コード例 #1
ファイル: component.php プロジェクト: rasuldev/torino
     $arFilter2["PARAM1"] = empty($arParams["FID"]) ? $arFilter2["PARAM1"] : $arParams["FID"];
 $obSearch = new CSearch();
 //When restart option is set we will ignore error on query with only stop words
 $obSearch->SetOptions(array("ERROR_ON_EMPTY_STEM" => $arParams["RESTART"] != "Y", "NO_WORD_LOGIC" => $arParams["NO_WORD_LOGIC"] == "Y"));
 $obSearch->Search($arFilter1, $aSort, array($arFilter2));
 if ($obSearch->errorno != 0) {
     $arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"] = $obSearch->error;
 } else {
     $obSearch->NavStart($arParams["TOPICS_PER_PAGE"], false);
     $obSearch->nPageWindow = $arParams["PAGE_NAVIGATION_WINDOW"];
     $arResult["NAV_RESULT"] = $obSearch;
     $arResult["NAV_STRING"] = $obSearch->GetPageNavStringEx($navComponentObject, GetMessage("FL_TOPIC_LIST"), $arParams["PAGE_NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE"]);
     $arResult["EMPTY"] = "Y";
     $topics = array();
     if ($res = $obSearch->GetNext()) {
         $arResult["order"]["~relevance"] = $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("q=" . urlencode($q) . (!empty($arParams["FID"]) ? "&FORUM_ID=" . $arParams["FID"] : ""), array("FORUM_ID", "q", "order", "s", BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID));
         $arResult["order"]["~topic"] = $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("q=" . urlencode($q) . (!empty($arParams["FID"]) ? "&FORUM_ID=" . $arParams["FID"] : "") . "&order=topic", array("FORUM_ID", "q", "order", "s", BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID));
         $arResult["order"]["~date"] = $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("q=" . urlencode($q) . (!empty($arParams["FID"]) ? "&FORUM_ID=" . $arParams["FID"] : "") . "&order=date", array("FORUM_ID", "q", "order", "s", BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID));
         $arResult["order"]["relevance"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($arResult["order"]["~relevance"]);
         $arResult["order"]["topic"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($arResult["order"]["~topic"]);
         $arResult["order"]["date"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($arResult["order"]["~date"]);
         $arResult["EMPTY"] = "N";
         do {
             if (intVal($res["ITEM_ID"]) > 0) {
                 $res["URL"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["URL_TEMPLATES_MESSAGE"], array("FID" => $res["PARAM1"], "TID" => $res["PARAM2"], "TITLE_SEO" => $res["PARAM2"], "MID" => $res["ITEM_ID"]));
                 $res["~URL"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~URL_TEMPLATES_MESSAGE"], array("FID" => $res["PARAM1"], "TID" => $res["PARAM2"], "TITLE_SEO" => $res["PARAM2"], "MID" => $res["ITEM_ID"]));
             } else {
                 $res["URL"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["URL_TEMPLATES_READ"], array("FID" => $res["PARAM1"], "TID" => $res["PARAM2"], "TITLE_SEO" => $res["PARAM2"], "MID" => "s"));
                 $res["~URL"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["~URL_TEMPLATES_READ"], array("FID" => $res["PARAM1"], "TID" => $res["PARAM2"], "TITLE_SEO" => $res["PARAM2"], "MID" => "s"));
コード例 #2
ファイル: file.php プロジェクト: DarneoStudio/bitrix
 function PROPFIND(&$options, &$files, $arParams = array())
     global $by, $order, $USER;
     $io = self::GetIo();
     if (!function_exists("__sort_array_folder_and_file")) {
         function __sort_array_folder_and_file($res1, $res2)
             global $by, $order;
             if (empty($by)) {
                 $by = "NAME";
                 $order = "ASC";
             $by = strtoupper($by);
             $order = strtoupper($order);
             if ($res1["~TYPE"] == "FOLDER" && $res2["~TYPE"] == "FILE") {
                 return -1;
             } elseif ($res1["~TYPE"] == "FILE" && $res2["~TYPE"] == "FOLDER") {
                 return 1;
             } else {
                 $by = is_set($res1, $by) ? $by : "NAME";
                 $ord = $order;
                 if ($by == "TIMESTAMP_X") {
                     $ord = $order == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC";
                 if ($ord == "ASC") {
                     return $res1[$by] < $res2[$by] ? -1 : 1;
