function show_profile_edit_form($db) { //require 'CUsers.php'; // Get information of logged user. $cUsers = new CUsers($db); $ret = $cUsers->getUserInfo($_SESSION['id']); // Create birthdate in correct format. $tmp = explode('-', $ret[0]['birthdate']); $ret[0]['birthdate'] = $tmp[2] . '.' . $tmp[1] . '.' . $tmp[0]; // Fields to add in form $fields = array('id' => 'hidden', 'firstname' => 'text', 'lastname' => 'text', 'city' => 'text', 'homepage' => 'text', 'birthdate' => 'text', 'email' => 'text', 'password' => 'password', 'password_again' => 'password'); // Field names $field_names = array('firstname' => 'Etunimi', 'lastname' => 'Sukunimi', 'password' => 'Salasana', 'password_again' => 'Salasana uudelleen', 'city' => 'Kaupunki', 'homepage' => 'Kotisivu', 'birthdate' => 'Syntymäpäivä (pv.kk.vvvv)', 'email' => 'Sähköposti'); echo '<div class="edit_profile">'; // Show message if there is any. // For example message will be shown if user has changed // his/her profile. show_message(); echo '<form action="edit_profile.php" method="post">'; echo '<table>'; // Add every field in the form. foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { echo '<tr>'; // We do not want add empty input boxes for hidden values! if ($value != 'hidden') { echo '<td>'; echo $field_names[$key]; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; // If text field is other than password, then we // should get user information as an default value. if ($key != 'password' && $key != 'password_again') { // If we are going to show birthdate, let's check // if it is empty value, eg. 00.00.0000. If it is, // then we want to show just empty string instead // of that 00.00.0000. if ($key == 'birthdate' && $ret[0][$key] == '00.00.0000') { $ret[0][$key] = ''; } echo '<input type="' . $value . '" value="' . $ret[0][$key] . '" name="' . $key . '">'; } else { echo '<input type="' . $value . '" name="' . $key . '">'; } echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } // "Päivitä tiedot" -button. echo '<tr>'; echo '<td colspan="2">'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Päivitä">'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '<div class="bottom_note">'; echo 'Huom! Jos jätät salasanakentät tyhjäksi, salasana ' . 'pysyy muuttamattomana!'; echo '</div>'; echo '</form>'; echo '</div>'; }
function show_poet_information($db, $data) { $cUsers = new CUsers($db); echo '<div class="poet_info">'; echo '<div class="textblock">'; echo '<h3>Runoilijan tiedot</h3>'; echo '</div>'; // Get user ID. if (isset($data['id'])) { $id = mysql_real_escape_string($data['id']); } else { echo 'Käyttäjän ID:tä ei olla annettu!'; } $ret = $cUsers->getUserInfo($id); // Fields to add in form $fields = array('username' => 'Käyttäjätunnus', 'firstname' => 'Etunimi', 'lastname' => 'Sukunimi', 'city' => 'Kaupunki', 'homepage' => 'Kotisivu', 'birthdate' => 'Syntymäpäivä', 'email' => 'Sähköposti', 'num_poems' => 'Runoja'); // Count number of poems $cPoem = new CPoem($db, $_SESSION); if ($_SESSION['id'] == $id) { $ret[0]['num_poems'] = $cPoem->numPoems($ret[0]['id'], true); } else { $ret[0]['num_poems'] = $cPoem->numPoems($ret[0]['id'], false); } echo '<table>'; foreach ($ret[0] as $key => $value) { // Convert birthdate to correct format if ($key == 'birthdate' && $value != '') { $tmp = explode('-', $value); $value = $tmp[2] . '.' . $tmp[1] . '.' . $tmp[0]; } // Show only fields what are listed in array $fiels if (isset($fields[$key])) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; echo $fields[$key]; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo $value; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } echo '</table>'; // Link back to poems echo '<div class="back_to_poems">'; echo '<a href="poet.php?id=' . $ret[0]['id'] . '">' . 'Takaisin runoilijan runoihin</a>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; }
