コード例 #1
ファイル: stats.php プロジェクト: davidmottet/automne
 public static function view($removefieldset = false)
     if (!self::$_started) {
     self::$timeEnd = self::getmicrotime();
     $time = sprintf('%.5f', self::$timeEnd - self::$timeStart);
     $files = sprintf('%.5f', self::$filesTime);
     $rapportSQL = sprintf('%.2f', 100 * self::$totalTime / $time);
     $rapportPHP = 100 - $rapportSQL;
     $memoryPeak = round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1048576, 3);
     $content = 'File ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "\n" . 'Loaded in ' . $time . ' seconds' . "\n" . 'Loaded PHP files : ' . self::$filesLoaded . "\n" . 'SQL requests : ' . sprintf('%.5f', self::$totalTime) . ' seconds (' . self::$sqlNbRequests . ' requests)' . "\n" . '% SQL/PHP : ' . $rapportSQL . ' / ' . $rapportPHP . ' %' . "\n" . 'Memory Peak : ' . $memoryPeak . 'Mo' . "\n";
     if (function_exists('xdebug_get_profiler_filename') && xdebug_get_profiler_filename()) {
         $content .= 'XDebug Profile : ' . xdebug_get_profiler_filename() . "\n";
     if (function_exists('xdebug_get_profiler_filename') && xdebug_get_tracefile_name()) {
         $content .= 'XDebug Trace : ' . xdebug_get_tracefile_name() . "\n";
     $content .= 'User : '******' (' . CMS_session::getUserId() . ')' : 'none') . "\n";
     $content .= 'Session Id ' . Zend_Session::getId() . "\n";
     //$content .= 'Current page '.CMS_session::getPageID()."\n";
     if (VIEW_SQL && $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] != PATH_ADMIN_WR . '/stat.php') {
         $stat = array('stat_time_start' => self::$timeStart, 'stat_time_end' => self::$timeEnd, 'stat_total_time' => self::$totalTime, 'stat_sql_nb_requests' => self::$sqlNbRequests, 'stat_sql_table' => self::$sqlTable, 'stat_content_name' => basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]), 'stat_files_table' => self::$filesTable, 'stat_memory_table' => self::$memoryTable, 'stat_memory_peak' => $memoryPeak, 'stat_files_loaded' => self::$filesLoaded);
         $statName = 'stat_' . md5(rand());
         //save stats to cache (for 10 min)
         $cache = new CMS_cache($statName, 'atm-stats', 600, false);
         if ($cache) {
     $content = !$removefieldset ? '<fieldset style="width:200px;" class="atm-debug"><legend>Debug Statistics</legend><pre>' . $content . '</pre>' : 'Debug Statistics :' . "\n" . $content;
     if (isset($statName)) {
         $content .= '<a href="' . PATH_ADMIN_WR . '/stat.php?stat=' . $statName . '" target="_blank">View statistics detail</a>';
     //end xhprof profiling
     if (defined('APPLICATION_ENABLE_PROFILING') && APPLICATION_ENABLE_PROFILING && function_exists('xhprof_disable')) {
         $xhprof_data = xhprof_disable();
         include_once APPLICATION_XHPROF_ROOT_FS . "/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_lib.php";
         include_once APPLICATION_XHPROF_ROOT_FS . "/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_runs.php";
         $xhprof_runs = new XHProfRuns_Default();
         $profileName = md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $run_id = $xhprof_runs->save_run($xhprof_data, md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
         $content .= '<br /><a href="' . APPLICATION_XHPROF_URI . 'xhprof_html/index.php?run=' . $run_id . '&amp;source=' . $profileName . '" target="_blank">View profiling detail</a>';
