コード例 #1
ファイル: system.php プロジェクト: joshjim27/jobsglobal
  * Called by status box to add new stream data
  * @param type $message
  * @param type $attachment
  * @return type
 public function ajaxStreamAdd($message, $attachment, $streamFilter = FALSE)
     $streamHTML = '';
     // $attachment pending filter
     $cache = CFactory::getFastCache();
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $userparams = $my->getParams();
     if (!COwnerHelper::isRegisteredUser()) {
         return $this->ajaxBlockUnregister();
     //@rule: In case someone bypasses the status in the html, we enforce the character limit.
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     if (JString::strlen($message) > $config->get('statusmaxchar')) {
         $message = JHTML::_('string.truncate', $message, $config->get('statusmaxchar'));
     $message = JString::trim($message);
     $objResponse = new JAXResponse();
     $rawMessage = $message;
     // @rule: Autolink hyperlinks
     // @rule: Autolink to users profile when message contains @username
     // $message     = CUserHelper::replaceAliasURL($message); // the processing is done on display side
     $emailMessage = CUserHelper::replaceAliasURL($rawMessage, true);
     // @rule: Spam checks
     if ($config->get('antispam_akismet_status')) {
         $filter = CSpamFilter::getFilter();
         $filter->setURL(CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $my->id));
         if ($filter->isSpam()) {
             return $objResponse->sendResponse();
     $attachment = json_decode($attachment, true);
     switch ($attachment['type']) {
         case 'message':
             //if (!empty($message)) {
             switch ($attachment['element']) {
                 case 'profile':
                     //only update user status if share messgage is on his profile
                     if (COwnerHelper::isMine($my->id, $attachment['target'])) {
                         //save the message
                         $status = $this->getModel('status');
                         /* If no privacy in attachment than we apply default: Public */
                         if (!isset($attachment['privacy'])) {
                             $attachment['privacy'] = COMMUNITY_STATUS_PRIVACY_PUBLIC;
                         $status->update($my->id, $rawMessage, $attachment['privacy']);
                         //set user status for current session.
                         $today = JFactory::getDate();
                         $message2 = empty($message) ? ' ' : $message;
                         $my->set('_status', $rawMessage);
                         $my->set('_posted_on', $today->toSql());
                         // Order of replacement
                         $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
                         $replace = '<br />';
                         // Processes \r\n's first so they aren't converted twice.
                         $messageDisplay = str_replace($order, $replace, $message);
                         $messageDisplay = CKses::kses($messageDisplay, CKses::allowed());
                         //update user status
                         $objResponse->addScriptCall("joms.jQuery('#profile-status span#profile-status-message').html('" . addslashes($messageDisplay) . "');");
                     //if actor posted something to target, the privacy should be under target's profile privacy settings
                     if (!COwnerHelper::isMine($my->id, $attachment['target']) && $attachment['target'] != '') {
                         $attachment['privacy'] = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target'])->getParams()->get('privacyProfileView');
                     //push to activity stream
                     $act = new stdClass();
                     $act->cmd = 'profile.status.update';
                     $act->actor = $my->id;
                     $act->target = $attachment['target'];
                     $act->title = $message;
                     $act->content = '';
                     $act->app = $attachment['element'];
                     $act->cid = $my->id;
                     $act->access = $attachment['privacy'];
                     $act->comment_id = CActivities::COMMENT_SELF;
                     $act->comment_type = 'profile.status';
                     $act->like_id = CActivities::LIKE_SELF;
                     $act->like_type = 'profile.status';
                     $activityParams = new CParameter('');
                     /* Save cords if exists */
                     if (isset($attachment['location'])) {
                         /* Save geo name */
                         $act->location = $attachment['location'][0];
                         $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1];
                         $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2];
                     $headMeta = new CParameter('');
                     if (isset($attachment['fetch'])) {
                         $headMeta->set('title', $attachment['fetch'][2]);
                         $headMeta->set('description', $attachment['fetch'][3]);
                         $headMeta->set('image', $attachment['fetch'][1]);
                         $headMeta->set('link', $attachment['fetch'][0]);
                         //do checking if this is a video link
                         $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
                         $isValidVideo = @$video->init($attachment['fetch'][0]);
                         if ($isValidVideo) {
                             $headMeta->set('type', 'video');
                             $headMeta->set('video_provider', $video->type);
                             $headMeta->set('video_id', $video->getVideoId());
                             $headMeta->set('height', $video->getHeight());
                             $headMeta->set('width', $video->getWidth());
                         $activityParams->set('headMetas', $headMeta->toString());
                     //Store mood in paramm
                     if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') {
                         $activityParams->set('mood', $attachment['mood']);
                     $act->params = $activityParams->toString();
                     //check if the user points is enabled
                     if (CUserPoints::assignPoint('profile.status.update')) {
                         /* Let use our new CApiStream */
                         $activityData = CApiActivities::add($act);
                         $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']);
                         $params = new CParameter('');
                         $params->set('actorName', $my->getDisplayName());
                         $params->set('recipientName', $recipient->getDisplayName());
                         $params->set('url', CUrlHelper::userLink($act->target, false));
                         $params->set('message', $message);
                         $params->set('stream', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SINGULAR_STREAM'));
                         $params->set('stream_url', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $activityData->actor . '&actid=' . $activityData->id));
                         CNotificationLibrary::add('profile_status_update', $my->id, $attachment['target'], JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_FRIEND_WALL_POST', $my->getDisplayName()), '', 'wall.post', $params);
                         //email and add notification if user are tagged
                         CUserHelper::parseTaggedUserNotification($message, $my, $activityData, array('type' => 'post-comment'));
                     // Message posted from Group page
                 // Message posted from Group page
                 case 'groups':
                     $groupLib = new CGroups();
                     $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
                     // Permission check, only site admin and those who has
                     // mark their attendance can post message
                     if (!COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin() && !$group->isMember($my->id) && $config->get('lockgroupwalls')) {
                         $objResponse->addScriptCall("alert('permission denied');");
                         return $objResponse->sendResponse();
                     $act = new stdClass();
                     $act->cmd = 'groups.wall';
                     $act->actor = $my->id;
                     $act->target = 0;
                     $act->title = $message;
                     $act->content = '';
                     $act->app = 'groups.wall';
                     $act->cid = $attachment['target'];
                     $act->groupid = $group->id;
                     $act->group_access = $group->approvals;
                     $act->eventid = 0;
                     $act->access = 0;
                     $act->comment_id = CActivities::COMMENT_SELF;
                     $act->comment_type = 'groups.wall';
                     $act->like_id = CActivities::LIKE_SELF;
                     $act->like_type = 'groups.wall';
                     $activityParams = new CParameter('');
                     /* Save cords if exists */
                     if (isset($attachment['location'])) {
                         /* Save geo name */
                         $act->location = $attachment['location'][0];
                         $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1];
                         $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2];
                     $headMeta = new CParameter('');
                     if (isset($attachment['fetch'])) {
                         $headMeta->set('title', $attachment['fetch'][2]);
                         $headMeta->set('description', $attachment['fetch'][3]);
                         $headMeta->set('image', $attachment['fetch'][1]);
                         $headMeta->set('link', $attachment['fetch'][0]);
                         //do checking if this is a video link
                         $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
                         $isValidVideo = @$video->init($attachment['fetch'][0]);
                         if ($isValidVideo) {
                             $headMeta->set('type', 'video');
