($order->id > 0 && $order->status == 'checkout_pending' && $_POST['total'] == $order->total) { $statusOptions = Cart66Common::getOrderStatusOptions(); $status = $statusOptions[0]; $data = array('bill_first_name' => $_POST['first_name'], 'bill_last_name' => $_POST['last_name'], 'bill_address' => $_POST['street_address'], 'bill_address2' => $_POST['street_address2'], 'bill_city' => $_POST['city'], 'bill_state' => $_POST['state'], 'bill_zip' => $_POST['zip'], 'bill_country' => $_POST['country'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'trans_id' => $_POST['order_number'], 'ordered_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', Cart66Common::localTs()), 'status' => $status); // Verify the first items in the IPN are for products managed by Cart66. It could be an IPN from some other type of transaction. $productsTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('products'); $orderItemsTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('order_items'); $sql = "SELECT id from {$productsTable} where item_number = '" . $_POST['li_0_product_id'] . "'"; $productId = $wpdb->get_var($sql); if (!$productId) { Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] about to throw an exception, this is not an IPN that should be managed by cart66 because the item number does not match up"); throw new Exception("This is not an IPN that should be managed by Cart66"); } $order->setData($data); $order->save(); $orderId = $order->id; // Handle email receipts if (CART66_PRO && CART66_EMAILS && Cart66Setting::getValue('enable_advanced_notifications') == 1) { $notify = new Cart66AdvancedNotifications($orderId); $notify->sendAdvancedEmailReceipts(); } elseif (CART66_EMAILS) { $notify = new Cart66Notifications($orderId); $notify->sendEmailReceipts(); } // Process affiliate reward if necessary if ($referrer && CART66_PRO) { Cart66Common::awardCommission($order->id, $referrer); // End processing affiliate information if (isset($_COOKIE['ap_id']) && $_COOKIE['ap_id']) { setcookie('ap_id', $referrer, time() - 3600, "/"); unset($_COOKIE['ap_id']); } Cart66Session::drop('app_id'); } if (CART66_PRO) { // Begin iDevAffiliate Tracking if (CART66_PRO && ($url = Cart66Setting::getValue('idevaff_url'))) { require_once CART66_PATH . "/pro/idevaffiliate-award.php"; } // End iDevAffiliate Tracking } wp_redirect(remove_query_arg('listener', Cart66Common::getCurrentPageUrl())); exit; } }
public static function loadProductsOutsideOfClass($select = '*', $where = 'id > 0', $orderBy = 'name') { $tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('products'); $sql = "SELECT {$select}\n from \n {$tableName} \n where\n {$where}\n order by\n {$orderBy}\n "; global $wpdb; $products = $wpdb->get_results($sql); return $products; }
?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Session Table Status', 'cart66'); ?> </th> <td> <?php global $wpdb; $wpdb->query('CHECK TABLE `' . Cart66Common::getTableName('sessions') . '` QUICK'); if ($wpdb->last_result[0]->Msg_text != "OK" && isset($_GET['sessions']) && $_GET['sessions'] == 'repair') { $wpdb->query('REPAIR TABLE `' . Cart66Common::getTableName('sessions') . '`'); $wpdb->query('CHECK TABLE `' . Cart66Common::getTableName('sessions') . '` QUICK'); } echo Cart66Setting::validateDebugValue($wpdb->last_result[0]->Msg_text, __("OK", "cart66")); if ($wpdb->last_result[0]->Msg_text != "OK") { ?> <a href="?page=cart66-settings&tab=debug_settings&sessions=repair" class="button-secondary"><?php _e('Repair Table', 'cart66'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
public function saveMijirehOrder($order_number) { global $wpdb; // Make sure the order is not already in the database $orders_table = Cart66Common::getTableName('orders'); $sql = "select id from {$orders_table} where trans_id = %s"; $sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $order_number); $order_id = $wpdb->get_var($sql); if (!