コード例 #1
  * @see parent::getValue()
 function getValue($object, $smarty = null, $params = array())
     include_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('modifier', 'date_format');
     $propValue = $object->{$this->fieldName};
     $format = CValue::first(@$params["format"], CAppUI::conf("time"));
     return $propValue ? smarty_modifier_date_format($propValue, $format) : "";
コード例 #2
ファイル: CDateSpec.class.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
  * @see parent::getValue()
 function getValue($object, $smarty = null, $params = array())
     if ($smarty) {
         include_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('modifier', 'date_format');
     $propValue = $object->{$this->fieldName};
     $format = CValue::first(@$params["format"], CAppUI::conf("date"));
     return $propValue && $propValue != "0000-00-00" ? $this->progressive ? $this->progressiveFormat($propValue) : smarty_modifier_date_format($propValue, $format) : "";
     // TODO: test and use strftime($format, strtotime($propValue)) instead of smarty
コード例 #3
  * @see parent::updateFormFields()
 function updateFormFields()
     $this->_query_params_get = $get = json_decode($this->query_params_get, true);
     $this->_query_params_post = $post = json_decode($this->query_params_post, true);
     $this->_session_data = $session = json_decode($this->session_data, true);
     $get = is_array($get) ? $get : array();
     $post = is_array($post) ? $post : array();
     $this->_module = CValue::first(CMbArray::extract($get, "m"), CMbArray::extract($post, "m"));
     $this->_action = CValue::first(CMbArray::extract($get, "tab"), CMbArray::extract($get, "a"), CMbArray::extract($post, "dosql"));
コード例 #4
 function syncPatient($update = true)
     $medecin_id = $this->consume("medecin_id");
     // Gestion des id400
     $tag = "medecin-patient";
     $idex = new CIdSante400();
     $idex->object_class = "CPatient";
     $idex->id400 = $medecin_id;
     $idex->tag = $tag;
     // Identité
     $patient = new CPatient();
     $patient->nom = $this->consume("nom");
     $patient->prenom = CValue::first($this->consume("prenom"), $patient->nom);
     // Simulation de l'âge
     $year = 1980 - strlen($patient->nom);
     $month = '01';
     $day = str_pad(strlen($patient->prenom) % 30, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $patient->naissance = "{$year}-{$month}-{$day}";
     // Binding
     $this->trace($patient->getProperties(true), "Patient à enregistrer");
コード例 #5
 function ccmu_cmp($sejour1, $sejour2)
     $ccmu1 = CValue::first($sejour1->_ref_rpu->ccmu, "9");
     $ccmu2 = CValue::first($sejour2->_ref_rpu->ccmu, "9");
     if ($ccmu1 == "P") {
         $ccmu1 = "1";
     if ($ccmu2 == "P") {
         $ccmu2 = "1";
     return $ccmu2 - $ccmu1;
コード例 #6
 if ($limit_char_search = CAppUI::conf("dPpatients CPatient limit_char_search")) {
     $patient_nom_search = substr($patient_nom_search, 0, $limit_char_search);
     $patient_prenom_search = substr($patient_prenom_search, 0, $limit_char_search);
 if ($patient_nom_search) {
     $patient_nom_soundex = $soundexObj->build($patient_nom_search);
     $where[] = "`nom` LIKE '{$patient_nom_search}%' OR `nom_jeune_fille` LIKE '{$patient_nom_search}%'";
     $whereSoundex[] = "`nom_soundex2` LIKE '{$patient_nom_soundex}%' OR `nomjf_soundex2` LIKE '{$patient_nom_soundex}%'";
 if ($patient_prenom_search) {
     $patient_prenom_soundex = $soundexObj->build($patient_prenom_search);
     $where["prenom"] = "LIKE '{$patient_prenom_search}%'";
     $whereSoundex["prenom_soundex2"] = "LIKE '{$patient_prenom_soundex}%'";
 if ($patient_year || $patient_month || $patient_day) {
     $patient_naissance = CValue::first($patient_year, "%") . "-" . CValue::first($patient_month, "%") . "-" . CValue::first($patient_day, "%");
     $where["naissance"] = $whereSoundex["naissance"] = "LIKE '{$patient_naissance}'";
 if ($patient_sexe) {
     $where["sexe"] = $whereSoundex["sexe"] = "= '{$patient_sexe}'";
 if ($patient_ville) {
     $where["ville"] = $whereSoundex["ville"] = "LIKE '{$patient_ville}%'";
 if ($patient_cp) {
     $where["cp"] = $whereSoundex["cp"] = "LIKE '{$patient_cp}%'";
 if ($prat_id) {
     $ljoin["consultation"] = "`consultation`.`patient_id` = `patients`.`patient_id`";
     $ljoin["plageconsult"] = "`plageconsult`.`plageconsult_id` = `consultation`.`plageconsult_id`";
     $ljoin["sejour"] = "`sejour`.`patient_id` = `patients`.`patient_id`";
コード例 #7
  * Recursive stat building for given files
  * @param string          $basedir Base directory of the node
  * @param string|string[] $file    File or file collection of the node
  * @return array|mixed
 function buildStat($basedir, $file)
     $stat = array();
     // Directory case
     if (is_array($file)) {
         $stats = array();
         foreach ($file as $filename => $basename) {
