コード例 #1
  * Will acquire a lock with the given name, 
  * if no other lock has been acquired by this process.
  * If the same lock has been acquired before (and not been released),
  * in internal counter is increased. Therefore you can acquire the same
  * lock multiple times, but you will then have to release them 
  * the same amount of times
  * @return a SafeLock instance or NULL if timed out
 public static function acquireLock($name, $timeout = 60)
     if (self::$_acquired_lock == NULL) {
         // it's free, we'll try to take it
         $lock = new CRM_Core_Lock($name, $timeout);
         if (version_compare(CRM_Utils_System::version(), '4.6', '>=')) {
             // before 4.6, a new lock would be automatically acquired
         if ($lock != NULL && $lock->isAcquired()) {
             // we got it!
             self::$_acquired_lock = new CRM_Utils_SepaSafeLock($lock, $name);
             //error_log('acquired ' . getmypid());
             return self::$_acquired_lock;
         } else {
             // timed out
             return NULL;
     } elseif (self::$_acquired_lock->getName() == $name) {
         // this means acquiring 'our' lock again:
         $lock = self::$_acquired_lock;
         $lock->counter += 1;
         //error_log('acquired ' . getmypid() . "[{$lock->counter}]");
         return $lock;
     } else {
         // this is the BAD case: somebody's trying to acquire ANOTHER LOCK,
         //  while we still own another one
         $lock_name = $self::$_acquired_lock->getName();
         throw new Exception("This process cannot acquire more than one lock! It still owns lock '{$lock_name}'.");
 * Job.iATSRecurringContributions API
 * @param array $params
 * @return array API result descriptor
 * @see civicrm_api3_create_success
 * @see civicrm_api3_create_error
 * @throws API_Exception
function civicrm_api3_job_iatsrecurringcontributions($params)
    // running this job in parallell could generate bad duplicate contributions
    $lock = new CRM_Core_Lock('civimail.job.IatsRecurringContributions');
    if (!$lock->acquire()) {
        return civicrm_api3_create_success(ts('Failed to acquire lock. No contribution records were processed.'));
    $catchup = !empty($params['catchup']);
    $domemberships = empty($params['ignoremembership']);
    // TODO: what kind of extra security do we want or need here to prevent it from being triggered inappropriately? Or does it matter?
    // the next scheduled contribution date field name is civicrm version dependent
    define('IATS_CIVICRM_NSCD_FID', _iats_civicrm_nscd_fid());
    // $config = &CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
    // $debug  = false;
    // do my calculations based on yyyymmddhhmmss representation of the time
    // not sure about time-zone issues
    $dtCurrentDay = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")));
    $dtCurrentDayStart = $dtCurrentDay . "000000";
    $dtCurrentDayEnd = $dtCurrentDay . "235959";
    $expiry_limit = date('ym');
    // restrict this method of recurring contribution processing to only these two payment processors
    $args = array(1 => array('Payment_iATSService', 'String'), 2 => array('Payment_iATSServiceACHEFT', 'String'), 3 => array('Payment_iATSServiceSWIPE', 'String'));
    // Before triggering payments, we need to do some housekeeping of the civicrm_contribution_recur records.
    // First update the end_date and then the complete/in-progress values.
    // We do this both to fix any failed settings previously, and also
    // to deal with the possibility that the settings for the number of payments (installments) for an existing record has changed.