     $content .= !$removefieldset ? '</fieldset>' : '';
     return $content;
コード例 #2
ファイル: script.php プロジェクト: davidmottet/automne
  * activates the script function.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function activate()
     if ($_SERVER['argv']['1'] == '-s' && SensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($_SERVER['argv']['2'])) {
         // SUB-SCRIPT : Processes one script task
         @ini_set('max_execution_time', SUB_SCRIPT_TIME_OUT);
         //set max execution time for sub script
         //set the PHP timeout for sub script
         $sql = "\n\t\t\t\tselect\n\t\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\t\tfrom\n\t\t\t\t\tregenerator\n\t\t\t\twhere\n\t\t\t\t\tid_reg = '" . $_SERVER['argv']['2'] . "'\n\t\t\t";
         $q = new CMS_query($sql);
         if ($q->getNumRows()) {
             $data = $q->getArray();
             //send script informations to process manager
             $this->_processManager->setParameters($data['module_reg'], $data['parameters_reg']);
             //instanciate script module
             $module = CMS_modulesCatalog::getByCodename($data['module_reg']);
             //then send script task to module (return task title by reference)
             $task = $module->scriptTask(unserialize($data['parameters_reg']));
             //delete the current script task
             $sql_delete = "\n\t\t\t\t\tdelete\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom\n\t\t\t\t\t\tregenerator\n\t\t\t\t\twhere\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid_reg='" . $data['id_reg'] . "'";
             $q = new CMS_query($sql_delete);
             if ($this->_debug) {
                 $this->raiseError($this->_processManager->getPIDFilePath() . " : task " . $_SERVER['argv']['2'] . " seems " . (!$task ? 'NOT ' : '') . "done !");
                 $this->raiseError($this->_processManager->getPIDFilePath() . " : PID file exists ? " . @file_exists($this->_processManager->getPIDFilePath()));
             $fpath = $this->_processManager->getPIDFilePath() . '.ok';
             if (@touch($fpath) && @chmod($fpath, octdec(FILES_CHMOD))) {
                 $f = @fopen($fpath, 'a');
                 if (!@fwrite($f, 'Script OK')) {
                     $this->raiseError($this->_processManager->getPIDFilePath() . " : Can't write into file: " . $fpath);
             } else {
                 $this->raiseError($this->_processManager->getPIDFilePath() . " : Can't create file: " . $fpath);
     } else {
         // MASTER SCRIPT : Processes all sub-scripts
         @ini_set('max_execution_time', MASTER_SCRIPT_TIME_OUT);
         //set max execution time for master script
         //set the PHP timeout  for master script
         //max simultaneous scripts
         $maxScripts = $_SERVER['argv']['2'];
         $scriptsArray = array();
         //send script informations to process manager
         $this->_processManager->setParameters(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME, '');
         //the sql script which selects one script task at a time
         $sql_select = "\n\t\t\t\tselect\n\t\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\t\tfrom\n\t\t\t\t\tregenerator\n\t\t\t\tlimit\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $maxScripts . "\n\t\t\t";
         //and now, launch all sub-scripts until table is empty.