             $stats[] = $this->buildStat("{$basedir}/{$filename}", $basename);
         $stat = call_user_func_array("array_merge_recursive", $stats);
         return $this->stats[CValue::first($basedir, "-root-")] = $stat;
     // File case
     $subpath = "{$basedir}";
     $report = $this->makeReportPath($subpath, "json");
     if (is_file($report)) {
         $stat = json_decode(file_get_contents($report), true);
     if (!is_array($stat)) {
         $stat = array();
     return $this->stats[$subpath] = $stat;
コード例 #8
 * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
if (!CAppUI::conf("sip export_dest")) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("Aucun destinataire de défini pour l'export.", UI_MSG_ERROR);
// Si pas de tag patient
if (!CAppUI::conf("dPpatients CPatient tag_ipp")) {
    CAppUI::stepAjax("Aucun tag patient de défini.", UI_MSG_ERROR);
// Filtre sur les enregistrements
$patient = new CPatient();
$action = CValue::get("action", "start");
// Tous les départs possibles
$idMins = array("start" => "000000", "continue" => CValue::getOrSession("idContinue"), "retry" => CValue::getOrSession("idRetry"));
$idMin = CValue::first(@$idMins[$action], "000000");
CValue::setSession("idRetry", $idMin);
// Requêtes
$where = array();
$where[$patient->_spec->key] = "> '{$idMin}'";
$sip_config = CAppUI::conf("sip");
// Bornes
if ($export_id_min = $sip_config["export_id_min"]) {
    $where[] = $patient->_spec->key . " >= '{$export_id_min}'";
if ($export_id_max = $sip_config["export_id_max"]) {
    $where[] = $patient->_spec->key . " <= '{$export_id_max}'";
// Comptage
$count = $patient->countList($where);
$max = $sip_config["export_segment"];
コード例 #9
        if ($this->_update_pause && $this->_pause && $this->_pause_repeat_time) {
            $consult = new CConsultation();
            $where = array();
            $where["plageconsult_id"] = " = '{$this->_id}' ";
            $where["patient_id"] = " IS NULL";
            $consult->plageconsult_id = $this->_id;
            $consult->heure = $this->_pause;
            $consult->duree = $this->_pause_repeat_time;
            $consult->chrono = 16;
            $consult->_hour = null;
            $consult->_min = null;
            if ($msg = $consult->store()) {
                CAppUI::stepAjax($msg, UI_MSG_WARNING);
        return null;
$pcConfig = CAppUI::conf("dPcabinet CPlageconsult");
CPlageconsult::$hours_start = str_pad($pcConfig["hours_start"], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
CPlageconsult::$hours_stop = str_pad($pcConfig["hours_stop"], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
CPlageconsult::$minutes_interval = CValue::first($pcConfig["minutes_interval"], "15");
$hours = range($pcConfig["hours_start"], $pcConfig["hours_stop"]);
$mins = range(0, 59, CPlageconsult::$minutes_interval);
foreach ($hours as $key => $hour) {
    CPlageconsult::$hours[$hour] = str_pad($hour, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
foreach ($mins as $key => $min) {
    CPlageconsult::$minutes[] = str_pad($min, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
コード例 #10
$filter->user_id = CValue::get("user_id", CAppUI::$user->_id);
$filter->_id = CValue::get("plage_id", "");
$filter->date_debut = CValue::get("date_debut", "{$year}-01-01");
$filter->date_fin = CValue::get("date_fin", "{$year}-12-31");
// load available users
$mediuser = new CMediusers();
$mediusers = $mediuser->loadListFromType();
// load ref function
foreach ($mediusers as $_medius) {
// Query
$where = array();
$where["user_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($mediusers), $filter->user_id);
$debut = CValue::first($filter->date_debut, $filter->date_fin);
$fin = CValue::first($filter->date_fin, $filter->date_debut);
if ($fin || $debut) {
    $where["date_debut"] = "<= '{$fin}'";
    $where["date_fin"] = ">= '{$debut}'";
$plages = $filter->loadList($where);
// Regrouper par utilisateur
$found_users = array();
$plages_per_user = array();
foreach ($plages as $_plage) {
    $found_users[$_plage->user_id] = $mediusers[$_plage->user_id];
    if (!isset($plages_per_user[$_plage->user_id])) {
        $plages_per_user[$_plage->user_id] = 0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: synchro_sante400.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
$max = CValue::get("max", CAppUI::conf("sante400 nb_rows"));
// Load mouvements
$class = CValue::get("class");
$type = CValue::getOrSession("type");
$mouvs = array();
$count = 0;
$procs = 0;
if (!in_array($type, $types)) {
    $type = null;
// Mouvement type (or class) provided
if ($type || $class) {
    // Mouvement construction by factory
    $mouv = $class ? new $class() : CMouvFactory::create($type);
    if (!$mouv) {
        CAppUI::stepMessage(UI_MSG_ERROR, "CMouvFactory-error-noclass", CValue::first($type, $class));
    // Initialisation d'un fichier de verrou
    $class = $mouv->class;