                 } else {
                     return $res1[$by] < $res2[$by] ? 1 : -1;
     $files['files'] = array();
     $arResult = array("NAV_RESULT" => false, "RESULT" => array());
     if (empty($options["FILTER"])) {
         if ($this->arParams["not_found"] === true) {
             return false;
         } elseif ($this->arParams["is_dir"] != true) {
             //$files["files"]["E".$res["ID"]] = $this->_get_fileinfo($this->arParams["item_id"]);
             $files["files"]["E"] = $this->_get_fileinfo($this->arParams["item_id"]);
         } else {
             $files["files"]["section"] = $this->_get_fileinfo($this->arParams["item_id"]);
             if (!empty($this->arParams["item_id"]) && $this->arParams["item_id"] != "/") {
                 $arResult["SECTION"] = array("ID" => $this->arParams["item_id"], "NAME" => $this->arParams["item_id"]);
             //$path = $this->_slashify($io->CombinePath($this->real_path_full, $this->arParams["item_id"]));
             $path = CWebDavBase::CleanRelativePathString($this->arParams["item_id"], $this->real_path_full);
             if ($path === false) {
                 return false;
             $path = $this->_slashify($path);
             if (!empty($options["depth"])) {
                 $dir = $io->GetDirectory($path);
                 if ($dir->IsExists()) {
                     $this->arParams["item_id"] = $this->_slashify(str_replace("//", "/", $this->arParams["item_id"]));
                     $tzOffset = CTimeZone::GetOffset();
                     $arChildren = $dir->GetChildren();
                     foreach ($arChildren as $node) {
                         $filename = $node->GetName();
                         $filePath = $io->CombinePath($this->arParams["item_id"], $filename);
                         $res = array("~TYPE" => "FOLDER", "TYPE" => "S", "ID" => $filePath, "NAME" => $filename, "TIMESTAMP_X" => $node->GetModificationTime() + $tzOffset, "PERMISSION" => $this->permission, "PATH" => $filePath, "REAL_PATH" => $path . $filename, "FILE_SIZE" => 0);
                         if ($this->MetaNames($res)) {
                             if (!$node->IsDirectory()) {
                                 $ext = strtolower(strrchr($filename, '.'));
                                 if (in_array($ext, $this->arFileForbiddenExtentions["READ"])) {
                                 $res["~TYPE"] = "FILE";
                                 $res["TYPE"] = "E";
                                 $res["LOCK_STATUS"] = "green";
                                 $res["EXTENTION"] = $ext;
                                 $res["FILE_SIZE"] = $node->GetFileSize();
                                 $res["FILE_ARRAY"] = array("TIMESTAMP_X" => $res["TIMESTAMP_X"], "MODULE_ID" => "webdav", "HEIGHT" => 0, "WIDTH" => 0, "FILE_SIZE" => $res["FILE_SIZE"], "CONTENT_TYPE" => $node->IsReadable() ? $this->_mimetype($path . $filename) : 'application/x-non-readable', "SUBDIR" => $io->CombinePath("/", $this->real_path, $this->arParams["item_id"]), "FILE_NAME" => $filename, "ORIGINAL_NAME" => $filename, "DESCRIPTION" => "");
                             $res["PROPS"] = $this->_get_props($filePath);
                             $res["LOCK_STATUS"] = 'green';
                             if (is_array($res['PROPS']['LOCK'])) {
                                 $userLogin = $GLOBALS['USER']->GetLogin();
                                 $now = time();
                                 foreach ($res['PROPS']['LOCK'] as $arLock) {
                                     if ($arLock['exclusivelock'] == 1 && $arLock['expires'] >= $now && $arLock['created'] <= $now) {
                                         $res['LOCK_STATUS'] = $userLogin == $arLock['owner'] ? 'yellow' : 'red';
                                         $rsUser = CUser::GetByLogin($arLock['owner']);
                                         $arUser = $rsUser->GetNext();
                                         $res['LOCKED_USER_NAME'] = '(' . $arUser['LOGIN'] . ')';
                                         if (strlen($arUser['NAME']) > 0 && strlen($arUser['LAST_NAME']) > 0) {
                                             $res['LOCKED_USER_NAME'] .= ' ' . $arUser['NAME'] . ' ' . $arUser['LAST_NAME'];
                             $res['SHOW'] = $this->_getShowParams($res);
