コード例 #1
  * Register cart66_main_settings
  * Include the following keys:
  *   - subdomain: string
  *   - add_to_cart_redirect_type: cart, checkout, stay
  *   - product_loader: client, server
  *   - slurp_mode: physical, virtual
  *   - debug: on, off
 public function register_settings()
     // Set the name for the options in this section and load any stored values
     $option_values = self::get_options($this->option_name, array('secret_key' => '', 'add_to_cart_redirect_type' => '', 'product_loader' => '', 'product_post_types' => '', 'shop_name' => 'Shop', 'custom_css' => '', 'default_css' => 'yes', 'debug' => ''));
      * Main settings section
     // Create the section for the cart66_main_settings section
     $main_title = __('Cart66 Cloud Main Settings', 'cart66');
     $main_description = __('Connect your WordPress site to your secure Cart66 account', 'cart66');
     $main_section = new CC_Admin_Settings_Section($main_title, $this->option_name);
     $main_section->description = $main_description;
     // Add secret key field
     $secret_key_title = __('Secret Key', 'cart66');
     $secret_key_value = esc_attr($option_values['secret_key']);
     $secret_key = new CC_Admin_Settings_Text_Field($secret_key_title, 'secret_key', $secret_key_value);
     $secret_key->description = __('The secret key from your secure Cart66 management console', 'cart66');
     // Add cart66 subdomain field
     $subdomain = CC_Cloud_Subdomain::load_from_wp();
     $subdomain = isset($subdomain) ? $subdomain : 'Not Set';
     $subdomain_field = new CC_Admin_Settings_Hidden_Field(__('Cart66 Subdomain', 'cart66'), 'subdomain', $subdomain);
     $subdomain_field->header = '<p>' . $subdomain . '</p>';
     $cart66_link = '<a href="https://manage.cart66.com">' . __('Cart66 Cloud Management Console', 'cart66') . '</a>';
     $description = __('Set your subdomain on the Settings tab of your ', 'cart66') . $cart66_link . '<br />';
     $description .= __('Then save these settings with a valid secret key to update this value.', 'cart66');
     $subdomain_field->description = $description;
     // Add to cart redirect option
     $cart_redirect = new CC_Admin_Settings_Radio_Buttons(__('Add To Cart Redirect', 'cart66'), 'add_to_cart_redirect_type');
     $cart_redirect->new_option(__('Go to view cart page', 'cart66'), 'view_cart', true);
     $cart_redirect->new_option(__('Go to checkout page', 'cart66'), 'checkout', false);
     $cart_redirect->new_option(__('Stay on same page', 'cart66'), 'stay', false);
     $cart_redirect->description = __('Where to direct the buyer after adding a product to the shopping cart', 'cart66');
     // Add product loader option
     $product_loader = new CC_Admin_Settings_Radio_Buttons(__('Product Loader', 'cart66'), 'product_loader');
     $product_loader->new_option(__('Client side loading (recommended)', 'cart66'), 'client', true);
     $product_loader->new_option(__('Server side loading', 'cart66'), 'server', false);
     $product_loader->description = __('Client side is faster, but requires Javascript', 'cart66');
     // Add page slurp mode option
             $slurp_mode = new CC_Admin_Settings_Radio_Buttons( __( 'Page Slurp Mode', 'cart66' ), 'slurp_mode' );
             $slurp_mode->new_option( __( 'Physical Page (recommended)', 'cart66' ), 'physical', true );
             $slurp_mode->new_option( __( 'Virtual Page', 'cart66' ), 'virtual', false );
             $slurp_mode->set_selected( $option_values[ 'slurp_mode' ] );
             $main_section->add_field( $slurp_mode );
     // Add custom post type selector
     $post_types = $option_values['product_post_types'];
     $product_post_types = new CC_Admin_Settings_Post_Type_Selector(__('Product post types', 'cart66'), 'product_post_types');
     $product_post_types->description = __('Select post types that will contain product order forms', 'cart66');
     // Add custom css field
     $css = $option_values['custom_css'];
     $custom_css = new CC_Admin_Settings_Text_Area(__('Custom CSS', 'cart66'), 'custom_css', $css);
     $custom_css->description = __('Enter your own CSS to customize the display of Cart66', 'cart66');
     // Add debug mode option
     $debug = new CC_Admin_Settings_Radio_Buttons(__('Debugging', 'cart66'), 'debug');
     $debug->new_option(__('Off', 'cart66'), 'off', true);
     $debug->new_option(__('On', 'cart66'), 'on', false);
     $debug->description = __('Enable logging of debug and error messages in the log.txt file of the Cart66 Cloud plugin.<br />
                                Be careful, the log gets big quick. Only use for testing.', 'cart66');
     $debug_buttons = '<p>';
     $debug_buttons .= '<a href="' . add_query_arg('cc-task', 'download_log') . '" class="button">' . __('Download Log', 'cart66') . '</a> ';
     $debug_buttons .= '<a href="' . add_query_arg('cc-task', 'reset_log') . '" class="button">' . __('Reset Log File', 'cart66') . '</a> ';
     $debug_buttons .= '<a href="' . add_query_arg('cc-task', 'test_remote_calls') . '" class="button">' . __('Test Remote Calls', 'cart66') . '</a> ';
     $debug_buttons .= '</p>';
     if ($results = CC_Flash_Data::get('remote_call_test_results')) {
         $debug_buttons .= $results;
     $debug->footer = $debug_buttons;
     // Add the settings sections for the page and register the settings
      * Cart66 Cloud Labels section
     // Load saved label text
     $defaults = array('price' => 'Price:', 'on_sale' => 'Sale:', 'view' => 'View Details');
     $option_values = CC_Admin_Setting::get_options('cart66_labels', $defaults);
