function EndContent() { if ($this->bContentStarted) { echo '</form>'."\r\n"; $hkInstance = CHotKeys::getInstance(); $Execs = $hkInstance->GetCodeByClassName("CDialog"); echo $hkInstance->PrintJSExecs($Execs, "", true, true); if ($this->bContentBuffered) { ?></div><script type="text/javascript">BX.ready(function() {<?php echo $this->jsPopup; ?> .SwapContent(BX('<?echo $this->cont_id?>'))});</script><? } if (!defined('FX_PUBLIC_MODE') || FX_PUBLIC_MODE == false) { ?><script type="text/javascript"><?echo "BX.adminFormTools.modifyFormElements(".$this->jsPopup.".DIV);"?></script><? } $this->bContentStarted = false; } }
public static function GetInstance() { global $USER; if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c(); self::$codes = new CHotKeysCode(); self::$optUse = COption::GetOptionString('main', "use_hot_keys", "Y") == "Y"; self::$ExpImpFileName = "hk_export_" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ".srl"; self::$cacheId = "b_hot_keys" . $USER->GetID() . LANGUAGE_ID; if (self::$optUse) { self::$instance->LoadToCache(); } } return self::$instance; }
function GetPanelHtml() { global $USER, $APPLICATION, $adminPage; if ($APPLICATION->ShowPanel === false || !$USER->IsAuthorized() && $APPLICATION->ShowPanel !== true) { return ""; } CTopPanel::InitPanelIcons(); $arPanelButtons =& $APPLICATION->arPanelButtons; $bShowPanel = false; foreach ($arPanelButtons as $arValue) { if (trim($arValue["HREF"]) != "" || is_array($arValue["MENU"]) && !empty($arValue["MENU"])) { //we have at least one button to show $bShowPanel = true; break; } } if ($bShowPanel == false) { $bShowPanel = self::IsShownForUser(); } if ($bShowPanel == false && $APPLICATION->ShowPanel !== true) { return ""; } $APPLICATION->PanelShowed = true; if (isset($_GET["back_url_admin"]) && $_GET["back_url_admin"] != "" && strpos($_GET["back_url_admin"], "/") === 0) { $_SESSION["BACK_URL_ADMIN"] = $_GET["back_url_admin"]; } $aUserOpt = CUserOptions::GetOption("admin_panel", "settings"); $aUserOptGlobal = CUserOptions::GetOption("global", "settings"); $toggleModeSet = false; if (isset($_GET["freetrix_include_areas"]) && $_GET["freetrix_include_areas"] != "") { $APPLICATION->SetShowIncludeAreas($_GET["freetrix_include_areas"] == "Y"); $toggleModeSet = true; } $params = DeleteParam(array("freetrix_include_areas", "freetrix_show_mode", "back_url_admin")); $href = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(); $hrefEnc = htmlspecialcharsbx($href); $toggleModeDynamic = $aUserOptGlobal['panel_dynamic_mode'] == 'Y'; $toggleMode = $toggleModeDynamic && !$toggleModeSet ? $aUserOpt['edit'] == 'on' : $APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas() == 'Y'; //Save if changed $old_edit = $aUserOpt['edit']; $aUserOpt['edit'] = $toggleMode ? 'on' : 'off'; if ($old_edit !== $aUserOpt['edit']) { CUserOptions::SetOption('admin_panel', 'settings', $aUserOpt); } $toggleModeLink = $hrefEnc . '?freetrix_include_areas=' . ($toggleMode ? 'N' : 'Y') . ($params != "" ? "&" . htmlspecialcharsbx($params) : ""); $result = CTopPanel::ShowPanelScripts(true); $result .= ' <!--[if lte IE 7]> <style type="text/css">#bx-panel {display:none !important;}</style> <div id="bx-panel-error">' . GetMessage("top_panel_browser") . '</div><![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript">BX.admin.dynamic_mode=' . ($toggleModeDynamic ? 'true' : 'false') . '; BX.admin.dynamic_mode_show_borders = ' . ($toggleMode ? 