コード例 #1
#if ($bottomcmd == "logout")
# {
#  unset($_SESSION['uid']);
#  unset($_SESSION['pwd']);
#  $_SESSION = array();
#  session_destroy();
#  //include("http://localhost/php/login.html");
#  exit;
# }
$mysql = new CMysql();
$mysql->connect($hostname, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass);
mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("Kan database {$dbname} niet openen");
$query = "SELECT wedstrijd_id,password,is_aktief,is_locked,naam FROM wedstrijd WHERE wedstrijd_id = '" . $competition_nr . "' AND password = '******' AND is_aktief = '1' AND is_locked = '0' LIMIT 1";
print "query: {$query}<BR>";
$result = $mysql->query($query);
$number = mysql_numrows($result);
if ($number == 0) {
    print "<html><body>Fout: wedstrijd met nummer {$competition_nr} en opgegeven wachtwoord niet gevonden, of upload niet (meer) toegestaan<BR></body></html>\n";
print "<html>";
print "<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /></head>";
print "<body>";
print "deelnemers:<BR>";
// Get a file into an array.  In this example we'll go through HTTP to get