    $lock = new CMbLock("synchro_sante400/{$class}");
    // Mouvements counting
    $count = $mouv->count($marked);
    // Mouvements loading
    /** @var CMouvement400[] $mouvs */
    $mouvs = array();
    if ($rec = CValue::get("rec")) {
        try {
            $mouvs = array($mouv);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
コード例 #12
ファイル: dhe_externe.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
                 $equals &= $list_fields["fields"][$_field];
             // On complète éventuellement le séjour existant avant de le storer
             if ($equals) {
                 foreach ($list_fields["fields"] as $_field => $_state) {
                     $sejour_existant->{$_field} = CValue::first($sejour_existant->{$_field}, $sejour->{$_field});
                 if (!($msg_error = $sejour_existant->store())) {
                     $sejour = $sejour_existant;
                     $sejour_ok = true;
                 // Sinon on propose à l'utilisateur de régler les problèmes
             } else {
                 $sejour_resultat = clone $sejour;
                 foreach ($list_fields["fields"] as $_field => $_state) {
                     $sejour_resultat->{$_field} = CValue::first($sejour->{$_field}, $sejour_existant->{$_field});
                 $list_fields["object"] = $sejour;
                 $list_fields["object_existant"] = $sejour_existant;
                 $list_fields["object_resultat"] = $sejour_resultat;
     } else {
         $msg_error = "<strong>Impossible de sauvegarder le séjour :</strong> " . $msg_error;
 if ($sejour->libelle && !$sejour_ok) {
     // Création du template
     $smarty = new CSmartyDP();
     $smarty->assign("praticien_id", $praticien_id);
     $smarty->assign("list_fields", $list_fields);
コード例 #13
 function addIntervention($elParent, COperation $operation, $referent = null, $light = false)
     $identifiant = $this->addElement($elParent, "identifiant");
     $this->addElement($identifiant, "emetteur", $operation->_id);
     $last_idex = $operation->_ref_last_id400;
     if (isset($last_idex->_id)) {
         $this->addElement($identifiant, "recepteur", $last_idex->id400);
     $sejour = $operation->loadRefSejour();
     if (!$operation->plageop_id) {
     // Calcul du début de l'intervention
     $mbOpDate = CValue::first($operation->_ref_plageop->date, $operation->date);
     $time_operation = $operation->time_operation == "00:00:00" ? null : $operation->time_operation;
     $mbOpHeureDebut = CValue::first($operation->debut_op, $operation->entree_salle, $time_operation, $operation->horaire_voulu, $operation->_ref_plageop->debut);
     $mbOpDebut = CMbRange::forceInside($sejour->entree, $sejour->sortie, "{$mbOpDate} {$mbOpHeureDebut}");
     // Calcul de la fin de l'intervention
     $mbOpHeureFin = CValue::first($operation->fin_op, $operation->sortie_salle, CMbDT::addTime($operation->temp_operation, CMbDT::time($mbOpDebut)));
     $mbOpFin = CMbRange::forceInside($sejour->entree, $sejour->sortie, "{$mbOpDate} {$mbOpHeureFin}");
     $debut = $this->addElement($elParent, "debut");
     $this->addElement($debut, "date", CMbDT::date($mbOpDebut));
     $this->addElement($debut, "heure", CMbDT::time($mbOpDebut));
     $fin = $this->addElement($elParent, "fin");
     $this->addElement($fin, "date", CMbDT::date($mbOpFin));
     $this->addElement($fin, "heure", CMbDT::time($mbOpFin));
     if ($light) {
         // Ajout des participants
         $mbParticipants = array();
         foreach ($operation->_ref_actes_ccam as $acte_ccam) {
             $mbParticipant = $acte_ccam->_ref_executant;
             $mbParticipants[$mbParticipant->user_id] = $mbParticipant;
         $participants = $this->addElement($elParent, "participants");
         foreach ($mbParticipants as $mbParticipant) {
             $participant = $this->addElement($participants, "participant");
             $medecin = $this->addElement($participant, "medecin");
             $this->addProfessionnelSante($medecin, $mbParticipant);
         // Libellé de l'opération
         $this->addTexte($elParent, "libelle", $operation->libelle, 80);
     } else {
         $this->addUniteFonctionnelle($elParent, $operation);
         // Uniquement le responsable de l’'intervention
         $participants = $this->addElement($elParent, "participants");
         $participant = $this->addElement($participants, "participant");
         $medecin = $this->addElement($participant, "medecin");
         $this->addProfessionnelSante($medecin, $operation->loadRefChir());
         // Libellé de l'opération
         $this->addTexte($elParent, "libelle", $operation->libelle, 4000);
         // Remarques sur l'opération
         $this->addTexte($elParent, "commentaire", CMbString::convertHTMLToXMLEntities("{$operation->materiel} - {$operation->rques}"), 4000);
         // Conventionnée ?