    // First check for recur end date values on non-open-ended recurring contribution records that are either complete or in-progress
    $select = 'SELECT cr.id, count(c.id) AS installments_done, cr.installments, cr.end_date, NOW() as test_now
      FROM civicrm_contribution_recur cr
      INNER JOIN civicrm_contribution c ON cr.id = c.contribution_recur_id
      INNER JOIN civicrm_payment_processor pp ON cr.payment_processor_id = pp.id
        (pp.class_name = %1 OR pp.class_name = %2 OR pp.class_name = %3)
        AND (cr.installments > 0)
        AND (cr.contribution_status_id IN (1,5))
        AND (c.contribution_status_id IN (1,2))
      GROUP BY c.contribution_recur_id';
    $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($select, $args);
    while ($dao->fetch()) {
        // check for end dates that should be unset because I haven't finished
        if ($dao->installments_done < $dao->installments) {
            // at least one more installment todo
            if ($dao->end_date > 0 && $dao->end_date <= $dao->test_now) {
                // unset the end_date
                $update = 'UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur SET end_date = NULL, contribution_status_id = 5 WHERE id = %1';
                CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($update, array(1 => array($dao->id, 'Int')));
        } elseif ($dao->installments_done >= $dao->installments) {
            // I'm done with installments
            if (empty($dao->end_date) || $dao->end_date >= $dao->test_now) {
                // this interval complete, set the end_date to an hour ago
                $update = 'UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur SET end_date = DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 HOUR) WHERE id = %1';
                CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($update, array(1 => array($dao->id, 'Int')));
    // Second, make sure any open-ended recurring contributions have no end date set
    $update = 'UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur cr
      INNER JOIN civicrm_payment_processor pp ON cr.payment_processor_id = pp.id
        cr.end_date = NULL
        cr.contribution_status_id IN (1,5)
        AND NOT(cr.installments > 0)
        AND (pp.class_name = %1 OR pp.class_name = %2 OR pp.class_name = %3)
        AND NOT(ISNULL(cr.end_date))';
    $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($update, $args);
    // Third, we update the status_id of the all in-progress or completed recurring contribution records
    // Unexpire uncompleted cycles
    $update = 'UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur cr
      INNER JOIN civicrm_payment_processor pp ON cr.payment_processor_id = pp.id
        cr.contribution_status_id = 5
        cr.contribution_status_id = 1
        AND (pp.class_name = %1 OR pp.class_name = %2 OR pp.class_name = %3)
        AND (cr.end_date IS NULL OR cr.end_date > NOW())';
    $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($update, $args);
    // Expire or badly-defined completed cycles
    $update = 'UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur cr
      INNER JOIN civicrm_payment_processor pp ON cr.payment_processor_id = pp.id
        cr.contribution_status_id = 1
        cr.contribution_status_id = 5
        AND (pp.class_name = %1 OR pp.class_name = %2 OR pp.class_name = %3)
        AND (
          (NOT(cr.end_date IS NULL) AND cr.end_date <= NOW())
          (frequency_interval = 0)
    $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($update, $args);
    // Now we're ready to trigger payments
    // Select the ongoing recurring payments for iATSServices where the next scheduled contribution date (NSCD) is before the end of of the current day
    $select = 'SELECT cr.*, icc.customer_code, icc.expiry as icc_expiry, icc.cid as icc_contact_id, pp.class_name as pp_class_name, pp.url_site as url_site, pp.is_test
      FROM civicrm_contribution_recur cr
      INNER JOIN civicrm_payment_processor pp ON cr.payment_processor_id = pp.id
      INNER JOIN civicrm_iats_customer_codes icc ON cr.id = icc.recur_id
        cr.contribution_status_id = 5
        AND (pp.class_name = %1 OR pp.class_name = %2 OR pp.class_name = %3)';
    //      AND pp.is_test = 0
    if (!empty($params['recur_id'])) {
        // in case the job was called to execute a specific recurring contribution id -- not yet implemented!
