/** * Returns a singleton instance * * @return Cache_Redis * @access public */ public static function &getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$_instances[0]) || !self::$_instances[0]) { self::$_instances[0] = Cache::factory('redis'); } return self::$_instances[0]; }
/** * 缓存 *+---- */ public function action_cache() { $cache = Cache::factory('file'); //获取一个文件缓存实例 //$cache->set('name', time(), 60); //设置有效期60s echo $cache->get('name'); //$cache->del('name'); }
public function run(FilterChain $oFilterChain) { $aDb = Core::app()->config()->getCache(); foreach ($aDb as $k => $val) { Manager::getInstance()->getCache()->add(Cache::factory($val['Driver'], $val['Params']), $k); } $oFilterChain->next(); }
/** * Contrutor da classe * @param string $url url acessada pelo usuário */ public function __construct($url) { define('CACHE_TIME', 60); $cache_config = Config::get('cache'); if ($cache_config['page']) { $cache = Cache::factory(); if ($cache->has(URL)) { $data = $cache->read(URL); exit($data); } } $registry = Registry::getInstance(); $this->args = $this->args($url); //I18n define('lang', $this->args['lang']); define('LANG', $this->args['lang']); $i18n = I18n::getInstance(); $i18n->setLang(LANG); $registry->set('I18n', $i18n); function __($string, $format = null) { return I18n::getInstance()->get($string, $format); } function _e($string, $format = null) { echo I18n::getInstance()->get($string, $format); } define('controller', Inflector::camelize($this->args['controller']) . 'Controller'); define('action', str_replace('-', '_', $this->args['action'])); define('CONTROLLER', Inflector::camelize($this->args['controller']) . 'Controller'); define('ACTION', str_replace('-', '_', $this->args['action'])); try { header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . Config::get('charset')); Import::core('Controller', 'Template', 'Annotation'); Import::controller(CONTROLLER); $this->controller(); $this->auth(); $tpl = new Template(); $registry->set('Template', $tpl); $tpl->render($this->args); if ($cache_config['page']) { $cache = Cache::factory(); $data = ob_get_clean(); $cache->write(URL, $data, $cache_config['time']); } Debug::show(); } catch (PageNotFoundException $e) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); $this->loadError($e); exit; } catch (Exception $e) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); $this->loadError($e); } }
/** * @param string имя драйвера кеша * @param mixed false или array() * @return Cache объект */ static function &singleton($driver = 'apc', $init = true) { static $instances = array(); $signature = serialize(array($driver, $init)); if (empty($instances[$signature])) { $instances[$signature] = Cache::factory($driver); if ($init !== false) { $instances[$signature]->init($init); } } return $instances[$signature]; }
static function load_domain($domain) { if (!isset(self::$items[$domain])) { $cache = Cache::factory(); $locale = self::$locale; $cache_key = "i18n/{$locale}/{$domain}"; $lang = Config::get('debug.i18n_nocache') ? false : $cache->get($cache_key); if ($lang === false) { $lang = array(); foreach (array_reverse(Core::file_paths(I18N_BASE . $locale . EXT, $domain)) as $path) { !file_exists($path) or @(include $path); } $cache->set($cache_key, $lang); } self::$items[$domain] = (array) $lang; } }
$key = 'Trilado.Annotation.Property.' . $this->classname . '->' . $property; $cache = Cache::factory(); if (Debug::enabled() && $cache->has($key)) { return $cache->read($key); } else { $reflection = new ReflectionProperty($this->classname, $property); $comment = $reflection->getDocComment(); $annotation = $this->extractAnnotation($comment); $cache->write($key, $annotation, CACHE_TIME); return $annotation; } } /** * Pega a anotação todas as propriedades da classe * @return array lista com instâncias de sdtClass */ public function getProperties() {
