コード例 #1
     * Returns the number of this resource that are not booked during an event
     * time.
     * @param  CalendarDateTime $time
     * @return bool|int
    public function getAvailableForEvent($time)
        if ($this->Type == 'Unlimited') {
            return true;
        $start = $time->getStartTimestamp();
        $end = $time->getEndTimestamp();
        // First just get simple non-recurring bookings, often this will be
        // enough to check if a resource is available.
        $dateFilter = sprintf('"StartDate" BETWEEN \'%1$s\' AND \'%2$s\'
			OR "EndDate" BETWEEN \'%1$s\' AND \'%2$s\'
			OR ("StartDate" < \'%1$s\' AND "EndDate" > \'%2$s\')', date('Y-m-d', $start), date('Y-m-d', $end));
        $filter = "\"CalendarEvent\".\"Recursion\" = 0 AND \"CalendarDateTimeID\" <> {$time->ID} AND ({$dateFilter})";
        $bookings = $this->Events($filter, null, 'INNER JOIN "CalendarEvent" ON "CalendarEvent"."ID" = "CalendarDateTime"."EventID"');
        $bookings = $bookings->toArray('ID');
        // Since the event calendar doesn't use a proper date time storage, we
        // need to manually filter events again here.
        foreach ($bookings as $id => $booking) {
            if ($booking->getEndTimestamp() < $start || $booking->getStartTimestamp() > $end) {
        if ($bookings && $this->Type == 'Single') {
            return false;
        // Now also load all the recurring events, and check if they occur on
        // this day.
        $recurring = $this->Events(sprintf('"CalendarDateTimeID" <> %d
				AND "CalendarEvent"."Recursion" = 1
				AND ("EndDate" IS NULL OR "EndDate" > \'%s\')
				AND ("StartDate" IS NULL OR "StartDate" < \'%s\')', $time->ID, date('Y-m-d', $start), date('Y-m-d', $end)), null, 'INNER JOIN "CalendarEvent" ON "CalendarEvent"."ID" = "CalendarDateTime"."EventID"');
        // Now loop through each day this event runs on, and check if any of the
        // events fall on it. If they do just push them onto the bookings set.
        foreach ($recurring as $datetime) {
            $counter = $start;
            while ($counter <= $end) {
                if ($counter > strtotime($datetime->EndDate)) {
                if ($datetime->Event()->recursionHappensOn($counter)) {
                    $bookings[$datetime->ID] = $datetime;
                $counter = sfTime::add($counter, 1, sfTime::DAY);
        if ($bookings && $this->Type == 'Single') {
            return false;
        if (!count($bookings)) {
            return $this->Type == 'Limited' ? (int) $this->Quantity : true;
        $quantity = (int) $this->Quantity;
        foreach ($bookings as $booking) {
            $quantity -= $booking->BookingQuantity;
        return $quantity > 0 ? $quantity : false;