function check_post_values($db, $data) { // Is there username and password given in POST-data? if (isset($data['username']) && isset($data['password'])) { // No SQL-injections! $username = mysql_real_escape_string($data['username']); $password = mysql_real_escape_string($data['password']); // Get user information by username $q = 'SELECT id, username, password FROM rs_users WHERE ' . 'username="******"'; try { $ret = $db->query($q); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Virhe tietokantakyselyssä!'; die; } // If we found in database user, then check password if ($db->numRows($ret) > 0) { $row = $db->fetchAssoc($ret); // Is password correct? If it is, then set // session variables. if ($row[0]['password'] == sha1($password)) { $_SESSION['id'] = $row[0]['id']; $_SESSION['username'] = $row[0]['username']; // Icon to show $_SESSION['message_icon'] = 'graphics/32px-Crystal_Clear_app_clean.png'; $_SESSION['message'] = 'Olet kirjautunut sisään ' . 'käyttäjätunnuksella "' . $username . '"'; $cUsers = new CUsers($db, $_SESSION); $_SESSION['unseen_comments'] = $cUsers->countUnseenComments($_SESSION['id']); } else { // Icon to show $_SESSION['message_icon'] = 'graphics/32px-Crystal_Clear_app_logout.png'; // Someting went wrong! Show error. $_SESSION['message'] = 'Virheellinen salasana!'; } } else { // Icon to show $_SESSION['message_icon'] = 'graphics/32px-Crystal_Clear_app_logout.png'; // Someting went wrong! Show error. $_SESSION['message'] = 'Käyttäjätunnusta ei löytynyt!'; } } }
<?php /** * Login-sida * */ // Inkludera config-filen include __DIR__ . '/config.php'; //Erbjud logout om inloggad $login = new CUsers($mz['database']); $login->logout(); // Koppla upp till databasen $db = new CUsers($mz['database']); $loginForm = $db->loginForm(); // Skapa nödvändigt innehåll och spara i mz-variabeln $mz['title'] = "Nyheter"; $mz['main'] = <<<EOD <div class="container"> \t<h1>Logga in</h1> \t{$loginForm} </div> EOD; // När alla variabler är satta, inkludera templaten include MZ_THEME_PATH;
OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}&show={$show}&page={$page}&sort=fio"); ?> ">ФИО</a></td> <td class=tbl1><a href="<?php OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}&show={$show}&page={$page}&sort=traffic"); ?> ">Трафик</a></td> <td class=tbl1><a href="<?php OUT("?p={$p}&act={$act}&action={$action}&show={$show}&page={$page}&sort=time"); ?> ">Время</a></td> <td class=tbl1>Действия</td> </tr> <?php } $USR = new CUsers($DIRS["users_data"], $DIRS["users_list"], $DIRS["users_private"], $DIRS["users_groups"], $DIRS["users_online"]); $USR->SetSeparators($GV["sep1"], $GV["sep2"]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); ++$i) { $data = $BILL->GetUserData($list[$i]); $adata = $BILL->GetUserTotalAcctsData($list[$i]); if (isset($show) && $show == "tbl") { ?> <tr> <td class=tbl1><?php OUT($i + 1); ?> </td> <td class=tbl1><a href="?p=users&act=userinfo&id=<?php OUT($data["uid"]); ?> "><?php
} $tarlist = $BILL->GetTarifs(); //$tarlist=array(array("id"=>"0","title"=>"Без доступа в интернет"),array("id"=>"1","title"=>"Пользовательский")); $tarselect = "<select name=vars[] style=\"width:100%;\" class=inputbox><option value=\"0\" style=\"background-color:#DD9999\">Без доступа в интернет</option>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($tarlist); ++$i) { if ($tr == $tarlist[$i]["gid"]) { $sel = " selected"; } else { $sel = ""; } $tarselect .= "<option value=\"" . $tarlist[$i]["gid"] . "\"{$sel}>" . $tarlist[$i]["packet"] . "</option>\r\n"; } $tarselect .= "</select>"; global $MDL; $MDL->Load("users"); $USR = new CUsers($DIRS["users_data"], $DIRS["users_list"], $DIRS["users_private"], $DIRS["users_groups"], $DIRS["users_online"]); $USR->SetSeparators($GV["sep1"], $GV["sep2"]); $groupssel = "<select name=vars[] style=\"width:100%;\" class=inputbox>"; $glist = $USR->GetGroups(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($glist); ++$i) { if ($glist[$i]["level"] <= $CURRENT_USER["level"]) { if ($gr == $glist[$i]["id"]) { $sel = " selected"; } else { $sel = ""; } $groupssel .= "<option value=\"" . $glist[$i]["id"] . "\"{$sel}>" . $glist[$i]["name"] . "</option>"; } } $groupssel .= "</select>"; if ($gender == 0) {