function parse() { if (!$this->_is_parsed) { $cache_data = false; $cache_key = Misc::key('Q:', $this->selector); $cache = Cache::factory(); if (!Config::get('debug.Q_nocache', FALSE)) { $cache_data = $cache->get($cache_key); } if (false === $cache_data) { $query = $this->parse_selector(); $cache_data = array('name' => $query->name, 'SQL' => $query->SQL, 'count_SQL' => $query->count_SQL, 'sum_SQL' => $query->sum_SQL); if ($cache) { $cache->set($cache_key, $cache_data); } } $this->SQL = $cache_data['SQL']; $this->count_SQL = $cache_data['count_SQL']; $this->sum_SQL = $cache_data['sum_SQL']; $this->_is_parsed = TRUE; $this->name = $cache_data['name']; } }
/** * Carrega um arquivo de tradução pegando as mensagens e traduções e joga em array retornando-o * @param string $lang nome do arquivo * @throws TriladoException disparada caso o arquivo não exista ou o conteúdo esteja vazio * @return array retorna um array com as mensagens de tradução, sendo as chaves o MD5 da mensagem original */ private function load($lang) { $key = 'Trilado.I18n.' . $lang; $cache = Cache::factory(); if ($cache->has($key)) { return $cache->read($key); } $file_path = ROOT . 'app/i18n/' . $lang . '.lang'; if (!file_exists($file_path)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($file_path); } $lines = file($file_path); if (!count($lines)) { throw new TriladoException('Arquivo "' . $file_path . '" está vazio'); } $key = false; $result = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (preg_match('@^(msgid|msgstr)@', $line)) { if (preg_match('/^msgid "(.+)"/', $line, $match)) { $key = md5($match[1]); } elseif (preg_match('/^msgstr "(.+)"/', $line, $match)) { if (!$key) { throw new TriladoException('Erro de sintax no arquivo "' . $file_path . '" na linha "' . $match[1] . '"'); } $result[$key] = $match[1]; $key = false; } } } foreach ($this->hook as $hook) { $result = $hook->load($result); } $cache->write($key, $result, CACHE_TIME); return $result; }
public function getCache($which) { // do we already have the cache object in the Registry ? if (Registry::isRegistered('cache_' . $which)) { return Registry::get('cache_' . $which); } else { // get the config for our cache object $config = Registry::get('config'); if (isset($config->cache->{$which}->handler)) { $cache = Cache::factory($config->cache->{$which}->handler, isset($config->cache->{$which}->params) ? $config->cache->{$which}->params : array(), isset($config->cache->{$which}->lifetime) ? $config->cache->{$which}->lifetime : Cache::DEFAULT_LIFETIME); return $cache; } else { throw new Exception('The cache handler "' . $which . '" is not set in config file'); } } }
define('CACHE_EXIT_ON_ERROR', true); error_reporting(E_ALL); // number of iterations define('TEST_ITERATIONS', 100); // how many reads should be performed per each set/update define('TEST_READS', 1); require "Benchmark/Timer.php"; require 'testCases/Cache.php'; $t = new Benchmark_Timer(); $t->start(); $aTests = array(25, 50, 75, 100); $t->setMarker('Script init'); foreach ($aTests as $concurrency) { $oTest = Cache::factory(array('type' => 'memcached', 'host' => '', 'port' => 11211)); test_update($oTest, $concurrency, $t, 'MEMCACHED '); $oTest = Cache::factory(array('type' => 'sharedance', 'host' => 'localhost')); test_update($oTest, $concurrency, $t, 'SHAREDANCE'); } $t->stop(); $t->display(); exit; function test_update($oTest, $concurrency, $t, $text) { $oTest->disconnect(); $oTest->invalidateAll(); $oTest->init($concurrency, TEST_ITERATIONS); for ($c = 0; $c < $concurrency; $c++) { mt_srand(1000 + $c); $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == 0) { $oTest->connect();
/** * Конструктор */ public function __construct($config) { parent::__construct($config); hook('preload', array($this, 'hookPreload')); $this->object(Cache::factory('normal', config('cache'))); }
/** * Loads the default most commonly used libraries for the framework * * @return object */ public function loadDefaultLibs() { $config = Registry::get('config'); foreach ($this->defaultLibs as $library) { if ($library == 'cache') { try { $cache = Cache::factory($config->get('cache/type')); } catch (Config_KeyNoExist $e) { // Revert to file based caching. $cache = Cache::factory('file'); } try { $cache->ttl($config->get('cache/ttl')); } catch (Exception $e) { } } else { if ($library == 'i18n') { try { I18n::factory($config->get('locale/engine')); } catch (Config_KeyNoExist $e) { I18n::factory('failsafe'); } } else { $this->loadLib($library); } } } return $this; }