                             $arResult["RESULT"][($res["TYPE"] == "FOLDER" ? "S" : "E") . $filename] = $res;
                             $files['files'][] = $this->_get_fileinfo($this->arParams["item_id"] . $filename);
     } else {
         $arSearchResults = array();
         if (IsModuleInstalled('search') && CModule::IncludeModule('search')) {
             $arSearchParams = array("MODULE_ID" => "main", "URL" => $this->base_url . '%');
             if (isset($options["FILTER"]["content"]) && strlen($options["FILTER"]["content"]) > 0) {
                 $arSearchParams += array("QUERY" => $options["FILTER"]["content"]);
             $obSearch = new CSearch();
             if ($obSearch->errorno != 0) {
                 $arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"] = $obSearch->error;
             } else {
                 while ($arSearchResultItem = $obSearch->GetNext()) {
                     $arSearchResults[] = $arSearchResultItem['ITEM_ID'];
             $tzOffset = CTimeZone::GetOffset();
             foreach ($arSearchResults as $sSearchItem) {
                 $file = array_pop(explode("|", $sSearchItem));
                 $filename = GetFileName($file);
                 $sFullFileName = $io->CombinePath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $file);
                 if (strpos($sFullFileName, $this->real_path_full) === 0) {
                     $filePath = CWebDavBase::ConvertPathToRelative($sFullFileName, $this->real_path_full);
                 $filePath = CWebDavBase::CleanRelativePathString($filePath, $this->real_path_full);
                 if ($filePath === false) {
                     return false;
                 /*$sFullFileName = $io->CombinePath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $file);
                 		$filename = array_pop(explode("/", $file));
                 		$path = implode("/", array_slice(explode("/", $sFullFileName), 0 , -1)) . "/";
                 		$filePath = $io->CombinePath($path, $filename);*/
                 $oFile = $io->GetFile($filePath);
                 $res = array("ID" => $file, "NAME" => $filename, "TIMESTAMP_X" => $oFile->GetModificationTime() + $tzOffset, "PERMISSION" => $this->permission, "PATH" => substr($file, strlen($this->real_path)), "REAL_PATH" => $filePath, "FILE_SIZE" => 0);
                 $res['SHOW'] = $this->_getShowParams($res);
                 if ($this->MetaNames($res)) {
                     $res["PROPS"] = $this->_get_props(substr($file, strlen($this->real_path)));
                     if (!isset($res["PROPS"]["UNDELETEBX:"])) {
                         if ($oFile->IsExists()) {
                             $ext = strtolower(strrchr($filename, '.'));
                             if (in_array($ext, $this->arFileForbiddenExtentions["READ"])) {
                             $fileSize = $oFile->GetFileSize();
                             $res["~TYPE"] = "FILE";
                             $res["TYPE"] = "E";
                             $res["LOCK_STATUS"] = "green";
                             $res["EXTENTION"] = $ext;
                             $res["FILE_SIZE"] = $fileSize;
                             $res["FILE_ARRAY"] = array("TIMESTAMP_X" => $res["TIMESTAMP_X"], "MODULE_ID" => "webdav", "HEIGHT" => 0, "WIDTH" => 0, "FILE_SIZE" => $fileSize, "CONTENT_TYPE" => $oFile->IsReadable() ? $this->_mimetype($filePath) : 'application/x-non-readable', "SUBDIR" => implode("/", array_slice(explode("/", $file), 0, -1)), "FILE_NAME" => $filename, "ORIGINAL_NAME" => $filename, "DESCRIPTION" => "");
                         $arResult["RESULT"][($res["TYPE"] == "FOLDER" ? "S" : "E") . $filename] = $res;
     if ($arParams["return"] == "nav_result" || $arParams["return"] == "array") {
         uasort($arResult["RESULT"], "__sort_array_folder_and_file");
         $arResult["NAV_RESULT"] = new CDBResult();
         $arResult["NAV_RESULT"] = new CDBResultWebDAVFiles($arResult["NAV_RESULT"]);
         return $arResult;
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: component.php プロジェクト: Satariall/izurit
if ($arResult["~how"] == "d") {
    $aSort = array("DATE_CHANGE" => "DESC", "CUSTOM_RANK" => "DESC", "RANK" => "DESC");
} else {
    $aSort = array("CUSTOM_RANK" => "DESC", "RANK" => "DESC", "DATE_CHANGE" => "DESC");
