コード例 #1
  * @see parent::getProps()
 function getProps()
     $props = parent::getProps();
     $props["function_id"] = "ref class|CFunctions";
     $props["patient_id"] = "ref class|CPatient cascade";
     $props["relation"] = "enum list|assurance|autre|confiance|employeur|inconnu|prevenir default|prevenir";
     $props["relation_autre"] = "str";
     $props["nom"] = "str notNull seekable confidential";
     $props["surnom"] = "str seekable";
     $props["nom_jeune_fille"] = "str";
     $props["prenom"] = "str";
     $props["naissance"] = "birthDate mask|99/99/9999 format|\$3-\$2-\$1";
     $props["sex"] = "enum list|f|m|u default|u";
     $props["adresse"] = "text";
     $props["cp"] = "numchar minLength|4 maxLength|5";
     $props["ville"] = "str confidential";
     $props["tel"] = "phone confidential";
     $props["mob"] = "phone confidential";
     $props["fax"] = "phone confidential";
     $props["urssaf"] = "numchar length|11 confidential";
     $props["parente"] = "enum list|ami|ascendant|autre|beau_fils|colateral|collegue|compagnon|conjoint|directeur|divers|employeur|" . "employe|enfant|enfant_adoptif|entraineur|epoux|frere|grand_parent|mere|pere|petits_enfants|proche|proprietaire|soeur|tuteur";
     $props["parente_autre"] = "str";
     $props["email"] = "email";
     $props["remarques"] = "text";
     $props["ean"] = "str maxLength|30";
     $props["ean_base"] = "str maxLength|30";
     $props["type_pec"] = "enum list|TG|TP|TS";
     $props["assure_id"] = "str maxLength|30";
     $props["ean_id"] = "str maxLength|5";
     $props["date_debut"] = "date";
     $props["date_fin"] = "date";
     $props["num_assure"] = "str maxLength|30";
     $props["employeur"] = "ref class|CCorrespondantPatient";
     return $props;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CPatient.class.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
  * @see parent::getProps()
 function getProps()
     $props = parent::getProps();
     $props["function_id"] = "ref class|CFunctions";
     $props["nom"] = "str notNull confidential seekable|begin index";
     $props["prenom"] = "str notNull seekable|begin index";
     $props["prenom_2"] = "str";
     $props["prenom_3"] = "str";
     $props["prenom_4"] = "str";
     $props["nom_jeune_fille"] = "str confidential seekable|begin index";
     $props["nom_soundex2"] = "str index";
     $props["prenom_soundex2"] = "str index";
     $props["nomjf_soundex2"] = "str index";
     $props["medecin_traitant_declare"] = "bool";
     $props["medecin_traitant"] = "ref class|CMedecin";
     $conf = CAppUI::conf("dPpatients CPatient check_code_insee");
     $props["matricule"] = $conf ? "code insee confidential mask|9S99S99S9xS999S999S99" : "str maxLength|15";
     $props["code_regime"] = "numchar length|2";
     $props["caisse_gest"] = "numchar length|3";
     $props["centre_gest"] = "numchar length|4";
     $props["code_gestion"] = "str length|2";
     $props["centre_carte"] = "numchar length|4";
     $props["regime_sante"] = "str";
     $props["sexe"] = "enum list|m|f";
     $props["civilite"] = "enum list|m|mme|mlle|enf|dr|pr|me|vve";
     $props["adresse"] = "text confidential";
     $props["province"] = "str maxLength|40";
     $props["is_smg"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["ville"] = "str confidential seekable|begin";
     $props["cp"] = "str minLength|4 maxLength|5 confidential";
     $props["tel"] = "phone confidential";
     $props["tel2"] = "phone confidential";
     $props["tel_autre"] = "str maxLength|20";
     $props["email"] = "str confidential";
     $props["vip"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["situation_famille"] = "enum list|S|M|G|P|D|W|A";
     $props["tutelle"] = "enum list|aucune|tutelle|curatelle default|aucune";
     $props["incapable_majeur"] = "bool";
     $props["ATNC"] = "bool";
     $props["avs"] = "str maxLength|16";