/** * Função que importa classes automaticamente, baseado nos diretórios * registrados pelo método Import::register($dir). * @param string $class Nome da classe a ser carregada. * @return void */ public static function autoload($class) { $key = 'Trilado.Import.Files'; $cache = Cache::factory(); if ($cache->has($key)) { $files = $cache->read($key); if (isset($files[$class])) { require_once $files[$class]; return; } } foreach (self::$directories as $dir) { $file = ROOT . $dir . $class . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; $files = $cache->read($key); if ($files === false) { $files = array(); } $files[$class] = $file; $cache->write($key, $files, CACHE_TIME); return; } } }
/** * 获取用户信息 * * @param int $userid 用户 id * @param array $column 列 */ public static function getUser($userid, $column = array()) { $ret = array('id', 'userid', 'pwd', 'kid', 'mobile', 'email', 'status', 'regtime', 'regip', 'logintime', 'loginip', 'login_nums'); $ret = array_merge($ret, $column); /*$select = Da_Wrapper::select() ->table(self::DB_TABLE_USER) ->columns($ret) ->where('id', $userid); return $select->getRow();*/ $cache = Cache::factory(); $key = 'user_' . $userid; $cacheData = $cache->get($key); if (false == $cacheData) { $select = Da_Wrapper::select()->table(self::DB_TABLE_USER)->where('id', $userid)->getRow(); $cache->set($key, $select); } else { $select = $cacheData; } foreach ($select as $key => $value) { if (false == in_array($key, $ret)) { unset($select[$key]); } } return $select; }
<?php $caches = array(); foreach (array('system', 'normal') as $cache) { $caches[$cache] = Cache::factory($cache)->stats; } echo '<br/>' . t('<b>Кэшировние:</b> '); foreach ($caches as $name => $results) { echo '' . $name . ' <span title="' . t('Чтение/Запись') . '">(' . $results->read . '/' . $results->write . ')</span> '; }
static function autoload($class) { //定义类后缀与类路径的对应关系 static $CLASS_BASES = array(MODEL_SUFFIX => MODEL_BASE, WIDGET_SUFFIX => WIDGET_BASE, CONTROLLER_SUFFIX => CONTROLLER_BASE, AJAX_SUFFIX => CONTROLLER_BASE, '*' => LIBRARY_BASE); static $CLASS_PATTERN; if ($CLASS_PATTERN === NULL) { $SUFFIX1 = CONTROLLER_SUFFIX . '|' . AJAX_SUFFIX . '|' . VIEW_SUFFIX; $SUFFIX2 = MODEL_SUFFIX . '|' . WIDGET_SUFFIX; $CLASS_PATTERN = "/^(_)?(\\w+?)(?:({$SUFFIX1})?|({$SUFFIX2})?)\$/i"; } $class = strtolower($class); $nocache = FALSE; if (preg_match($CLASS_PATTERN, $class, $parts)) { list(, $is_core, $name, $suffix1, $suffix2) = $parts; if ($suffix1 != CONTROLLER_SUFFIX && isset($GLOBALS['class_map']) && is_array($GLOBALS['class_map'])) { $class_map = $GLOBALS['class_map']; if (isset($class_map[$class])) { require_once $class_map[$class]; } return; } if ($suffix1) { $bases = $CLASS_BASES[$suffix1]; $need_traverse = FALSE; $nocache = TRUE; } elseif ($suffix2) { $bases = $CLASS_BASES[$suffix2]; $need_traverse = TRUE; } else { $bases = $CLASS_BASES['*']; $need_traverse = TRUE; } $scope = $is_core ? 'system' : ($need_traverse ? '*' : NULL); if (!$nocache) { $cacher = Cache::factory(); $cache_key = 'autoload_path:' . $class; $file = $cacher->get($cache_key); if ($file) { require_once $file; return; } } /* 多重路径寻址 A_B_C a/b/c.php a/b_c.php a_b_c.php */ $units = explode('_', $name); $paths[] = implode('/', $units); $rest = array_pop($units); while (count($units) > 0) { $paths[] = implode('/', $units) . '_' . $rest; $rest = array_pop($units) . '_' . $rest; } $file = Core::load($bases, $paths, $scope); if (class_exists($class, false)) { //缓冲类到文件的索引 $nocache or $cacher->set($cache_key, $file); } elseif (!$is_core) { //如果不存在原始类 加载代用类 $sub_paths = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { $sub_paths[] = '@/' . $path; } $file = Core::load($bases, $sub_paths, 'system'); if (!$nocache && class_exists($class, false)) { $cacher->set($cache_key, $file); } } } }
