コード例 #1
ファイル: EnterPin2.php プロジェクト: mydos/JBIMS-Admission
function callEnterPin()
    $mod1 = null;
    $txnid = null;
    $guid = null;
    $exp1 = null;
    $errMsg = null;
    $errCode = null;
    $crdNum = null;
    $epgRefNum = null;
    $oMerchant = new Merchant();
    $oCI = new CardInfo();
    $oCI->setCardDetails("RUPAY", crdNum, "111", "2018", "12", "Tester", "DEBIT");
    $mod1 = $_POST["Modulus"];
    $txnid = $_POST["TxnID"];
    $guid = $_POST["GUID"];
    $exp1 = $_POST["Exponent"];
    $errMsg = $_POST["ErrMsg"];
    $errCode = $_POST["ErrCode"];
    $crdNum = $_POST["CardNum"];
    $epgRefNum = $_POST["EpgTxnID"];
    print "<center>";
    print "<div id='accu_screen' style='display: none;'></div>";
    print "<div id='accu_keypad' style='display: none;'></div>";
    print "<div id='accu_form' style='display: none;'></div>";
    print "<div id='accu_loading' style='display: none;'></div>";
    print "<div id='accu_issuer' style='display: none;'></div>";
    print "</center>";
    print "<form name='startPin'>";
    print "<input type='button' value='Proceed to Paysecure' onclick=if(Acculynk.browserCheck()){ Acculynk.createForm('" . $guid . "," . $crdNum . "," . $mod1 . "," . $exp1 . "');Acculynk.PINPadLoad();}/>";
    print "<input type='hidden' name='TxnID' value=" . $txnid . ">";
    print "<input type='hidden' name='CardAcceptorID' value=" . $oMerchant->MerchantID . ">";
    print "<input type='hidden' name='AuthAmt' value=" . $oMerchant->Amount . ">";
    print "<input type='hidden' name='CurrCode' value=" . $oMerchant->CurrCode . ">";
    print "<input type='hidden' name='sendAuth' value='Y'>";
    print "<input type=hidden name='EpgTxnID' value=" . $epgRefNum . ">";
    print "</form>";
コード例 #2
ファイル: TestAuth.php プロジェクト: mydos/JBIMS-Admission
$errCode = null;
$mod1 = null;
$mid1 = null;
$amt = null;
$curr = null;
$npciResp = null;
$epgRefNum = null;
$crdNum = "6076000000000022";
$oPostLibPHP = new PostLibPHP();
$oPSD = new PaySecureDetails();
$oMerchant = new Merchant();
$oPgResponse = new PGResponse();
$oCI = new CardInfo();
$oReserveData = new PGReserveData();
$oMerchant->setMerchantDetails("00001203", "00001203", "00001203", "", rand() . "", "", "", "", "INR", "INV123", "req.Sale", "10", "", "Ext1", "Ext2", "Ext3", "Ext4", "Ext5");
$oCI->setCardDetails("RUPAY", $crdNum, "234", "2018", "12", "Tester", "DEBIT");
if ($sendA == "N") {
    print ".....Inside TestAuth1.php....." . "<br>";
    $mod1 = $_POST['Modulus'];
    $txnid = $_POST['TxnID'];
    $guid = $_POST['GUID'];
    $exp1 = $_POST['Exponent'];
    $errMsg = $_POST['ErrMsg'];
    $errCode = $_POST['ErrCode'];
    $crdNum = $_POST['CardNum'];
    $epgRefNum = $_POST['EpgTxnID'];
    print "Merchant Txn Id : " . $txnid . "<br>";
    print "WS Error Code :" . $errCode . "<br>";
    print "WS Error Code :" . $errMsg . "<br>";
    print "WS GUID : " . $guid . "<br>";
    print "Card Number : " . $crdNum . "<br>";
コード例 #3
ファイル: TestMoto.php プロジェクト: aneeshtn/enviornment
//ini_set('display_errors', '1');
include "Sfa/BillToAddress.php";
include "Sfa/CardInfo.php";
include "Sfa/Merchant.php";
include "Sfa/MPIData.php";
include "Sfa/ShipToAddress.php";
include "Sfa/PGResponse.php";
include "Sfa/PostLibPHP.php";
include "Sfa/PGReserveData.php";
$oMPI = new MPIData();
$oCI = new CardInfo();
$oPostLibphp = new PostLibPHP();
$oMerchant = new Merchant();
$oBTA = new BillToAddress();
$oSTA = new ShipToAddress();
$oPGResp = new PGResponse();
$oPGReserveData = new PGReserveData();
$oMerchant->setMerchantDetails("00002116", "00002116", "00002116", "", rand() . "", "OrderRef1", "", "", "INR", "INV1234", "req.Sale", "100", "", "Ext1", "Ext2", "Ext3", "Ext4", "Ext5");
$oSTA->setAddressDetails("Add1", "Add2", "Add3", "City", "State", "443543", "IND", "*****@*****.**");
$oBTA->setAddressDetails("CID", "Tester", "Aline1", "Aline2", "Aline3", "Pune", "MH", "48927489", "IND", "*****@*****.**");
$oCI->setCardDetails("MC", "5081264401288025", "234", "2028", "12", "Tester", "CREDI");
$oMPI->setMPIResponseDetails("02", "NTBlZjRjMThjMjc1NTUxYzk1MTY=", "Y", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=", "84759435", "1000", "356");
$oPGResp = $oPostLibphp->postMOTO($oBTA, $oSTA, $oMerchant, $oMPI, $oCI, $oPGReserveData);
print "Response Code:" . $oPGResp->getRespCode() . "<br>";
print "Response Message:" . $oPGResp->getRespMessage() . "<br>";
