/** * Browse all activities for a particular contact * * @param boolean $history - true if we want to browse activity history, false otherwise. * @return none * * @access public */ function browse($history) { $this->assign('totalCountOpenActivity', CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getNumOpenActivity($this->_contactId)); $this->assign('totalCountActivity', CRM_Core_BAO_History::getNumHistory($this->_contactId, 'Activity')); require_once 'CRM/Core/Selector/Controller.php'; if ($history) { $this->assign('history', true); // create the selector, controller and run - store results in session $output = CRM_CORE_SELECTOR_CONTROLLER_SESSION; require_once 'CRM/History/Selector/Activity.php'; $selector =& new CRM_History_Selector_Activity($this->_contactId, $this->_permission); $sortID = null; if ($this->get(CRM_UTILS_SORT_SORT_ID)) { $sortID = CRM_Utils_Sort::sortIDValue($this->get(CRM_UTILS_SORT_SORT_ID), $this->get(CRM_UTILS_SORT_SORT_DIRECTION)); } $controller =& new CRM_Core_Selector_Controller($selector, $this->get(CRM_UTILS_PAGER_PAGE_ID), $sortID, CRM_CORE_ACTION_VIEW, $this, $output); $controller->setEmbedded(true); $controller->run(); $controller->moveFromSessionToTemplate(); } else { $this->assign('history', false); // create the selector, controller and run - store results in session $output = CRM_CORE_SELECTOR_CONTROLLER_SESSION; require_once 'CRM/Contact/Selector/Activity.php'; $selector =& new CRM_Contact_Selector_Activity($this->_contactId, $this->_permission); $sortID = null; if ($this->get(CRM_UTILS_SORT_SORT_ID)) { $sortID = CRM_Utils_Sort::sortIDValue($this->get(CRM_UTILS_SORT_SORT_ID), $this->get(CRM_UTILS_SORT_SORT_DIRECTION)); } $controller =& new CRM_Core_Selector_Controller($selector, $this->get(CRM_UTILS_PAGER_PAGE_ID), $sortID, CRM_CORE_ACTION_VIEW, $this, $output); $controller->setEmbedded(true); $controller->run(); $controller->moveFromSessionToTemplate(); } }
/** * Returns total number of rows for the query. * * @param string $action - action being performed * @return int Total number of rows * @access public */ function getTotalCount($action) { return CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getNumOpenActivity($this->_contactId); }
/** * Takes a bunch of params that are needed to match certain criteria and * retrieves the relevant objects. Typically the valid params are only * contact_id. We'll tweak this function to be more full featured over a period * of time. This is the inverse function of create. It also stores all the retrieved * values in the default array * * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs * @param array $defaults (reference ) an assoc array to hold the name / value pairs * in a hierarchical manner * @param array $ids (reference) the array that holds all the db ids * * @return object CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact object * @access public * @static */ function retrieve(&$params, &$defaults, &$ids) { $contact = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getValues($params, $defaults, $ids); unset($params['id']); require_once str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "CRM_Contact_BAO_" . $contact->contact_type) . ".php"; eval('$contact->contact_type_object =& CRM_Contact_BAO_' . $contact->contact_type . '::getValues( $params, $defaults, $ids );'); $locParams = $params + array('entity_id' => $params['contact_id'], 'entity_table' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getTableName()); $contact->location =& CRM_Core_BAO_Location::getValues($locParams, $defaults, $ids, 3); $contact->notes =& CRM_Core_BAO_Note::getValues($params, $defaults, $ids); $contact->relationship =& CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::getValues($params, $defaults, $ids); $contact->groupContact =& CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::getValues($params, $defaults, $ids); $activityParam = array('entity_id' => $params['contact_id']); $contact->activity =& CRM_Core_BAO_History::getValues($activityParam, $defaults, 'Activity'); $activityParam = array('contact_id' => $params['contact_id']); $defaults['openActivity'] = array('data' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getOpenActivities($activityParam, 0, 3), 'totalCount' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getNumOpenActivity($params['contact_id'])); return $contact; }