/** * Function which starts web application. * * @static * @access public * @since 1.0.0-alpha * @version 1.0.0-alpha */ public static function startApp() { if (!file_exists(PATH_APP)) { throw new \Exception('Application directory does not exist.'); } // initialize basic functionalities Router::loadModulesList(); DB::create(); Cache::factory(); Session::init(); Router::factory(); // 2nd mark added to global 'indexView::php' view Benchmark::mark('start'); echo Router::getInstance()->executeAction(); }
function fetch_data($criteria = null, $no_fetch = false) { if (!$criteria) { return; } $name = $this->name(); $real_name = self::real_name($name); $real_names = array_diff(self::real_names($name), array($real_name)); if ($no_fetch) { $data = (array) $criteria; } else { if (is_scalar($criteria)) { $criteria = array('id' => $criteria); } //如果传递了 id //尝试 cache 获取 $data if ($criteria['id'] && !in_array($this->name(), Config::get('nocache.models', []))) { $cache_data = Cache::factory()->get($this->cache_name($criteria['id'])); if ($cache_data !== FALSE) { $data = $cache_data; } } if (!$data) { $db = self::db($real_name); $this->encode_objects($criteria); //从数据库中获取该数据 foreach ($criteria as $k => $v) { $where[] = $db->quote_ident($k) . '=' . $db->quote($v); } $schema = self::schema($name); //从schema中得到fields,优化查询 $fields = $schema['fields'] ? $db->quote_ident(array_keys($schema['fields'])) : $db->quote_ident('id'); // SELECT * from a JOIN b, c ON b.id=a.id AND c.id = b.id AND b.attr_b='xxx' WHERE a.attr_a = 'xxx'; $SQL = 'SELECT ' . $fields . ' FROM ' . $db->quote_ident($real_name) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' LIMIT 1'; $result = $db->query($SQL); //只取第一条记录 if ($result) { $data = (array) $result->row('assoc'); } else { $data = array(); } if ($data['id'] && !in_array($this->name(), Config::get('nocache.models', []))) { Cache::factory()->set($this->cache_name($data['id']), $data); } } } $delete_me = FALSE; if ($data['id']) { $id = $data['id']; } if ($id && count($real_names) > 0) { foreach ($real_names as $rname) { $db = self::db($rname); $result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `id`=%d', $rname, $id); $d = $result ? $result->row('assoc') : NULL; if ($d !== NULL) { $data += $d; } else { // 父类数据不存在 $delete_me = TRUE; $delete_me_until = $rname; //删除到该父类 break; } } if ($delete_me) { // 如果父类数据不存在 删除相关数据 foreach ($real_names as $rname) { if ($delete_me_until == $rname) { break; } $db = self::db($rname); $db->query('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `id`=%d', $rname, $id); } $data = array(); } } //给object赋值 $this->set_data($data); }
/** * download and parse the browscap file * * @return array array with parsed download info, or empty if the download is disabled of failed */ protected static function parse_browscap() { // get the browscap.ini file switch (static::$config['browscap']['method']) { case 'local': if ( ! file_exists(static::$config['browscap']['file']) or filesize(static::$config['browscap']['file']) == 0) { throw new \Exception('Agent class: could not open the local browscap.ini file.'); } $data = @file_get_contents(static::$config['browscap']['file']); break; // socket connections are not implemented yet! case 'sockets': $data = false; break; case 'curl': $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Fuel PHP framework - Agent class (http://fuelphp.com)'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, static::$config['browscap']['url']); $data = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); break; case 'wrapper': ini_set('user_agent', 'Fuel PHP framework - Agent class (http://fuelphp.com)'); $data = file_get_contents(static::$config['browscap']['url']); default: break; } if ($data === false) { logger(\Fuel::L_ERROR, 'Failed to download browscap.ini file.', 'Agent::parse_browscap'); } // parse the downloaded data $browsers = @parse_ini_string($data, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW) or $browsers = array(); // remove the version and timestamp entry array_shift($browsers); $result = array(); // reverse sort on key string length uksort($browsers, function($a, $b) { return strlen($a) < strlen($b) ? 