コード例 #1
if (!isset($fileCache) || !$fileCache) {
    // #Date range
    $gs_dateFrom = date('Y-m', strtotime('3 months ago'));
    $gs_dateTo = date('Y-m', strtotime('1 month ago'));
    // #"API" uri
    $gs_Uri = 'http://gs.statcounter.com/chart.php?bar=1&statType_hidden=browser_version_partially_combined&region_hidden=ww&granularity=monthly&statType=Browser%20Version%20(Partially%20Combined)&region=Worldwide&fromMonthYear=' . $gs_dateFrom . '&toMonthYear=' . $gs_dateTo;
    $result = array('graph' => array('title' => 'Browser Versions', 'type' => 'bar', 'yAxis' => array('units' => array('suffix' => '%'))));
    // #Data limit
    $limit = 5;
    if (isset($_GET['limit'])) {
        $limit = intval($_GET['limit']);
    $current = 1;
    // #Parse data
    $gs_xml = @simplexml_load_file($gs_Uri);
    if ($gs_xml) {
        foreach ($gs_xml->set as $set) {
            $result['graph']['datasequences'][] = array('title' => (string) $set['label'], 'refreshEveryNSeconds' => 64800, 'datapoints' => array(array('title' => '', 'value' => floatval($set['value']))));
            if ($current++ == $limit) {
    } else {
        $result['graph']['error'] = array('message' => 'Oops, an error has occured.', 'detail' => 'The stats load does not work, something is wrong with the url.');
    echo json_encode($result);
    // #If cache set -> saveCache
    if (isset($oCache)) {