'true' : 'false') . ';</script> <div style="display:none; overflow:hidden;" id="bx-panel-back"></div> <div id="bx-panel"' . ($aUserOpt["collapsed"] == "on" ? ' class="bx-panel-folded"' : '') . '> <div id="bx-panel-top"> <div id="bx-panel-top-gutter"></div> <div id="bx-panel-tabs"> '; $result .= ' <a id="bx-panel-menu" href="" ' . CTopPanel::AddAttrHint(GetMessage('top_panel_start_menu_tooltip_title'), GetMessage('top_panel_start_menu_tooltip')) . '><span id="bx-panel-menu-icon"></span><span id="bx-panel-menu-text">' . GetMessage("top_panel_menu") . '</span></a><a id="bx-panel-view-tab"><span>' . GetMessage("top_panel_site") . '</span></a><a id="bx-panel-admin-tab" href="' . (isset($_SESSION["BACK_URL_ADMIN"]) && $_SESSION["BACK_URL_ADMIN"] != "" ? htmlspecialcharsbx($_SESSION["BACK_URL_ADMIN"]) . (strpos($_SESSION["BACK_URL_ADMIN"], "?") !== false ? "&" : "?") : '/freetrix/admin/index.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&') . 'back_url_pub=' . urlencode($href . ($params != "" ? "?" . $params : "")) . '"><span>' . GetMessage("top_panel_admin") . '</span></a>'; $back_url = CUtil::JSUrlEscape(CUtil::addslashes($href . ($params != "" ? "?" . $params : ""))); $arStartMenuParams = array('DIV' => 'bx-panel-menu', 'ACTIVE_CLASS' => 'bx-pressed', 'MENU_URL' => '/freetrix/admin/get_start_menu.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&back_url_pub=' . urlencode($back_url) . '&' . freetrix_sessid_get(), 'MENU_PRELOAD' => $aUserOptGlobal["start_menu_preload"] == 'Y'); $result .= '<script type="text/javascript">BX.message({MENU_ENABLE_TOOLTIP: ' . ($aUserOptGlobal['start_menu_title'] != 'N' ? 'true' : 'false') . '}); new BX.COpener(' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arStartMenuParams) . ');</script>'; $hkInstance = CHotKeys::getInstance(); $Execs = $hkInstance->GetCodeByClassName("top_panel_menu", GetMessage("top_panel_menu")); $result .= $hkInstance->PrintJSExecs($Execs); $Execs = $hkInstance->GetCodeByClassName("top_panel_admin", GetMessage("top_panel_admin")); $result .= $hkInstance->PrintJSExecs($Execs); if ($USER->CanDoOperation("cache_control")) { $result .= '<a id="bx-panel-clear-cache" href="" onclick="BX.clearCache(); return false;"><span id="bx-panel-clear-cache-icon"></span><span id="bx-panel-clear-cache-text">' . GetMessage("top_panel_cache_new_tooltip_title") . '</span></a>'; } $result .= ' </div> <div id="bx-panel-userinfo"> '; $bCanProfile = $USER->CanDoOperation('view_own_profile') || $USER->CanDoOperation('edit_own_profile'); $userName = CUser::FormatName(CSite::GetNameFormat(false), array("NAME" => $USER->GetFirstName(), "LAST_NAME" => $USER->GetLastName(), "SECOND_NAME" => $USER->GetSecondName(), "LOGIN" => $USER->GetLogin()), $bUseLogin = true, $bHTMLSpec = true); if ($bCanProfile) { $result .= '<a href="/freetrix/admin/user_edit.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&ID=' . $USER->GetID() . '" id="bx-panel-user" ' . CTopPanel::AddAttrHint(GetMessage('top_panel_profile_tooltip')) . '><span id="bx-panel-user-icon"></span><span id="bx-panel-user-text">' . $userName . '</span></a>'; } else { $result .= '<a id="bx-panel-user"><span id="bx-panel-user-icon"></span><span id="bx-panel-user-text">' . $userName . '</span></a>'; } $result .