         $this->addElement($elParent, "convention", $operation->conventionne ? 1 : 0);
         // TypeAnesthésie : nomemclature externe (idex)
         if ($operation->type_anesth) {
             $tag_hprimxml = $this->_ref_receiver->_tag_hprimxml;
             $idexTypeAnesth = CIdSante400::getMatch("CTypeAnesth", $tag_hprimxml, null, $operation->type_anesth);
             $this->addElement($elParent, "typeAnesthesie", $idexTypeAnesth->id400);
         // Indicateurs
         $indicateurs = $this->addElement($elParent, "indicateurs");
         $dossier_medical = new CDossierMedical();
         $dossier_medical->object_class = "CPatient";
         $dossier_medical->object_id = $operation->loadRefPatient()->_id;
         $antecedents = $dossier_medical->loadRefsAntecedents();
         foreach ($antecedents as $_antecedent) {
             $rques = CMbString::htmlspecialchars($_antecedent->rques);
             $rques = CMbString::convertHTMLToXMLEntities($rques);
             $this->addCodeLibelle($indicateurs, "indicateur", $_antecedent->_id, $rques);
         // Extemporané
         if ($operation->exam_extempo) {
             $this->addCodeLibelle($indicateurs, "indicateur", "EXT", "Extemporané");
         // Recours / Durée USCPO
         $this->addElement($elParent, "recoursUscpo", $operation->duree_uscpo ? 1 : 0);
         $this->addElement($elParent, "dureeUscpo", $operation->duree_uscpo ? $operation->duree_uscpo : null);
         // Côté (droit|gauche|bilatéral|total|inconnu)
         // D - Droit
         // G - Gauche
         // B - Bilatéral
         // T - Total
         // I - Inconnu
         $cote = array("droit" => "D", "gauche" => "G", "bilatéral" => "B", "total" => "T", "inconnu" => "I", "haut" => "HT", "bas" => "BS");
         $this->addCodeLibelle($elParent, "cote", $cote[$operation->cote], CMbString::capitalize($operation->cote));
コード例 #14
 * $Id$
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage Labo
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
// Chargement de la prescription
$prescription = new CPrescriptionLabo();
if ($prescription->load(CValue::getOrSession("prescription_id"))) {
// Chargement du patient
$patient_id = CValue::first($prescription->patient_id, CValue::getOrSession("patient_id"));
$patient = new CPatient();
// Chargement de la première prescription dans le cas ou il n'y en a pas
if (!$prescription->_id && $patient->_id && count($patient->_ref_prescriptions)) {
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("patient", $patient);
$smarty->assign("prescription", $prescription);
コード例 #15
ファイル: CSejour.class.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
  * Charge le sejour ayant les traits suivants :
  * - Meme patient
  * - Meme praticien si praticien connu
  * - Date d'entree équivalente
  * @param bool $strict    Le séjour this exclu
  * @param bool $notCancel Seulement les non annulés
  * @param bool $useSortie Filtrer aussi sur la date de sortie
  * @return int|void Nombre d'occurences trouvées
 function loadMatchingSejour($strict = false, $notCancel = false, $useSortie = true)
     if ($strict && $this->_id) {
         $where["sejour_id"] = " != '{$this->_id}'";
     $where["patient_id"] = " = '{$this->patient_id}'";
     $this->_entree = CValue::first($this->entree_reelle, $this->entree_prevue);
     if ($useSortie) {
         $this->_sortie = CValue::first($this->sortie_reelle, $this->sortie_prevue);
     if (!$this->_entree) {
         return null;
     if ($this->_entree) {
         $date_entree = CMbDT::date($this->_entree);
         $where[] = "DATE(entree_prevue) = '{$date_entree}' OR DATE(entree_reelle) = '{$date_entree}'";
     if ($useSortie) {
         if ($this->_sortie) {
             $date_sortie = CMbDT::date($this->_sortie);
             $where[] = "DATE(sortie_prevue) = '{$date_sortie}' OR DATE(sortie_reelle) = '{$date_sortie}'";
     if ($notCancel) {
         $where["annule"] = " = '0'";
     if ($this->type) {
         $where["type"] = " = '{$this->type}'";
     return $this->countList($where);
コード例 #16
  * Get XCN : extended composite ID number and name for persons
  * @param CMbObject        $object     Object
  * @param CInteropReceiver $actor      Actor
  * @param bool             $repeatable Repeatable field
  * @return array
 function getXCN(CMbObject $object, CInteropReceiver $actor, $repeatable = false)
     $xcn1 = $xcn2 = $xcn3 = $xcn9 = $xcn13 = null;
     $idex = new CIdSante400();
     if ($object instanceof CMedecin) {
         $object->completeField("adeli", "rpps");
         $idex = $object->loadLastId400();
         $xcn1 = CValue::first($object->adeli, $object->rpps, $idex->id400, $object->_id);
         $xcn2 = $object->nom;
         $xcn3 = $object->prenom;
         $xcn9 = $this->getXCN9($object, $idex, $actor);
         $xcn13 = $object->adeli ? "ADELI" : ($object->rpps ? "RPPS" : "RI");
     if ($object instanceof CUser) {
         $xcn1 = $object->_id;
         $xcn2 = $object->user_last_name;
         $xcn3 = $object->user_first_name;
         $xcn9 = $this->getXCN9($object);
         $xcn13 = "RI";