        $select .= ' AND icc.recur_id = %4';
        $args[4] = array($params['recur_id'], 'Int');
    } else {
        // if (!empty($params['scheduled'])) {
        //normally, process all recurring contributions due today or earlier
        $select .= ' AND cr.' . IATS_CIVICRM_NSCD_FID . ' <= %4';
        $args[4] = array($dtCurrentDayEnd, 'String');
        // ' AND cr.next_sched_contribution >= %2
        // $args[2] = array($dtCurrentDayStart, 'String');
        if (!empty($params['cycle_day'])) {
            // also filter by cycle day
            $select .= ' AND cr.cycle_day = %5';
            $args[5] = array($params['cycle_day'], 'Int');
        if (isset($params['failure_count'])) {
            // also filter by cycle day
            $select .= ' AND cr.failure_count = %6';
            $args[6] = array($params['failure_count'], 'Int');
    $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($select, $args);
    $counter = 0;
    $error_count = 0;
    $output = array();
    $settings = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem('iATS Payments Extension', 'iats_settings');
    $receipt_recurring = empty($settings['receipt_recurring']) ? 0 : 1;
    /* while ($dao->fetch()) {
        foreach($dao as $key => $value) {
          echo "$value,";
        echo "\n";
      die();  */
    while ($dao->fetch()) {
        // Strategy: create the contribution record with status = 2 (= pending), try the payment, and update the status to 1 if successful
        // Try to get a contribution template for this contribution series - if none matches (e.g. if a donation amount has been changed), we'll just be naive about it.
        $contribution_template = _iats_civicrm_getContributionTemplate(array('contribution_recur_id' => $dao->id, 'total_amount' => $dao->amount));
        $contact_id = $dao->contact_id;
        $total_amount = $dao->amount;
        $hash = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
        $contribution_recur_id = $dao->id;
        $subtype = substr($dao->pp_class_name, 19);
        $source = "iATS Payments {$subtype} Recurring Contribution (id={$contribution_recur_id})";
        $receive_ts = $catchup ? strtotime($dao->next_sched_contribution_date) : time();
        $receive_date = date("YmdHis", $receive_ts);
        // i.e. now or whenever it was supposed to run if in catchup mode
        // check if we already have an error
        $errors = array();
        if (empty($dao->customer_code)) {
            $errors[] = ts('Recur id %1 is missing a customer code.', array(1 => $contribution_recur_id));
        } else {
            if ($dao->contact_id != $dao->icc_contact_id) {
                $errors[] = ts('Recur id %1 is has a mismatched contact id for the customer code.', array(1 => $contribution_recur_id));
            if ($dao->icc_expiry != '0000' && $dao->icc_expiry < $expiry_limit) {
                // $errors[] = ts('Recur id %1 is has an expired cc for the customer code.', array(1 => $contribution_recur_id));
        if (count($errors)) {
            $source .= ' Errors: ' . implode(' ', $errors);
        $contribution = array('version' => 3, 'contact_id' => $contact_id, 'receive_date' => $receive_date, 'total_amount' => $total_amount, 'payment_instrument_id' => $dao->payment_instrument_id, 'contribution_recur_id' => $contribution_recur_id, 'invoice_id' => $hash, 'source' => $source, 'contribution_status_id' => 2, 'currency' => $dao->currency, 'payment_processor' => $dao->payment_processor_id, 'is_test' => $dao->is_test);
        $get_from_template = array('contribution_campaign_id', 'amount_level');
        foreach ($get_from_template as $field) {
            if (isset($contribution_template[$field])) {
                $contribution[$field] = is_array($contribution_template[$field]) ? implode(', ', $contribution_template[$field]) : $contribution_template[$field];
        if (isset($dao->contribution_type_id)) {
            // 4.2
            $contribution['contribution_type_id'] = $dao->contribution_type_id;
        } else {
            // 4.3+
            $contribution['financial_type_id'] = $dao->financial_type_id;
        if (!empty($contribution_template['line_items'])) {
            $contribution['skipLineItem'] = 1;
            $contribution['api.line_item.create'] = $contribution_template['line_items'];
        if (count($errors)) {
            /* create a failed contribution record, don't bother talking to iats */
            $contribution['contribution_status_id'] = 4;
            $contributionResult = civicrm_api('contribution', 'create', $contribution);
            if ($contributionResult['is_error']) {
                $errors[] = $contributionResult['error_message'];
        } else {
            // assign basic options