$order_id) { // Save the order $order = new Cart66Order(); $cloud_order = $this->pullOrder($order_number); $order_data = $this->buildOrderDataArray($cloud_order); Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Order data: " . print_r($order_data, true)); $order_data = Cart66Common::deNullArrayValues($order_data); $order_id = $order->rawSave($order_data); // Save the order items $order_items_table = Cart66Common::getTableName('order_items'); foreach ($cloud_order['items'] as $key => $item) { $product = new Cart66Product(); $product->loadByItemNumber($item['sku']); $data = array('order_id' => $order_id, 'product_id' => $product->id, 'product_price' => $item['price'], 'item_number' => $item['sku'], 'description' => $item['name'], 'quantity' => $item['quantity'], 'duid' => md5($order_id . $item['sku'])); // Look for gravity forms data if (isset($cloud_order['meta_data'][$key]['gforms_' . $item['sku']])) { $data['form_entry_ids'] = $cloud_order['meta_data'][$key]['gforms_' . $item['sku']]; } $fIds = array(); if (isset($data['form_entry_ids'])) { $fIds = explode(',', $data['form_entry_ids']); if (is_array($fIds) && count($fIds)) { foreach ($fIds as $entryId) { if (class_exists('RGFormsModel')) { if ($lead = RGFormsModel::get_lead($entryId)) { $lead['status'] = 'active'; RGFormsModel::update_lead($lead); } } } } } $data = Cart66Common::deNullArrayValues($data); Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Trying to save this order item:" . print_r($data, true)); $wpdb->insert($order_items_table, $data); $order_item_id = $wpdb->insert_id; // Decrement inventory after sale if (Cart66Setting::getValue('track_inventory') == 1) { $option_info = ''; if (isset($cloud_order['meta_data']['options_' . $item['sku']])) { $option_info = $cloud_order['meta_data']['options_' . $item['sku']]; } Cart66Product::decrementInventory($data['product_id'], $option_info, $data['quantity']); } // Look for membership product upgrades/extensions if (isset($cloud_order['meta_data']['account_id']) && is_numeric($cloud_order['meta_data']['account_id'])) { $order->load($order_id); $account_id = $cloud_order['meta_data']['account_id']; if ($mp = $order->getMembershipProduct()) { $account = new Cart66Account(); $account->load($account_id); $account->attachMembershipProduct($mp, $account->firstName, $account->lastName); $order->account_id = $account->id; $order->save(); } } } //update the number of redemptions for the promotion code. if (Cart66Session::get('Cart66Promotion')) { Cart66Session::get('Cart66Promotion')->updateRedemptions(); } // Send email receipts if (CART66_PRO && CART66_EMAILS && Cart66Setting::getValue('enable_advanced_notifications') == 1) { $notify = new Cart66AdvancedNotifications($order_id); $notify->sendAdvancedEmailReceipts(); } elseif (CART66_EMAILS) { $notify = new Cart66Notifications($order_id); $notify->sendEmailReceipts(); } //Cart66Common::sendEmailReceipts($order_id); } // Redirect to receipt page $this->goToReceipt($order_id); }
public function updateMembershipProductIds() { global $wpdb; $output = false; // Check for subscriptions lacking a product id $sql = 'SELECT id from ' . Cart66Common::getTableName('account_subscriptions') . " WHERE product_id='0' OR product_id IS NULL"; $needyAccountSubscriptions = $wpdb->get_results($sql); Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] " . count($needyAccountSubscriptions) . " accounts found that need to have a product id updated."); if (count($needyAccountSubscriptions) > 0) { // accounts needing product id have been found foreach ($needyAccountSubscriptions as $accountId) { $account = new Cart66AccountSubscription($accountId->id); $accountProductId = $account->getProductId(); if ($accountProductId && !is_array($accountProductId)) { $account->updateProductId($accountProductId); Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Adding Product id: {$accountProductId} to account id: {$accountId->id} "); } elseif (is_array($accountProductId)) { $latestProductId = $account->findLatestProductId($accountProductId); Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Multiple products found for account {$accountId->id}"); if ($latestProductId) { Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Latest membership product id found, id: {$latestProductId}"); $account->updateProductId($latestProductId); } } else { $output[] = "The subscription id:{$accountId->id} belonging to {$account->billing_first_name} {$account->billing_last_name} does not have a product ID associated with it. This will prevent notifications from being sent out. Please <a href='" . Cart66Common::replaceQueryString('page=cart66-accounts&accountId=' . $account->account_id) . "'>edit the account</a> and select a product ID."; Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] No products were found matching the feature level and subscription plan name of the account id: {$accountId->id}"); } } } return $output; }