function authenticate() { global $MDL, $DIRS, $GV, $CURRENT_USER, $_SESSION; if ($MDL->IsModuleExists('users')) { $MDL->Load("users"); $USR = new CUsers($DIRS["users_data"], $DIRS["users_list"], $DIRS["users_private"], $DIRS["users_groups"], $DIRS["users_online"]); $USR->SetSeparators($GV["sep1"], $GV["sep2"]); } else { $USR = NULL; } if (check_auth() && $USR && !_isrootdef()) { $CURRENT_USER["login"] = $_SESSION["login"]; $CURRENT_USER["passwd"] = $_SESSION["passwd"]; $CURRENT_USER["id"] = $USR->GetUserId($_SESSION["login"]); $data = $USR->GetUserData($CURRENT_USER["id"]); $CURRENT_USER["nick"] = $data["nick"]; $CURRENT_USER["email"] = $data["email"]; $CURRENT_USER["url"] = $data["url"]; $CURRENT_USER["level"] = $USR->GetUserLevel($CURRENT_USER["id"]); if ($CURRENT_USER["level"] >= 8) { $_SESSION["rootacc"] = true; } else { $_SESSION["rootacc"] = false; } } elseif (_isrootdef()) { $CURRENT_USER["level"] = 10; $CURRENT_USER["nick"] = $GV["site_owner"]; $CURRENT_USER["id"] = "!ROOT!"; } else { $CURRENT_USER["level"] = 0; $CURRENT_USER["id"] = "!GUEST!"; } $CURRENT_USER["ip"] = get_ip_address(); $CURRENT_USER["browser"] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if ($USR) { $MDL->Load("users"); $USR->UpdateOnline($CURRENT_USER); } }
<?php /** * MZ 404-sida * */ // Inkludera config-filen include __DIR__ . '/config.php'; //Skydda sidan med loginfunktioner $login = new CUsers($mz['database']); $login->loginProtected(); //samt erbjud logout $login->logout(); // Koppla upp till databasen $login->deleteUser(); $userList = $login->generateUserList(); // Skapa nödvändigt innehåll och spara i mz-variabeln $mz['title'] = "Nyheter"; $mz['main'] = <<<EOD <div class="container"> \t<h1>Användare på sidan:</h1> \t{$userList} </div> EOD; // När alla variabler är satta, inkludera templaten include MZ_THEME_PATH;
$_GET['num_poems'] = 50; } // Maximum is 100 poems per page. We do not want // to make whole server lag because of this. if ($_GET['num_poems'] > 100) { $_GET['num_poems'] = 100; } echo '<div class="poems">'; echo '<table width="100%">'; echo '<tr><td><h3>' . $_GET['num_poems'] . ' uusinta runoa</h3></td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<a href="rss.php?special=newest"><img src="graphics/rss.gif" class="rss">'; echo '</a></td></tr></table>'; // Get 50 newest poems $cPoem = new CPoem($db, $_SESSION); $cUsers = new CUsers($db, $_SESSION); $poems = $cPoem->getNewestPoems($_GET['num_poems']); echo '<table>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><b>Runoilija</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Runon nimi</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Lisätty</b></td>'; echo '</tr>'; $poems_per_page = $cPoem->getPoemsPerPage(); foreach ($poems as $poem) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<a href="poet.php?id=' . $poem['user_id'] . '">'; echo $cUsers->getUsername($poem['user_id']); echo '</a>'; echo '</td>';
$cPoem = new CPoem($db, $_SESSION); if ($type == 'newest') { $poems = $cPoem->getNewestPoems(10); create_rss($poems, 'Uusimmat runot', ''); } } require 'general_functions.php'; // We must get poet ID OR special-action, so we have something to show. if (!isset($_GET['poet_id']) && !isset($_GET['special'])) { header('Location: index.php'); } // In special feeds (newest poems) call function which will create // correct RSS-feed for this. if (isset($_GET['special'])) { create_special_feed($db, $_GET['special']); } else { // Get poet username $cUsers = new CUsers($db); $poet_username = $cUsers->getUsername($_GET['poet_id']); if ($poet_username == '') { header('Location: index.php'); } // Get poet poems on first page require 'CPoem.php'; $cPoems = new CPoem($db, $_SESSION); $poems = $cPoems->getPoems($_GET['poet_id'], 1, false); // Feed title $RSS_feed_title = 'Runoilijan ' . $poet_username . ' uusimmat runot'; $RSS_feed_url = '' . $_GET['poet_id']; create_rss($poems, $RSS_feed_title, $url); }
