コード例 #1
  * Build constantes grid
  * @param self  $constante       The CConstantesMedicales object containing the latest values
  * @param array $dates           An array containing the date of the
  * @param bool  $full            Display the full list of constantes
  * @param bool  $only_with_value Only display not null values
  * @return array
 static function buildGridLatest($constante, $dates, $full = true, $only_with_value = false)
     $dates = CMbArray::flip($dates);
     if (array_key_exists('', $dates)) {
     $grid = array();
     $selection = array_keys(CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes);
     $cumuls_day = array();
     $reset_hours = array();
     $cumul_names = array();
     if (!$full) {
         $conf_constantes = array_filter(CConstantesMedicales::getRanksFor());
         $selection = array_keys($conf_constantes);
         foreach (CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes as $_name => $_params) {
             if ($constante->{$_name} != '' && !empty($_params["cumul_in"])) {
                 $selection = array_merge($selection, $_params["cumul_in"]);
                 $cumul_names = array_merge($selection, $_params["cumul_in"]);
         $selection = array_unique($selection);
     if ($only_with_value) {
         $selection = array();
     $names = $selection;
     foreach ($dates as $_date => $_constants) {
         if (!isset($grid["{$_date}"])) {
             $grid["{$_date}"] = array('comment' => '', "values" => array());
         foreach ($_constants as $_name) {
             $_params = CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes[$_name];
             if (in_array($_name, $selection) || in_array($_name, $cumul_names) || $constante->{$_name} != '') {
                 $value = null;
                 if (isset($_params["cumul_for"]) || isset($_params["formula"])) {
                     // cumul
                     if (!isset($reset_hours[$_name])) {
                         $reset_hours[$_name] = self::getResetHour($_name);
                     $reset_hour = $reset_hours[$_name];
                     $day_24h = CMbDT::transform("-{$reset_hour} hours", $_date, '%y-%m-%d');
                     if (!isset($cumuls_day[$_name][$day_24h])) {
                         $cumuls_day[$_name][$day_24h] = array("id" => $constante->_id, "datetime" => $_date, "value" => null, "span" => 0, "pair" => @count($cumuls_day[$_name]) % 2 ? "odd" : "even", "day" => CMbDT::transform($day_24h, null, "%a"));
                     if (isset($_params["cumul_for"])) {
                         // cumul simple sur le meme champ
                         $cumul_for = $_params["cumul_for"];
                         if ($constante->{$cumul_for} !== null) {
                             $cumuls_day[$_name][$day_24h]["value"] += $constante->{$cumul_for};
                     } else {
                         // cumul de plusieurs champs (avec formule)
                         $formula = $_params["formula"];
                         foreach ($formula as $_field => $_sign) {
                             $_value = $constante->{$_field};
                             if ($constante->{$_field} !== null) {
                                 if ($_sign === "+") {
                                     $cumuls_day[$_name][$day_24h]["value"] += $_value;
                                 } else {
                                     $cumuls_day[$_name][$day_24h]["value"] -= $_value;
                     $value = "__empty__";
                 } else {
                     // valeur normale
                     $spec = self::$list_constantes[$_name];
                     $value = $constante->{$_name};
                     if (isset($spec["formfields"])) {
                         $arr = array();
                         foreach ($spec["formfields"] as $ff) {
                             if ($constante->{$ff} != "") {
                                 $arr[] = $constante->{$ff};
                         $value = implode(" / ", $arr);
                 $grid["{$_date}"]["values"][$_name] = $value;
                 if (!in_array($_name, $names)) {
                     $names[] = $_name;
     foreach ($cumuls_day as $_name => &$_days) {
         $_params = CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes[$_name];
         foreach ($_days as &$_values) {
             $_color = CConstantesMedicales::getColor($_values["value"], $_params, null);
             $_values["color"] = $_color;
             $grid[$_values["datetime"] . " " . $_values["id"]]["values"][$_name] = $_values;
     $names = self::sortConstNames($names);
     return array($names, "names" => $names, $grid, "grid" => $grid);