     if ($object instanceof CMediusers) {
         $object->completeField("adeli", "rpps");
         $idex = CIdSante400::getMatch("CMediusers", $actor->_tag_mediuser, null, $object->_id);
         $xcn1 = CValue::first($object->adeli, $object->rpps, $idex->id400, $object->_id);
         $xcn2 = $object->_user_last_name;
         $xcn3 = $object->_user_first_name;
         $xcn9 = $this->getXCN9($object, $idex, $actor);
         $xcn13 = $object->adeli ? "ADELI" : ($object->rpps ? "RPPS" : "RI");
     if ($repeatable && $actor->_configs["build_PV1_7"] == "repeatable" && $object instanceof CMediusers) {
         $xcn = array(null, $xcn2, $xcn3, null, null, null, null, null, $xcn9, "L", null, null, null);
         $xncs = array();
         // Ajout du RPPS
         if ($object->rpps) {
             $xcn[0] = $object->rpps;
             $xcn[8] = $this->getAssigningAuthority("RPPS");
             $xcn[12] = "RPPS";
             $xncs[] = $xcn;
         // Ajout de l'ADELI
         if ($object->adeli) {
             $xcn[0] = $object->adeli;
             $xcn[8] = $this->getAssigningAuthority("ADELI");
             $xcn[12] = "ADELI";
             $xncs[] = $xcn;
         // Ajout de l'Idex
         if ($idex->id400) {
             $xcn[0] = $idex->id400;
             $xcn[8] = $this->getAssigningAuthority("actor", null, $actor);
             $xcn[12] = "RI";
             $xncs[] = $xcn;
         // Est-ce que l'on transmet notre identifiant de praticien
         if ($actor->_configs["send_own_identifier"]) {
             // Ajout de l'ID Mediboard
             $xcn[0] = $object->_id;
             $xcn[8] = $this->getAssigningAuthority("mediboard");
             $xcn[12] = "RI";
             $xncs[] = $xcn;
         return $xncs;
     } else {
         return array(array($xcn1, $xcn2, $xcn3, null, null, null, null, null, $xcn9, "L", null, null, $xcn13, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null));
コード例 #17
  * Donne les heures limites d'une intervention
  * @param COperation $interv Reference interv
  * @return array
 static function getLimitTimes(COperation $interv)
     $round_minutes = 10;
     $round = $round_minutes * 60000;
     // FIXME
     $sejour = $interv->loadRefSejour();
     // Cas du partogramme
     if ($sejour->grossesse_id) {
         $grossesse = $sejour->loadRefGrossesse();
         // Debut = debut travail OU entree salle
         if ($grossesse->datetime_debut_travail) {
             $time_debut_op_iso = $grossesse->datetime_debut_travail;
         } else {
             $time_min = $interv->entree_salle;
             $date = CMbDT::date($interv->_datetime);
             $time_debut_op_iso = "{$date} {$time_min}";
         // Fin = fin accouchement OU debut+1 heure OU maintenant
         if ($grossesse->datetime_accouchement) {
             $time_fin_op_iso = $grossesse->datetime_accouchement;
         } else {
             $time_fin_op_iso = max(CMbDT::dateTime(), CMbDT::dateTime("+1 HOUR", $time_debut_op_iso));
     } else {
         $time_min = $interv->entree_salle;
         $time_max = CMbDT::time("+" . CMbDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $interv->temp_operation) . " MINUTES", $interv->entree_salle);
         $date = CMbDT::date($interv->_datetime);
         $fin = CValue::first($interv->sortie_salle, $interv->fin_op, $interv->retrait_garrot);
         if ($fin) {
             $time_max = max($time_max, $fin);
         $time_debut_op_iso = "{$date} {$time_min}";
         $time_fin_op_iso = "{$date} {$time_max}";
     $timestamp_min = floor(CMbDate::toUTCTimestamp($time_debut_op_iso) / $round) * $round;
     $timestamp_max = ceil(CMbDate::toUTCTimestamp($time_fin_op_iso) / $round) * $round;
     return array($timestamp_min, $timestamp_max, $time_debut_op_iso, $time_fin_op_iso);
コード例 #18
ファイル: CUser.class.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
  * Lazy access to a given user, defaultly connected user
  * @param integer $user_id The user id, connected user if null;
  * @return CUser
 static function get($user_id = null)
     $user = new CUser();
     return $user->getCached(CValue::first($user_id, CAppUI::$instance->user_id));
コード例 #19
$filter->start = CValue::get("start", "{$year}-01-01");
$filter->end = CValue::get("end", "{$year}-12-31");
// load available users
$mediuser = new CMediusers();
$mediusers = $mediuser->loadListFromType();
$user = CMediusers::get($filter->user_id);
// load ref function
foreach ($mediusers as $mid => $_medius) {
// Query
$where = array();
$where["user_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($mediusers), $filter->user_id);
$where["group_id"] = " = '{$group->_id}'";
$debut = CValue::first($filter->start, $filter->end);
$fin = CValue::first($filter->end, $filter->start);
if ($fin || $debut) {
    $where["start"] = "<= '{$fin}'";
    $where["end"] = ">= '{$debut}'";
/** @var CPlageAstreinte[] $plages */
$plages = $filter->loadList($where, "start DESC", "0,100");
// Regrouper par utilisateur
$found_users = array();
$plages_per_user = array();
foreach ($plages as $_plage) {
    if (!isset($found_users[$_plage->user_id])) {