//зона по √ринвичу (ћосковское врем¤) $zone = $vars['time_zone']; //ћес¤ц $month = gmdate("n", time() + $zone); //echo("<br>month=".$months[$month-1]); //ƒень недели $dayweek = gmdate("w", time() + $zone); //echo("<br>dayweek=".$daysweek[$dayweek]); //“екуща¤ дата по √ринвичу (¬–≈ћя ћќ— ќ¬— ќ≈) $date = $daysweek[$dayweek]; $date .= gmdate(", j ", time() + $zone); $date .= $months[$month]; $date .= gmdate(", H:i", time() + $zone); //$date=gmdate("$daysweek[$dayweek], j $months[$month], H:i", $zone); if (check_auth()) { $USR = new CUsers($DIRS["users_data"], $DIRS["users_list"], $DIRS["users_private"], $DIRS["users_groups"], $DIRS["users_online"]); $USR->SetSeparators($GV["sep1"], $GV["sep2"]); $nick = $CURRENT_USER['login']; $g = 0; while ($users_info['login'][$g] != $nick && $g < count($users_info)) { $g++; } $user_index = $g; $users_info['count'][$user_index]++; $data = get_forum_user_data($users_info['id'][$user_index]); $data['count'] = $users_info['count'][$user_index]; save_forum_user_data($users_info['id'][$user_index], $data); $spec_rang = true; for ($i = 0; $i < $vars['rangs_count']; $i++) { if ($users_info['rang'][$user_index] == $rangs[$i]['rang']) { $spec_rang = false;
<?php if ($MDL->IsModuleExists("users")) { global $usr_id, $CURRENT_USER; $USR = new CUsers($DIRS["users_data"], $DIRS["users_list"], $DIRS["users_private"], $DIRS["users_groups"], $DIRS["users_online"]); $USR->SetSeparators($GV["sep1"], $GV["sep2"]); $list = $USR->GetUsers(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); ++$i) { $ud = $list[$i]; $all_users[$i] = $list[$i]["id"]; $users_info['login'][$i] = $ud["login"]; $users_info['pass'][$i] = $ud["passwd"]; $users_info['nick'][$i] = $ud["nick"]; $users_info['city'][$i] = $ud["city"]; $users_info['sex'][$i] = make_gender_str($ud["gender"]); $users_info['email'][$i] = $ud["email"]; $users_info['url'][$i] = $ud["url"]; $users_info['id'][$i] = $all_users[$i]; $users_info['date'][$i] = date_dmy($ud["regdate"]); $users_info['rang'][$i] = $ud["rang"]; $fud = get_forum_user_data($all_users[$i]); $users_info['count'][$i] = $fud["count"]; //echo($list[$i]["id"]."==($i)".$CURRENT_USER["id"]."<br>"); if ($list[$i]["id"] == $CURRENT_USER["id"]) { $usr_id = $i; } $users_info['raiting'][$i] = $ud["raiting"]; $users_info['rights'][$i] = $ud["level"]; $users_info['sign'][$i] = $ud["signature"]; $users_info['info'][$i] = $ud["info"]; }
"</small></li> <?php } } ?> </td></tr> <?php } ?> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $ncnt; ++$i) { if ($MDL->IsModuleExists("users")) { $MDL->Load("users"); $USR = new CUsers($DIRS["users_data"], $DIRS["users_list"], $DIRS["users_private"], $DIRS["users_groups"], $DIRS["users_online"]); $USR->SetSeparators($GV["sep1"], $GV["sep2"]); $authorselect = "<select name=authorsnew[] style=\"width:100%\">"; $udata = $USR->GetUsers(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($udata); ++$j) { if ($USR->GetUserLevel($udata[$j]["id"]) < $CURRENT_USER["level"]) { $authorselect .= "<option value=\"" . $udata[$j]["id"] . "\">" . $udata[$j]["nick"] . "</option>"; } } $authorselect .= "<option value=\"" . $CURRENT_USER["id"] . "\" selected>" . $CURRENT_USER["nick"] . "</option>"; $authorselect .= "</select>"; } else { $authorselect = "root"; } ?> <tr><td class=tbl1>
<?php OUT("{$i}: " . $list[$i]["login"] . "<br>"); ?> <?php } // } } // } } else { include SK_DIR . "/users.php"; } } else { if (!file_exists(SK_DIR . "/userssbar.php")) { // skin doesn't support this module admin, let's draw all by ourself // { $USR = new CUsers($DIRS["users_data"], $DIRS["users_list"], $DIRS["users_private"], $DIRS["users_groups"], $DIRS["users_online"]); $list = $USR->GetUsers(); $week = 0; $month = 0; $day = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); ++$i) { if (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 < $list[$i]["regdate"]) { $day++; } if (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 7 < $list[$i]["regdate"]) { $week++; } if (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 30 < $list[$i]["regdate"]) { $month++; } }