= '<a href="' . $hrefEnc . '?logout=yes' . htmlspecialcharsbx(($s = DeleteParam(array("logout"))) == "" ? "" : "&" . $s) . '" id="bx-panel-logout" ' . CTopPanel::AddAttrHint(GetMessage('top_panel_logout_tooltip') . $hkInstance->GetTitle("bx-panel-logout", true)) . '>' . GetMessage("top_panel_logout") . '</a>'; $toggleCaptionOn = '<span id="bx-panel-toggle-caption-mode-on">' . GetMessage("top_panel_on") . '</span>'; $toggleCaptionOff = '<span id="bx-panel-toggle-caption-mode-off">' . GetMessage("top_panel_off") . '</span>'; $toggleCaptions = $toggleMode ? $toggleCaptionOn . $toggleCaptionOff : $toggleCaptionOff . $toggleCaptionOn; $toogle = '<a href="' . $toggleModeLink . '" id="bx-panel-toggle" class="bx-panel-toggle' . ($toggleMode ? '-on' : '-off') . '"' . ($toggleModeDynamic ? '' : ' ' . CTopPanel::AddAttrHint(GetMessage("top_panel_edit_mode_new_tooltip_title"), GetMessage('top_panel_toggle_tooltip') . $hkInstance->GetTitle("bx-panel-small-toggle", true))) . '><span id="bx-panel-switcher-gutter-left"></span><span id="bx-panel-toggle-indicator"><span id="bx-panel-toggle-icon"></span><span id="bx-panel-toggle-icon-overlay"></span></span><span class="bx-panel-break"></span><span id="bx-panel-toggle-caption">' . GetMessage("top_panel_edit_mode_new") . '</span><span class="bx-panel-break"></span><span id="bx-panel-toggle-caption-mode">' . $toggleCaptions . '</span><span id="bx-panel-switcher-gutter-right"></span></a>'; if ($aUserOpt["collapsed"] == "on") { $result .= $toogle; } $result .= '<a href="" id="bx-panel-expander" ' . CTopPanel::AddAttrHint(GetMessage("top_panel_expand_tooltip_title"), GetMessage("top_panel_expand_tooltip") . $hkInstance->GetTitle("bx-panel-expander", true)) . '><span id="bx-panel-expander-text">' . GetMessage("top_panel_expand") . '</span><span id="bx-panel-expander-arrow"></span></a>'; if ($hkInstance->IsActive()) { $result .= '<a id="bx-panel-hotkeys" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="BXHotKeys.ShowSettings();" ' . CTopPanel::AddAttrHint(GetMessage("HK_PANEL_TITLE") . $hkInstance->GetTitle("bx-panel-hotkeys", true)) . '></a>'; } $result .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="bx-panel-pin"' . ($aUserOpt['fix'] == 'on' ? ' class="bx-panel-pin-fixed"' : '') . ' ' . CTopPanel::AddAttrHint(GetMessage('top_panel_pin_tooltip')) . '></a>'; $Execs = $hkInstance->GetCodeByClassName("bx-panel-logout", GetMessage('top_panel_logout_tooltip')); $result .= $hkInstance->PrintJSExecs($Execs); $Execs = $hkInstance->GetCodeByClassName("bx-panel-small-toggle", GetMessage("top_panel_edit_mode_new_tooltip_title"), 'location.href="' . $href . '?freetrix_include_areas=' . ($toggleMode ? 'N' : 'Y') . ($params != "" ? "&" . $params : "") . '";'); $result .= $hkInstance->PrintJSExecs($Execs); $Execs = $hkInstance->GetCodeByClassName("bx-panel-expander", GetMessage("top_panel_expand_tooltip_title") . "/" . GetMessage("top_panel_collapse_tooltip_title")); $result .= $hkInstance->PrintJSExecs($Execs); $result .= ' </div> </div> '; /* BUTTONS */ $result .= '<div id="bx-panel-site-toolbar"><div id="bx-panel-buttons-gutter"></div><div id="bx-panel-switcher">'; if ($aUserOpt["collapsed"] != "on") { $result .= $toogle; } $result .= '<a href="" id="bx-panel-hider" ' . CTopPanel::AddAttrHint(GetMessage("top_panel_collapse_tooltip_title"), GetMessage("top_panel_collapse_tooltip") . $hkInstance->GetTitle("bx-panel-expander", true)) . '>' . GetMessage("top_panel_collapse") . '<span id="bx-panel-hider-arrow"></span></a>'; $result .= '</div><div id="bx-panel-buttons"><div id="bx-panel-buttons-inner">'; $main_sort = ""; $last_btn_type = ''; $last_btn_small_cnt = 0; $groupId = -1; $result .