コード例 #1
    private function build_view(HTTPRequestCustom $request)
        $config = CalendarConfig::load();
        $categories = CalendarService::get_categories_manager()->get_categories_cache()->get_categories();
        $year = $this->year ? $this->year : min($request->get_int('calendar_ajax_year', date('Y')), 2037);
        $month = $this->month ? $this->month : min($request->get_int('calendar_ajax_month', date('n')), 12);
        $bissextile = date("L", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year)) == 1 ? 29 : 28;
        $array_month = array(31, $bissextile, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
        $array_l_month = array($this->lang['january'], $this->lang['february'], $this->lang['march'], $this->lang['april'], $this->lang['may'], $this->lang['june'], $this->lang['july'], $this->lang['august'], $this->lang['september'], $this->lang['october'], $this->lang['november'], $this->lang['december']);
        $month_days = $array_month[$month - 1];
        $previous_month = $month == 1 ? 12 : $month - 1;
        $previous_year = $month == 1 ? $year - 1 : $year;
        $next_month = $month == 12 ? 1 : $month + 1;
        $next_year = $month == 12 ? $year + 1 : $year;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
            $this->view->assign_block_vars('months', array('VALUE' => $i, 'NAME' => $array_l_month[$i - 1], 'SELECTED' => $month == $i));
        for ($i = 1970; $i <= 2037; $i++) {
            $this->view->assign_block_vars('years', array('VALUE' => $i, 'NAME' => $i, 'SELECTED' => $year == $i));
        //Retrieve all the events of the selected month
        $events = $month == date('n') && $year == date('Y') ? CalendarCurrentMonthEventsCache::load()->get_events() : CalendarService::get_all_current_month_events($month, $year, $month_days);
        $events_legends_list = array();
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            $start_date = new Date($event['start_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE);
            $end_date = new Date($event['end_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE);
            if (($end_date->get_month() > $start_date->get_month() || $end_date->get_year() > $start_date->get_year()) && $month == $start_date->get_month()) {
                $first_event_day = $start_date->get_day();
                $last_event_day = $array_month[$month - 1];
            } else {
                if (($end_date->get_month() > $start_date->get_month() || $end_date->get_year() > $start_date->get_year()) && $month == $end_date->get_month()) {
                    $first_event_day = 1;
                    $last_event_day = $end_date->get_day();
                } else {
                    if (($end_date->get_month() > $start_date->get_month() || $end_date->get_year() > $start_date->get_year()) && $month > $start_date->get_month() && $month < $end_date->get_month()) {
                        $first_event_day = 1;
                        $last_event_day = $array_month[$month - 1];
                    } else {
                        $first_event_day = $start_date->get_day();
                        $last_event_day = $end_date->get_day();
            for ($j = $first_event_day; $j <= $last_event_day; $j++) {
                if ($event['type'] == 'EVENT' || $event['type'] == 'BIRTHDAY') {
                    $title = isset($array_events[$j]['title']) ? $array_events[$j]['title'] : '';
                    $array_events[$j] = array('title' => $title . (!empty($title) ? '
' : '') . ($event['type'] != 'BIRTHDAY' ? $j == $start_date->get_day() && $month == $start_date->get_month() && $year == $start_date->get_year() ? $start_date->get_hours() . 'h' . $start_date->get_minutes() . ' : ' : '' : LangLoader::get_message('calendar.labels.birthday_title', 'common', 'calendar') . ' ') . $event['title'], 'type' => $event['type'], 'color' => $event['type'] == 'BIRTHDAY' ? $config->get_birthday_color() : ($event['id_category'] != Category::ROOT_CATEGORY && $categories[$event['id_category']]->get_color() ? $categories[$event['id_category']]->get_color() : $config->get_event_color()), 'id_category' => $event['id_category']);
                    if ($event['type'] == 'BIRTHDAY') {
                        $events_legends_list[$j] = array('name' => LangLoader::get_message('calendar.labels.birthday', 'common', 'calendar'), 'color' => $config->get_birthday_color());
                    } else {
                        if ($event['type'] == 'EVENT' && $event['id_category'] == Category::ROOT_CATEGORY) {
                            $events_legends_list[$j] = array('name' => LangLoader::get_message('calendar.titles.event', 'common', 'calendar'), 'color' => $config->get_event_color());
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($events_legends_list[$event['id_category']])) {
                                $events_legends_list[$j] = array('name' => $categories[$event['id_category']]->get_name(), 'color' => $categories[$event['id_category']]->get_color());
        $this->view->put_all(array('C_MINI_MODULE' => $this->is_mini_calendar(), 'C_DISPLAY_LEGEND' => !empty($events_legends_list) && !$this->is_mini_calendar(), 'DATE' => $array_l_month[$month - 1] . ' ' . $year, 'MINI_MODULE' => (int) $this->is_mini_calendar(), 'PREVIOUS_MONTH_TITLE' => $month == 1 ? $array_l_month[11] . ' ' . ($year - 1) : $array_l_month[$month - 2] . ' ' . $year, 'PREVIOUS_YEAR' => $previous_year, 'PREVIOUS_MONTH' => $previous_month, 'NEXT_MONTH_TITLE' => $month == 12 ? $array_l_month[0] . ' ' . ($year + 1) : $array_l_month[$month] . ' ' . $year, 'NEXT_YEAR' => $next_year, 'NEXT_MONTH' => $next_month, 'LEGEND' => self::build_legend($events_legends_list), 'U_AJAX_CALENDAR' => CalendarUrlBuilder::ajax_month_calendar()->rel(), 'U_AJAX_EVENTS' => CalendarUrlBuilder::ajax_month_events()->rel()));
        //First day of the month
        $first_day = date('w', @mktime(1, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
        if ($first_day == 0) {
            $first_day = 7;
        //Calendar generation
        $day = 1;
        $last_day = $month_days + $first_day;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 56; $i++) {
            $birthday_day = $color = false;
            if ($i % 8 == 1 && $i < $last_day) {
                $content = date('W', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));
                $class = 'calendar-week';
            } else {
                if ($i >= $first_day + 1 && $i < $last_day) {
                    if ($day == date("j") && $month == date("m") && $year == date("Y")) {
                        $class = 'calendar-today';
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($array_events[$day])) {
                            $birthday_day = $array_events[$day]['type'] == 'BIRTHDAY';
                            $color = $array_events[$day]['color'];
                            $class = '';
                        } else {
                            if ($i % 8 == 7 || $i % 8 == 0) {
                                $class = 'calendar-weekend';
                            } else {
                                $class = 'calendar-other';
                    $content = $day;
                } else {
                    if (($i % 8 == 7 || $i % 8 == 0) && $i > $first_day && $day <= $month_days) {
                        $class = 'calendar-weekend';
                    } else {
                        $class = 'calendar-none';
            if ($day > $month_days && $i % 8 == 0) {
                $i = 56;
            $today = $day - 1;
            $this->view->assign_block_vars('day', array('C_MONTH_DAY' => $i % 8 != 1 && $class != 'calendar-none', 'C_COLOR' => $color || $birthday_day, 'C_WEEK_LABEL' => $i % 8 == 1, 'DAY' => $content, 'TITLE' => !empty($array_events[$today]) ? $array_events[$today]['title'] : '', 'COLOR' => $color, 'CLASS' => $class, 'CHANGE_LINE' => $i % 8 == 0 && $i != 56, 'U_DAY_EVENTS' => CalendarUrlBuilder::home($year, $month, $today, true)->rel()));