$arResult["SEARCH_RESULT"] = array();
if (strlen($arResult["~q"]) > 0 || strlen($arResult["~tags"]) > 0) {
    $obSearch = new CSearch();
    $obSearch->Search($arFilter, $aSort);
    $arResult["SEARCH_RESULT"] = array();
    if ($obSearch->errorno == 0) {
        $arResult["NAV_STRING"] = $obSearch->GetPageNavString(GetMessage("LEARNING_RESULT_PAGES"), $arParams["NAV_TEMPLATE"]);
        while ($arSearch = $obSearch->GetNext()) {
            $arResult["SEARCH_RESULT"][] = $arSearch;
        if (count($arResult["SEARCH_RESULT"]) > 0) {
            if (strlen($arResult["~tags"]) > 0) {
                $arResult["ORDER_LINK"] = $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("tags=" . urlencode($arResult["tags"]) . "&where=" . urlencode($arResult["where"]), array("tags", "where", "how"));
            } else {
                $arResult["ORDER_LINK"] = $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("q=" . urlencode($arResult["q"]) . "&where=" . urlencode($arResult["where"]), array("q", "where", "how"));
            if ($arResult["~how"] != "d") {
                $arResult["ORDER_LINK"] .= "&how=d";
        } else {
            $arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"] = GetMessage("LEARNING_MAIN_SEARCH_NOTHING_FOUND");
    } else {
コード例 #4
ファイル: template.php プロジェクト: Tvaruga/ae
	<div class="c-separator-line"></div><?php 
//sim items
$templateData['simId'] = array();
$templateData['simCount'] = 2;
if (empty($arResult['PROPERTIES']['TAGS']['VALUE'])) {
    if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('iblock')) {
        $arFilter = array('!ID' => $arResult['ID'], 'IBLOCK_ID' => $arParams['IBLOCK_ID'], 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'ACTIVE_DATE' => 'Y', 'SECTION_GLOBAL_ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'SECTION_ID' => $arResult['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']);
        $db = CIBlockElement::GetList(array('ACTIVE_FROM' => 'DESC', 'ID' => 'DESC'), $arFilter, false, array('nTopCount' => $templateData['simCount']), array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID'));
        while ($row = $db->Fetch()) {
            $templateData['simId'][] = $row['ID'];
} elseif (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('search')) {
    $q = '';
    foreach ($arResult['PROPERTIES']['TAGS']['VALUE'] as $val) {
        if (!empty($q)) {
            $q .= ' | ';
        $q .= 'tag_search_' . $val;
    $obSearch = new CSearch();
    $obSearch->Search(array('QUERY' => $q, 'SITE_ID' => SITE_ID, 'MODULE_ID' => 'iblock', 'PARAM2' => $arResult['IBLOCK_ID'], '!ITEM_ID' => $arResult['ID']), array('RANK' => 'DESC'));
    if ($obSearch->errorno == 0) {
        while ($row = $obSearch->GetNext()) {
            $templateData['simId'][] = $row['ITEM_ID'];
            if (count($templateData['simId']) >= $templateData['simCount']) {
コード例 #5
 $arResult["ERROR_CODE"] = $obSearch->errorno;
 $arResult["ERROR_TEXT"] = $obSearch->error;
 $arResult["SEARCH"] = array();
 if ($obSearch->errorno == 0) {
     $obSearch->NavStart($arParams["PAGE_RESULT_COUNT"], false);
     $ar = $obSearch->GetNext();
     //Search restart
     if (!$ar && $arParams["RESTART"] == "Y" && $obSearch->Query->bStemming) {
         $exFILTER["STEMMING"] = false;
         $obSearch = new CSearch();
         $obSearch->Search($arFilter, $aSort, $exFILTER);
         $arResult["ERROR_CODE"] = $obSearch->errorno;
         $arResult["ERROR_TEXT"] = $obSearch->error;
         if ($obSearch->errorno == 0) {
             $obSearch->NavStart($arParams["PAGE_RESULT_COUNT"], false);
             $ar = $obSearch->GetNext();
     $arReturn = array();
     while ($ar) {
         $arReturn[$ar["ID"]] = $ar["ITEM_ID"];
         $ar["CHAIN_PATH"] = $APPLICATION->GetNavChain($ar["URL"], 0, $folderPath . "/chain_template.php", true, false);
         $ar["URL"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($ar["URL"]);
         $ar["TAGS"] = array();
         if (!empty($ar["~TAGS_FORMATED"])) {
             foreach ($ar["~TAGS_FORMATED"] as $name => $tag) {
                 if ($arParams["TAGS_INHERIT"] == "Y") {
                     $arTags = $arResult["REQUEST"]["~TAGS_ARRAY"];
                     $arTags[$tag] = $tag;
                     $tags = implode(",", $arTags);
                 } else {