     // mask|999.99.999.999";
     $props["naissance"] = "birthDate notNull";
     $props["deces"] = "dateTime";
     $props["rques"] = "text";
     $props["cmu"] = "bool";
     $props["ame"] = "bool";
     $props["ald"] = "bool";
     $props["code_exo"] = "enum list|0|4|5|9 default|0";
     $props["libelle_exo"] = "text";
     $props["deb_amo"] = "date";
     $props["fin_amo"] = "date";
     $props["notes_amo"] = "text";
     $props["notes_amc"] = "text";
     $props["rang_beneficiaire"] = "enum list|01|02|09|11|12|13|14|15|16|31";
     $props["qual_beneficiaire"] = "enum list|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9";
     $props["rang_naissance"] = "enum list|1|2|3|4|5|6 default|1";
     $props["fin_validite_vitale"] = "date";
     $props["code_sit"] = "numchar length|4";
     $props["regime_am"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["mutuelle_types_contrat"] = "text";
     $props["pays"] = "str";
     $props["pays_insee"] = "numchar length|3";
     $props["lieu_naissance"] = "str";
     $props["cp_naissance"] = "str minLength|4 maxLength|5 confidential";
     $props["pays_naissance_insee"] = "numchar length|3";
     $props["profession"] = "str autocomplete";
     $props["csp"] = "numchar length|2";
     $props["patient_link_id"] = "ref class|CPatient";
     $props["status"] = "enum list|PROV|VALI|ANOM";
     $props["assure_nom"] = "str confidential";
     $props["assure_prenom"] = "str";
     $props["assure_prenom_2"] = "str";
     $props["assure_prenom_3"] = "str";
     $props["assure_prenom_4"] = "str";
     $props["assure_nom_jeune_fille"] = "str confidential";
     $props["assure_sexe"] = "enum list|m|f";
     $props["assure_civilite"] = "enum list|m|mme|mlle|enf|dr|pr|me|vve";
     $props["assure_naissance"] = "birthDate confidential mask|99/99/9999 format|\$3-\$2-\$1";
     $props["assure_adresse"] = "text confidential";
     $props["assure_ville"] = "str confidential";
     $props["assure_cp"] = "str minLength|4 maxLength|5 confidential";
     $props["assure_tel"] = "phone confidential";
     $props["assure_tel2"] = "phone confidential";
     $props["assure_pays"] = "str";
     $props["assure_pays_insee"] = "numchar length|3";
     $props["assure_lieu_naissance"] = "str";
     $props["assure_cp_naissance"] = "str minLength|4 maxLength|5 confidential";
     $props["assure_pays_naissance_insee"] = "numchar length|3";
     $props["assure_profession"] = "str autocomplete";
     $props["assure_rques"] = "text";
     $props["assure_matricule"] = "code insee confidential mask|9S99S99S99S999S999S99";
     $props["date_lecture_vitale"] = "dateTime";
     $props["allow_sms_notification"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["allow_sisra_send"] = "bool default|1";
     $props["_id_vitale"] = "num";
     $props["_pays_naissance_insee"] = "str";
     $props["_assure_pays_naissance_insee"] = "str";
     $props["_art115"] = "bool";
     $types_exo = array("aldHorsListe", "aldListe", "aldMultiple", "alsaceMoselle", "article115", "autreCas", "autreCasAlsaceMoselle", "fns");
     $props["_type_exoneration"] = "enum list|" . implode("|", $types_exo);
     $props["_annees"] = "num show|1";
     $props["_age"] = "str";
     $props["_vip"] = "bool";
     $props["_age_assure"] = "num";
     $props["_poids"] = "float show|1";
     $props["_taille"] = "float show|1";
     $props["_age_min"] = "num min|0";
     $props["_age_max"] = "num min|0";
     $props["_assuranceCC_id"] = "str length|5";
     $props["_assureCC_id"] = "str maxLength|20";
     $props["_assuranceCC_ean"] = "str";
     $props["_assure_end_date"] = "date";
     $props["_assuranceCC_name"] = "str";
     $props["_IPP"] = "str show|1";
     // DMP
     $props["_dmp_create"] = "bool";
     $props["_dmp_access_authorization"] = "bool default|1";
     $props["_dmp_medecin_traitant"] = "bool";
     $props["_dmp_urgence_15"] = "bool";