                             $headMeta->set('video_provider', $video->type);
                             $headMeta->set('video_id', $video->getVideoId());
                             $headMeta->set('height', $video->getHeight());
                             $headMeta->set('width', $video->getWidth());
                         $activityParams->set('headMetas', $headMeta->toString());
                     //Store mood in paramm
                     if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') {
                         $activityParams->set('mood', $attachment['mood']);
                     $act->params = $activityParams->toString();
                     $activityData = CApiActivities::add($act);
                     $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']);
                     $params = new CParameter('');
                     $params->set('message', $emailMessage);
                     $params->set('group', $group->name);
                     $params->set('group_url', 'index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $group->id);
                     $params->set('url', CRoute::getExternalURL('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $group->id, false));
                     //Get group member emails
                     $model = CFactory::getModel('Groups');
                     $members = $model->getMembers($attachment['target'], null, true, false, true);
                     $membersArray = array();
                     if (!is_null($members)) {
                         foreach ($members as $row) {
                             if ($my->id != $row->id) {
                                 $membersArray[] = $row->id;
                     $groupParams = new CParameter($group->params);
                     if ($groupParams->get('wallnotification')) {
                         CNotificationLibrary::add('groups_wall_create', $my->id, $membersArray, JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_NEW_WALL_POST_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT', $my->getDisplayName(), $group->name), '', 'groups.post', $params);
                     //@since 4.1 when a there is a new post in group, dump the data into group stats
                     $statsModel = CFactory::getModel('stats');
                     $statsModel->addGroupStats($group->id, 'post');
                     // Add custom stream
                     // Reload the stream with new stream data
                     $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true));
                     // Message posted from Event page
                 // Message posted from Event page
                 case 'events':
                     $eventLib = new CEvents();
                     $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable');
                     // Permission check, only site admin and those who has
                     // mark their attendance can post message
                     if (!COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin() && !$event->isMember($my->id) && $config->get('lockeventwalls')) {
                         $objResponse->addScriptCall("alert('permission denied');");
                         return $objResponse->sendResponse();
                     // If this is a group event, set the group object
                     $groupid = $event->type == 'group' ? $event->contentid : 0;
                     $groupLib = new CGroups();
                     $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
                     $act = new stdClass();
                     $act->cmd = 'events.wall';
                     $act->actor = $my->id;
                     $act->target = 0;
                     $act->title = $message;
                     $act->content = '';
                     $act->app = 'events.wall';
                     $act->cid = $attachment['target'];
                     $act->groupid = $event->type == 'group' ? $event->contentid : 0;
                     $act->group_access = $group->approvals;
                     $act->eventid = $event->id;
                     $act->event_access = $event->permission;
                     $act->access = 0;
                     $act->comment_id = CActivities::COMMENT_SELF;
                     $act->comment_type = 'events.wall';
                     $act->like_id = CActivities::LIKE_SELF;
                     $act->like_type = 'events.wall';
                     $activityParams = new CParameter('');
                     /* Save cords if exists */
                     if (isset($attachment['location'])) {
                         /* Save geo name */
                         $act->location = $attachment['location'][0];
                         $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1];
                         $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2];
                     $headMeta = new CParameter('');
                     if (isset($attachment['fetch'])) {
                         $headMeta->set('title', $attachment['fetch'][2]);
                         $headMeta->set('description', $attachment['fetch'][3]);
                         $headMeta->set('image', $attachment['fetch'][1]);
                         $headMeta->set('link', $attachment['fetch'][0]);
                         //do checking if this is a video link
                         $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
                         $isValidVideo = @$video->init($attachment['fetch'][0]);
                         if ($isValidVideo) {
                             $headMeta->set('type', 'video');
                             $headMeta->set('video_provider', $video->type);
                             $headMeta->set('video_id', $video->getVideoId());
                             $headMeta->set('height', $video->getHeight());
                             $headMeta->set('width', $video->getWidth());
                         $activityParams->set('headMetas', $headMeta->toString());
                     //Store mood in paramm
                     if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') {
                         $activityParams->set('mood', $attachment['mood']);
                     $act->params = $activityParams->toString();
                     $activityData = CApiActivities::add($act);
                     // add points
                     $params = new CParameter('');
                     $params->set('message', $emailMessage);
                     $params->set('event', $event->title);
                     $params->set('event_url', 'index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id);
                     $params->set('url', CRoute::getExternalURL('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $event->id, false));
                     //Get event member emails
                     $members = $event->getMembers(COMMUNITY_EVENT_STATUS_ATTEND, 12, CC_RANDOMIZE);
                     $membersArray = array();
                     if (!is_null($members)) {
                         foreach ($members as $row) {
                             if ($my->id != $row->id) {
                                 $membersArray[] = $row->id;
                     CNotificationLibrary::add('events_wall_create', $my->id, $membersArray, JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_NEW_WALL_POST_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT_EVENTS', $my->getDisplayName(), $event->title), '', 'events.post', $params);
                     //@since 4.1 when a there is a new post in event, dump the data into event stats
                     $statsModel = CFactory::getModel('stats');
                     $statsModel->addEventStats($event->id, 'post');
                     // Reload the stream with new stream data
                     $streamHTML = $eventLib->getStreamHTML($event, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true));
             $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', '');
             // /}
         case 'photo':
             switch ($attachment['element']) {
                 case 'profile':
                     $photoIds = $attachment['id'];
                     //use User Preference for Privacy
                     //$privacy = $userparams->get('privacyPhotoView'); //$privacy = $attachment['privacy'];
                     $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable');
                     if (!isset($photoIds[0]) || $photoIds[0] <= 0) {
                         //$objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption));
                     //always get album id from the photo itself, do not let it assign by params from user post data
                     $photoModel = CFactory::getModel('photos');
                     $photo = $photoModel->getPhoto($photoIds[0]);
                     /* OK ! If album_id is not provided than we use album id from photo ( it should be default album id ) */
                     $albumid = isset($attachment['album_id']) ? $attachment['album_id'] : $photo->albumid;
                     $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable');
                     $privacy = $album->permissions;
                     //limit checking
                     //                        $photoModel = CFactory::getModel( 'photos' );
                     //                        $config       = CFactory::getConfig();
                     //                        $total        = $photoModel->getTotalToday( $my->id );
                     //                        $max      = $config->getInt( 'limit_photo_perday' );
                     //                        $remainingUploadCount = $max - $total;
                     $params = array();
                     foreach ($photoIds as $key => $photoId) {
                         if (CLimitsLibrary::exceedDaily('photos')) {
                         $photo->permissions = $privacy;
                         $photo->published = 1;
                         $photo->status = 'ready';
                         $photo->albumid = $albumid;
                         /* We must update this photo into correct album id */
                         $params[] = clone $photo;
                     if ($config->get('autoalbumcover') && !$album->photoid) {
                         $album->photoid = $photoIds[0];
                     // Break if no photo added, which is likely because of daily limit.