コード例 #6
ファイル: iblock.php プロジェクト: mrdeadmouse/u136006
 function PROPFIND(&$options, &$files, $arParams = array())
     global $DB;
     if (empty($files)) {
         $files = array();
     $files["files"] = array();
     $arParams = is_array($arParams) ? $arParams : array();
     if ($this->e_rights) {
         $options['check_permissions'] = false;
     $arParamsIsDir = $this->arParams;
     $arResult = array("NAV_RESULT" => false, "RESULT" => array());
     if ($arParamsIsDir["not_found"] === true) {
         $msg = $arParamsIsDir['parent_id'] === false ? GetMessage("WD_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND") : GetMessage("WD_FILE_NOT_FOUND");
         return $this->ThrowError("404 Not Found", "DESTINATION_FILE_OR_FOLDER_IS_NOT_FOUND", $msg, __LINE__);
     } elseif ($arParamsIsDir["is_dir"] != true) {
         $db_res = $this->_get_mixed_list(intVal($arParamsIsDir["parent_id"]), $arParams, intVal($arParamsIsDir["item_id"]));
         if ($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch())) {
             if ($this->MetaNames($res)) {
                 $files["files"]["F" . $res["ID"]] = $this->_get_file_info_arr($res, $arParams);
                 if ($arParams["return"] == "array") {
                     $files["files"]["F" . $res["ID"]] = $res;
                 $arResult["RESULT"]["E" . $res["ID"]] = $res;
                 // dummy
     } else {
         if (!empty($arParamsIsDir['dir_array'][self::UF_LINK_SECTION_ID])) {
             $linkWebdav = new self($arParamsIsDir['dir_array'][self::UF_LINK_IBLOCK_ID], $this->base_url . $this->_path, array_merge($this->_originalParams, array('ROOT_SECTION_ID' => $arParamsIsDir['dir_array'][self::UF_LINK_SECTION_ID], 'symlinkMode' => true, 'symlinkSectionData' => $arParamsIsDir['dir_array'], 'symlinkRealRootSectionData' => $this->arRootSection)));
             $options = array('path' => '/', 'depth' => 1, 'check_permissions' => false);
             $params = array_merge($arParams, array('PARENT_ID' => $arParamsIsDir['dir_array'][self::UF_LINK_SECTION_ID]));
             $linkWebdav->_path = $this->_path;
             return $linkWebdav->PROPFIND($options, $files, $params);
         //simple detect symlink
         list($contextType, $contextEntityId) = $this->getContextData();
         if ($arParamsIsDir['dir_array']) {
             $sectionData = $this->getSectionDataForLinkAnalyze($arParamsIsDir['dir_array']['ID'], array('IBLOCK_ID' => $arParamsIsDir['dir_array']['IBLOCK_ID'], 'ID' => $arParamsIsDir['dir_array']['ID']));
             if (!$this->_symlinkMode && CWebDavSymlinkHelper::isLink($contextType, $contextEntityId, $sectionData)) {
                 $symlinkSectionData = CWebDavSymlinkHelper::getLinkData($contextType, $contextEntityId, $sectionData);
         if (!empty($symlinkSectionData)) {
             $linkWebdav = new self($symlinkSectionData[self::UF_LINK_IBLOCK_ID], $this->base_url . $this->_path, array_merge($this->_originalParams, array('ROOT_SECTION_ID' => $symlinkSectionData[self::UF_LINK_SECTION_ID], 'symlinkMode' => true, 'symlinkSectionData' => $symlinkSectionData, 'symlinkRealRootSectionData' => $this->arRootSection)));
             $options = array('path' => '/', 'depth' => 1, 'check_permissions' => false);
             $params = array_merge($arParams, array('PARENT_ID' => $arParamsIsDir['dir_array']['ID']));
             $linkWebdav->_path = $this->_path;
             return $linkWebdav->PROPFIND($options, $files, $params);
         if ($arParamsIsDir["item_id"] <= 0 || $this->arRootSection["ID"] == $arParamsIsDir["item_id"]) {
             $files["files"]["iblock"] = $this->get_iblock_info($arr);
             if ($this->_symlinkMode) {
                 $files["files"]["iblock"]['path'] = $this->_path;
                 if (SITE_CHARSET != "UTF-8") {
                     $files["files"]["iblock"]['path'] = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ConvertCharset($this->_path, SITE_CHARSET, "UTF-8");
             $arResult["IBLOCK"] = $arr;
         } else {
             $arResult["SECTION"] = $this->arParams["dir_array"];
             if ($this->MetaNames($arResult["SECTION"])) {
                 $files["files"]["section"] = $this->_get_section_info_arr($arResult["SECTION"]);
             } else {
         if (!empty($options["depth"])) {
