/** * Sub-function to collect tasks within a period * * @param Date the starting date of the period * @param Date the ending date of the period * @param array by-ref an array of links to append new items to * @param int the length to truncate entries by * @param int the company id to filter by * @author Andrew Eddie <*****@*****.**> */ function getTaskLinks($startPeriod, $endPeriod, &$links, $strMaxLen, $company_id = 0, $minical = false) { global $a, $AppUI, $w2Pconfig; $tasks = CTask::getTasksForPeriod($startPeriod, $endPeriod, $company_id, 0); $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); $tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT'); //subtract one second so we don't have to compare the start dates for exact matches with the startPeriod which is 00:00 of a given day. $startPeriod->subtractSeconds(1); $link = array(); $sid = 3600 * 24; // assemble the links for the tasks foreach ($tasks as $row) { // the link $link['task'] = true; if (!$minical) { $link['href'] = '?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $row['task_id']; // the link text if (mb_strlen($row['task_name']) > $strMaxLen) { $row['short_name'] = mb_substr($row['task_name'], 0, $strMaxLen) . '...'; } else { $row['short_name'] = $row['task_name']; } $link['text'] = '<span style="color:' . bestColor($row['color']) . ';background-color:#' . $row['color'] . '">' . $row['short_name'] . ($row['task_milestone'] ? ' ' . w2PshowImage('icons/milestone.gif') : '') . '</span>'; } // determine which day(s) to display the task $start = new w2p_Utilities_Date($AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($row['task_start_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %T')); $end = $row['task_end_date'] ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($row['task_end_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %T')) : null; // First we test if the Tasks Starts and Ends are on the same day, if so we don't need to go any further. if ($start->after($startPeriod) && ($end && $end->after($startPeriod) && $end->before($endPeriod) && !$start->dateDiff($end))) { if ($minical) { $temp = array('task' => true); } else { $temp = $link; if ($a != 'day_view') { $temp['text'] = w2PtoolTip($row['task_name'], getTaskTooltip($row['task_id'], true, true, $tasks), true) . w2PshowImage('block-start-16.png') . $start->format($tf) . ' ' . $temp['text'] . ' ' . $end->format($tf) . w2PshowImage('block-end-16.png') . w2PendTip(); $temp['text'] .= '<a href="?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $row['task_id'] . '&tab=1&date=' . $AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($row['task_end_date'], '%Y%m%d') . '">' . w2PtoolTip('Add Log', 'create a new log record against this task') . w2PshowImage('edit_add.png') . w2PendTip() . '</a>'; } } $links[$end->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE)][] = $temp; } else { // If they aren't, we will now need to see if the Tasks Start date is between the requested period if ($start->after($startPeriod) && $start->before($endPeriod)) { if ($minical) { $temp = array('task' => true); } else { $temp = $link; if ($a != 'day_view') { $temp['text'] = w2PtoolTip($row['task_name'], getTaskTooltip($row['task_id'], true, false, $tasks), true) . w2PshowImage('block-start-16.png') . $start->format($tf) . ' ' . $temp['text'] . w2PendTip(); $temp['text'] .= '<a href="?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $row['task_id'] . '&tab=1&date=' . $AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($row['task_start_date'], '%Y%m%d') . '">' . w2PtoolTip('Add Log', 'create a new log record against this task') . w2PshowImage('edit_add.png') . w2PendTip() . '</a>'; } } $links[$start->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE)][] = $temp; } // And now the Tasks End date is checked if it is between the requested period too. if ($end && $end->after($startPeriod) && $end->before($endPeriod) && $start->before($end)) { if ($minical) { $temp = array('task' => true); } else { $temp = $link; if ($a != 'day_view') { $temp['text'] = w2PtoolTip($row['task_name'], getTaskTooltip($row['task_id'], false, true, $tasks), true) . ' ' . $temp['text'] . ' ' . $end->format($tf) . w2PshowImage('block-end-16.png') . w2PendTip(); $temp['text'] .= '<a href="?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $row['task_id'] . '&tab=1&date=' . $AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($row['task_end_date'], '%Y%m%d') . '">' . w2PtoolTip('Add Log', 'create a new log record against this task') . w2PshowImage('edit_add.png') . w2PendTip() . '</a>'; } } $links[$end->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE)][] = $temp; } } } }