                     if (count($photoIds) < 1) {
                         $objResponse->addScriptCall('__throwError', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'));
                         return $objResponse->sendResponse();
                     // Trigger onPhotoCreate
                     $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance();
                     $apps->triggerEvent('onPhotoCreate', array($params));
                     $act = new stdClass();
                     $act->cmd = 'photo.upload';
                     $act->actor = $my->id;
                     $act->access = $privacy;
                     $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target'];
                     $act->title = $message;
                     $act->content = '';
                     // Generated automatically by stream. No need to add anything
                     $act->app = 'photos';
                     $act->cid = $albumid;
                     $act->location = $album->location;
                     /* Comment and like for individual photo upload is linked
                      * to the photos itsel
                     $act->comment_id = $photo->id;
                     $act->comment_type = 'photos';
                     $act->like_id = $photo->id;
                     $act->like_type = 'photo';
                     $albumUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $my->id;
                     $albumUrl = CRoute::_($albumUrl);
                     $photoUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=photo&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $photo->creator . '&photoid=' . $photo->id;
                     $photoUrl = CRoute::_($photoUrl);
                     $params = new CParameter('');
                     $params->set('multiUrl', $albumUrl);
                     $params->set('photoid', $photo->id);
                     $params->set('action', 'upload');
                     $params->set('stream', '1');
                     $params->set('photo_url', $photoUrl);
                     $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE);
                     $params->set('photosId', implode(',', $photoIds));
                     if (count($photoIds > 1)) {
                         $params->set('count', count($photoIds));
                         $params->set('batchcount', count($photoIds));
                     //Store mood in param
                     if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') {
                         $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']);
                     // Add activity logging
                     // CActivityStream::remove($act->app, $act->cid);
                     $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString());
                     // Add user points
                     //add a notification to the target user if someone posted photos on target's profile
                     if ($my->id != $attachment['target']) {
                         $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']);
                         $params = new CParameter('');
                         $params->set('actorName', $my->getDisplayName());
                         $params->set('recipientName', $recipient->getDisplayName());
                         $params->set('url', CUrlHelper::userLink($act->target, false));
                         $params->set('message', $message);
                         $params->set('stream', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SINGULAR_STREAM'));
                         $params->set('stream_url', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $activityData->actor . '&actid=' . $activityData->id));
                         CNotificationLibrary::add('profile_status_update', $my->id, $attachment['target'], JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATION_STREAM_PHOTO_POST', count($photoIds)), '', 'wall.post', $params);
                     //email and add notification if user are tagged
                     CUserHelper::parseTaggedUserNotification($message, $my, $activityData, array('type' => 'post-comment'));
                     $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption));
                 case 'events':
                     $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable');
                     $privacy = 0;
                     //if this is a group event, we need to follow the group privacy
                     if ($event->type == 'group' && $event->contentid) {
                         $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
                         $privacy = $group->approvals ? PRIVACY_GROUP_PRIVATE_ITEM : 0;
                     $photoIds = $attachment['id'];
                     $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable');
                     $albumid = isset($attachment['album_id']) ? $attachment['album_id'] : $photo->albumid;
                     $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable');
                     $params = array();
                     foreach ($photoIds as $photoId) {
                         $photo->caption = $message;
                         $photo->permissions = $privacy;
                         $photo->published = 1;
                         $photo->status = 'ready';
                         $photo->albumid = $albumid;
                         $params[] = clone $photo;
                     // Trigger onPhotoCreate
                     $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance();
                     $apps->triggerEvent('onPhotoCreate', array($params));
                     $act = new stdClass();
                     $act->cmd = 'photo.upload';
                     $act->actor = $my->id;
                     $act->access = $privacy;
                     $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target'];
                     $act->title = $message;
                     //JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_ACTIVITIES_UPLOAD_PHOTO' , '{photo_url}', $album->name );
                     $act->content = '';
                     // Generated automatically by stream. No need to add anything
                     $act->app = 'photos';
                     $act->cid = $album->id;
                     $act->location = $album->location;
                     $act->eventid = $event->id;
                     $act->group_access = $privacy;
                     // just in case this event belongs to a group
                     //$act->access      = $attachment['privacy'];
                     /* Comment and like for individual photo upload is linked
                      * to the photos itsel
                     $act->comment_id = $photo->id;
                     $act->comment_type = 'photos';
                     $act->like_id = $photo->id;
                     $act->like_type = 'photo';
                     $albumUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $my->id;
                     $albumUrl = CRoute::_($albumUrl);
                     $photoUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=photo&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $photo->creator . '&photoid=' . $photo->id;
                     $photoUrl = CRoute::_($photoUrl);
                     $params = new CParameter('');
                     $params->set('multiUrl', $albumUrl);
                     $params->set('photoid', $photo->id);
                     $params->set('action', 'upload');
                     $params->set('stream', '1');
                     // this photo uploaded from status stream
                     $params->set('photo_url', $photoUrl);
                     $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE);
                     // set stream style
                     $params->set('photosId', implode(',', $photoIds));
                     // Add activity logging
                     if (count($photoIds > 1)) {
                         $params->set('count', count($photoIds));
                         $params->set('batchcount', count($photoIds));
                     //Store mood in paramm
                     if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') {
                         $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']);
                     // CActivityStream::remove($act->app, $act->cid);
                     $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString());
                     // Add user points
                     // Reload the stream with new stream data
                     $eventLib = new CEvents();
                     $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable');
                     $streamHTML = $eventLib->getStreamHTML($event, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true));
                     $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption));
                 case 'groups':
                     $groupLib = new CGroups();
                     $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
                     $photoIds = $attachment['id'];
                     $privacy = $group->approvals ? PRIVACY_GROUP_PRIVATE_ITEM : 0;
                     $photo = JTable::getInstance('Photo', 'CTable');
                     $albumid = isset($attachment['album_id']) ? $attachment['album_id'] : $photo->albumid;
                     $album = JTable::getInstance('Album', 'CTable');
                     $params = array();
                     foreach ($photoIds as $photoId) {
                         $photo->caption = $message;
                         $photo->permissions = $privacy;
                         $photo->published = 1;
