function clearCache() { global $database, $changed, $errorlog, $memcache; static $isCleared = false; if ($isCleared == true) { return; } if (!is_null($blogids = POD::queryColumn("SELECT blogid FROM {$database['prefix']}PageCacheLog"))) { $changed = true; $errorlog = false; echo '<li>', _textf('페이지 캐시를 초기화합니다.'), ': '; foreach ($blogids as $ids) { if (CacheControl::flushAll($ids) == false) { $errorlog = true; } } if ($errorlog == false) { echo '<span class="result success">', _text('성공'), '</span></li>'; } else { echo '<span class="result fail">', _text('실패'), '</span></li>'; } } if (!is_null($memcache)) { echo '<li>', _textf('Memcached 캐시를 초기화합니다.'), ': '; if ($memcache->flush()) { echo '<span class="result success">', _text('성공'), '</span></li>'; } else { echo '<span class="result fail">', _text('실패'), '</span></li>'; } } echo '<li>', _textf('공지사항 캐시를 초기화합니다.'), ': '; if (POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}ServiceSettings WHERE name like 'TextcubeNotice%'")) { echo '<span class="result success">', _text('성공'), '</span></li>'; } else { echo '<span class="result fail">', _text('실패'), '</span></li>'; } $isCleared = true; }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2016, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; if (CacheControl::flushAll(getBlogId())) { Respond::ResultPage(0); } else { Respond::ResultPage(-1); }
function writeSkinHtml($blogid, $contents, $mode, $file) { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); global $skinSetting; // Legacy global support. TODO: DELETE THIS LINE AFTER CHECK EVERY REFERENCES IN WHOLE SOURCE importlib('blogskin'); if ($mode != 'skin' && $mode != 'skin_keyword' && $mode != 'style') { return _t('실패했습니다.'); } if ($context->getProperty('') != "customize/{$blogid}") { if (!@file_exists(getSkinPath("customize/{$blogid}"))) { if (!@mkdir(getSkinPath("customize/{$blogid}"))) { return _t('권한이 없습니다.'); } @chmod(getSkinPath("customize/{$blogid}"), 0777); } deltree(getSkinPath("customize/{$blogid}")); copyRecusive(getSkinPath($context->getProperty('')), getSkinPath("customize/{$blogid}")); } $skinSetting['skin'] = "customize/{$blogid}"; // Legacy global support. TODO: DELETE THIS LINE AFTER CHECK EVERY REFERENCES IN WHOLE SOURCE $context->setProperty('', "customize/" . $blogid); if (!Setting::setSkinSetting('skin', $context->getProperty(''), $blogid)) { return _t('실패했습니다.'); } //if ($mode == 'style') // $file = $mode . '.css'; //else // $file = $mode . '.html'; if (!is_writable(getSkinPath("customize/{$blogid}") . "/{$file}")) { return $file . _t('권한이 없습니다.') . " -> /skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}/{$file}"; } $handler = fopen(getSkinPath("customize/{$blogid}") . "/{$file}", 'w'); if (fwrite($handler, $contents) === false) { fclose($handler); return _t('실패했습니다.'); } else { fclose($handler); @chmod(getSkinPath("customize/{$blogid}") . "/{$file}", 0666); CacheControl::flushAll(); CacheControl::flushSkin(); return true; } }
function clearCache() { global $database, $changed, $errorlog, $memcache; static $isCleared = false; $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); if ($isCleared == true) { return; } if (!is_null($blogids = POD::queryColumn("SELECT blogid FROM {$database['prefix']}PageCacheLog"))) { $changed = true; $errorlog = false; echo '<li>', _textf('페이지 캐시를 초기화합니다.'), ': '; foreach ($blogids as $ids) { if (CacheControl::flushAll($ids) == false) { $errorlog = true; } } if ($errorlog == false) { echo '<span class="result success">', _text('성공'), '</span></li>'; } else { echo '<span class="result fail">', _text('실패'), '</span></li>'; } } if ($context->getProperty('service.codecache', false)) { $changed = true; $errorlog = false; echo '<li>', _textf('코드 캐시를 초기화합니다.'), ': '; $code = new CodeCache(); $code->flush(); if ($errorlog == false) { echo '<span class="result success">', _text('성공'), '</span></li>'; } else { echo '<span class="result fail">', _text('실패'), '</span></li>'; } } if (!is_null($memcache)) { echo '<li>', _textf('Memcached 캐시를 초기화합니다.'), ': '; if ($memcache->flush()) { echo '<span class="result success">', _text('성공'), '</span></li>'; } else { echo '<span class="result fail">', _text('실패'), '</span></li>'; } } echo '<li>', _textf('공지사항 캐시를 초기화합니다.'), ': '; if (POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}ServiceSettings WHERE name like 'TextcubeNotice%'")) { echo '<span class="result success">', _text('성공'), '</span></li>'; } else { echo '<span class="result fail">', _text('실패'), '</span></li>'; } if (!is_null($blogids = POD::queryColumn("SELECT DISTINCT blogid FROM {$database['prefix']}BlogSettings"))) { $changed = true; $errorlog = false; echo '<li>', _textf('댓글 및 트랙백 휴지통을 비웁니다.'), ': '; foreach ($blogids as $ids) { emptyTrash(true, $ids); emptyTrash(false, $ids); } if ($errorlog == false) { echo '<span class="result success">', _text('성공'), '</span></li>'; } else { echo '<span class="result fail">', _text('실패'), '</span></li>'; } } $isCleared = true; }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2015, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) $IV = array('POST' => array('confirmativePassword' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false), 'removeAttachments' => array(array('0', '1'), 'dafault' => null))); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; requireStrictRoute(); if (empty($_POST['confirmativePassword']) || !User::confirmPassword(User::getBlogOwner(getBlogId()), $_POST['confirmativePassword'])) { Respond::ResultPage(1); } DataMaintenance::removeAll(Validator::getBool(@$_POST['removeAttachments'])); CacheControl::flushAll(); Respond::ResultPage(0);
function writeSkinHtml($blogid, $contents, $mode, $file) { global $database; global $skinSetting; requireComponent('Needlworks.Cache.PageCache'); requireLibrary(''); if ($mode != 'skin' && $mode != 'skin_keyword' && $mode != 'style') { return _t('실패했습니다.'); } if ($skinSetting['skin'] != "customize/{$blogid}") { if (!@file_exists(ROOT . "/skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}")) { if (!@mkdir(ROOT . "/skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}")) { return _t('권한이 없습니다.'); } @chmod(ROOT . "/skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}", 0777); } deltree(ROOT . "/skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}"); copyRecusive(ROOT . "/skin/blog/{$skinSetting['skin']}", ROOT . "/skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}"); } $skinSetting['skin'] = "customize/{$blogid}"; Setting::setSkinSetting('skin', $skinSetting['skin'], $blogid); if (!Setting::setSkinSetting('skin', $skinSetting['skin'], $blogid)) { return _t('실패했습니다.'); } //if ($mode == 'style') // $file = $mode . '.css'; //else // $file = $mode . '.html'; if (!is_writable(ROOT . "/skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}/{$file}")) { return ROOT . _t('권한이 없습니다.') . " -> /skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}/{$file}"; } $handler = fopen(ROOT . "/skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}/{$file}", 'w'); if (fwrite($handler, $contents) === false) { fclose($handler); return _t('실패했습니다.'); } else { fclose($handler); @chmod(ROOT . "/skin/blog/customize/{$blogid}/{$file}", 0666); CacheControl::flushAll(); CacheControl::flushSkin(); return true; } }