$mz['database']['password'] = '******'; $mz['database']['driver_options'] = array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES 'UTF8'"); //Header $movie = new CMovies($mz['database']); $showSearchBar = $movie->searchHeader(); $mz['header'] = <<<EOD <div id="heading"> \t<img id="logo" src="images/logo.png" alt="logo-moviezone"> \t<h2 id="slogan">DIN FILMBUTIK PÅ NÄTET</h2> \t<nav> \t\t{$showSearchBar} \t\t<a href="hem.php">Hem</a> \t\t<a href="filmer.php">Filmer</a> \t\t<a href="nyheter.php">Nyheter</a> \t\t<a href="omoss.php">Om Oss</a> \t</nav> </div> EOD; //Footer $login = new CUsers($mz['database']); $showLogin = $login->showLogin(); $mz['footer'] = <<<EOD <div id="footerContent"> \t<a href="">Unicorn</a> \t{$showLogin} \t<p>Copyright 2015 - MovieZone</p> </div> EOD ;
<?php /** * MZ 404-sida * */ // Inkludera config-filen include __DIR__ . '/config.php'; //Skydda sidan med loginfunktioner $login = new CUsers($mz['database']); $login->loginProtected(); //samt erbjud logout $login->logout(); // Koppla upp till databasen $db = new CMovies($mz['database']); $db->updateMovie(); $edit = $db->editMovie(); // Skapa nödvändigt innehåll och spara i mz-variabeln $mz['title'] = "Film"; $mz['main'] = <<<EOD <div class="container"> \t<h1>Editering av Film</h1> \t{$edit} </div> EOD; // När alla variabler är satta, inkludera templaten include MZ_THEME_PATH;
<?php /** * MZ 404-sida * */ // Inkludera config-filen include __DIR__ . '/config.php'; //Erbjud logout om inloggad $login = new CUsers($mz['database']); $login->logout(); // Koppla upp till databasen $db = new CBlog($mz['database']); $thePost = $db->showPost(); // Skapa nödvändigt innehåll och spara i mz-variabeln $mz['title'] = "Nyheter"; $mz['main'] = <<<EOD <div class="container"> \t{$thePost} </div> EOD; // När alla variabler är satta, inkludera templaten include MZ_THEME_PATH;
function is_group_allowed($group, $uid) { global $GV, $CURRENT_USER, $MDL, $DIRS; if (_isroot()) { return true; } $MDL->Load("users"); $USR = new CUsers($DIRS["users_data"], $DIRS["users_list"], $DIRS["users_private"], $DIRS["users_groups"], $DIRS["users_online"]); $USR->SetSeparators($GV["sep1"], $GV["sep2"]); $gdata = $USR->GetGroupData($group); return $CURRENT_USER["level"] >= $gdata["level"] || $CURRENT_USER["id"] == $uid; }
//----------EDIT-----------// //-------------------------// //-------------------------// //----------EDIT-----------// //-------------------------// case "edit": global $MDL; $news_info = $news->get_news_info($id); $fulltext = $news->get_news_text($id); $author = $news_info["name"]; if (!isset($editor)) { $editor = "html"; } if ($MDL->IsModuleExists("users")) { $MDL->Load("users"); $USR = new CUsers($DIRS["users_data"], $DIRS["users_list"], $DIRS["users_private"], $DIRS["users_groups"], $DIRS["users_online"]); $USR->SetSeparators($GV["sep1"], $GV["sep2"]); if ($USR->GetUserLevel($author) < $CURRENT_USER["level"] || $author == $CURRENT_USER["id"]) { $authorselect = "<select name=art style=\"width:100%\">"; $udata = $USR->GetUsers(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($udata); ++$j) { if ($udata[$j]["id"] == $author) { $sel = " selected"; } else { $sel = ""; } if ($USR->GetUserLevel($udata[$j]["id"]) < $CURRENT_USER["level"] || $udata[$j]["id"] == $CURRENT_USER["id"]) { $authorselect .= "<option value=\"" . $udata[$j]["id"] . "\"{$sel}>" . $udata[$j]["nick"] . "</option>"; } } $authorselect .= "</select>";
<?php /** * MZ 404-sida * */ // Inkludera config-filen include __DIR__ . '/config.php'; //Skydda sidan med loginfunktioner $login = new CUsers($mz['database']); $login->loginProtected(); //samt erbjud logout $login->logout(); // Koppla upp till databasen $userForm = $login->createUser(); $userFormUpdate = $login->updateUser(); // Skapa nödvändigt innehåll och spara i mz-variabeln $mz['title'] = "Användare"; $mz['main'] = <<<EOD <div class="container"> \t<h1>Skapa Användare</h1> \t{$userForm} \t{$userFormUpdate} </div> EOD; // När alla variabler är satta, inkludera templaten include MZ_THEME_PATH;