print "Transaction ID:" . $oPGResp->getTxnId() . "<br>";
print "Epg Transaction ID:" . $oPGResp->getEpgTxnId() . "<br>";
print "Auth Id Code :" . $oPGResp->getAuthIdCode() . "<br>";
print "RRN :" . $oPGResp->getRRN() . "<br>";
print "CVResp Code :" . $oPGResp->getCVRespCode() . "<br>";
コード例 #4
ファイル: PostLibPHP.php プロジェクト: mydos/JBIMS-Admission
 function postAuth($aoMerchant, $aoCInfo, $aoPGResp, $oPSD, $aoReserveData)
     $ojMerchant = new Merchant();
     $ojCInfo = new CardInfo();
     //$oPGResp = new Java('com.opus.epg.sfa.java.PGResponse');
     //$ojPSD = new Java('com.opus.epg.sfa.java.PaySecureDetails');
     $ojReserveData = new PGReserveData();
     $oPostLib = new PostLibPHP();
     $oPGResphp = new PGResponse();
     ## Mandetory checks for Merchant objects
     #  check for Merchant id and the Message type
     if ($aoMerchant == null) {
         $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Merchant object is null");
         return $oPGResphp;
     if ($aoMerchant->getMerchantID() == null || $aoMerchant->getMerchantID() == "") {
         $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Merchant id is null or Invalid");
         return $oPGResphp;
     if ($aoMerchant->getMessageType() == null || $aoMerchant->getMessageType() == "") {
         $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Message type is null.");
         return $oPGResphp;
     if ($oPSD->getPaysecureResp() == null || $oPSD->getPaysecureResp() == "") {
         $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Invalid Paysecure Response. Transaction cannot be processed.");
         return $oPGResphp;
     if ($oPSD->getPaySecureTxnID() == null || $oPSD->getPaySecureTxnID() == "") {
         $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Invalid PaySecure Txn Id. Transaction cannot be processed.");
         return $oPGResphp;
     if ($oPSD->getAuthAmount() == null || $oPSD->getAuthAmount() == "") {
         $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Error. Auth Amount is Invalid.");
         return $oPGResphp;
     if ($oPSD->getCardAcceptorID() == null || $oPSD->getCardAcceptorID() == "") {
         $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Error. Card Acceptor/Merchant Id is Invalid.");
         return $oPGResphp;
     if ($oPSD->getCurrCode() == null || $oPSD->getCurrCode() == "") {
         $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Invalid Currency code. Transaction cannot be processed.");
         return $oPGResphp;
     #  Assigning Merchant object of php to Merchant object of java Sfa
     $ojMerchant->setMerchantDetails($aoMerchant->getMerchantID(), $aoMerchant->getVendor(), $aoMerchant->getPartner(), $aoMerchant->getCustIPAddress(), $aoMerchant->getMerchantTxnID(), $aoMerchant->getOrderReferenceNo(), $aoMerchant->getRespURL(), $aoMerchant->getRespMethod(), $aoMerchant->getCurrCode(), $aoMerchant->getInvoiceNo(), $aoMerchant->getMessageType(), $aoMerchant->getAmount(), $aoMerchant->getGMTTimeOffset(), $aoMerchant->getExt1(), $aoMerchant->getExt2(), $aoMerchant->getExt3(), $aoMerchant->getExt4(), $aoMerchant->getExt5());
     #   Assigning Card Info object of php to Card info object of java Sfa
     if ($aoCInfo != null || $aoCInfo != "") {
         $ojCInfo->setCardDetails($aoCInfo->getCardType(), $aoCInfo->getCardNum(), $aoCInfo->getCVVNum(), $aoCInfo->getExpDtYr(), $aoCInfo->getExpDtMon(), $aoCInfo->getNameOnCard(), $aoCInfo->getInstrType());
     if ($aoReserveData != null || $aoReserveData != "") {
         $ojReserveData->setReserveObj($aoReserveData->getReserveField1(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField2(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField3(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField4(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField5(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField6(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField7(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField8(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField9(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField10());
     $strData = $this->buildMerchantBillShip($aoMerchant, null, null);
     $oEncryptionUtilenc = new EncryptionUtil();