= '<span class="bx-panel-button-group" data-group-id="' . ++$groupId . '">'; sortByColumn($arPanelButtons, array("MAIN_SORT" => SORT_ASC, "SORT" => SORT_ASC)); foreach ($arPanelButtons as $key => $arButton) { $result .= $hkInstance->PrintTPButton($arButton); if ($main_sort != $arButton["MAIN_SORT"] && $main_sort != "") { $result .= '</span><span class="bx-panel-button-separator"></span><span class="bx-panel-button-group" data-group-id="' . ++$groupId . '">'; $last_btn_small_cnt = 0; } if (!isset($arButton['TYPE']) || $arButton['TYPE'] != 'BIG') { $arButton['TYPE'] = 'SMALL'; } //very old behaviour if (is_set($arButton, "SRC_0")) { $arButton["SRC"] = $arButton["SRC_0"]; } $arButton['HREF'] = isset($arButton['HREF']) ? trim($arButton['HREF']) : ''; $bHasAction = $arButton['HREF'] != ''; if (array_key_exists("RESORT_MENU", $arButton) && $arButton["RESORT_MENU"] === true && is_array($arButton['MENU']) && !empty($arButton['MENU'])) { sortByColumn($arButton['MENU'], "SORT", '', PHP_INT_MAX); } $bHasMenu = is_array($arButton['MENU']) && count($arButton['MENU']) > 0; if ($bHasMenu && !$bHasAction) { foreach ($arButton['MENU'] as $arItem) { if (isset($arItem['DEFAULT']) && $arItem['DEFAULT']) { $arButton['HREF'] = $arItem['HREF']; $bHasAction = true; } } } if ($last_btn_type != '' && $arButton['TYPE'] != $last_btn_type && $main_sort == $arButton["MAIN_SORT"]) { $result .= '</span><span class="bx-panel-button-group" data-group-id="' . ++$groupId . '">'; $last_btn_small_cnt = 0; } if ($bHasAction && substr(strtolower($arButton['HREF']), 0, 11) == 'javascript:') { $arButton['ONCLICK'] = substr($arButton['HREF'], 11); $arButton['HREF'] = 'javascript:void(0)'; } if ($arButton['HINT']) { if (isset($arButton['HINT']['ID']) && $arButton['HINT']['ID']) { $hintOptions = CUtil::GetPopupOptions($arButton['HINT']['ID']); if ($hintOptions['display'] == 'off') { unset($arButton['HINT']); } } if ($arButton['HINT']) { unset($arButton['ALT']); } if ($bHasMenu && (!isset($arButton['HINT_MENU']) || !$arButton['HINT_MENU'])) { $arButton['HINT']['TARGET'] = 'parent'; } } $title = isset($arButton['ALT']) ? htmlspecialcharsbx($arButton['ALT']) : ''; $onClick = isset($arButton['ONCLICK']) ? htmlspecialcharsbx($arButton['ONCLICK']) : ''; $onClickJs = isset($arButton['ONCLICK']) ? CUtil::JSEscape($arButton['ONCLICK']) : ''; $hintMenu = isset($arButton['HINT_MENU']) ? CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['HINT_MENU']) : ''; switch ($arButton['TYPE']) { case 'SMALL': if ($last_btn_small_cnt >= 3 && $main_sort == $arButton["MAIN_SORT"]) { $result .= '</span><span class="bx-panel-button-group" data-group-id="' . ++$groupId . '">'; $last_btn_small_cnt = 0; } elseif ($last_btn_small_cnt > 0) { $result .= '<span class="bx-panel-break"></span>'; } $result .= '<span class="bx-panel-small-button"><span class="bx-panel-small-button-inner">'; $button_icon = '<span class="bx-panel-small-button-icon' . ($arButton['ICON'] ? ' ' . $arButton['ICON'] : '') . '"' . (isset($arButton['SRC']) && $arButton['SRC'] ? ' style="background: scroll transparent url(' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arButton['SRC']) . ') no-repeat center center !important;"' : '') . '></span>'; $button_text = '<span class="bx-panel-small-button-text">' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arButton['TEXT']) . '</span>'; $button_text_js = CUtil::JSEscape($arButton['TEXT']); if ($bHasAction) { $result .