                         $photo->status = 'ready';
                         $photo->albumid = $albumid;
                         $params[] = clone $photo;
                     // Trigger onPhotoCreate
                     $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance();
                     $apps->triggerEvent('onPhotoCreate', array($params));
                     $act = new stdClass();
                     $act->cmd = 'photo.upload';
                     $act->actor = $my->id;
                     $act->access = $privacy;
                     $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target'];
                     $act->title = $message;
                     //JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_ACTIVITIES_UPLOAD_PHOTO' , '{photo_url}', $album->name );
                     $act->content = '';
                     // Generated automatically by stream. No need to add anything
                     $act->app = 'photos';
                     $act->cid = $album->id;
                     $act->location = $album->location;
                     $act->groupid = $group->id;
                     $act->group_access = $group->approvals;
                     $act->eventid = 0;
                     //$act->access      = $attachment['privacy'];
                     /* Comment and like for individual photo upload is linked
                      * to the photos itsel
                     $act->comment_id = $photo->id;
                     $act->comment_type = 'photos';
                     $act->like_id = $photo->id;
                     $act->like_type = 'photo';
                     $albumUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=album&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $my->id;
                     $albumUrl = CRoute::_($albumUrl);
                     $photoUrl = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=photos&task=photo&albumid=' . $album->id . '&userid=' . $photo->creator . '&photoid=' . $photo->id;
                     $photoUrl = CRoute::_($photoUrl);
                     $params = new CParameter('');
                     $params->set('multiUrl', $albumUrl);
                     $params->set('photoid', $photo->id);
                     $params->set('action', 'upload');
                     $params->set('stream', '1');
                     // this photo uploaded from status stream
                     $params->set('photo_url', $photoUrl);
                     $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE);
                     // set stream style
                     $params->set('photosId', implode(',', $photoIds));
                     // Add activity logging
                     if (count($photoIds > 1)) {
                         $params->set('count', count($photoIds));
                         $params->set('batchcount', count($photoIds));
                     //Store mood in paramm
                     if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') {
                         $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']);
                     // CActivityStream::remove($act->app, $act->cid);
                     $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString());
                     // Add user points
                     // Reload the stream with new stream data
                     $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true));
                     $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PHOTO_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY', $photo->caption));
         case 'video':
             switch ($attachment['element']) {
                 case 'profile':
                     // attachment id
                     $fetch = $attachment['fetch'];
                     $cid = $fetch[0];
                     $privacy = isset($attachment['privacy']) ? $attachment['privacy'] : COMMUNITY_STATUS_PRIVACY_PUBLIC;
                     $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
                     $video->set('creator_type', VIDEO_USER_TYPE);
                     $video->set('status', 'ready');
                     $video->set('permissions', $privacy);
                     $video->set('title', $fetch[3]);
                     $video->set('description', $fetch[4]);
                     $video->set('category_id', $fetch[5]);
                     /* Save cords if exists */
                     if (isset($attachment['location'])) {
                         $video->set('location', $attachment['location'][0]);
                         $video->set('latitude', $attachment['location'][1]);
                         $video->set('longitude', $attachment['location'][2]);
                     // Add activity logging
                     $url = $video->getViewUri(false);
                     $act = new stdClass();
                     $act->cmd = 'videos.linking';
                     $act->actor = $my->id;
                     $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target'];
                     $act->access = $privacy;
                     //filter empty message
                     $act->title = $message;
                     $act->app = 'videos.linking';
                     $act->content = '';
                     $act->cid = $video->id;
                     $act->location = $video->location;
                     /* Save cords if exists */
                     if (isset($attachment['location'])) {
                         /* Save geo name */
                         $act->location = $attachment['location'][0];
                         $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1];
                         $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2];
                     $act->comment_id = $video->id;
                     $act->comment_type = 'videos.linking';
                     $act->like_id = $video->id;
                     $act->like_type = 'videos.linking';
                     $params = new CParameter('');
                     $params->set('video_url', $url);
                     $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE);
                     // set stream style
                     //Store mood in paramm
                     if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') {
                         $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']);
                     $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString());
                     //this video must be public because it's posted on someone else's profile
                     if ($my->id != $attachment['target']) {
                         $video->set('permissions', COMMUNITY_STATUS_PRIVACY_PUBLIC);
                         $params = new CParameter();
                         $params->set('activity_id', $activityData->id);
                         // activity id is used to remove the activity if someone deleted this video
                         $params->set('target_id', $attachment['target']);
                         $video->params = $params->toString();
                         //also send a notification to the user
                         $recipient = CFactory::getUser($attachment['target']);
                         $params = new CParameter('');
                         $params->set('actorName', $my->getDisplayName());
                         $params->set('recipientName', $recipient->getDisplayName());
                         $params->set('url', CUrlHelper::userLink($act->target, false));
                         $params->set('message', $message);
                         $params->set('stream', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_SINGULAR_STREAM'));
                         $params->set('stream_url', CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $activityData->actor . '&actid=' . $activityData->id));
                         CNotificationLibrary::add('profile_status_update', $my->id, $attachment['target'], JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATION_STREAM_VIDEO_POST'), '', 'wall.post', $params);
                     // @rule: Add point when user adds a new video link
                     CUserPoints::assignPoint('video.add', $video->creator);
                     //email and add notification if user are tagged
                     CUserHelper::parseTaggedUserNotification($message, $my, $activityData, array('type' => 'post-comment'));
                     // Trigger for onVideoCreate
                     $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance();
                     $params = array();
                     $params[] = $video;
                     $apps->triggerEvent('onVideoCreate', $params);
                     $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_UPLOAD_SUCCESS', $video->title));
                 case 'groups':
                     // attachment id
                     $fetch = $attachment['fetch'];
                     $cid = $fetch[0];
                     $privacy = 0;
                     $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
                     $video->set('status', 'ready');
                     $video->set('groupid', $attachment['target']);
                     $video->set('permissions', $privacy);
                     $video->set('creator_type', VIDEO_GROUP_TYPE);
                     $video->set('title', $fetch[3]);
                     $video->set('description', $fetch[4]);
                     $video->set('category_id', $fetch[5]);
                     /* Save cords if exists */
                     if (isset($attachment['location'])) {
                         $video->set('location', $attachment['location'][0]);
                         $video->set('latitude', $attachment['location'][1]);
