コード例 #1
  * Set the registration fields placeholders to the template
  * @param \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma   $objTpl Template instance
  * @param integer               $regId  Registration id
 function showRegistrationInputfields(\Cx\Core\Html\Sigma $objTpl, $regId = null)
     global $_LANGID, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $i = 0;
     $objForm = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarForm($this->formId);
     $objRegistration = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarRegistration($this->formId, $regId);
     // parse the registration type for the add/edit subscription
     $regType = isset($_POST['registrationType']) ? (int) $_POST['registrationType'] : (!empty($regId) ? $objRegistration->type : 1);
     $regTypeField = '<select style="width: 208px;" class="calendarSelect" name="registrationType">
                         <option value="1" ' . ($regType == 1 ? "selected='selected'" : '') . ' />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_REG_REGISTRATION'] . '</option>
                         <option value="0" ' . ($regType == 0 ? "selected='selected'" : '') . ' />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_REG_SIGNOFF'] . '</option>
                         <option value="2" ' . ($regType == 2 ? "selected='selected'" : '') . ' />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_REG_WAITLIST'] . '</option>
     $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_ROW' => $i % 2 == 0 ? 'row1' : 'row2', $this->moduleLangVar . '_REGISTRATION_INPUTFIELD_NAME' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_TYPE'], $this->moduleLangVar . '_REGISTRATION_INPUTFIELD_VALUE' => $regTypeField));
     if ($this->event && $this->event->seriesStatus && $this->event->independentSeries) {
         $endDate = new \DateTime();
         $endDate->modify('+10 years');
         $eventManager = new CalendarEventManager(null, $endDate);
         $objEvent = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarEvent($this->event->id);
         if ($eventManager->_addToEventList($objEvent)) {
             $eventManager->eventList[] = $objEvent;
         $regEventDateField = '<select style="width: 208px;" class="calendarSelect" name="registrationEventDate">';
         foreach ($eventManager->eventList as $event) {
             $selectedDate = $objRegistration->eventDate == $event->startDate->getTimestamp() ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
             $regEventDateField .= '<option value="' . $event->startDate->getTimestamp() . '" ' . $selectedDate . ' />' . $this->format2userDate($event->startDate) . '</option>';
         $regEventDateField .= '</select>';
         $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_ROW' => $i % 2 == 0 ? 'row1' : 'row2', $this->moduleLangVar . '_REGISTRATION_INPUTFIELD_NAME' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_DATE_OF_THE_EVENT'], $this->moduleLangVar . '_REGISTRATION_INPUTFIELD_VALUE' => $regEventDateField));
     foreach ($objForm->inputfields as $arrInputfield) {
         $inputfield = '';
         $options = explode(',', $arrInputfield['default_value'][$_LANGID]);
         $optionSelect = true;
         if (isset($_POST['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']])) {
             $value = $_POST['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']];
         } else {
             $value = $regId != null ? $objRegistration->fields[$arrInputfield['id']]['value'] : '';
         switch ($arrInputfield['type']) {
             case 'inputtext':
             case 'mail':
             case 'firstname':
             case 'lastname':
                 $inputfield = '<input style="width: 200px;" type="text" class="calendarInputText" name="registrationField[' . $arrInputfield['id'] . ']" value="' . $value . '" />';
             case 'textarea':
                 $inputfield = '<textarea style="width: 196px;" class="calendarTextarea" name="registrationField[' . $arrInputfield['id'] . ']">' . $value . '</textarea>';
             case 'seating':
                 $optionSelect = false;
             case 'select':
             case 'salutation':
                 $inputfield = '<select style="width: 208px;" class="calendarSelect" name="registrationField[' . $arrInputfield['id'] . ']">';
                 $selected = empty($_POST) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                 $inputfield .= $optionSelect ? '<option value="" ' . $selected . '>' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_PLEASE_CHOOSE'] . '</option>' : '';
                 foreach ($options as $key => $name) {
                     $selected = $key + 1 == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                     $inputfield .= '<option value="' . intval($key + 1) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $name . '</option>';
                 $inputfield .= '</select>';
             case 'radio':
                 $arrValue = explode('[[', $value);
                 $value = $arrValue[0];