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arButton['HREF']) . '" onclick="' . $onClick . ';BX.removeClass(this.parentNode.parentNode, \'bx-panel-small-button' . ($bHasMenu ? '-text' : '') . '-active\')" id="bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '"' . ($title ? ' title="' . $title . $hkInstance->GetTitle("bx_topmenu_btn_" . $key) . '"' : '"' . $hkInstance->GetTitle("bx_topmenu_btn_" . $key) . '"') . '>' . $button_icon . $button_text . '</a>'; $result .= '<script type="text/javascript">BX.admin.panel.RegisterButton({ID: \'bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '\', TYPE: \'SMALL\', ACTIVE_CSS: \'bx-panel-small-button' . ($bHasMenu ? '-text' : '') . '-active\', HOVER_CSS: \'bx-panel-small-button' . ($bHasMenu ? '-text' : '') . '-hover\'' . ($arButton['HINT'] ? ', HINT: ' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['HINT']) : '') . ', GROUP_ID : ' . $groupId . ', SKIP : ' . ($bHasMenu ? "true" : "false") . ', LINK: "' . CUtil::JSEscape($arButton['HREF']) . '", ACTION : "' . $onClickJs . '",TEXT : "' . $button_text_js . '" })</script>'; if ($bHasMenu) { $result .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="bx-panel-small-button-arrow" id="bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '_menu"><span class="bx-panel-small-button-arrow"></span></a>'; $result .= '<script type="text/javascript">BX.admin.panel.RegisterButton({ID: \'bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '_menu\', TYPE: \'SMALL\', MENU: ' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['MENU']) . ', ACTIVE_CSS: \'bx-panel-small-button-arrow-active\', HOVER_CSS: \'bx-panel-small-button-arrow-hover\'' . ($hintMenu ? ', HINT: ' . $hintMenu : '') . ', GROUP_ID : ' . $groupId . ', TEXT : "' . $button_text_js . '"})</script>'; } } elseif ($bHasMenu) { $result .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '"' . ($title ? ' title="' . $title . '"' : '') . '>' . $button_icon . $button_text . '<span class="bx-panel-small-single-button-arrow"></span></a>'; $result .= '<script type="text/javascript">BX.admin.panel.RegisterButton({ID: \'bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '\', TYPE: \'SMALL\', MENU: ' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['MENU']) . ', ACTIVE_CSS: \'bx-panel-small-button-active\', HOVER_CSS: \'bx-panel-small-button-hover\'' . ($arButton['HINT'] ? ', HINT: ' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['HINT']) : '') . ', GROUP_ID : ' . $groupId . ', TEXT : "' . $button_text_js . '"})</script>'; } $result .= '</span></span>'; $last_btn_small_cnt++; break; case 'BIG': $last_btn_small_cnt = 0; $result .= '<span class="bx-panel-button"><span class="bx-panel-button-inner">'; $button_icon = '<span class="bx-panel-button-icon' . ($arButton['ICON'] ? ' ' . $arButton['ICON'] : '') . '"' . (isset($arButton['SRC']) && $arButton['SRC'] ? ' style="background: scroll transparent url(' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arButton['SRC']) . ') no-repeat center center !important;"' : '') . '></span>'; $button_text_js = CUtil::JSEscape(str_replace('#BR#', ' ', $arButton['TEXT'])); if ($bHasAction && $bHasMenu) { $button_text = '<span class="bx-panel-button-text">' . str_replace('#BR#', '<span class="bx-panel-break"></span>', $arButton['TEXT']) . ' <span class="bx-panel-button-arrow"></span></span>'; $result .