            $options = array('is_email_receipt' => $receipt_recurring, 'customer_code' => $dao->customer_code, 'subtype' => $subtype);
            // if our template contribution is a membership payment, make this one also
            if ($domemberships && !empty($contribution_template['contribution_id'])) {
                try {
                    $membership_payment = civicrm_api('MembershipPayment', 'getsingle', array('version' => 3, 'contribution_id' => $contribution_template['contribution_id']));
                    if (!empty($membership_payment['membership_id'])) {
                        $options['membership_id'] = $membership_payment['membership_id'];
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    // ignore, if will fail correctly if there is no membership payment
            // so far so, good ... now create the pending contribution, and save its id
            // and then try to get the money, and do one of: update the contribution to failed, complete the transaction, or update a pending ach/eft with it's transaction id
            $output[] = _iats_process_contribution_payment($contribution, $options);
        /* calculate the next collection date, based on the recieve date (note effect of catchup mode)  */
        /* only move the next sched contribution date forward if the contribution is pending (e.g. ach/eft) or complete */
        if ($contribution['contribution_status_id'] < 3) {
            $next_collectionDate = strtotime("+{$dao->frequency_interval} {$dao->frequency_unit}", $receive_ts);
            $next_collectionDate = date('YmdHis', $next_collectionDate);
            CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("\n        UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur\n           SET " . IATS_CIVICRM_NSCD_FID . " = %1,\n           failure_count = 0\n         WHERE id = %2\n      ", array(1 => array($next_collectionDate, 'String'), 2 => array($dao->id, 'Int')));
        } elseif (4 == $contribution['contribution_status_id']) {
            // i.e. failed
            CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("\n        UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur\n           SET failure_count = failure_count + 1\n         WHERE id = %1\n      ", array(1 => array($dao->id, 'Int')));
        $result = civicrm_api('activity', 'create', array('version' => 3, 'activity_type_id' => 6, 'source_contact_id' => $contact_id, 'source_record_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $contributionResult), 'assignee_contact_id' => $contact_id, 'subject' => "Attempted iATS Payments {$subtype} Recurring Contribution for " . $total_amount, 'status_id' => 2, 'activity_date_time' => date("YmdHis")));
        if ($result['is_error']) {
            $output[] = ts('An error occurred while creating activity record for contact id %1: %2', array(1 => $contact_id, 2 => $result['error_message']));
        } else {
            $output[] = ts('Created activity record for contact id %1', array(1 => $contact_id));
    // now update the end_dates and status for non-open-ended contribution series if they are complete (so that the recurring contribution status will show correctly)
    // This is a simplified version of what we did before the processing
    $select = 'SELECT cr.id, count(c.id) AS installments_done, cr.installments
      FROM civicrm_contribution_recur cr
      INNER JOIN civicrm_contribution c ON cr.id = c.contribution_recur_id
      INNER JOIN civicrm_payment_processor pp ON cr.payment_processor_id = pp.id
        (pp.class_name = %1 OR pp.class_name = %2 OR pp.class_name = %3)
        AND (cr.installments > 0)
        AND (cr.contribution_status_id  = 5)
      GROUP BY c.contribution_recur_id';
    $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($select, $args);
    while ($dao->fetch()) {
        // check if my end date should be set to now because I have finished
        if ($dao->installments_done >= $dao->installments) {
            // I'm done with installments
            // set this series complete and the end_date to now
            $update = 'UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur SET contribution_status_id = 1, end_date = NOW() WHERE id = %1';
            CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($update, array(1 => array($dao->id, 'Int')));
    // If errors ..
    if ($error_count) {
        return civicrm_api3_create_error(ts("Completed, but with %1 errors. %2 records processed.", array(1 => $error_count, 2 => $counter)) . "<br />" . implode("<br />", $output));
    // If no errors and records processed ..
    if ($counter) {
        return civicrm_api3_create_success(ts('%1 contribution record(s) were processed.', array(1 => $counter)) . "<br />" . implode("<br />", $output));
    // No records processed
    return civicrm_api3_create_success(ts('No contribution records were processed.'));