     $props["_dmp_urgence_PS"] = "bool";
     $props["_dmp_reactivation_dmp"] = "str";
     $props["_dmp_reason_close"] = "text";
     //données provenant de la carte vitale
     $props["_vitale_lastname"] = "str";
     $props["_vitale_birthname"] = "str";
     $props["_vitale_firstname"] = "str";
     $props["_vitale_birthdate"] = "str confidential";
     $props["_vitale_nir_certifie"] = "str confidential";
     $props["_reason_state"] = "text";
     return $props;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CMedecin.class.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
  * @see parent::getProps()
 function getProps()
     $props = parent::getProps();
     $medecin_strict = CAppUI::conf("dPpatients CMedecin medecin_strict") == 1 ? ' notNull' : '';
     $props["function_id"] = "ref class|CFunctions";
     $props["nom"] = "str notNull confidential seekable";
     $props["prenom"] = "str seekable";
     $props["jeunefille"] = "str confidential";
     $props["sexe"] = "enum list|u|f|m default|u";
     $props["actif"] = "bool default|1";
     $props["titre"] = "enum list|m|mme|dr|pr";
     $props["adresse"] = "text{$medecin_strict} confidential";
     $props["ville"] = "str{$medecin_strict} confidential seekable";
     $props["cp"] = "numchar{$medecin_strict} maxLength|5 confidential";
     $props["tel"] = "phone confidential{$medecin_strict}";
     $props["fax"] = "phone confidential";
     $props["portable"] = "phone confidential";
     $props["email"] = "str confidential";
     $props["disciplines"] = "text seekable";
     $props["orientations"] = "text";
     $props["complementaires"] = "text";
     $props["type"] = "enum list|medecin|kine|sagefemme|infirmier|dentiste|podologue|" . "pharmacie|maison_medicale|autre default|medecin";
     $props["adeli"] = "numchar length|9 confidential mask|99S9S99999S9";
     $props["rpps"] = "numchar length|11 confidential mask|99999999999 control|luhn";
     $props["email_apicrypt"] = "email confidential";
     $props["last_ldap_checkout"] = "date";
     $props["_starting_formula"] = "str";
     $props["_closing_formula"] = "str";
     return $props;
コード例 #4
  * @see parent::getProps()
 function getProps()
     $props = parent::getProps();
     // Note: notamment utile pour les seeks
     // Dans les faits c'est plus logique puisque la classe n'est pas autoincremented
     $props["user_id"] = "ref class|CUser seekable show|0";
     $props["remote"] = "bool default|1 show|0";
     $props["adeli"] = "numchar length|9 confidential mask|99S9S99999S9 control|luhn";
     $props["rpps"] = "numchar length|11 confidential mask|99999999999 control|luhn";
     $props['inami'] = 'numchar length|11 confidential mask|99999999999';
     $props["cps"] = "str";
     $props["function_id"] = "ref notNull class|CFunctions seekable";
     $props["discipline_id"] = "ref class|CDiscipline";
     $props["other_specialty_id"] = "ref class|CSpecialtyAsip autocomplete|libelle";
     $props["titres"] = "text";
     $props["initials"] = "str";
     $props["color"] = "color";
     $props["use_bris_de_glace"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["commentaires"] = "text";
     $props["actif"] = "bool default|1";
     $props["deb_activite"] = "date";
     $props["fin_activite"] = "date";
     $props["spec_cpam_id"] = "ref class|CSpecCPAM";
     $props["compte"] = "code rib confidential mask|99999S99999S***********S99 show|0";
     $props["banque_id"] = "ref class|CBanque show|0";
     $props["code_intervenant_cdarr"] = "str length|2";
     $props["secteur"] = "enum list|1|2";
     $props['contrat_acces_soins'] = "bool";
     $props['option_coordination'] = "bool";
     $props["cab"] = "str";
     $props["conv"] = "str";
     $props["zisd"] = "str";
     $props["ik"] = "str";
     $props["ean"] = "str";
     $props["ean_base"] = "str";
     $props["rcc"] = "str";
     $props["adherent"] = "str";