public function __construct($id = null) { $this->_tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('shipping_rules'); parent::__construct($id); }
public static function getSalesForMonth() { $thisMonth = Cart66Common::localTs(); $year = date('Y', "{$thisMonth}"); $month = date('n', "{$thisMonth}"); $orders = Cart66Common::getTableName('orders'); $orderItems = Cart66Common::getTableName('order_items'); $products = Cart66Common::getTableName('products'); $start = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($month . '/1/' . $year)); $end = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($month . '/1/' . $year . ' +1 month')); $sql = "SELECT \n, \n oi.description, \n oi.product_id, \n oi.product_price, \n o.ordered_on,\n oi.quantity\n from \n {$products} as p,\n {$orders} as o, \n {$orderItems} as oi \n where\n oi.product_id = and\n oi.order_id = and\n o.ordered_on >= '{$start}' and \n o.ordered_on < '{$end}'\n "; global $wpdb; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); return $results; }
/** * Save a PayPal IPN order from a Website Payments Pro cart sale. * * @param array $pp Urldecoded array of IPN key value pairs */ public function saveOrder($pp) { global $wpdb; // NEW Parse custom value $referrer = false; $ouid = $pp['custom']; if (strpos($ouid, '|') !== false) { list($ouid, $referrer, $gfData) = explode('|', $ouid); } $order = new Cart66Order(); $order->loadByOuid($ouid); if ($order->id > 0 && $order->status == 'checkout_pending') { $hasDigital = false; // Calculate subtotal $subtotal = 0; $numCartItems = $pp['num_cart_items'] > 0 ? $pp['num_cart_items'] : 1; for ($i = 1; $i <= $numCartItems; $i++) { // PayPal in not consistent in the way it passes back the item amounts $amt = 0; if (isset($pp['mc_gross' . $i])) { $amt = $pp['mc_gross' . $i]; } elseif (isset($pp['mc_gross_' . $i])) { $amt = $pp['mc_gross_' . $i]; } $subtotal += $amt; } $statusOptions = Cart66Common::getOrderStatusOptions(); $status = $statusOptions[0]; // Parse Gravity Forms ids $gfIds = array(); if (!empty($gfData)) { $forms = explode(',', $gfData); foreach ($forms as $f) { list($itemId, $formEntryId) = explode(':', $f); $gfIds[$itemId] = $formEntryId; } } // Look for discount amount $discount = 0; if (isset($pp['discount'])) { $discount = $pp['discount']; } $data = array('bill_first_name' => $pp['first_name'], 'bill_last_name' => $pp['last_name'], 'bill_address' => $pp['address_street'], 'bill_city' => $pp['address_city'], 'bill_state' => $pp['address_state'], 'bill_zip' => $pp['address_zip'], 'bill_country' => $pp['address_country'], 'ship_first_name' => $pp['address_name'], 'ship_address' => $pp['address_street'], 'ship_city' => $pp['address_city'], 'ship_state' => $pp['address_state'], 'ship_zip' => $pp['address_zip'], 'ship_country' => $pp['address_country'], 'email' => $pp['payer_email'], 'phone' => $pp['contact_phone'], 'shipping' => $pp['mc_handling'], 'tax' => $pp['tax'], 'subtotal' => $subtotal, 'total' => $pp['mc_gross'], 'discount_amount' => $discount, 'trans_id' => $pp['txn_id'], 'ordered_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', Cart66Common::localTs()), 'status' => $status); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = is_null($value) ? '' : $value; } // Verify the first items in the IPN are for products managed by Cart66. It could be an IPN from some other type of transaction. $productsTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('products'); $orderItemsTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('order_items'); $sql = "SELECT id from {$productsTable} where item_number = '" . $pp['item_number1'] . "'"; $productId = $wpdb->get_var($sql); if (!