コード例 #1
  * @param \CF_Container $container
  * @param \CF_Object $object
 function it_should_lazily_fetch_container_before_write($connection, $container, $object)
     $object->write('some content')->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn(true);
     $this->write('filename', 'some content')->shouldReturn(12);
コード例 #2
ファイル: cloudfiles.php プロジェクト: mymizan/phreeze
  * Helper function to create "path" elements for a given Object name
  * Given an Object whos name contains '/' path separators, this function
  * will create the "directory marker" Objects of one byte with the
  * Content-Type of "application/folder".
  * It assumes the last element of the full path is the "real" Object
  * and does NOT create a remote storage Object for that last element.
 function create_paths($path_name)
     if ($path_name[0] == '/') {
         $path_name = mb_substr($path_name, 0, 1);
     $elements = explode('/', $path_name, -1);
     $build_path = "";
     foreach ($elements as $idx => $val) {
         if (!$build_path) {
             $build_path = $val;
         } else {
             $build_path .= "/" . $val;
         $obj = new CF_Object($this, $build_path);
         $obj->content_type = "application/directory";
         $obj->write(".", 1);
コード例 #3
  * @see FileBackendStore::doCreateInternal()
  * @return Status
 protected function doCreateInternal(array $params)
     $status = Status::newGood();
     list($dstCont, $dstRel) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal($params['dst']);
     if ($dstRel === null) {
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['dst']);
         return $status;
     // (a) Check the destination container and object
     try {
         $dContObj = $this->getContainer($dstCont);
     } catch (NoSuchContainerException $e) {
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-create', $params['dst']);
         return $status;
     } catch (CloudFilesException $e) {
         // some other exception?
         $this->handleException($e, $status, __METHOD__, $params);
         return $status;
     // (b) Get a SHA-1 hash of the object
     $sha1Hash = wfBaseConvert(sha1($params['content']), 16, 36, 31);
     // (c) Actually create the object
     try {
         // Create a fresh CF_Object with no fields preloaded.
         // We don't want to preserve headers, metadata, and such.
         $obj = new CF_Object($dContObj, $dstRel, false, false);
         // skip HEAD
         $obj->setMetadataValues(array('Sha1base36' => $sha1Hash));
         // Manually set the ETag (https://github.com/rackspace/php-cloudfiles/issues/59).
         // The MD5 here will be checked within Swift against its own MD5.
         // Use the same content type as StreamFile for security
         $obj->content_type = StreamFile::contentTypeFromPath($params['dst']);
         if (!strlen($obj->content_type)) {
             // special case
             $obj->content_type = 'unknown/unknown';
         // Set any other custom headers if requested
         if (isset($params['headers'])) {
             $obj->headers += $this->sanitizeHdrs($params['headers']);
         if (!empty($params['async'])) {
             // deferred
             $op = $obj->write_async($params['content']);
             $status->value = new SwiftFileOpHandle($this, $params, 'Create', $op);
             $status->value->affectedObjects[] = $obj;
         } else {
             // actually write the object in Swift
     } catch (CDNNotEnabledException $e) {
         // CDN not enabled; nothing to see here
     } catch (BadContentTypeException $e) {
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-contenttype', $params['dst']);
     } catch (CloudFilesException $e) {
         // some other exception?
         $this->handleException($e, $status, __METHOD__, $params);
     return $status;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SwiftFileBackend.php プロジェクト: yusufchang/app
  * @see FileBackendStore::doCreateInternal()
 protected function doCreateInternal(array $params)
     $status = Status::newGood();
     list($dstCont, $dstRel) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal($params['dst']);
     if ($dstRel === null) {
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-invalidpath', $params['dst']);
         return $status;
     // (a) Check the destination container and object
     try {
         $dContObj = $this->getContainer($dstCont);
         if (empty($params['overwrite']) && $this->fileExists(array('src' => $params['dst'], 'latest' => 1))) {
             $status->fatal('backend-fail-alreadyexists', $params['dst']);
             return $status;
     } catch (NoSuchContainerException $e) {
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-create', $params['dst']);
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
         return $status;
     } catch (InvalidResponseException $e) {
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-connect', $this->name);
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
         return $status;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // some other exception?
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-internal', $this->name);
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
         return $status;
     // (b) Get a SHA-1 hash of the object
     $sha1Hash = wfBaseConvert(sha1($params['content']), 16, 36, 31);
     // (c) Actually create the object
     try {
         // Create a fresh CF_Object with no fields preloaded.
         // We don't want to preserve headers, metadata, and such.
         $obj = new CF_Object($dContObj, $dstRel, false, false);
         // skip HEAD
         // Note: metadata keys stored as [Upper case char][[Lower case char]...]
         $obj->metadata = array('Sha1base36' => $sha1Hash);
         // Manually set the ETag (https://github.com/rackspace/php-cloudfiles/issues/59).
         // The MD5 here will be checked within Swift against its own MD5.
         // Use the same content type as StreamFile for security
         $obj->content_type = StreamFile::contentTypeFromPath($params['dst']);
         // Actually write the object in Swift
     } catch (BadContentTypeException $e) {
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-contenttype', $params['dst']);
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
     } catch (InvalidResponseException $e) {
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-connect', $this->name);
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // some other exception?
         $status->fatal('backend-fail-internal', $this->name);
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
     return $status;
コード例 #5
  * @param \CF_Container $container
  * @param \CF_Object $fromObject
  * @param \CF_Object $toObject
 function it_should_rename_file($container, $fromObject, $toObject)
     $fromObject->read()->willReturn('some content');
     $toObject->write('some content')->willReturn(true);
     $this->rename('filename', 'filename1')->shouldReturn(true);
コード例 #6
ファイル: swiftclient.php プロジェクト: Wsine/SAE_Printer
  * Make a dir 
  * package by lazypeople<*****@*****.**>
 function sae_mkdir($path_name)
     if ($path_name[0] == '/') {
         $path_name = mb_substr($path_name, 0, 1);
     $dir_name = $path_name . '/' . $path_name;
     $obj = new CF_Object($this, $dir_name);
     $obj->content_type = "text/plain";
     return true;