                         $video->set('longitude', $attachment['location'][2]);
                     $groupLib = new CGroups();
                     $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
                     // Add activity logging
                     $url = $video->getViewUri(false);
                     $act = new stdClass();
                     $act->cmd = 'videos.linking';
                     $act->actor = $my->id;
                     $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target'];
                     $act->access = $privacy;
                     //filter empty message
                     $act->title = $message;
                     $act->app = 'videos';
                     $act->content = '';
                     $act->cid = $video->id;
                     $act->groupid = $video->groupid;
                     $act->group_access = $group->approvals;
                     $act->location = $video->location;
                     /* Save cords if exists */
                     if (isset($attachment['location'])) {
                         /* Save geo name */
                         $act->location = $attachment['location'][0];
                         $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1];
                         $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2];
                     $act->comment_id = $video->id;
                     $act->comment_type = 'videos';
                     $act->like_id = $video->id;
                     $act->like_type = 'videos';
                     $params = new CParameter('');
                     $params->set('video_url', $url);
                     $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE);
                     // set stream style
                     //Store mood in paramm
                     if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') {
                         $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']);
                     $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString());
                     // @rule: Add point when user adds a new video link
                     CUserPoints::assignPoint('video.add', $video->creator);
                     // Trigger for onVideoCreate
                     $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance();
                     $params = array();
                     $params[] = $video;
                     $apps->triggerEvent('onVideoCreate', $params);
                     $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_UPLOAD_SUCCESS', $video->title));
                     // Reload the stream with new stream data
                     $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true));
                 case 'events':
                     //event videos
                     $fetch = $attachment['fetch'];
                     $cid = $fetch[0];
                     $privacy = 0;
                     $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'CTable');
                     $video->set('status', 'ready');
                     $video->set('eventid', $attachment['target']);
                     $video->set('permissions', $privacy);
                     $video->set('creator_type', VIDEO_EVENT_TYPE);
                     $video->set('title', $fetch[3]);
                     $video->set('description', $fetch[4]);
                     $video->set('category_id', $fetch[5]);
                     /* Save cords if exists */
                     if (isset($attachment['location'])) {
                         $video->set('location', $attachment['location'][0]);
                         $video->set('latitude', $attachment['location'][1]);
                         $video->set('longitude', $attachment['location'][2]);
                     $eventLib = new CEvents();
                     $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable');
                     $group = new stdClass();
                     if ($event->type == 'group' && $event->contentid) {
                         // check if this a group event, and follow the permission
                         $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
                     // Add activity logging
                     $url = $video->getViewUri(false);
                     $act = new stdClass();
                     $act->cmd = 'videos.linking';
                     $act->actor = $my->id;
                     $act->target = $attachment['target'] == $my->id ? 0 : $attachment['target'];
                     $act->access = $privacy;
                     //filter empty message
                     $act->title = $message;
                     $act->app = 'videos';
                     $act->content = '';
                     $act->cid = $video->id;
                     $act->groupid = 0;
                     $act->group_access = isset($group->approvals) ? $group->approvals : 0;
                     // if this is a group event
                     $act->location = $video->location;
                     /* Save cords if exists */
                     if (isset($attachment['location'])) {
                         /* Save geo name */
                         $act->location = $attachment['location'][0];
                         $act->latitude = $attachment['location'][1];
                         $act->longitude = $attachment['location'][2];
                     $act->eventid = $event->id;
                     $act->comment_id = $video->id;
                     $act->comment_type = 'videos';
                     $act->like_id = $video->id;
                     $act->like_type = 'videos';
                     $params = new CParameter('');
                     $params->set('video_url', $url);
                     $params->set('style', COMMUNITY_STREAM_STYLE);
                     // set stream style
                     //Store mood in paramm
                     if (isset($attachment['mood']) && $attachment['mood'] != 'Mood') {
                         $params->set('mood', $attachment['mood']);
                     $activityData = CActivityStream::add($act, $params->toString());
                     // @rule: Add point when user adds a new video link
                     CUserPoints::assignPoint('video.add', $video->creator);
                     // Trigger for onVideoCreate
                     $apps = CAppPlugins::getInstance();
                     $params = array();
                     $params[] = $video;
                     $apps->triggerEvent('onVideoCreate', $params);
                     $objResponse->addScriptCall('__callback', JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_VIDEOS_UPLOAD_SUCCESS', $video->title));
                     // Reload the stream with new stream data
                     $streamHTML = $eventLib->getStreamHTML($event, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true));
         case 'event':
             switch ($attachment['element']) {
                 case 'profile':
                     require_once COMMUNITY_COM_PATH . '/controllers/events.php';
                     $eventController = new CommunityEventsController();
                     // Assign default values where necessary
                     $attachment['description'] = $message;
                     $attachment['ticket'] = 0;
                     $attachment['offset'] = 0;
                     $event = $eventController->ajaxCreate($attachment, $objResponse);
                     $objResponse->addScriptCall('window.location="' . $event->getLink() . '";');
                     if (CFactory::getConfig()->get('event_moderation')) {
                         $objResponse->addAlert(JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_MODERATION_NOTICE', $event->title));
                 case 'groups':
                     require_once COMMUNITY_COM_PATH . '/controllers/events.php';
                     $eventController = new CommunityEventsController();
                     $groupLib = new CGroups();
                     $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
                     // Assign default values where necessary
                     $attachment['description'] = $message;
                     $attachment['ticket'] = 0;
                     $attachment['offset'] = 0;
                     $event = $eventController->ajaxCreate($attachment, $objResponse);
                     $objResponse->addScriptCall('window.location="' . $event->getLink() . '";');
                     // Reload the stream with new stream data
                     $streamHTML = $groupLib->getStreamHTML($group, array('showLatestActivityOnTop' => true));
                     if (CFactory::getConfig()->get('event_moderation')) {
                         $objResponse->addAlert(JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_EVENTS_MODERATION_NOTICE', $event->title));
         case 'link':
     //no matter what kind of message it is, always filter the hashtag if there's any
     if (!empty($act->title) && isset($activityData->id) && $activityData->id) {
         //use model to check if this has a tag in it and insert into the table if possible
         $hashtags = CContentHelper::getHashTags($act->title);
         if (count($hashtags)) {
             $hashtagModel = CFactory::getModel('hashtags');
             foreach ($hashtags as $tag) {
                 $hashtagModel->addActivityHashtag($tag, $activityData->id);
     // Frontpage filter
     if ($streamFilter != false) {
         $streamFilter = json_decode($streamFilter);
         $filter = $streamFilter->filter;
         $value = $streamFilter->value;
         $extra = false;
         // Append added data to the list.