$productId) { Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] about to throw an exception, this is not an IPN that should be managed by cart66 because the item number does not match up"); throw new Exception("This is not an IPN that should be managed by Cart66"); } // Look for the 100% coupons shipping item and move it back to a shipping costs rather than a product if ($data['shipping'] == 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $numCartItems; $i++) { $itemNumber = strtoupper($pp['item_number' . $i]); if ($itemNumber == 'SHIPPING') { $data['shipping'] = isset($pp['mc_gross_' . $i]) ? $pp['mc_gross_' . $i] : $pp['mc_gross' . $i]; } } } $order->setData($data); $order->save(); $orderId = $order->id; // Handle email receipts if (CART66_PRO && CART66_EMAILS && Cart66Setting::getValue('enable_advanced_notifications') == 1) { $notify = new Cart66AdvancedNotifications($orderId); $notify->sendAdvancedEmailReceipts(); } elseif (CART66_EMAILS) { $notify = new Cart66Notifications($orderId); $notify->sendEmailReceipts(); } // Process affiliate reward if necessary if ($referrer && CART66_PRO) { Cart66Common::awardCommission($order->id, $referrer); // End processing affiliate information if (isset($_COOKIE['ap_id']) && $_COOKIE['ap_id']) { setcookie('ap_id', $referrer, time() - 3600, "/"); unset($_COOKIE['ap_id']); } Cart66Session::drop('app_id'); } if (CART66_PRO) { // Begin iDevAffiliate Tracking if (CART66_PRO && ($url = Cart66Setting::getValue('idevaff_url'))) { require_once CART66_PATH . "/pro/idevaffiliate-award.php"; } // End iDevAffiliate Tracking } } else { $orderTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('orders'); // Make sure the transaction id is not already in the database $sql = "SELECT count(*) as c from {$orderTable} where trans_id=%s"; $sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $pp['txn_id']); $count = $wpdb->get_var($sql); if ($count < 1) { $hasDigital = false; // Calculate subtotal $subtotal = 0; $numCartItems = $pp['num_cart_items'] > 0 ? $pp['num_cart_items'] : 1; for ($i = 1; $i <= $numCartItems; $i++) { // PayPal in not consistent in the way it passes back the item amounts $amt = 0; if (isset($pp['mc_gross' . $i])) { $amt = $pp['mc_gross' . $i]; } elseif (isset($pp['mc_gross_' . $i])) { $amt = $pp['mc_gross_' . $i]; } $subtotal += $amt; } $statusOptions = Cart66Common::getOrderStatusOptions(); $status = $statusOptions[0]; $ouid = md5($pp['txn_id'] . $pp['address_street']); // Parse custom value $referrer = false; $deliveryMethod = $pp['custom']; if (strpos($deliveryMethod, '|') !== false) { list($deliveryMethod, $referrer, $gfData, $coupon) = explode('|', $deliveryMethod); } // Parse Gravity Forms ids $gfIds = array(); if (!empty($gfData)) { $forms = explode(',', $gfData); foreach ($forms as $f) { list($itemId, $formEntryId) = explode(':', $f); $gfIds[$itemId] = $formEntryId; } } // Look for discount amount $discount = 0; if (isset($pp['discount'])) { $discount = $pp['discount']; } // Look for coupon code $coupon_code = "none"; if (isset($coupon) && $coupon != "") { $coupon_code = $coupon; } $data = array('bill_first_name' => $pp['first_name'], 'bill_last_name' => $pp['last_name'], 'bill_address' => $pp['address_street'], 'bill_city' => $pp['address_city'], 'bill_state' => $pp['address_state'], 'bill_zip' => $pp['address_zip'], 'bill_country' => $pp['address_country'], 'ship_first_name' => $pp['address_name'], 'ship_address' => $pp['address_street'], 'ship_city' => $pp['address_city'], 'ship_state' => $pp['address_state'], 'ship_zip' => $pp['address_zip'], 'ship_country' => $pp['address_country'], 'shipping_method' => $deliveryMethod, 'email' => $pp['payer_email'], 'phone' => $pp['contact_phone'], 'shipping' => $pp['mc_handling'], 'tax' => $pp['tax'], 'subtotal' => $subtotal, 'total' => $pp['mc_gross'], 'coupon' => $coupon_code, 'discount_amount' => $discount, 'trans_id' => $pp['txn_id'], 'ordered_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', Cart66Common::localTs()), 'status' => $status, 'ouid' => $ouid); $data = Cart66Common::deNullArrayValues($data); // Verify the first items in the IPN are for products managed by Cart66. It could be an IPN from some other type of transaction. $productsTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('products'); $orderItemsTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('order_items'); $sql = "SELECT id from {$productsTable} where item_number = '" . $pp['item_number1'] . "'"; $productId = $wpdb->get_var($sql); if (!