        $found_users[$_plage->user_id] = null;
    $found_users[$_plage->user_id] = $mediusers[$_plage->user_id];
    $_plage->_ref_user = $_plage->loadRefUser();
コード例 #20
ファイル: pat_selector.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
     $patient_prenom_search_limited = substr($patient_firstName_search, 0, $limit_char_search);
 if ($patient_name_search) {
     $patient_nom_soundex = $soundexObj->build($patient_name_search);
     $where[] = "`nom` LIKE '{$patient_name_search}%' OR `nom_jeune_fille` LIKE '{$patient_name_search}%'";
     $whereLimited[] = "`nom` LIKE '{$patient_nom_search_limited}%' OR `nom_jeune_fille` LIKE '{$patient_nom_search_limited}%'";
     $whereSoundex[] = "`nom_soundex2` LIKE '{$patient_nom_soundex}%' OR `nomjf_soundex2` LIKE '{$patient_nom_soundex}%'";
 if ($patient_firstName_search) {
     $patient_prenom_soundex = $soundexObj->build($patient_firstName_search);
     $where["prenom"] = "LIKE '{$patient_firstName_search}%'";
     $whereLimited["prenom"] = "LIKE '{$patient_prenom_search_limited}%'";
     $whereSoundex["prenom_soundex2"] = "LIKE '{$patient_prenom_soundex}%'";
 if ($patient_year || $patient_month || $patient_day) {
     $patient_naissance = CValue::first($patient_year, "%") . "-" . CValue::first($patient_month, "%") . "-" . ($patient_day ? str_pad($patient_day, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) : "%");
     $where["naissance"] = $whereSoundex["naissance"] = $whereLimited["naissance"] = "LIKE '{$patient_naissance}'";
 $limit = "0, {$showCount}";
 $order = "patients.nom, patients.prenom";
 $pat = new CPatient();
 /** @var CPatient[] $patients */
 $patients = array();
 /** @var CPatient[] $patientsSoundex */
 $patientsSoundex = array();
 /** @var CPatient[] $patientsLimited */
 $patientsLimited = array();
 if ($where) {
     // Séparation des patients par fonction
     if (CAppUI::conf('dPpatients CPatient function_distinct') && !CMediusers::get()->isAdmin()) {
         $function_id = CMediusers::get()->function_id;
コード例 #21
ファイル: CExamAudio.class.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
  * @see parent::updateFormFields();
 function updateFormFields()
     // Initialisations
     $this->gauche_aerien = CValue::first($this->gauche_aerien, "|||||||");
     $this->gauche_osseux = CValue::first($this->gauche_osseux, "|||||||");
     $this->gauche_conlat = CValue::first($this->gauche_conlat, "|||||||");
     $this->gauche_ipslat = CValue::first($this->gauche_ipslat, "|||||||");
     $this->gauche_pasrep = CValue::first($this->gauche_pasrep, "|||||||");
     $this->gauche_tympan = CValue::first($this->gauche_tympan, "|||||||");
     $this->gauche_vocale = CValue::first($this->gauche_vocale, "|||||||");
     $this->droite_aerien = CValue::first($this->droite_aerien, "|||||||");
     $this->droite_osseux = CValue::first($this->droite_osseux, "|||||||");
     $this->droite_conlat = CValue::first($this->droite_conlat, "|||||||");
     $this->droite_ipslat = CValue::first($this->droite_ipslat, "|||||||");
     $this->droite_pasrep = CValue::first($this->droite_pasrep, "|||||||");
     $this->droite_tympan = CValue::first($this->droite_tympan, "|||||||");
     $this->droite_vocale = CValue::first($this->droite_vocale, "|||||||");
     $this->_gauche_aerien = explode("|", $this->gauche_aerien);
     $this->_gauche_osseux = explode("|", $this->gauche_osseux);
     $this->_gauche_conlat = explode("|", $this->gauche_conlat);
     $this->_gauche_ipslat = explode("|", $this->gauche_ipslat);
     $this->_gauche_pasrep = explode("|", $this->gauche_pasrep);
     $this->_gauche_vocale = explode("|", $this->gauche_vocale);
     $this->_gauche_tympan = explode("|", $this->gauche_tympan);
     $this->_droite_aerien = explode("|", $this->droite_aerien);
     $this->_droite_osseux = explode("|", $this->droite_osseux);
     $this->_droite_conlat = explode("|", $this->droite_conlat);
     $this->_droite_ipslat = explode("|", $this->droite_ipslat);
     $this->_droite_pasrep = explode("|", $this->droite_pasrep);
     $this->_droite_vocale = explode("|", $this->droite_vocale);
     $this->_droite_tympan = explode("|", $this->droite_tympan);
     $this->_moyenne_gauche_aerien = ($this->_gauche_aerien[2] + $this->_gauche_aerien[3] + $this->_gauche_aerien[4] + $this->_gauche_aerien[5]) / 4;
     $this->_moyenne_gauche_osseux = ($this->_gauche_osseux[2] + $this->_gauche_osseux[3] + $this->_gauche_osseux[4] + $this->_gauche_osseux[5]) / 4;
     $this->_moyenne_droite_aerien = ($this->_droite_aerien[2] + $this->_droite_aerien[3] + $this->_droite_aerien[4] + $this->_droite_aerien[5]) / 4;
     $this->_moyenne_droite_osseux = ($this->_droite_osseux[2] + $this->_droite_osseux[3] + $this->_droite_osseux[4] + $this->_droite_osseux[5]) / 4;
     foreach ($this->_gauche_vocale as $key => $value) {
         $item =& $this->_gauche_vocale[$key];
         $item = $value ? explode("-", $value) : array("", "");
     foreach ($this->_droite_vocale as $key => $value) {
         $item =& $this->_droite_vocale[$key];
         $item = $value ? explode("-", $value) : array("", "");
コード例 #22