         if (isset($activityData) && $activityData->id) {
             $model = CFactory::getModel('Activities');
             $extra = $model->getActivity($activityData->id);
         switch ($filter) {
             case 'privacy':
                 if ($value == 'me-and-friends' && $my->id != 0) {
                     $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('active-user-and-friends', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array(), $extra);
                 } else {
                     $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('all', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array(), $extra);
             case 'apps':
                 $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('all', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array('apps' => array($value)), $extra);
             case 'hashtag':
                 $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('all', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array($filter => $value), $extra);
                 $defaultFilter = $config->get('frontpageactivitydefault');
                 if ($defaultFilter == 'friends' && $my->id != 0) {
                     $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('active-user-and-friends', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array(), $extra);
                 } else {
                     $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter('all', $my->id, 'frontpage', true, array(), $extra);
     if (!isset($attachment['filter'])) {
         $attachment['filter'] = '';
         $filter = $config->get('frontpageactivitydefault');
         $filter = explode(':', $filter);
         $attachment['filter'] = isset($filter[1]) ? $filter[1] : $filter[0];
     if (empty($streamHTML)) {
         if (!isset($attachment['target'])) {
             $attachment['target'] = '';
         if (!isset($attachment['element'])) {
             $attachment['element'] = '';
         $streamHTML = CActivities::getActivitiesByFilter($attachment['filter'], $attachment['target'], $attachment['element'], true, array('show_featured' => true, 'showLatestActivityOnTop' => true));
     $objResponse->addAssign('activity-stream-container', 'innerHTML', $streamHTML);
     // Log user engagement
     CEngagement::log($attachment['type'] . '.share', $my->id);
     return $objResponse->sendResponse();
コード例 #2
ファイル: activities.php プロジェクト: joshjim27/jobsglobal
 public function ajaxSaveStatus($actId, $value)
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     $json = array();
     if ($my->id == 0) {
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     $actId = $filter->clean($actId, 'int');
     $value = trim($value);
     $activity = JTable::getInstance('Activity', 'CTable');
     if (empty($value)) {
         $json['error'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_CANNOT_EDIT_POST_ERROR');
     } else {
         //before storing, check if there is any hashtag, if yes, remove the hash tag before adding a new one
         $hashtags = CContentHelper::getHashTags($value);
         // check current title or message has any hashtag
         $oldHashtags = CContentHelper::getHashTags($activity->title);
         //old hashtag from the prebious message or title if there is any
         $removeTags = array_diff($oldHashtags, $hashtags);
         // this are the tags need to be removed
         $addTags = array_diff($hashtags, $oldHashtags);
         // tags that need to be added
         // remove tags if there's any
         if (count($removeTags)) {
             $hashtagModel = CFactory::getModel('hashtags');
             foreach ($removeTags as $tag) {
                 $hashtagModel->removeActivityHashtag($tag, $activity->id);
         // add new tags if there's any
         if (count($addTags)) {
             $hashtagModel = CFactory::getModel('hashtags');
             foreach ($addTags as $tag) {
                 $hashtagModel->addActivityHashtag($tag, $activity->id);
         $activity->title = $value;
         $status = $this->getModel('status');
         $status->update($my->id, $value, $activity->access);
         $today = JFactory::getDate();
         $my->set('_status', $value);
         $my->set('_posted_on', $today->toSql());
     $params = new CParameter($activity->params);
     $mood = $params->get('mood', null);
     $value = CActivities::format($activity->title, $mood);
     $json['success'] = true;
     $json['data'] = $value;
     $json['unparsed'] = $activity->title;
コード例 #3
ファイル: notification.php プロジェクト: Jougito/DynWeb
 public function ajaxGetNotification()
     if (!COwnerHelper::isRegisteredUser()) {
         return $this->ajaxBlockUnregister();
     $json = array();
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     //$inboxModel       = CFactory::getModel( 'inbox' );
     $friendModel = CFactory::getModel('friends');
     $eventModel = CFactory::getModel('events');
     $groupModel = CFactory::getModel('groups');
     $notiTotal = 0;
     //getting pending event request
     $pendingEvent = $eventModel->getPending($my->id);
     $eventHtml = '';
     $event = JTable::getInstance('Event', 'CTable');
     if (!empty($pendingEvent)) {
         $notiTotal += count($pendingEvent);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($pendingEvent); $i++) {
             $row = $pendingEvent[$i];
             $row->invitor = CFactory::getUser($row->invited_by);
             // remove the notification if there is no longer seats available
             if (!CEventHelper::seatsAvailable($event)) {
             $row->eventAvatar = $event->getThumbAvatar();
             $row->url = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=events&task=viewevent&eventid=' . $row->eventid . false);
             $row->isGroupEvent = $event->contentid ? true : false;
             if ($row->isGroupEvent) {
                 $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
                 $row->groupname = $group->name;
                 $row->grouplink = CUrlHelper::groupLink($group->id);
         $tmpl = new CTemplate();
         $tmpl->set('rows', $pendingEvent);
         $tmpl->setRef('my', $my);
         $eventHtml = $tmpl->fetch('notification.event.invitations');
     //getting pending group request
     $pendingGroup = $groupModel->getGroupInvites($my->id);
     $groupHtml = '';
     $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'CTable');
     $groupNotiTotal = 0;
     if (!empty($pendingGroup)) {
         $groupNotiTotal += count($pendingGroup);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($pendingGroup); $i++) {
             $gRow = $pendingGroup[$i];
             $gRow->invitor = CFactory::getUser($gRow->creator);
             $gRow->name = $group->name;
             $gRow->groupAvatar = $group->getThumbAvatar();
             $gRow->url = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $gRow->groupid . false);
         $tmpl = new CTemplate();
         $tmpl->set('gRows', $pendingGroup);
         $tmpl->setRef('my', $my);
         $groupHtml = $tmpl->fetch('notification.group.invitations');
     //geting pending private group join request
     //Find Users Groups Admin
     $allGroups = $groupModel->getAdminGroups($my->id, COMMUNITY_PRIVATE_GROUP);
     $groupMemberApproveHTML = '';
     //Get unApproved member
     if (!empty($allGroups)) {
         foreach ($allGroups as $groups) {
             $member = $groupModel->getMembers($groups->id, 0, false);
             if (!empty($member)) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($member); $i++) {
                     $oRow = $member[$i];
                     $oRow->groupId = $groups->id;
                     $oRow->groupName = $groups->name;
                     $oRow->groupAvatar = $group->getThumbAvatar();
                     $oRow->url = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $group->id . false);
                     $members[] = $member[$i];
     if (!empty($members)) {
         $tmpl = new CTemplate();
         $tmpl->set('oRows', $members);
         $tmpl->set('my', $my);
         $groupMemberApproveHTML = $tmpl->fetch('notification.group.request');
     //non require action notification
     $itemHtml = '';
     $notifCount = 10;
     $notificationModel = CFactory::getModel('notification');
     $myParams = $my->getParams();
     $notifications = $notificationModel->getNotification($my->id, '0', $notifCount, $myParams->get('lastnotificationlist', ''));
     if (!empty($notifications)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($notifications); $i++) {
             $iRow = $notifications[$i];
             $iRow->actorUser = CFactory::getUser($iRow->actor);
             $iRow->actorAvatar = $iRow->actorUser->getThumbAvatar();
             $iRow->actorName = $iRow->actorUser->getDisplayName();
             $iRow->timeDiff = CTimeHelper::timeLapse(CTimeHelper::getDate($iRow->created));
             $iRow->contentHtml = CContentHelper::injectTags($iRow->content, $iRow->params, true);
             $params = new CParameter($iRow->params);
             $iRow->url = $params->get('url', '');
         $tmpl = new CTemplate();
         $tmpl->set('iRows', $notifications);
         $tmpl->setRef('my', $my);
         $itemHtml = $tmpl->fetch('notification.item');
     $notiHtml = $eventHtml . $groupHtml . $groupMemberApproveHTML . $itemHtml;
     if (empty($notiHtml)) {
         $notiHtml .= '<li>';
         $notiHtml .= JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_NO_NOTIFICATION');
         $notiHtml .= '</li>';
     $date = JFactory::getDate();
     $myParams->set('lastnotificationlist', $date->toSql());
     $url = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&task=notifications');
     $notiHtml .= '<div>';
     $notiHtml .= '<a href="' . $url . '" class="joms-button--neutral joms-button--full">' . JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_VIEW_ALL') . '</a>';
     $notiHtml .= '</div>';
     $json['title'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_NOTIFICATIONS');
     $json['html'] = $notiHtml;
コード例 #4
" />
				<div class="joms-stream__meta">
					<div class="joms-stream__time">
        echo CTimeHelper::timeLapse(CTimeHelper::getDate($row->created));
			<div class="joms-stream__body">
				<div class="cStream-Headline"><?php 
        $content = CContentHelper::injectTags($row->content, $row->params, true);
        if ($isPhotoModal && $row->cmd_type == 'notif_photos_like') {
            preg_match_all('/(albumid|photoid)=(\\d+)/', $content, $matches);
            // Get albumid and photoid.