$productId) { throw new Exception("This is not an IPN that should be managed by Cart66"); } // Look for the 100% coupons shipping item and move it back to a shipping costs rather than a product if ($data['shipping'] == 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $numCartItems; $i++) { $itemNumber = strtoupper($pp['item_number' . $i]); if ($itemNumber == 'SHIPPING') { $data['shipping'] = isset($pp['mc_gross_' . $i]) ? $pp['mc_gross_' . $i] : $pp['mc_gross' . $i]; } } } $wpdb->insert($orderTable, $data); $orderId = $wpdb->insert_id; $product = new Cart66Product(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $numCartItems; $i++) { $sql = "SELECT id from {$productsTable} where item_number = '" . $pp['item_number' . $i] . "'"; $productId = $wpdb->get_var($sql); if ($productId > 0) { $product->load($productId); // Decrement inventory $info = $pp['item_name' . $i]; if (strpos($info, '(') > 0) { $info = strrchr($info, '('); $start = strpos($info, '('); $end = strpos($info, ')'); $length = $end - $start; $variation = substr($info, $start + 1, $length - 1); Cart66Common::log("PayPal Variation Information: {$variation}\n{$info}"); } $qty = $pp['quantity' . $i]; Cart66Product::decrementInventory($productId, $variation, $qty); if ($hasDigital == false) { $hasDigital = $product->isDigital(); } // PayPal is not consistent in the way it passes back the item amounts $amt = 0; if (isset($pp['mc_gross' . $i])) { $amt = $pp['mc_gross' . $i]; } elseif (isset($pp['mc_gross_' . $i])) { $amt = $pp['mc_gross_' . $i] / $pp['quantity' . $i]; } // Look for Gravity Form Entry ID $formEntryId = ''; if (is_array($gfIds) && !empty($gfIds) && isset($gfIds[$i])) { $formEntryId = $gfIds[$i]; if (class_exists('RGFormsModel')) { if ($lead = RGFormsModel::get_lead($formEntryId)) { $lead['status'] = 'active'; RGFormsModel::update_lead($lead); } } } $duid = md5($pp['txn_id'] . '-' . $orderId . '-' . $productId); $data = array('order_id' => $orderId, 'product_id' => $productId, 'item_number' => $pp['item_number' . $i], 'product_price' => $amt, 'description' => $pp['item_name' . $i], 'quantity' => $pp['quantity' . $i], 'duid' => $duid, 'form_entry_ids' => $formEntryId); $wpdb->insert($orderItemsTable, $data); } } // Handle email receipts if (CART66_PRO && CART66_EMAILS && Cart66Setting::getValue('enable_advanced_notifications') == 1) { $notify = new Cart66AdvancedNotifications($orderId); $notify->sendAdvancedEmailReceipts(); } elseif (CART66_EMAILS) { $notify = new Cart66Notifications($orderId); $notify->sendEmailReceipts(); } $promotion = new Cart66Promotion(); $promotion->loadByCode($coupon_code); if ($promotion) { $promotion->updateRedemptions(); } // Process affiliate reward if necessary if ($referrer) { Cart66Common::awardCommission($orderId, $referrer); } } // end transaction id check } }
public static function getValue($key, $entities = false) { global $cart66Settings; if (isset($cart66Settings[$key])) { $value = $cart66Settings[$key]; } else { global $wpdb; $settingsTable = Cart66Common::getTableName('cart_settings'); $value = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `value` from {$settingsTable} where `key`='{$key}'"); $GLOBALS['cart66Settings'][$key] = $value; } if (!empty($value) && $entities) { $value = htmlentities($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } return empty($value) ? false : $value; }
public function __construct($id = null) { $this->_tableName = Cart66Common::getTableName('products'); parent::__construct($id); }
?> <li> <label class="med" for="subscription-gravity_form_id"><?php _e('Attach Gravity Form', 'cart66'); ?> :</label> <select name='subscription[gravity_form_id]' id="subscription-gravity_form_id"> <option value='0'><?php _e('None', 'cart66'); ?> </option> <?php global $wpdb; $gfIdsInUse = Cart66GravityReader::getIdsInUse(); $gfTitles = array(); $forms = Cart66Common::getTableName('rg_form', ''); $sql = "SELECT id, title from {$forms} where is_active=1 order by title"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); foreach ($results as $r) { $disabled = in_array($r->id, $gfIdsInUse) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ''; $gfTitles[$r->id] = $r->title; $selected = $data['subscription']->gravityFormId == $r->id ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; echo "<option value='{$r->id}' {$selected} {$disabled}>{$r->title}</option>"; } ?> </select> <span class="label_desc"><?php _e('A Gravity Form may only be linked to one product', 'cart66'); ?> </span> </li>
/** * Return an array of Gravity Form ids that are linked to Cart66 products * * @return array */ public static function getIdsInUse() { global $wpdb; $products = Cart66Common::getTableName('products'); $sql = "SELECT gravity_form_id as gfid from {$products} where gravity_form_id > 0"; $ids = $wpdb->get_col($sql); return $ids; }