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arButton['HREF']) . '" onclick="' . $onClick . ';BX.removeClass(this.parentNode.parentNode, \'bx-panel-button-icon-active\');" id="bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '"' . ($title ? ' title="' . $title . '"' : '') . '>' . $button_icon . '</a><a id="bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '_menu" href="javascript:void(0)">' . $button_text . '</a>'; $result .= '<script type="text/javascript">BX.admin.panel.RegisterButton({ID: \'bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '\', TYPE: \'BIG\', ACTIVE_CSS: \'bx-panel-button-icon-active\', HOVER_CSS: \'bx-panel-button-icon-hover\'' . ($arButton['HINT'] ? ', HINT: ' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['HINT']) : '') . ', GROUP_ID : ' . $groupId . ', SKIP : true }); BX.admin.panel.RegisterButton({ID: \'bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '_menu\', TYPE: \'BIG\', MENU: ' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['MENU']) . ', ACTIVE_CSS: \'bx-panel-button-text-active\', HOVER_CSS: \'bx-panel-button-text-hover\'' . ($hintMenu ? ', HINT: ' . $hintMenu : '') . ', GROUP_ID : ' . $groupId . ', TEXT : "' . $button_text_js . '"})</script>'; } else { if ($bHasAction) { $button_text = '<span class="bx-panel-button-text">' . str_replace('#BR#', '<span class="bx-panel-break"></span>', $arButton['TEXT']) . '</span>'; $result .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arButton['HREF']) . '" onclick="' . $onClick . ';BX.removeClass(this.parentNode.parentNode, \'bx-panel-button-active\');" id="bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '"' . ($title ? ' title="' . $title . '"' : '') . '>' . $button_icon . $button_text . '</a>'; $result .= '<script type="text/javascript">BX.admin.panel.RegisterButton({ID: \'bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '\', TYPE: \'BIG\', ACTIVE_CSS: \'bx-panel-button-active\', HOVER_CSS: \'bx-panel-button-hover\'' . ($arButton['HINT'] ? ', HINT: ' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['HINT']) : '') . ', GROUP_ID : ' . $groupId . ', LINK: "' . CUtil::JSEscape($arButton['HREF']) . '", ACTION : "' . $onClickJs . '", TEXT : "' . $button_text_js . '"});</script>'; } else { $button_text = '<span class="bx-panel-button-text">' . str_replace('#BR#', '<span class="bx-panel-break"></span>', $arButton['TEXT']) . ' <span class="bx-panel-button-arrow"></span></span>'; $result .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '_menu">' . $button_icon . $button_text . '</a>'; $result .= '<script type="text/javascript">BX.admin.panel.RegisterButton({ID: \'bx_topmenu_btn_' . $key . '_menu\', TYPE: \'BIG\', MENU: ' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['MENU']) . ', ACTIVE_CSS: \'bx-panel-button-active\', HOVER_CSS: \'bx-panel-button-hover\'' . ($arButton['HINT'] ? ', HINT: ' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arButton['HINT']) : '') . ', GROUP_ID : ' . $groupId . ', TEXT : "' . $button_text_js . '"});</script>'; } } $result .= '</span></span>'; break; } $main_sort = $arButton["MAIN_SORT"]; $last_btn_type = $arButton['TYPE']; } $result .= '</span>'; $result .= '</div> </div> </div>'; if ($USER->IsAdmin()) { $result .= CAdminNotify::GetHtml(); } $result .= ' </div> '; $result .= '<script type="text/javascript"> BX.admin.panel.state = { fixed: ' . ($aUserOpt["fix"] == "on" ? 'true' : 'false') . ', collapsed: ' . ($aUserOpt["collapsed"] == "on" ? 'true' : 'false') . ' } BX.admin.moreButton.init({ buttonTitle : "' . GetMessageJS("top_panel_more_button_title") . '"}); </script>'; //start menu preload // if($aUserOptGlobal["start_menu_preload"] == 'Y') // $result .= '<script type="text/javascript">BX.ready(function(){jsStartMenu.PreloadMenu(\''.CUtil::JSEscape($href.($params<>""? "?".$params:"")).'\');});</script>'; //show script to play sound $result .= $adminPage->ShowSound(); return $result; }