ファイル: CBilanSSR.class.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
  * Chargement du kiné référent et kiné journée pour une date donnée
  * @param date $date Date courante if null;
  * @return CMediusers Kiné journée
 function loadRefKineJournee($date = null)
     $this->_ref_kine_journee = $this->_ref_kine_referent;
     // Recherche d'un remplacement
     $sejour = $this->loadRefSejour();
     foreach ($sejour->loadRefReplacements() as $_replacement) {
         if ($_replacement->_id) {
             $conge = $_replacement->_ref_conge;
             if (CMbRange::in(CValue::first($date, CMbDT::date()), $conge->date_debut, $conge->date_fin)) {
                 $replacer = $_replacement->loadRefReplacer();
                 $this->_ref_kine_journee = $_replacement->_ref_replacer;
     $this->_kine_journee_id = $this->_ref_kine_journee->_id;
     return $this->_ref_kine_journee;
コード例 #23
ファイル: CStrSpec.class.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
  * @see parent::getFormHtmlElement()
 function getFormHtmlElement($object, $params, $value, $className)
     $maxLength = CValue::first($this->length, $this->maxLength, 255);
     CMbArray::defaultValue($params, "size", min($maxLength, 25));
     CMbArray::defaultValue($params, "maxlength", $maxLength);
     return $this->getFormElementText($object, $params, $value, $className);
コード例 #24
  * Charge le propriétaire de la liste
  * @return CMediusers|CFunctions|CGroups
 function loadRefOwner()
     return CValue::first($this->loadRefUser(), $this->loadRefFunction(), $this->loadRefGroup());
コード例 #25
  * Mass load mechanism for forward references of an object collection
  * @param self[] $objects      Array of objects
  * @param string $field        Field to load
  * @param string $object_class Restrict to explicit object class in case of meta reference
  * @param bool   $keep_sorted  Keep the same order as the one in $objects
  * @return self[] Loaded collection, null if unavailable, with ids as keys of guids for meta references
 static function massLoadFwdRef($objects, $field, $object_class = null, $keep_sorted = false)
     if (!count($objects)) {
         return array();
     $object = reset($objects);
     $spec = $object->_specs[$field];
     if (!$spec instanceof CRefSpec) {
         trigger_error("Can't mass load not ref '{$field}' for class '{$object->_class}'", E_USER_WARNING);
         return null;
     $meta = $spec->meta;
     if ($object_class && !$spec->meta) {
         trigger_error("Mass load with object class is unavailable for non meta ref '{$field}' in class '{$object->_class}'", E_USER_WARNING);
         return null;
     // Delegated mass load forward references by meta class then append in global array with guid as keys
     if ($meta && !$object_class) {
         $object_classes = array();
         foreach ($objects as $_object) {
             $object_classes[$_object->{$meta}] = true;
         $fwd_objects = array();
         foreach (array_keys($object_classes) as $_object_class) {
             // Merge array_values to get rid of non integer keys
             $fwd_objects = array_merge($fwd_objects, array_values(self::massLoadFwdRef($objects, $field, $_object_class)));
         // Final array has guids for keys;
         return array_combine(CMbArray::pluck($fwd_objects, "_guid"), $fwd_objects);
     // No existing class
     if (!self::classExists($spec->class)) {
         return null;
     /** @var self $fwd */
     $class = CValue::first($object_class, $spec->class);
     $fwd = self::getInstance($class);
     // Inactive module
     if (!$fwd->_ref_module) {
         return null;
     // Get the ids
     $fwd_ids = array();
     if ($object_class) {
         foreach ($objects as $_object) {
             if ($_object->{$meta} == $object_class) {
                 $fwd_ids[] = $_object->{$field};
     } else {
         $fwd_ids = CMbArray::pluck($objects, $field);
     // Trim real ids
     $fwd_ids = array_unique($fwd_ids);
     CMbArray::removeValue("", $fwd_ids);
     // Only run when there's something to look for
     if (!count($fwd_ids)) {
         return array();
     $where[$fwd->_spec->key] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($fwd_ids);
     $list = $fwd->loadList($where);
     if (!$keep_sorted) {
         return $list;
     $list_sorted = array();
     foreach ($fwd_ids as $_fwd_id) {
         $list_sorted[$_fwd_id] = $list[$_fwd_id];
     return $list_sorted;
コード例 #26
 * @author SARL OpenXtrem
 * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html 
$canSante400 = CModule::getCanDo("dPsante400");
$idex = new CIdSante400();
// Chargement du filtre
$filter = new CIdSante400();
$filter->object_id = CValue::get("object_id");
$filter->object_class = CValue::get("object_class");
$filter->tag = CValue::get("tag");
$filter->id400 = CValue::get("id400");
$filter->last_update = CValue::first($idex->last_update, CMbDT::dateTime());
// Rester sur le même filtre en mode dialogue
$dialog = CValue::get("dialog");
if ($dialog && $idex->_id) {
    $filter->object_class = $idex->object_class;
    $filter->object_id = $idex->object_id;