     $props["debut_bvr"] = "str maxLength|10";
     $props["electronic_bill"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["specialite_tarmed"] = "numchar length|4";
     $props["role_tarmed"] = "str";
     $props["place_tarmed"] = "str";
     $props["reminder_text"] = "text";
     $props["mail_apicrypt"] = "email";
     $props["compta_deleguee"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["last_ldap_checkout"] = "date";
     $props["_group_id"] = "ref notNull class|CGroups";
     $props["_user_username"] = "******";
     $props["_user_password2"] = "password sameAs|_user_password reported";
     $props["_user_first_name"] = "str reported show|1";
     $props["_user_last_name"] = "str notNull confidential reported show|1";
     $props["_user_email"] = "str confidential reported";
     $props["_user_phone"] = "phone confidential reported";
     $props["_user_astreinte"] = "str confidential reported";
     $props["_user_adresse"] = "str confidential reported";
     $props["_user_last_login"] = "******";
     $props["_user_cp"] = "num length|5 confidential reported";
     $props["_user_ville"] = "str confidential reported";
     $props["_profile_id"] = "ref reported class|CUser";
     $props["_user_type"] = "num notNull min|0 max|21 reported";
     $props["_user_type_view"] = "str";
     $props["_force_change_password"] = "******";
     // The different levels of security are stored to be usable in JS
     $props["_user_password_weak"] = "password minLength|4 randomizable";
     $props["_user_password_strong"] = "password minLength|6 notContaining|_user_username notNear|_user_username alphaAndNum randomizable";
     $props["_user_password"] = $props["_user_password_weak"] . " reported";
     return $props;
コード例 #5
ファイル: CUser.class.php プロジェクト: fbone/mediboard4
  * @see parent::getProps()
 function getProps()
     $props = parent::getProps();
     // Plain fields
     $props["user_username"] = "******";
     $props["user_password"] = "******";
     $props["user_salt"] = "str maxLength|64 show|0 loggable|0";
     $props["user_type"] = "num notNull min|0 max|21 default|0";
     $props["user_first_name"] = "str maxLength|50 seekable|begin";
     $props["user_last_name"] = "str notNull maxLength|50 confidential seekable|begin";
     $props["user_email"] = "str maxLength|255";
     $props["user_phone"] = "phone";
     $props["user_mobile"] = "phone";
     $props["user_astreinte"] = "str";
     $props["user_address1"] = "str";
     $props["user_city"] = "str maxLength|30";
     $props["user_zip"] = "str maxLength|11";
     $props["user_country"] = "str maxLength|30";
     $props["user_birthday"] = "birthDate";
     $props["user_last_login"] = "******";
     // To be removed
     $props["user_login_errors"] = "num notNull min|0 max|100 default|0";
     $props["template"] = "bool notNull default|0";
     $props["profile_id"] = "ref class|CUser";
     $props["dont_log_connection"] = "bool default|0";
     $props["user_password_last_change"] = "dateTime notNull";
     $props["force_change_password"] = "******";
     // The different levels of security are stored to be usable in JS
     $props["_user_password_weak"] = "password minLength|4 randomizable";
     $props["_user_password_strong"] = "password minLength|6 notContaining|user_username notNear|user_username alphaAndNum randomizable";
     // The actuel config level
     $props["_user_password"] = CAppUI::conf("admin CUser strong_password") ? $props["_user_password_strong"] : $props["_user_password_weak"];
     // Derived fields
     $props["_ldap_linked"] = "bool";
     $props["_user_type_view"] = "str";
     $props["_count_connections"] = "num";
     $props["_is_logging"] = "bool";
     $props["_is_changing"] = "bool";
     $props["_user_salt"] = "str";
     $props["_login_locked"] = "bool";
     $props["_user_last_login"] = "******";
     return $props;