             if (intVal($arParamsIsDir["item_id"]) <= 0) {
                 $arParamsIsDir["item_id"] = $this->arRootSection ? $this->arRootSection["ID"] : $arParamsIsDir["item_id"];
             // content search
             $arSearchResults = array();
             if (isset($arParams["FILTER"]["content"]) && strlen($arParams["FILTER"]["content"]) > 0 && IsModuleInstalled('search') && CModule::IncludeModule('search')) {
                 $obSearch = new CSearch();
                 if (preg_match("/\\.[a-zA-Z]{3,4}\$/", $arParams["FILTER"]["content"])) {
                     $arParams["FILTER"]["content"] = '"' . $arParams["FILTER"]["content"] . '"';
                 $arSearchParams = array("QUERY" => $arParams["FILTER"]["content"]);
                 if (!$this->arRootSection) {
                     $arSearchParams += array("MODULE_ID" => "iblock", "PARAM_2" => $this->IBLOCK_ID);
                 } else {
                     if (isset($this->attributes['user_id'])) {
                         $arSearchParams += array("PARAMS" => array("socnet_user" => $this->attributes['user_id']));
                     } elseif (isset($this->attributes['group_id'])) {
                         $arSearchParams += array("PARAMS" => array("socnet_group" => $this->attributes['group_id']));
                 if ($obSearch->errorno != 0) {
                     $arResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"] = $obSearch->error;
                 } else {
                     while ($arSearchResultItem = $obSearch->GetNext()) {
                         $arSearchResults[$arSearchResultItem['ITEM_ID']] = true;
             $arSearchOptParams = array_flip(array("SHOW_NEW", "SHOW_HISTORY", "FILE_SIZE_multiply"));
             $arParams["function"] = "propfind";
             $parentID = isset($arParams["FILTER"]) ? sizeof(array_diff_key($arParams["FILTER"], $arSearchOptParams)) == 0 ? $arParamsIsDir["item_id"] : null : $arParamsIsDir["item_id"];
             if (isset($arParams["PARENT_ID"]) && intval($arParams["PARENT_ID"]) > 0) {
                 $parentID = $arParams["PARENT_ID"];
             if (!empty($arParams["FILTER"])) {
                 $arParams["FILTER"]["SHOW_NEW"] = "Y";
             if ($this->meta_state == "TRASH" && $this->workflow == "bizproc") {
                 $arParams["FILTER"]["SHOW_HISTORY"] = "Y";
             if (isset($arParams["FILTER"]["doctype"])) {
                 $arFileTypes = @unserialize(COption::GetOptionString("webdav", "file_types"));
                 if ($arFileTypes !== false) {
                     foreach ($arFileTypes as $arFileType) {
                         if ($arParams["FILTER"]["doctype"] == $arFileType["ID"]) {
                             $arParams["FILTER"]["extension"] = str_replace(".", "", $arFileType["EXTENSIONS"]);
             if (isset($arParams["FILTER"]["extension"])) {
                 $arFltExtensions = array_map('strtoupper', explode(" ", $arParams["FILTER"]["extension"]));
             //$arResult["NAV_RESULT"] = $db_res;
             if (isset($arParams["FILTER"]["content"]) && sizeof(array_diff_key($arParams["FILTER"], $arSearchOptParams)) === 1) {
                 // there is only content search
                 foreach ($arSearchResults as $itemID => $nopValue) {
                     $arParams["FILTER"]["ID"] = $itemID;
                     $db_res = $this->_get_mixed_list(null, $arParams);
                     if ($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch())) {
                         if ($this->MetaNames($res)) {
                             if ($res["TYPE"] == "S") {
                                 if (!$this->MetaSectionHide($res)) {
                                     $files["files"]["S" . $res["ID"]] = $this->_get_section_info_arr($res);
                                     $arResult["RESULT"]["S" . $res["ID"]] = $res;
                             } else {
                                 $files["files"]["F" . $res["ID"]] = $this->_get_file_info_arr($res, $arParams);
                                 $arResult["RESULT"]["E" . $res["ID"]] = $res;
             } else {
                 // there are some other fields to search
                 $db_res = $this->_get_mixed_list($parentID, $arParams);
                 if ($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch())) {