                 $input = str_replace(']]', '', $arrValue[1]);
                 foreach ($options as $key => $name) {
                     $checked = $key + 1 == $value || in_array($key + 1, $_POST['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']]) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                     $textfield = '<input type="text" class="calendarInputCheckboxAdditional" name="registrationFieldAdditional[' . $arrInputfield['id'] . '][' . $key . ']" value="' . ($checked ? $input : '') . '" />';
                     $name = str_replace('[[INPUT]]', $textfield, $name);
                     $inputfield .= '<input type="radio" class="calendarInputCheckbox" name="registrationField[' . $arrInputfield['id'] . ']" value="' . intval($key + 1) . '" ' . $checked . '/>&nbsp;' . $name . '<br />';
             case 'checkbox':
                 $results = explode(',', $value);
                 foreach ($results as $result) {
                     list($value, $input) = explode('[[', $result);
                     $value = !empty($value) ? $value : 0;
                     $input = str_replace(']]', '', $input);
                     $newResult[$value] = $input;
                 foreach ($options as $key => $name) {
                     $checked = array_key_exists($key + 1, $newResult) || in_array($key + 1, $_POST['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']]) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                     $textfield = '<input type="text" class="calendarInputCheckboxAdditional" name="registrationFieldAdditional[' . $arrInputfield['id'] . '][' . $key . ']" value="' . ($checked ? $newResult[$key + 1] : '') . '" />';
                     $name = str_replace('[[INPUT]]', $textfield, $name);
                     $inputfield .= '<input ' . $checked . ' type="checkbox" class="calendarInputCheckbox" name="registrationField[' . $arrInputfield['id'] . '][]" value="' . intval($key + 1) . '" />&nbsp;' . $name . '<br />';
             case 'agb':
                 $checked = $value ? "checked='checked'" : '';
                 $inputfield = '<input ' . $checked . ' class="calendarInputCheckbox" type="checkbox" name="registrationField[' . $arrInputfield['id'] . '][]" value="1" />&nbsp;' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_AGB'] . '<br />';
         if ($arrInputfield['type'] != 'fieldset') {
             $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_ROW' => $i % 2 == 0 ? 'row1' : 'row2', $this->moduleLangVar . '_REGISTRATION_INPUTFIELD_NAME' => $arrInputfield['name'][$_LANGID], $this->moduleLangVar . '_REGISTRATION_INPUTFIELD_REQUIRED' => $arrInputfield['required'] == 1 ? '<font class="calendarRequired"> *</font>' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_REGISTRATION_INPUTFIELD_VALUE' => $inputfield));
コード例 #2
  * Save the registration
  * @param array $data posted data from the form
  * @return boolean true if the registration saved, false otherwise
 function save($data)
     global $objDatabase, $objInit, $_LANGID;
     /* foreach ($this->form->inputfields as $key => $arrInputfield) {
            if($arrInputfield['type'] == 'selectBillingAddress') {
                $affiliationStatus = $data['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']];
        } */
     foreach ($this->form->inputfields as $key => $arrInputfield) {
         /* if($affiliationStatus == 'sameAsContact') {
                         if($arrInputfield['required'] == 1 && empty($data['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']]) && $arrInputfield['affiliation'] != 'billing') {
                             return false;
                         if($arrInputfield['required'] == 1 && $arrInputfield['type'] == 'mail' && $arrInputfield['affiliation'] != 'billing') {
                             $objValidator = new FWValidator();
                             if(!$objValidator->isEmail($data['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']])) {
                                 return false;
                     } else { */
         if ($arrInputfield['required'] == 1 && empty($data['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']])) {
             return false;
         if ($arrInputfield['required'] == 1 && $arrInputfield['type'] == 'mail') {
             $objValidator = new \FWValidator();
             if (!$objValidator->isEmail($data['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']])) {
                 return false;
         /* } */
     $regId = intval($data['regid']);
     $eventId = intval($data['id']);
     $formId = intval($data['form']);
     $eventDate = intval($data['date']);
     $userId = intval($data['userid']);
     $objEvent = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarEvent($eventId);
     if ($objEvent->seriesStatus && $objEvent->independentSeries) {
         $eventDate = isset($data['registrationEventDate']) ? contrexx_input2int($data['registrationEventDate']) : $eventDate;
         $endDate = new \DateTime();
         $endDate->modify('+10 years');
         $eventManager = new CalendarEventManager(null, $endDate);