         while (true) {
             //get scripts
             $q = new CMS_query($sql_select);
             if ($q->getNumRows()) {
                 while (count($scriptsArray) < $maxScripts && ($data = $q->getArray())) {
                     // Launch sub-process
                     if (!APPLICATION_IS_WINDOWS) {
                         // On unix system
                         $sub_system = PATH_PACKAGES_FS . "/scripts/script.php -s " . $data["id_reg"] . " > /dev/null 2>&1 &";
                         if (!defined('PATH_PHP_CLI_UNIX') || !PATH_PHP_CLI_UNIX) {
                             CMS_patch::executeCommand("cd " . PATH_REALROOT_FS . "; php " . $sub_system, $error);
                             if ($error) {
                                 CMS_grandFather::raiseError('Error during execution of sub script command (cd ' . PATH_REALROOT_FS . '; php ' . $sub_system . '), please check your configuration : ' . $error);
                                 return false;
                         } else {
                             CMS_patch::executeCommand("cd " . PATH_REALROOT_FS . "; " . PATH_PHP_CLI_UNIX . " " . $sub_system, $error);
                             if ($error) {
                                 CMS_grandFather::raiseError('Error during execution of sub script command (cd ' . PATH_REALROOT_FS . '; ' . PATH_PHP_CLI_UNIX . ' ' . $sub_system . '), please check your configuration : ' . $error);
                                 return false;
                         $PIDfile = $this->_processManager->getTempPath() . "/" . SCRIPT_CODENAME . "_" . $data["id_reg"];
                         if ($this->_debug) {
                             $this->raiseError(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME . " : Executes system(" . $sub_system . ")");
                         //sleep a little
                     } else {
                         // On windows system
                         //Create the BAT file
                         $command = '@echo off' . "\r\n" . '@start /B /BELOWNORMAL ' . realpath(PATH_PHP_CLI_WINDOWS) . ' ' . realpath(PATH_PACKAGES_FS . '\\scripts\\script.php') . ' -s ' . $data["id_reg"];
                         if (!@touch(realpath(PATH_WINDOWS_BIN_FS) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sub_script.bat")) {
                             $this->raiseError(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME . " : Create file error : sub_script.bat");
                         $replace = array('program files (x86)' => 'progra~2', 'program files' => 'progra~1', 'documents and settings' => 'docume~1');
                         $command = str_ireplace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $command);
                         $fh = fopen(realpath(PATH_WINDOWS_BIN_FS . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sub_script.bat"), "wb");
                         if (is_resource($fh)) {
                             if (!fwrite($fh, $command, io::strlen($command))) {
                                 CMS_grandFather::raiseError(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME . " : Save file error : sub_script.bat");
                         $WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell");
                         $oExec = $WshShell->Run(str_ireplace(array_keys($replace), $replace, realpath(PATH_WINDOWS_BIN_FS . '\\sub_script.bat')), 0, false);
                         $PIDfile = $this->_processManager->getTempPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . SCRIPT_CODENAME . "_" . $data["id_reg"];
                         //sleep a little
                     if ($this->_debug) {
                         $this->raiseError(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME . " : script : " . $data["id_reg"] . " - sub_system : " . $sub_system);
                     $scriptsArray[] = array("PID" => $PIDfile, "startTime" => CMS_stats::getmicrotime(), "scriptID" => $data["id_reg"], "scriptDatas" => $data);
             } else {
                 // no more scripts to process
                 // > delete all temporary files
                 // > end script
                 if (APPLICATION_IS_WINDOWS) {
                     $files = glob(realpath($this->_processManager->getTempPath()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . SCRIPT_CODENAME . '*.ok', GLOB_NOSORT);
                     if (is_array($files)) {
                         foreach ($files as $file) {
                             if (!CMS_file::deleteFile($file)) {
                                 $this->raiseError("Can't delete file " . $file);
                                 return false;
                 } else {
                     $tmpDir = dir($this->_processManager->getTempPath());
                     while (false !== ($file = $tmpDir->read())) {
                         if (io::strpos($file, SCRIPT_CODENAME) !== false) {
                             @unlink($this->_processManager->getTempPath() . '/' . $file);
             while (true) {
                 //wait a little to check sub_scripts
                 $break = false;
                 $timeStop = CMS_stats::getmicrotime();
                 if ($this->_debug) {
                     $this->raiseError(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME . " Scripts in progress : " . sizeof($scriptsArray));
                 foreach ($scriptsArray as $nb => $aScript) {
                     if ($this->_debug) {
                         $this->raiseError(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME . " PID : " . $aScript["PID"] . " - time : " . ($timeStop - $aScript["startTime"]));
                     $ok = '';
                     $ok = is_file($aScript["PID"] . '.ok');
                     if ($ok) {
                         //$break = true;
                         if ($this->_debug) {
                             $this->raiseError(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME . " Script : " . $aScript["PID"] . " OK !");
                     } elseif ($timeStop - $aScript["startTime"] >= SUB_SCRIPT_TIME_OUT) {
                         if ($this->_debug) {
                             $this->raiseError(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME . " : Script : " . $aScript["PID"] . " NOT OK !");
                         $this->raiseError(processManager::MASTER_SCRIPT_NAME . ' : Error on task : ' . $aScript["scriptID"] . ' ... skip it. Task parameters : ' . print_r($aScript['scriptDatas'], true));
                         //$break = true;
                         //delete the script in error from task list
                         $q_del = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdelete\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tregenerator\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid_reg='" . $aScript["scriptID"] . "'";
                         $q_del = new CMS_query($q_del);
                 if (!$scriptsArray) {
コード例 #3
ファイル: query.php プロジェクト: davidmottet/automne
  * Constructor.