     $strMotoEncryptedData = $aoMerchant->getMerchantID() . trim($aoMerchant->getMerchantTxnID()) . trim($aoMerchant->getCustIPAddress()) . trim($aoMerchant->getAmount()) . trim($aoMerchant->getMessageType()) . trim($aoMerchant->getCurrCode()) . trim($aoMerchant->getInvoiceNo()) . trim($aoCInfo->getCardNum()) . trim($aoCInfo->getExpDtYr()) . trim($aoCInfo->getExpDtMon()) . $aoCInfo->getCVVNum();
     $sDigest = $oEncryptionUtilenc->getHMAC($strMotoEncryptedData, trim($this->mstrKeyDir) . $aoMerchant->getMerchantID() . '.key', $aoMerchant->getMerchantID());
     if ($sDigest == null || $sDigest == "") {
         if ($this->verbose != null && trim($this->verbose) == "true") {
             error_log("Error in Encrypting/Hashing Merchant Data.Transaction cannot proceed.", 0);
         $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Error while encrypting/hashing data. Transaction cannot be processed.");
         return $oPGResphp;
     $strData = $strData . '&EncryptedData=' . $sDigest;
     $strData = $strData . '&IntfVer=ASPV2.0';
     $strData = $strData . '&OsType=' . trim($this->mstrOSType);
     $strData = $strData . '&LanguageType=php';
     $strData = $strData . '&CustIPAddress=' . $aoMerchant->getCustIPAddress();
     $strData = $strData . '&InstrType=' . $aoCInfo->getInstrType();
     $strData = $strData . '&CardType=' . $aoCInfo->getCardType();
     $strData = $strData . '&CardNum=' . $aoCInfo->getCardNum();
     $strData = $strData . '&ExpDtYr=' . $aoCInfo->getExpDtYr();
     $strData = $strData . '&ExpDtMon=' . $aoCInfo->getExpDtMon();
     $strData = $strData . '&CVVNum=' . $aoCInfo->getCVVNum();
     $strData = $strData . '&NameOnCard=' . $aoCInfo->getNameOnCard();
     if ($aoMPI == null || $aoMPI == "") {
         $strData = $strData . '&status=""';
         $strData = $strData . '&cavv=""';
         $strData = $strData . '&eci=""';
         $strData = $strData . '&xid=""';
         $strData = $strData . '&purchaseAmount=""';
         $strData = $strData . '&currencyVal=""';
         $strData = $strData . '&shoppingcontext=""';
     } else {
         $strData = $strData . '&status=' . $aoMPI->getVBVStatus();
         $strData = $strData . '&cavv=' . $aoMPI->getCAVV();
         $strData = $strData . '&eci=' . $aoMPI->getECI();
         $strData = $strData . '&xid=' . $aoMPI->getXID();
         $strData = $strData . '&purchaseAmount=' . $aoMPI->getPurchaseAmount();
         $strData = $strData . '&currencyVal=' . $aoMPI->getCurrencyVal();
         $strData = $strData . '&shoppingcontext=' . $aoMPI->getShoppingContext();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve1=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField1();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve2=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField2();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve3=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField3();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve4=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField4();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve5=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField5();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve6=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField6();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve7=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField7();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve8=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField8();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve9=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField9();
     $strData = $strData . '&Reserve10=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField10();
     $strData = $strData . '&WsErrCode=' . $aoReserveData->getWsErrCode();
     $strData = $strData . '&WsErrMsg=' . $aoReserveData->getWsErrMsg();
     $strData = $strData . '&WsExponent=' . $aoReserveData->getWsExponent();
     $strData = $strData . '&WsGuid=' . $aoReserveData->getWsGuid();
     $strData = $strData . '&WsModulus=' . $aoReserveData->getWsModulus();
     $strData = $strData . '&WsTxnId=' . $aoReserveData->getWsTxnId();
     $oPGResp = $this->postData(trim($this->motoURL), trim($ojReserveData));
     # Assigning PGResponse objects of java to PGResponse object of php
     # Returning PGResponse object of php
     return $oPGResphp;