// Récupération de la liste des classes disponibles
if ($filter->object_class && $filter->object_id) {
    $listClasses = array($filter->object_class);
} else {
    $listClasses = CApp::getInstalledClasses();
// Chargement de la cible si oBjet unique
$target = null;
if ($filter->object_id && $filter->object_class) {
  * Return the time of the object
  * @param CMbObject $object Reference Object
  * @return null|time
 function getHourWithObject($object)
     $heure = null;
     switch (get_class($object)) {
         case "COperation":
             /** @var COperation $object */
             $time_operation = $object->time_operation == "00:00:00" ? null : $object->time_operation;
             $heure = CValue::first($object->debut_op, $object->entree_salle, $time_operation, $object->horaire_voulu);
         case "CConsultation":
             /** @var CConsultation $object */
             $heure = $object->heure;
         case "CSejour":
             /** @var CSejour $object */
             $heure = CMbDT::time($object->entree);
     return $heure;
コード例 #28
  * Load functions with permissions for given group, current group by default
  * @param int    $permType Level of permission
  * @param int    $group_id Filter on group
  * @param string $type     Type of function
  * @return CFunctions[] Found functions
 static function loadFonctions($permType = PERM_READ, $group_id = null, $type = null, $name = "")
     $group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
     $function = new CFunctions();
     $where = array();
     $where["actif"] = "= '1'";
     $where["group_id"] = "= '" . CValue::first($group_id, $group->_id) . "'";
     if ($type) {
         $where["type"] = "= '{$type}'";
     if ($name) {
         $where["text"] = "LIKE '{$name}%'";
     $order = "text";
     /** @var CFunctions[] $functions */
     $functions = $function->loadList($where, $order);
     CMbObject::filterByPerm($functions, $permType);
     // Group association
     foreach ($functions as $function) {
         $function->_ref_group = $group;
     return $functions;
コード例 #29
$type = CValue::get("type", 'check_entree');
$ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
$result = "";
switch ($type) {
    case 'check_entree':
        $message = " entrée(s) erronée(s)";
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total \n      FROM `sejour`\n      WHERE `sejour`.`entree` != IF(`sejour`.`entree_reelle`,`sejour`.`entree_reelle`,`sejour`.`entree_prevue`)";
        $result = $ds->loadResult($sql);
    case 'check_sortie':
        $message = " sortie(s) erronnée(s)";
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total \n      FROM `sejour`\n      WHERE `sejour`.`sortie` != IF(`sejour`.`sortie_reelle`,`sejour`.`sortie_reelle`,`sejour`.`sortie_prevue`)";
        $result = $ds->loadResult($sql);
    case 'fix_entree':
        $message = " entrée(s) corrigée(s)";
        $sql = "UPDATE `sejour` SET\n      `sejour`.`entree` = IF(`sejour`.`entree_reelle`,`sejour`.`entree_reelle`,`sejour`.`entree_prevue`)\n      WHERE `sejour`.`entree` != IF(`sejour`.`entree_reelle`,`sejour`.`entree_reelle`,`sejour`.`entree_prevue`)";
        $result = $ds->affectedRows();
    case 'fix_sortie':
        $message = " sortie(s) corrigée(s)";
        $sql = "UPDATE `sejour` SET\n      `sejour`.`sortie` = IF(`sejour`.`sortie_reelle`,`sejour`.`sortie_reelle`,`sejour`.`sortie_prevue`)\n      WHERE `sejour`.`sortie` != IF(`sejour`.`sortie_reelle`,`sejour`.`sortie_reelle`,`sejour`.`sortie_prevue`)";
        $result = $ds->affectedRows();
        CAppUI::stepAjax("Commande non reconnue", UI_MSG_ERROR);
CAppUI::stepAjax(CValue::first($result, "Aucune") . $message, $result ? UI_MSG_WARNING : UI_MSG_OK);
コード例 #30
 $results[$i]["cote"] = CMbArray::get($line, 20);
 $results[$i]["bilan_preop"] = CMbArray::get($line, 21);
 $results[$i]["materiel_a_prevoir"] = CMbArray::get($line, 22);
 $results[$i]["examens_perop"] = CMbArray::get($line, 23);
 $results[$i]["depassement_honoraires"] = CMbArray::get($line, 24);
 $results[$i]["forfait_clinique"] = CMbArray::get($line, 25);
 $results[$i]["fournitures"] = CMbArray::get($line, 26);
 $results[$i]["rques_interv"] = CMbArray::get($line, 27);
 $results[$i]["convalesence"] = CMbArray::get($line, 28);
 $results[$i]["rques_sejour"] = CMbArray::get($line, 29);
 $results[$i]["septique"] = CMbArray::get($line, 30);
 $results[$i]["duree_heure_hospi"] = CMbArray::get($line, 31);
 $results[$i]["pathologie"] = CMbArray::get($line, 32);
 $results[$i]["type_pec"] = CMbArray::get($line, 33);
 // Type d'hopistalisation
 $results[$i]["type_hospi"] = CValue::first(strtolower($results[$i]["type_hospi"]), "comp");
 if ($results[$i]["type_hospi"] == "hospi") {
     $results[$i]["type_hospi"] = "comp";
 if ($results[$i]["type_hospi"] == "ambu") {
     $results[$i]["duree_hospi"] = 0;
 $results[$i]["errors"] = array();
 // Fonction
 $function = new CFunctions();
 $function->group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
 $function->text = $results[$i]["function_name"];
 // Praticien
 $prat = new CMediusers();
 $lastname = $results[$i]["praticien_lastname"];