  * Initializes the connection and launches the query.
  * @param string $sql The sql statement
  * @param string $dsn The database dsn
  * @param string $user The database user
  * @param string $pass The database password
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function __construct($sql = '', $dsn = APPLICATION_DB_DSN, $user = APPLICATION_DB_USER, $pass = APPLICATION_DB_PASSWORD)
     $this->_sql = trim($sql);
     $this->_connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
     if ($this->_sql && $this->_db) {
         /*only for stats*/
         if (STATS_DEBUG) {
             $time_start = CMS_stats::getmicrotime();
         if (preg_match("#^(insert|update)#i", $this->_sql)) {
             $this->_numRows = $this->_db->exec($this->_sql);
             if (preg_match("#^insert#i", $this->_sql)) {
                 $this->_lastInsertedID = $this->_db->lastInsertId();
             $errorInfos = $this->_db->errorInfo();
             if (isset($errorInfos[2])) {
                 $clean_sql = str_replace("\n", "", $this->_sql);
                 $clean_sql = preg_replace("#\t+#", " ", $clean_sql);
                 $errorInfo = isset($errorInfos[2]) ? $errorInfos[2] : 'No error returned';
                 $this->raiseError('Database querying failed : ' . $errorInfo . "\nQuery : " . $clean_sql);
         } else {
             $this->_result = $this->_db->query($this->_sql);
             if ($this->_result) {
                 $this->_numRows = $this->_result->rowCount();
             } else {
                 $clean_sql = str_replace("\n", "", $this->_sql);
                 $clean_sql = preg_replace("#\t+#", " ", $clean_sql);
                 $errorInfos = $this->_db->errorInfo();
                 $errorInfo = isset($errorInfos[2]) ? $errorInfos[2] : 'No error returned';
                 $this->raiseError('Database querying failed : ' . $errorInfo . "\nQuery : " . $clean_sql . "\nFrom : " . io::getCallInfos(3));
         /*only for stats*/
         if (STATS_DEBUG) {
             $currenttime = CMS_stats::getmicrotime();
             $time = $currenttime - $time_start;
             if (VIEW_SQL) {
                 CMS_stats::$sqlTable[] = array('sql' => $this->_sql, 'time' => $time, 'current' => $currenttime - CMS_stats::$timeStart, 'from' => io::getCallInfos(3), 'memory' => memory_get_usage(), 'peak' => memory_get_peak_usage());
             CMS_stats::$totalTime += $time;
コード例 #4
  * Returns the number of seconds since the start of the script
  * @return integer
  * @access public
 function getExecutionTime()
     return CMS_stats::getmicrotime() - $this->_startDate;
コード例 #5
ファイル: cms_rc.php プロジェクト: davidmottet/automne
 * Function to get current time in microsecond
function getmicrotime()
    return CMS_stats::getmicrotime();
コード例 #6
ファイル: dialog.php プロジェクト: davidmottet/automne
  * Displays Admin page
  * @param mixed $mode : the display mode to use in :
  *  - boolean false : default mode, used by main frame page
  *  - string 'menu' : used by menu frame page
  *  - string 'modules' : used by modules frame page
  *  - string 'arbo' : used by tree arbo frame page
  *  - string 'frames' : used by general frames page
  *  - string 'out' : used by out of frames page
  *  - string 'frameChecker' : used by frameChecker page
  *  - string 'loading' : used by loading frame page (send content when received without closing page content)
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function show($mode = false)
     $this->_displayMode = $mode;
     switch ($this->_displayMode) {
         case 'menu':
         case 'frameChecker':
         case 'modules':
         case 'arbo':
         case 'frames':