            $albumid = false;
            $photoid = false;
            foreach ($matches[1] as $index => $varname) {
                if ($varname == 'albumid') {
                    $albumid = $matches[2][$index];
                } else {
                    if ($varname == 'photoid') {
                        $photoid = $matches[2][$index];
            preg_match('/href="[^"]+albumid[^"]+"/', $content, $matches);
コード例 #5
ファイル: notification.php プロジェクト: Jougito/DynWeb
  * 	Adds notification data into the mailq table
  * */
 public static function addMultiple($command, $actorId, $recipients, $subject, $body, $templateFile = '', $mailParams = '', $sendEmail = true, $favicon = '')
     //CFactory::load( 'helpers' , 'validate' );
     // Need to make sure actor is NULL, so default user will be returned
     // from getUser
     if (empty($actorId)) {
         $actorId = null;
     $mailq = CFactory::getModel('Mailq');
     $actor = CFactory::getUser($actorId);
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     if (!is_array($recipients)) {
         $recipientsArray = array();
         $recipientsArray[] = $recipients;
     } else {
         $recipientsArray = $recipients;
     $contents = '';
     // If template file is given, we shall extract the email from the template file.
     if (!empty($templateFile)) {
         $tmpl = new CTemplate();
         preg_match('/email/i', $templateFile, $matches);
         if (empty($matches)) {
             $templateFile = 'email.' . $templateFile;
             $templateFile .= $config->get('htmlemail') ? '.html' : '.text';
         if (is_object($mailParams)) {
             $dataArray = $mailParams->toArray();
             foreach ($dataArray as $key => $value) {
                 $tmpl->set($key, $value);
         } elseif (is_array($mailParams)) {
             foreach ($mailParams as $key => $val) {
                 $tmpl->set($key, $val);
         $contents = $tmpl->fetch($templateFile);
     } else {
         $contents = $body;
     $cmdData = explode('_', $command);
     //check and add some default tags to params
     if (is_object($mailParams)) {
         if (is_null($mailParams->get('actor', null))) {
             $mailParams->set('actor', $actor->getDisplayName());
         if (is_null($mailParams->get('actor_url', null))) {
             $mailParams->set('actor_url', 'index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $actor->id);
     $notificationTypes = new CNotificationTypes();
     if (empty($recipientsArray)) {
     //prevent sending duplicate notification to the same users
     $recipientsArray = array_unique($recipientsArray);
     // check for privacy setting for each user
     foreach ($recipientsArray as $recipient) {
         //we process the receipient emails address differently from the receipient id.
         $recipientEmail = '';
         $recipientName = '';
         $sendIt = false;
         if (CValidateHelper::email($recipient)) {
             // Check if the recipient email same with actor email
             $self = self::filterActor($actorId, $recipient);
             // If same, skip to next email
             if ($self) {
             $recipientName = '';
             $sendIt = true;
             $recipientEmail = $recipient;
         } else {
             $userTo = CFactory::getUser($recipient);
             // Check if the recipient email same with actor email
             $self = self::filterActor($actorId, $userTo->email);
             // If same, skip to next email
             if ($self) {
             $params = $userTo->getParams();
             $recipientName = $userTo->getDisplayName();
             $recipientEmail = $userTo->email;
             $sendIt = false;
             if (isset($cmdData[1])) {
                 switch ($cmdData[0]) {
                     case 'inbox':
                     case 'photos':
                     case 'groups':
                     case 'events':
                     case 'friends':
                     case 'profile':
                         //							$sendIt	= $params->get('notifyEmailSystem');
                         //							break;
                     //							$sendIt	= $params->get('notifyEmailSystem');
                     //							break;
                     case 'system':
                         $sendIt = true;
             //add global notification
             $notifType = $notificationTypes->getType('', $command);
             $type = $notifType->requiredAction ? '1' : '0';
             $model = CFactory::getModel('Notification');
             $model->add($actorId, $recipient, $subject, CNotificationTypesHelper::convertNotifId($command), $type, $mailParams);
         if ($sendIt) {
             // Porcess the message and title
             $search = array('{actor}', '{target}');
             $replace = array($actor->getDisplayName(), $recipientName);
             $emailSubject = CString::str_ireplace($search, $replace, $subject);
             $body = CString::str_ireplace($search, $replace, $contents);
             //inject params value to subject
             $params = is_object($mailParams) && method_exists($mailParams, 'toString') ? $mailParams->toString() : '';
             $emailSubject = CContentHelper::injectTags($emailSubject, $params, false);
             $mailq->addMultiple($recipientEmail, $emailSubject, $body, $templateFile, $mailParams, 0, CNotificationTypesHelper::convertEmailId($command));
     /* have done adding multiple than now do send */
コード例 #6
ファイル: mailq.php プロジェクト: Jougito/DynWeb
  * Do a batch send
 public function send($total = 100)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $mailqModel = CFactory::getModel('mailq');
     $userModel = CFactory::getModel('user');
     $mails = $mailqModel->get($total);
     $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $senderEmail = $app->getCfg('mailfrom');
     $senderName = $app->getCfg('fromname');
     $sitename = $app->getCfg('config.sitename');
     if (empty($mails)) {
     foreach ($mails as $row) {
         if ($row->email_type === 'etype_friends_invite_users') {
             /* for invite email */
             $raw = isset($row->params) ? $row->params : '';
             $rowParams = new CParameter($row->params);
             $userid = JUri::getInstance($rowParams->get('actor_url'))->getVar('userid');
         } else {
             // @rule: only send emails that is valid.
             // @rule: make sure recipient is not blocked!
             $userid = $userModel->getUserFromEmail($row->recipient);
         $user = CFactory::getUser($userid);
         //verify user email list settting
         $user_params = $user->getParams();
         $validate = true;
         if (!empty($row->email_type)) {
             $validate = $user_params->get($row->email_type, $config->get($row->email_type)) == 1 ? true : false;
         if (!$user->isBlocked() && !JString::stristr($row->recipient, 'foo.bar') && $validate) {
             $mailer->setSender(array($senderEmail, $senderName));
             // Replace any occurences of custom variables within the braces scoe { }
             $row->subject = CContentHelper::injectTags($row->subject, $row->params, false);
             $tmpl = new CTemplate();
             $raw = isset($row->params) ? $row->params : '';
             $params = new CParameter($row->params);
             $base = $config->get('htmlemail') ? 'email.html' : 'email.text';
             if ($config->get('htmlemail')) {
                 $row->body = CString::str_ireplace(array("<p>\r\n", "<p>\r", "<p>\n"), '<p>', $row->body);
                 $row->body = CString::str_ireplace(array("</p>\r\n", "</p>\r", "</p>\n"), '</p>', $row->body);
                 $row->body = CString::str_ireplace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), '<br />', $row->body);
             } else {
                 //@rule: Some content might contain 'html' tags. Strip them out since this mail should never contain html tags.
