public function __construct($account_id) { $account = civicrm_api3('MyEmmaAccount', 'getsingle', array('id' => $account_id)); if (!$account) { throw new Exception('Account not found'); } $this->emma = new CRM_Myemma_Emma($account['account_id'], $account['public_key'], $account['private_key'], false); $this->contact_custom_field = CRM_Myemma_BAO_MyEmmaAccount::createCustomField('myemma', $account['name'], $account_id); $this->group_custom_field = CRM_Myemma_BAO_MyEmmaAccount::createCustomField('myemma_group', $account['name'], $account_id); $this->group_custom_field_name = civicrm_api3('CustomField', 'getvalue', array('return' => 'column_name', 'id' => $this->group_custom_field)); $this->parent_group_id = $account['parent_group_id']; $this->civiFields = CRM_Myemma_Utils::buildCiviCRMFieldList(); $this->field_maps = array(); $dao = new CRM_Myemma_DAO_MyEmmaFieldMap(); $dao->account_id = $account_id; $dao->find(); while ($dao->fetch()) { $map = array(); CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($dao, $map); $this->field_maps[$map['my_emma_field']] = $map; } }
public function delete($useWhere = FALSE) { $result = parent::delete($useWhere); return $result; }
/** * Returns the list of fields that can be exported * * @param bool $prefix * * @return array */ static function &export($prefix = false) { if (!self::$_export) { self::$_export = array(); $fields = self::fields(); foreach ($fields as $name => $field) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('export', $field)) { if ($prefix) { self::$_export['my_emma_field_map'] =& $fields[$name]; } else { self::$_export[$name] =& $fields[$name]; } } } } return self::$_export; }