/** * Sub-function to collect tasks within a period * * @param Date the starting date of the period * @param Date the ending date of the period * @param array by-ref an array of links to append new items to * @param int the length to truncate entries by * @param int the company id to filter by * @author Andrew Eddie <*****@*****.**> */ function getTaskLinks($startPeriod, $endPeriod, &$links, $strMaxLen, $company_id = 0) { global $a, $AppUI, $dPconfig; $tasks = CTask::getTasksForPeriod($startPeriod, $endPeriod, $company_id, $AppUI->user_id, true); $durnTypes = dPgetSysVal('TaskDurationType'); $link = array(); $sid = 3600 * 24; // assemble the links for the tasks foreach ($tasks as $row) { // the link $link['href'] = "?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=" . $row['task_id']; $link['alt'] = $row['project_name'] . ":\n" . $row['task_name']; // the link text if (strlen($row['task_name']) > $strMaxLen) { $row['task_name'] = substr($row['task_name'], 0, $strMaxLen) . '...'; } $link['text'] = '<span style="color:' . bestColor($row['color']) . ';background-color:#' . $row['color'] . '">' . $row['task_name'] . '</span>'; // determine which day(s) to display the task $start = new CDate($row['task_start_date']); $end = $row['task_end_date'] ? new CDate($row['task_end_date']) : null; $durn = $row['task_duration']; $durnType = $row['task_duration_type']; if (($start->after($startPeriod) || $start->equals($startPeriod)) && ($start->before($endPeriod) || $start->equals($endPeriod))) { $temp = $link; $temp['alt'] = "START [" . $row['task_duration'] . ' ' . $AppUI->_($durnTypes[$row['task_duration_type']]) . "]\n" . $link['alt']; if ($a != 'day_view') { $temp['text'] = dPshowImage(dPfindImage('block-start-16.png')) . $temp['text']; } $links[$start->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE)][] = $temp; } if ($end && $end->after($startPeriod) && $end->before($endPeriod) && $start->before($end)) { $temp = $link; $temp['alt'] = "FINISH\n" . $link['alt']; if ($a != 'day_view') { $temp['text'] .= dPshowImage(dPfindImage('block-end-16.png')); } $links[$end->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE)][] = $temp; } // convert duration to days if ($durnType < 24.0) { if ($durn > $dPconfig['daily_working_hours']) { $durn /= $dPconfig['daily_working_hours']; } else { $durn = 0.0; } } else { $durn *= $durnType / 24.0; } // fill in between start and finish based on duration // notes: // start date is not in a future month, must be this or past month // start date is counted as one days work // business days are not taken into account $target = $start; $target->addSeconds($durn * $sid); if (Date::compare($target, $startPeriod) < 0) { continue; } if (Date::compare($start, $startPeriod) > 0) { $temp = $start; $temp->addSeconds($sid); } else { $temp = $startPeriod; } // Optimised for speed, AJD. while (Date::compare($endPeriod, $temp) > 0 && Date::compare($target, $temp) > 0 && ($end == null || $temp->before($end))) { $links[$temp->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE)][] = $link; $temp->addSeconds($sid); } } }
// establish the focus 'date' $this_week = new CDate($date); $dd = $this_week->getDay(); $mm = $this_week->getMonth(); $yy = $this_week->getYear(); // prepare time period for 'events' $first_time = new CDate(Date_calc::beginOfWeek($dd, $mm, $yy, FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE, LOCALE_FIRST_DAY)); $week_time = new CDate($first_time); // Can't use first_time after we adjust it. $first_time->setTime(0, 0, 0); $first_time->subtractSeconds(1); $last_time = new CDate(Date_calc::endOfWeek($dd, $mm, $yy, FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE, LOCALE_FIRST_DAY)); $last_time->setTime(23, 59, 59); $prev_week = new CDate(Date_calc::beginOfPrevWeek($dd, $mm, $yy, FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE, LOCALE_FIRST_DAY)); $next_week = new CDate(Date_calc::beginOfNextWeek($dd, $mm, $yy, FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE, LOCALE_FIRST_DAY)); $tasks = CTask::getTasksForPeriod($first_time, $last_time, $company_id); $events = CEvent::getEventsForPeriod($first_time, $last_time); $links = array(); // assemble the links for the tasks require_once DP_BASE_DIR . '/modules/calendar/links_tasks.php'; getTaskLinks($first_time, $last_time, $links, 50, $company_id); // assemble the links for the events require_once DP_BASE_DIR . '/modules/calendar/links_events.php'; getEventLinks($first_time, $last_time, $links, 50); $cal_week = new CMonthCalendar($date); $cal_week->setEvents($links); // get the list of visible companies $company = new CCompany(); $companies = $company->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'company_id,company_name', 'company_name'); $companies = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('All')), $companies); // setup the title block