/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->loadRefExClassField(); $this->loadRefExClassTriggered(); $this->_view = $this->_ref_ex_class_field->_view . " > " . $this->_ref_ex_class_triggered->_view; }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); if (!$this->_id) { return; } $field = $this->loadRefExClassField(); $this->_value = ""; if ($this->operator != "hasValue" && $this->operator != "hasNoValue") { $_ex_class_id = $field->loadRefExGroup()->ex_class_id; $_spec = $field->getSpecObject(); $_obj = (object) array("_class" => "CExObject_{$_ex_class_id}", $field->name => $this->value); $this->_value = $_spec->getValue($_obj); } $this->_view = $field->_view . " " . $this->_specs["operator"]->_locales[$this->operator] . " " . $this->_value; }
function loadView() { if (!$this->_id) { return; } parent::loadView(); $this->loadMasterDomain(); if (!$this->_object_class) { return; } $object = new $this->_object_class(); $this->_view = self::formatValue($object, $this->pattern, $this->value); }
public function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->loadPraticien()->loadRefFunction(); $this->loadCodable(); $this->loadActesCCAM(); foreach ($this->_ref_actes_ccam as &$_acte) { $_acte->getTarif(); $_activite = $_acte->_ref_code_ccam->activites[$_acte->code_activite]; $_phase = $_activite->phases[$_acte->code_phase]; /* Verification des modificateurs codés */ foreach ($_phase->_modificateurs as $modificateur) { $position = strpos($_acte->modificateurs, $modificateur->code); if ($position !== false) { if ($modificateur->_double == "1") { $modificateur->_checked = $modificateur->code; } elseif ($modificateur->_double == "2") { $modificateur->_checked = $modificateur->code . $modificateur->_double; } else { $modificateur->_checked = null; } } else { $modificateur->_checked = null; } } self::precodeModifiers($_phase->_modificateurs, $_acte, $this->_ref_codable); } if ($this->_ref_praticien->isAnesth()) { $this->_codage_sibling = self::get($this->_ref_codable, $this->praticien_id, $this->activite_anesth ? 1 : 4, $this->date); $this->_codage_sibling->loadActesCCAM(); } }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->getConsumption("-3 MONTHS"); }
/** * Load object useful references * * @param CMbObject $object Object to load the references of * * @return void */ function loadObjectRefs(CMbObject $object) { if (isset($object->_object_refs_loaded)) { return; } if (!$object instanceof CAdministration && !$object instanceof CPrescriptionLine && !$object instanceof CPrescription) { $object->loadView(); } if ($object instanceof CPrescriptionLineMedicament) { $object->isHorsT2A(); $object->loadClasseATC(); } $object->_object_refs_loaded = true; }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->loadRefItems(); }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->loadClassification(); }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->countProducts(); }
function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->loadRefMediuser()->loadRefFunction(); }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $sejour = $this->loadRefSejour(); $patient = $sejour->loadRefPatient(); if ($this->seance_collective_id) { $this->loadRefSeanceCollective(); $this->debut = $this->_ref_seance_collective->debut; $this->duree = $this->_ref_seance_collective->duree; } $this->_view = "{$patient->_view} - " . CMbDT::dateToLocale(CMbDT::date($this->debut)); $this->loadRefsActesCdARR(); $this->loadRefsActesCsARR(); if (!$this->sejour_id) { $this->loadRefsEvenementsSeance(); foreach ($this->_ref_evenements_seance as $_evt_seance) { $_evt_seance->loadRefSejour()->loadRefPatient(); } } }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->loadRefsFwd(); }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->loadRefPreparateur(); $this->loadRefValidateur(); }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->loadRefsActesCCAM(); $this->loadExtCodesCCAM(); }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->_ref_consultation = $this->_fwd["consultation_id"]; $this->_ref_consultation->loadView(); }
/** * @see parent::updateFormFields() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->_view = "Commande du " . CMbDT::format($this->date, CAppUI::conf("date")); $this->_view .= " pour " . $this->loadRefOperation()->loadRefPatient(); }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $naissances = $this->loadRefsNaissances(); $sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($naissances, "sejour_enfant_id"); CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id"); foreach ($naissances as $_naissance) { $_naissance->loadRefSejourEnfant()->loadRefPatient(); } $this->loadLastAllaitement(); }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); $this->loadRefDossierMedical(); }
/** * @see parent::loadView() */ function loadView() { parent::loadView(); if (!$this->_id) { return; } $sejour = $this->loadRefSejour(); $sejour->loadRefPraticien(); $sejour->loadRefPatient()->loadRefPhotoIdentite(); $this->loadRefParentAffectation(); foreach ($sejour->loadRefsOperations() as $_operation) { $_operation->loadRefChir(); $_operation->loadRefPlageOp(); } $sejour->getDroitsCMU(); }