                     do {
                         if (!empty($arSearchResults) && !isset($arSearchResults[$res["ID"]])) {
                         if ($this->meta_state != 'TRASH' && isset($res['PROPS']['BX:']['UNDELETE'])) {
                         if ($this->MetaNames($res)) {
                             if ($res["TYPE"] == "S") {
                                 if (!$this->MetaSectionHide($res)) {
                                     if (empty($arParams["FILTER"]) || $this->meta_state == "TRASH" || !empty($arParams['FILTER']['SHOW_SECTIONS'])) {
                                         $files["files"]["S" . $res["ID"]] = $this->_get_section_info_arr($res);
                                         $arResult["RESULT"]["S" . $res["ID"]] = $res;
                             } else {
                                 if (isset($arFltExtensions)) {
                                     $ext = GetFileExtension($res["NAME"]);
                                     if (!in_array(strtoupper($ext), $arFltExtensions)) {
                                 $files["files"]["F" . $res["ID"]] = $this->_get_file_info_arr($res, $arParams);
                                 $arResult["RESULT"]["E" . $res["ID"]] = $res;
                     } while ($res = $db_res->Fetch());
     if ($this->e_rights && sizeof($arResult['RESULT']) <= 0 && !$this->GetPermission('SECTION', $arParamsIsDir['item_id'], 'section_read')) {
         $options['check_permissions'] = true;
         $arParamsIsDir = $this->GetObject($options);
         if ($arParamsIsDir["not_found"] === true) {
             return $this->ThrowError("404 Not Found", "DESTINATION_FILE_OR_FOLDER_IS_NOT_FOUND", GetMessage("WD_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND"), __LINE__);
     if ($arParams["return"] == "array") {
         return $arResult;
     } elseif ($arParams["return"] == "nav_result") {
         $arResult["NAV_RESULT"] = new CDBResult();
         return $arResult;
     return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: component.php プロジェクト: Satariall/izurit
 $obSearch = new CSearch();
 $obSearch->Search($arFilter, array("CNT" => "DESC"), $exFILTER, true);
 $arResult["ERROR_CODE"] = $obSearch->errorno;
 $arResult["ERROR_TEXT"] = $obSearch->error;
 $arResult["DATE"] = array();
 $arResult["SEARCH"] = array();
 if ($obSearch->errorno == 0) {
     $res = $obSearch->GetNext();
     if (!$res && $arParams["RESTART"] == "Y" && $obSearch->Query->bStemming) {
         $exFILTER["STEMMING"] = false;
         $obSearch = new CSearch();
         $obSearch->Search($arFilter, array("CNT" => "DESC"), $exFILTER, true);
         $arResult["ERROR_CODE"] = $obSearch->errorno;
         $arResult["ERROR_TEXT"] = $obSearch->error;
         if ($obSearch->errorno == 0) {
             $res = $obSearch->GetNext();
     if ($res) {
         $arResult["CNT_MIN"] = $res["CNT"];
         $arResult["CNT_MAX"] = $res["CNT"];
         $res["TIME"] = MakeTimeStamp($res["FULL_DATE_CHANGE"]);
         $arResult["TIME_MIN"] = $res["TIME"];
         $arResult["TIME_MAX"] = $res["TIME"];
         $arTags = array();
         if ($arParams["TAGS_INHERIT"] != "N" && strlen($arParams["TAGS"]) > 0) {
             $tmp = explode(",", $arParams["~TAGS"]);
             foreach ($tmp as $tag) {
                 $tag = trim($tag);
                 if (strlen($tag) > 0) {
                     $arTags[$tag] = $tag;
コード例 #8
 * $arParams, 
 * $request
function getSearchedElement($arParams, $request)
    if (!CModule::IncludeModule("search")) {
        return false;
    $arParams["SHOW_WHEN"] = $arParams["SHOW_WHEN"] == "Y";
    if (!is_array($arParams["arrWHERE"])) {
        $arParams["arrWHERE"] = array();
    $arParams["PAGE_RESULT_COUNT"] = 50;
    if ($arParams["DEFAULT_SORT"] !== "date") {
        $arParams["DEFAULT_SORT"] = "rank";
    if (strlen($arParams["FILTER_NAME"]) <= 0 || !preg_match("/^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z01-9_]*\$/", $arParams["FILTER_NAME"])) {
        $arFILTERCustom = array();
    } else {
        $arFILTERCustom = $GLOBALS[$arParams["FILTER_NAME"]];
        if (!is_array($arFILTERCustom)) {
            $arFILTERCustom = array();
    $exFILTER = CSearchParameters::ConvertParamsToFilter($arParams, "arrFILTER");
    if (isset($_REQUEST["q"])) {
