public function createsqluser($username, $password, $ldap_attribs = array()) { global $AppUI; $hash_pass = MD5($password); if (!count($ldap_attribs) == 0) { // Contact information based on the inetOrgPerson class schema $c = new CContact(); $c->contact_first_name = $ldap_attribs['givenname'][0]; $c->contact_last_name = $ldap_attribs['sn'][0]; $c->contact_city = $ldap_attribs['l'][0]; $c->contact_country = $ldap_attribs['country'][0]; $c->contact_state = $ldap_attribs['st'][0]; $c->contact_zip = $ldap_attribs['postalcode'][0]; $c->contact_job = $ldap_attribs['title'][0]; $c->contact_email = $ldap_attribs['mail'][0]; $c->contact_phone = $ldap_attribs['telephonenumber'][0]; $c->contact_owner = $AppUI->user_id; $c->store(); $contactArray = array('phone_mobile' => $ldap_attribs['mobile'][0]); $c->setContactMethods($contactArray); } $contact_id = $c->contact_id == null ? 'NULL' : $c->contact_id; $u = new CUser(); $u->user_username = $username; $u->user_password = $hash_pass; $u->user_type = 0; // Changed from 1 (administrator) to 0 (Default user) $u->user_contact = (int) $contact_id; $u->store(); $user_id = $u->user_id; $this->user_id = $user_id; $acl =& $AppUI->acl(); $acl->insertUserRole($acl->get_group_id('anon'), $this->user_id); }
public function createsqluser($username, $password, $ldap_attribs = array()) { $hash_pass = $this->hashPassword($password); $u = new CUser(); $u->user_username = $username; $u->user_password = $hash_pass; $u->user_type = 0; // Changed from 1 (administrator) to 0 (Default user) $u->user_contact = 0; $result = $u->store(null, true); $user_id = $u->user_id; $this->user_id = $user_id; $c = new CContact(); if (count($ldap_attribs)) { // Contact information based on the inetOrgPerson class schema $c->contact_first_name = $ldap_attribs['givenname'][0]; $c->contact_last_name = $ldap_attribs['sn'][0]; $c->contact_city = $ldap_attribs['l'][0]; $c->contact_country = $ldap_attribs['country'][0]; $c->contact_state = $ldap_attribs['st'][0]; $c->contact_zip = $ldap_attribs['postalcode'][0]; $c->contact_job = $ldap_attribs['title'][0]; $c->contact_email = $ldap_attribs['mail'][0]; $c->contact_phone = $ldap_attribs['telephonenumber'][0]; $c->contact_owner = $this->user_id; $result = $c->store(); $contactArray = array('phone_mobile' => $ldap_attribs['mobile'][0]); $c->setContactMethods($contactArray); } //we may be able to use the above user element for this but I didnt know how it would handle an update after the store command so I created a new object. $tmpUser = new CUser(); $tmpUser->load($user_id); $tmpUser->user_contact = $this->contactId($user_id); $tmpUser->store(); $acl =& $this->AppUI->acl(); $acl->insertUserRole($acl->get_group_id('normal'), $this->user_id); }
} $obj->user_username = strtolower($obj->user_username); // !User's contact information not deleted - left for history. if ($del) { $result = $obj->delete($AppUI); $message = $result ? 'User deleted' : $obj->getError(); $path = $result ? 'm=admin' : 'm=public&a=access_denied'; $status = $result ? UI_MSG_ALERT : UI_MSG_ERROR; $AppUI->setMsg($message, $status); $AppUI->redirect($path); } $contact->contact_owner = $contact->contact_owner ? $contact->contact_owner : $AppUI->user_id; $contactArray = $contact->getContactMethods(); $result = $contact->store($AppUI); if ($result) { $contact->setContactMethods($contactArray); $obj->user_contact = $contact->contact_id; if ($obj->store($AppUI)) { if ($isNewUser && w2PgetParam($_POST, 'send_user_mail', 0)) { notifyNewUserCredentials($contact->contact_email, $contact->contact_first_name, $obj->user_username, $_POST['user_password']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['user_role']) && $_REQUEST['user_role']) { $perms =& $AppUI->acl(); if ($perms->insertUserRole($_REQUEST['user_role'], $obj->user_id)) { $AppUI->setMsg('', UI_MSG_ALERT, true); } else { $AppUI->setMsg('failed to add role', UI_MSG_ERROR); } } $AppUI->setMsg($isNewUser ? 'User added' : 'User updated', UI_MSG_OK, true); $path = 'm=admin&a=viewuser&user_id=' . $obj->user_id . '&tab=2';
public function testGetContactMethods() { $methods = array('phone_mobile' => '202-555-1212', 'url' => '', 'email_alt' => '*****@*****.**', 'im_skype' => 'example_s', 'im_google' => 'example_g'); $contact = new CContact(); $contact->contact_id = 1; $contact->setContactMethods($methods); $results = $contact->getContactMethods(array('phone_mobile', 'im_skype')); $this->AssertEquals(2, count($results)); $this->assertEquals($methods['phone_mobile'], $results['phone_mobile']); $this->assertEquals($methods['im_skype'], $results['im_skype']); }