             if ($this->_displayMode != "loading") {
                 /*only for stats*/
                 if (STATS_DEBUG && $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] != PATH_ADMIN_WR . '/stat.php') {
                     echo CMS_stats::view();
     if ($this->_displayMode != "loading") {
         echo "\n</html>";
コード例 #7
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: davidmottet/automne
     * Writes html header
     * @return void
     * @access private
    private function _showHead($returnValue = false)
        switch ($this->_displayMode) {
            case self::SHOW_JSON:
            case self::SHOW_RAW:
            case self::SHOW_XML:
                $return = '';
                if ($this->hasErrors()) {
                    $return .= '	<error>1</error>' . "\n" . '	<errormessage><![CDATA[' . $this->_espaceCdata($this->getErrors(true)) . ']]></errormessage>' . "\n";
                } else {
                    $return .= '	<error>0</error>' . "\n";
                if ($this->_secure && CMS_session::tokenIsExpired('admin')) {
                    $token = CMS_session::getToken('admin');
                    //pr('new token : '.$token);
                    $return .= '	<token><![CDATA[' . $token . ']]></token>' . "\n";
                if ($this->hasRawDatas()) {
                    $return .= '	<rawdatas><![CDATA[' . $this->_espaceCdata($this->getRawDatas(true)) . ']]></rawdatas>' . "\n";
                if ($this->_actionmessage) {
                    $return .= '	<message><![CDATA[' . $this->_espaceCdata($this->_actionmessage) . ']]></message>' . "\n";
                if ($this->_title) {
                    $return .= '	<title><![CDATA[' . $this->_espaceCdata($this->_title) . ']]></title>' . "\n";
                if ($this->_disconnected) {
                    $return .= '	<disconnected>1</disconnected>' . "\n";
                $scripts = CMS_scriptsManager::getScriptsNumberLeft();
                if ($scripts) {
                    $return .= '	<scripts>' . $scripts . '</scripts>' . "\n";
                if (SYSTEM_DEBUG && STATS_DEBUG) {
                    $return .= '	<stats><![CDATA[' . $this->_espaceCdata(CMS_stats::view(true)) . ']]></stats>' . "\n";
                $jsfiles = CMS_view::getJavascript(array(), 'screen', true);
                if ($jsfiles) {
                    $files = array('files' => $jsfiles, 'manager' => CMS_view::getJSManagerURL());
                    $return .= '	<jsfiles><![CDATA[' . $this->_espaceCdata(sensitiveIO::jsonEncode($files)) . ']]></jsfiles>' . "\n";
                $cssfiles = CMS_view::getCSS(array(), 'screen', true);
                if ($cssfiles) {
                    $files = array('files' => $cssfiles, 'manager' => CMS_view::getCSSManagerURL());
                    $return .= '	<cssfiles><![CDATA[' . $this->_espaceCdata(sensitiveIO::jsonEncode($files)) . ']]></cssfiles>' . "\n";
                if (!$returnValue) {
                    echo $return;
                } else {
                    return $return;
            case self::SHOW_HTML:
                $title = $this->_title ? '<title>' . APPLICATION_LABEL . ' :: ' . $this->_title . '</title>' : '';
                echo '<head>
						<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . APPLICATION_DEFAULT_ENCODING . '" />
						' . $title . '
						' . $this->_copyright() . '
						<meta name="generator" content="' . CMS_grandFather::SYSTEM_LABEL . '" />
						' . CMS_view::getCSS() . '
						' . CMS_view::getJavascript();
                if (APPLICATION_GCF_SUPPORT) {
                    echo '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">';
                echo '</head>';