                 $row->body = CStringHelper::escape(strip_tags($row->body));
             $copyrightemail = JString::trim($config->get('copyrightemail'));
             $tmpl->set('email_type', $row->email_type);
             $tmpl->set('avatar', $user->getAvatar());
             $tmpl->set('thumbAvatar', $user->getThumbAvatar());
             $tmpl->set('name', $user->getDisplayName());
             $tmpl->set('email', $user->email);
             $tmpl->set('sitename', $sitename);
             $tmpl->set('unsubscribeLink', CRoute::getExternalURL('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&task=email'), false);
             $tmpl->set('userid', $userid);
             $tmpl->set('copyrightemail', $copyrightemail);
             $tmpl->set('recepientemail', $row->recipient);
             $tmpl->set('content', $row->body);
             $tmpl->set('template', JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_community/templates/' . $config->get('template'));
             $tmpl->set('sitename', $config->get('sitename'));
             $row->body = $tmpl->fetch($base);
             // Replace any occurences of custom variables within the braces scoe { }
             if (!empty($row->body)) {
                 $row->body = CContentHelper::injectTags($row->body, $row->params, false);
             if ($mailer->send()) {
                 $validate = true;
             } else {
                 $validate = false;
         if (!$validate) {
             //email is blocked by user settings
             $mailqModel->markEmailStatus($row->id, 2);
         } else {
コード例 #7
ファイル: activities.php プロジェクト: joshjim27/jobsglobal
  * Add new activity,
  * @access     static
 public static function add($activity, $params = '', $points = 1)
     CError::assert($activity, '', '!empty', __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $cmd = !empty($activity->cmd) ? $activity->cmd : '';
     if (!empty($cmd)) {
         $userPointModel = CFactory::getModel('Userpoints');
         $point = $userPointModel->getPointData($cmd);
         //no reason to disable activity if no points is given
         if ($point) {
             if (!$point->published) {
     // If params is an object, instead of a string, we convert it to string
     $cmd = !empty($activity->cmd) ? $activity->cmd : '';
     $actor = !empty($activity->actor) ? $activity->actor : '';
     $actors = !empty($activity->actors) ? $activity->actors : '';
     $target = !empty($activity->target) ? $activity->target : 0;
     $title = !empty($activity->title) ? $activity->title : '';
     $content = !empty($activity->content) ? $activity->content : '';
     $appname = !empty($activity->app) ? $activity->app : '';
     $cid = !empty($activity->cid) ? $activity->cid : 0;
     $groupid = !empty($activity->groupid) ? $activity->groupid : 0;
     $group_access = !empty($activity->group_access) ? $activity->group_access : 0;
     $event_access = !empty($activity->event_access) ? $activity->event_access : 0;
     $eventid = !empty($activity->eventid) ? $activity->eventid : 0;
     $points = !empty($activity->points) ? $activity->points : $points;
     $access = !empty($activity->access) ? $activity->access : 0;
     $location = !empty($activity->location) ? $activity->location : '';
     $comment_id = !empty($activity->comment_id) ? $activity->comment_id : 0;
     $comment_type = !empty($activity->comment_type) ? $activity->comment_type : '';
     $like_id = !empty($activity->like_id) ? $activity->like_id : 0;
     $like_type = !empty($activity->like_type) ? $activity->like_type : '';
     $latitude = !empty($activity->latitude) ? $activity->latitude : null;
     $longitude = !empty($activity->longitude) ? $activity->longitude : null;
     // If the params in embedded within the activity object, use it
     // if it is not explicitly overriden
     if (empty($params) && !empty($activity->params)) {
         $params = $activity->params;
     // Update access for activity based on the user's profile privacy
     // since 2.4.2 if access is provided, dont use the default
     if (!empty($actor) && $actor != 0 && !isset($access)) {
         $user = CFactory::getUser($actor);
         $userParams = $user->getParams();
         $profileAccess = $userParams->get('privacyProfileView');
         // Only overwrite access if the user global profile privacy is higher
         // BUT, if access is defined as PRIVACY_FORCE_PUBLIC, do not modify it
         if ($access != PRIVACY_FORCE_PUBLIC && $profileAccess > $access) {
             $access = $profileAccess;
     $table = JTable::getInstance('Activity', 'CTable');
     //before adding we must aggregate the videos/album/photo comments
     $aggregateApps = array('videos.comment', 'albums.comment', 'photos.comment');
     if (in_array($appname, $aggregateApps)) {
         //we need to check if this activity exists
         $filter = array('app' => $appname, 'cid' => $cid);
         $activitiesModel = CFactory::getModel('activities');
         $activityId = $activitiesModel->getActivityId($filter);
         if ($activityId) {
             $passedParams = new JRegistry($params);
             // update wall id if needed
             $wallid = $passedParams->get('wallid');
             $params = new JRegistry($table->params);
             $params->set('wallid', $wallid);
             $act = $params->get('actors');
             if (!is_array($act)) {
                 $params->set('actors', array($actor));
             } else {
                 array_unshift($act, $actor);
                 $act = array_unique($act);
                 // latest user must be on the first
                 $params->set('actors', $act);
             $table->created = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
             $table->params = $params->toString();
             return $table;
         } else {
             //if this is the first creation
             $params = new JRegistry($params);
             $params->set('actors', array($actor));
             $params = $params->toString();
     $table->actor = $actor;
     $table->actors = $actors;
     $table->target = $target;
     $table->title = $title;
     $table->content = $content;
     $table->app = $appname;
     $table->cid = $cid;
     $table->groupid = $groupid;
     $table->group_access = $group_access;
     $table->eventid = $eventid;
     $table->event_access = $event_access;
     $table->points = $points;
     $table->access = $access;
     $table->location = $location;
     $table->params = $params;
     $table->comment_id = $comment_id;
     $table->comment_type = $comment_type;
     $table->like_id = $like_id;
     $table->like_type = $like_type;
     $table->latitude = $latitude;
     $table->longitude = $longitude;
     //no matter what kind of message it is, always filter the hashtag if there's any
     if (!empty($table->title) && isset($table->id)) {
         //use model to check if this has a tag in it and insert into the table if possible
         $hashtags = CContentHelper::getHashTags($table->title);
         if (count($hashtags)) {
             $hashtagModel = CFactory::getModel('hashtags');
             foreach ($hashtags as $tag) {
                 $hashtagModel->addActivityHashtag($tag, $table->id);
     // Update comment id, if we comment on the stream itself
     if ($comment_id == CActivities::COMMENT_SELF) {
         $table->comment_id = $table->id;
     // Update comment id, if we like on the stream itself
     if ($like_id == CActivities::LIKE_SELF) {
         $table->like_id = $table->id;
     if ($comment_id == CActivities::COMMENT_SELF || $like_id == CActivities::LIKE_SELF) {
     return $table;