<?php // define("START_EXEC_EPILOG_BEFORE_1", microtime()); $GLOBALS["BX_STATE"] = "EB"; if ($USER->IsAuthorized() && (!defined("BX_AUTH_FORM") || !BX_AUTH_FORM)) { $hkInstance = CHotKeys::getInstance(); $Execs = $hkInstance->GetCodeByClassName("Global"); echo $hkInstance->PrintJSExecs($Execs); echo $hkInstance->SetTitle("Global"); $Execs = $hkInstance->GetCodeByUrl($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); echo $hkInstance->PrintJSExecs($Execs); echo $hkInstance->PrintPhpToJSVars(); echo CAdminInformer::PrintHtml(); } if (!defined('BX_PUBLIC_MODE') || BX_PUBLIC_MODE != 1) { if (!defined("BX_AUTH_FORM") || !BX_AUTH_FORM) { require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/interface/epilog_main_admin.php"; } else { require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/interface/epilog_auth_admin.php"; } } else { require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/interface/epilog_jspopup_admin.php"; }
function PrintHKGlobalUrlVar() { return CHotKeys::GetInstance()->PrintGlobalUrlVar(); }
public static function GetInstance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c; self::$codes = new CHotKeysCode; self::$optUse = COption::GetOptionString('main', "use_hot_keys", "Y") == "Y"; self::$ExpImpFileName = "hk_export_".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].".srl"; } return self::$instance; }
); </script> <div class="bx-gadgets-header"><?php if (array_key_exists($arParams["DESKTOP_PAGE"], $arResult["DESKTOPS"])) { $title = strlen($arResult["DESKTOPS"][$arParams["DESKTOP_PAGE"]]["NAME"]) > 0 ? $arResult["DESKTOPS"][$arParams["DESKTOP_PAGE"]]["NAME"] : str_replace("#NUM#", intval($arParams["DESKTOP_PAGE"] + 1), GetMessage("CMDESKTOP_TDEF_ADMIN_TITLE_DEFAULT")); $title = str_replace("#TITLE#", $title, GetMessage("CMDESKTOP_TDEF_ADMIN_TITLE")); ?> <h1 id="adm-title" class="adm-title" id=""><?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($title); ?> </h1><?php } ?> <div class="bx-gadgets-buttons"><?php $mContext->Button($arGadgetsButton, CHotKeys::getInstance()); $mContext->Button($arSettingsButton, CHotKeys::getInstance()); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <form action="<?php echo POST_FORM_ACTION_URI; ?> " method="POST" id="GDHolderForm_<?php echo $arResult["ID"]; ?> "> <?php echo bitrix_sessid_post();
function SetHotKeys() { $arHK = array("B" => "Alt+66", "I" => "Alt+73", "U" => "Alt+85", "QUOTE" => "Alt+81", "CODE" => "Alt+67", "TRANSLIT" => "Alt+84"); $hkc = new CHotKeysCode(); foreach ($arHK as $s => $hk) { $className = "TICKET_EDIT_{$s}"; $arHKC = array(CLASS_NAME => $className, CODE => "var d=document.getElementById('{$s}'); if (d);", NAME => " ({$id})", TITLE_OBJ => "TICKET_EDIT_" . $s . "_T", IS_CUSTOM => "1"); $objK = $hkc->GetList(array(), array("CLASS_NAME" => $className)); if ($arK = $objK->Fetch()) { $hkc->Update($arK["ID"], $arHKC); } else { $id = $hkc->Add($arHKC); if ($id > 0) { $result = CHotKeys::GetInstance()->AddDefaultKeyToAll($id, $hk); } } } }
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