        $q = trim($_REQUEST["q"]);
    } else {
        $q = false;
    if ($q !== false) {
        if ($arParams["USE_LANGUAGE_GUESS"] == "N" || isset($_REQUEST["spell"])) {
            $arResult["REQUEST"]["~QUERY"] = $q;
            $arResult["REQUEST"]["QUERY"] = htmlspecialcharsex($q);
        } else {
            $arLang = CSearchLanguage::GuessLanguage($q);
            if (is_array($arLang) && $arLang["from"] != $arLang["to"]) {
                $arResult["REQUEST"]["~ORIGINAL_QUERY"] = $q;
                $arResult["REQUEST"]["ORIGINAL_QUERY"] = htmlspecialcharsex($q);
                $arResult["REQUEST"]["~QUERY"] = CSearchLanguage::ConvertKeyboardLayout($arResult["REQUEST"]["~ORIGINAL_QUERY"], $arLang["from"], $arLang["to"]);
                $arResult["REQUEST"]["QUERY"] = htmlspecialcharsex($arResult["REQUEST"]["~QUERY"]);
            } else {
                $arResult["REQUEST"]["~QUERY"] = $q;
                $arResult["REQUEST"]["QUERY"] = htmlspecialcharsex($q);
    $arResult["URL"] = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage() . "?q=" . urlencode($q) . (isset($_REQUEST["spell"]) ? "&amp;spell=1" : "") . ($tags !== false ? "&amp;tags=" . urlencode($tags) : "");
    if (isset($arResult["REQUEST"]["~ORIGINAL_QUERY"])) {
        $arResult["ORIGINAL_QUERY_URL"] = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage() . "?q=" . urlencode($arResult["REQUEST"]["~ORIGINAL_QUERY"]) . "&amp;spell=1" . "&amp;where=" . urlencode($arResult["REQUEST"]["WHERE"]) . ($arResult["REQUEST"]["HOW"] == "d" ? "&amp;how=d" : "") . ($arResult["REQUEST"]["FROM"] ? '&amp;from=' . urlencode($arResult["REQUEST"]["~FROM"]) : "") . ($arResult["REQUEST"]["TO"] ? '&amp;to=' . urlencode($arResult["REQUEST"]["~TO"]) : "") . ($tags !== false ? "&amp;tags=" . urlencode($tags) : "");
    $templatePage = "";
    $arReturn = false;
    $arFilter = array("SITE_ID" => SITE_ID, "QUERY" => $arResult["REQUEST"]["~QUERY"], "TAGS" => $arResult["REQUEST"]["~TAGS"]);
    $arFilter = array_merge($arFILTERCustom, $arFilter);
    if ($from) {
        $arFilter[">=DATE_CHANGE"] = $from;
    if ($to) {
        $arFilter["<=DATE_CHANGE"] = $to;
    $obSearch = new CSearch();
    //When restart option is set we will ignore error on query with only stop words
    $obSearch->SetOptions(array("ERROR_ON_EMPTY_STEM" => $arParams["RESTART"] != "Y", "NO_WORD_LOGIC" => $arParams["NO_WORD_LOGIC"] == "Y"));
    $obSearch->Search($arFilter, $aSort, $exFILTER);
    $arResult["ERROR_CODE"] = $obSearch->errorno;
    $arResult["ERROR_TEXT"] = $obSearch->error;
    $arResult["SEARCH"] = array();
    if ($obSearch->errorno == 0) {
        $obSearch->NavStart($arParams["PAGE_RESULT_COUNT"], false);
        $ar = $obSearch->GetNext();
        //Search restart
        if (!$ar && $arParams["RESTART"] == "Y" && $obSearch->Query->bStemming) {
            $exFILTER["STEMMING"] = false;
            $obSearch = new CSearch();
            $obSearch->Search($arFilter, $aSort, $exFILTER);
            $arResult["ERROR_CODE"] = $obSearch->errorno;
            $arResult["ERROR_TEXT"] = $obSearch->error;
            if ($obSearch->errorno == 0) {
                $obSearch->NavStart($arParams["PAGE_RESULT_COUNT"], false);
                $ar = $obSearch->GetNext();
        $arReturn = array();
        while ($ar) {
            $arReturn[$ar["ID"]] = $ar["ITEM_ID"];
            $ar["CHAIN_PATH"] = $APPLICATION->GetNavChain($ar["URL"], 0, $folderPath . "/chain_template.php", true, false);
            $ar["URL"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($ar["URL"]);
            $ar["TAGS"] = array();
            if (!empty($ar["~TAGS_FORMATED"])) {
                foreach ($ar["~TAGS_FORMATED"] as $name => $tag) {
                    if ($arParams["TAGS_INHERIT"] == "Y") {
                        $arTags = $arResult["REQUEST"]["~TAGS_ARRAY"];
                        $arTags[$tag] = $tag;
                        $tags = implode(",", $arTags);
                    } else {
                        $tags = $tag;
                    $ar["TAGS"][] = array("URL" => $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("tags=" . urlencode($tags), array("tags")), "TAG_NAME" => htmlspecialcharsex($name));
            $arResult["SEARCH"][] = $ar;
            $ar = $obSearch->GetNext();
        return $arResult;