1 : -1; } ); $index = array(); $count = 0; // reduce the array keys foreach($browsers as $browser => $properties) { $index[$browser] = $count++; // fix any type issues foreach ($properties as $var => $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $properties[$var] = $value + 0; } elseif ($value == 'true') { $properties[$var] = true; } elseif ($value == 'false') { $properties[$var] = false; } } $result[$browser] = \Arr::replace_keys($properties, static::$keys); } // reduce parent links to foreach($result as $browser => &$properties) { if (array_key_exists('Parent', $properties)) { if ($properties['Parent'] == 'DefaultProperties') { unset($properties['Parent']); } else { if (array_key_exists($properties['Parent'], $index)) { $properties['Parent'] = $index[$properties['Parent']]; } else { throw new \Exception('Agent class: parse error in browsecap.ini file. Unknown parent reference detected for: '.$browser); } } } } // save the result to the cache if ( ! empty($result)) { $cache = \Cache::factory(static::$config['cache']['identifier'].'.browscap'); $cache->set($result, static::$config['cache']['expiry']); } return $result; }
echo "<div id=\"_bt_info\" style=\"text-align: justify;clear: both; margin: 5px;\">\n"; } if (isset($g_timer) && class_exists('Benchmark_Timer', FALSE)) { $g_timer->stop(); $g_timer->display(); // to output html formated } if (isset($g_error_messages)) { echo "<!-- error_messages:\n", print_r($g_error_messages, true), "\n-->\n"; } if (isset($g_log_queries)) { echo "<!-- log_queries:\n", print_r($g_log_queries, true), "\n-->\n"; } echo "<!-- included:\n", print_r(get_included_files(), true), "\n-->\n"; if (class_exists('Cache', false)) { echo "<!-- cache:\n", htmlspecialchars(print_r(Cache::factory('all_instances'), true)), "\n-->\n"; } if (class_exists('Da_Wrapper', false)) { echo "<!-- dbos\n"; foreach (Da_Wrapper::getDbos() as $key => $dbo) { echo $key, ":\n"; echo 'class: ', get_class($dbo), ":\n"; print_r($dbo->errorInfo()); if (property_exists($dbo, 'logs')) { echo 'logs:', PHP_EOL; print_r($dbo->logs); } //echo 'querynum: ', $dbo->querynum, ":\n"; //print_r($dbo->queries); } echo "\n-->\n";
<?php /** * Zula Framework setup specific * Does specific tasks that may be needed, such as adding new config values that previous * versions of Zula may not have had (If you are upgrading, for example). * * @patches submit all patches to patches@tangocms.org * * @author Alex Cartwright * @author Robert Clipsham * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Alex Cartwright * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html GNU/LGPL 2.1 * @package Zula_Install */ Registry::get('cache')->purge(); Registry::unregister('cache'); Cache::factory('disabled'); I18n::factory('gettext_php'); $config->update('config/title', sprintf(t('%s %s setup'), _PROJECT_NAME, _PROJECT_LATEST_VERSION)); $config->update('acl/enable', 0);
public static function authCode($account = '', $code = '', $type = '') { $return = self::checkCode($account, $code, $type); if (1 !== $return) { return $return; } $update = array('phone' => array('update' => array('mobile_status' => 1), 'where' => array('mobile' => $account)), 'email' => array('update' => array('email_status' => 1), 'where' => array('email' => $account))); $data['code'] = $code; $data['sms_id'] = $type; $data[$type] = $account; $time = time() - 15 * 60; if ($userid = Da_Wrapper::select()->table(self::DB_TABLE_MSM)->columns('id')->where($data)->where("crttime >= {$time}")->getOne()) { $reUpdate = Da_Wrapper::update()->table("sp.huitong.ht_users")->data($update[$type]['update'])->where($update[$type]['where'])->execute(); $cache = Cache::factory(); $key = 'user_' . $userid; $cache->delete($key); return $reUpdate ? 1 : false; } else { return false; } }