         $eventManager->getEvent($objEvent, $eventDate, true);
         $objEvent = $eventManager->eventList[0];
         if (empty($objEvent)) {
             return false;
     $query = '
             `' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleTablePrefix . '_registration_form_field`
             `form` = ' . $formId . '
             `type` = "seating"
         LIMIT 1
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     $numSeating = intval($data['registrationField'][$objResult->fields['id']]);
     $type = empty($regId) && intval($objEvent->getFreePlaces() - $numSeating) < 0 ? 2 : (isset($data['registrationType']) ? intval($data['registrationType']) : 1);
     $this->saveIn = intval($type);
     $paymentMethod = intval($data['paymentMethod']);
     $paid = intval($data['paid']);
     $hostName = 0;
     $ipAddress = 0;
     $key = $this->generateKey();
     if ($regId == 0) {
         $submissionDate = $this->getDbDateTimeFromIntern($this->getInternDateTimeFromUser());
         $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleTablePrefix . '_registration
                     SET `event_id`         = ' . $eventId . ',
                         `submission_date`  = "' . $submissionDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '",
                         `date`             = ' . $eventDate . ',
                         `host_name`        = "' . $hostName . '",
                         `ip_address`       = "' . $ipAddress . '",
                         `type`             = ' . $type . ',
                         `key`              = "' . $key . '",
                         `user_id`          = ' . $userId . ',
                         `lang_id`          = ' . $_LANGID . ',
                         `export`           = 0,
                         `payment_method`   = ' . $paymentMethod . ',
                         `paid`             = ' . $paid . ' ';
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if ($objResult !== false) {
             $this->id = $objDatabase->Insert_ID();
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         $query = 'UPDATE `' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleTablePrefix . '_registration`
                      SET `event_id` = ' . $eventId . ',
                          `date` = ' . $eventDate . ',
                          `host_name` = ' . $hostName . ',
                          `ip_address` = ' . $ipAddress . ',
                          `key` = "' . $key . '",
                          `user_id` = ' . $userId . ',
                          `type`    = ' . $type . ',
                          `lang_id` = ' . $_LANGID . ',
                          `payment_method` = ' . $paymentMethod . ',
                          `paid` = ' . $paid . '
                    WHERE `id` = ' . $regId;
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if ($objResult === false) {
             return false;
     if ($regId != 0) {
         $this->id = $regId;
         $deleteQuery = 'DELETE FROM ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleTablePrefix . '_registration_form_field_value
                         WHERE `reg_id` = ' . $this->id;
         $objDeleteResult = $objDatabase->Execute($deleteQuery);
         if ($objDeleteResult === false) {
             return false;
     foreach ($this->form->inputfields as $key => $arrInputfield) {
         $value = $data['registrationField'][$arrInputfield['id']];
         $id = $arrInputfield['id'];
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $subvalue = array();
             foreach ($value as $key => $element) {
                 if (!empty($data['registrationFieldAdditional'][$id][$element - 1])) {
                     $subvalue[] = $element . '[[' . $data['registrationFieldAdditional'][$id][$element - 1] . ']]';
                 } else {
                     $subvalue[] = $element;
             $value = join(",", $subvalue);
         } else {
             if (isset($data['registrationFieldAdditional'][$id][$value - 1])) {
                 $value = $value . "[[" . $data['registrationFieldAdditional'][$id][$value - 1] . "]]";
         $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleTablePrefix . '_registration_form_field_value
                               (`reg_id`, `field_id`, `value`)
                        VALUES (' . $this->id . ', ' . $id . ', "' . contrexx_input2db($value) . '")';
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if ($objResult === false) {
             return false;
     if ($objInit->mode == 'frontend') {
         $objMailManager = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarMailManager();
         $templateId = $objEvent->emailTemplate[FRONTEND_LANG_ID];
         $objMailManager->sendMail($objEvent, \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarMailManager::MAIL_CONFIRM_REG, $this->id, $templateId);
         $objMailManager->sendMail($objEvent, \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarMailManager::MAIL_ALERT_REG, $this->id);
     return true;