     // Create a section for configuring labels
     $labels_title = __('Cart66 Cloud Labels', 'cart66');
     $labels_description = __('Customize the display text for various labels when listing products', 'cart66');
     $labels_section = new CC_Admin_Settings_Section($labels_title, 'cart66_labels');
     $labels_section->description = $labels_description;
     // Add label for price
     $price_value = $option_values['price'];
     $price = new CC_Admin_Settings_Text_Field(__('Price Label', 'cart66'), 'price', $price_value);
     $price->description = __('The label displayed next to the product price', 'cart66');
     // Add label for on sale
     $on_sale_value = $option_values['on_sale'];
     $on_sale = new CC_Admin_Settings_Text_Field(__('On Sale Label', 'cart66'), 'on_sale', $on_sale_value);
     $on_sale->description = __('The label displayed next to the product price when the item is on sale', 'cart66');
     // Add label for view details
     $view_value = $option_values['view'];
     $view = new CC_Admin_Settings_Text_Field(__('View Button', 'cart66'), 'view', $view_value);
     $view->description = __('The text in the button to view the details of the product ', 'cart66');
     // Register all of the settings
コード例 #2
  * Register cart66_main_settings
  * Include the following keys:
  *   - subdomain: string
  *   - add_to_cart_redirect_type: cart, checkout, stay
  *   - product_loader: client, server
  *   - slurp_mode: physical, virtual
  *   - debug: on, off
 public function register_settings()
     // Set the name for the options in this section and load any stored values
     $option_values = self::get_options($this->option_name, array('secret_key' => '', 'add_to_cart_redirect_type' => '', 'product_loader' => '', 'shop_name' => 'Shop', 'custom_css' => '', 'default_css' => 'yes', 'use_product_post_type' => 'yes', 'debug' => ''));
      * Post Type Advanced Options
     // Create section for theme content wrappers
     $defaults = array('product_templates' => 'no', 'shop_name' => '', 'sort_method' => 'price_desc', 'max_products' => 4, 'start_markup' => '', 'end_markup' => '', 'default_css' => 'yes');
     $option_values = CC_Admin_Setting::get_options('cart66_post_type_settings', $defaults);
     // Create a section for product options
     $post_type_section = new CC_Admin_Settings_Section(__('Product Post Type Options (Advanced Settings For Theme Developers)', 'cart66'), 'cart66_post_type_settings');
     $post_type_section->description = __('These are advanced settings for theme developers.<br>If you are not creating page templates for the product post type you probably do not want to use these settings.', 'cart66');
     $post_type_section->description .= '<br /><br /><strong>';
     $post_type_section->description .= __('If You Are Using Catalog Shortcodes: ', 'cart66');
     $post_type_section->description .= '</strong><br />';
     $post_type_section->description .= __('Ignore the settings below and leave Custom Page Templates set to No.', 'cart66');
     $post_type_section->description .= '<br />';
     $post_type_section->description .= __('All the same features below are managed by the catalog shortcode parameters.', 'cart66');
     $post_type_section->description .= '<br /><br /><strong>';
     $post_type_section->description .= __('If You Are Using Custom Post Type Templates: ', 'cart66');
     $post_type_section->description .= '</strong><br />';
     $post_type_section->description .= __('Selecting Yes will disable all of the catalog shortcodes.', 'cart66');
     // Add option to disable Cart66 custom post type
     $use_product_post_type = new CC_Admin_Settings_Radio_Buttons(__('Use product post type', 'cart66'), 'use_product_post_type');
     $use_product_post_type->new_option(__('Yes (recommended)', 'cart66'), 'yes', true);
     $use_product_post_type->new_option(__('Hide', 'cart66'), 'no', false);
     $use_product_post_type->new_option(__('Disable', 'cart66'), 'disable', false);
     $use_product_post_type->description = __('If you do not want to use the cart66 catalog, photo gallery, or custom page templates, you can turn off the Cart66 custom post type', 'cart66');
     // Use custom page templates
     $product_templates = new CC_Admin_Settings_Radio_Buttons(__('Custom Post Type Templates', 'cart66'), 'product_templates');
     $product_templates->new_option(__('Yes', 'cart66'), 'yes', false);
     $product_templates->new_option(__('No', 'cart66'), 'no', false);
     $product_templates->description = '<strong>';
     $product_templates->description = __('If you are using shortcodes for the catalog view you must select No.', 'cart66');
     $product_templates->description .= '</strong><br />';
     $product_templates->description .= __('If you are using your own custom page templates then select Yes.', 'cart66');
     $product_templates->description .= '<br />';
     $product_templates->description .= __('The settings below only apply if you select Yes.', 'cart66');
     // Add name of main shop page
     $shop_name_value = $option_values['shop_name'];
     $shop_name = new CC_Admin_Settings_Text_Field(__('Shop name', 'cart66'), 'shop_name', $shop_name_value);
     $shop_name->description = __('The title for your main shop page', 'cart66');
     // Add setting for sorting products
     $sort_value = $option_values['sort_method'];
     $sort = new CC_Admin_Settings_Select_Box(__('Sort Products By', 'cart66'), 'sort_method');
     $sort->new_option(__('Price ascending', 'cart66'), 'price_asc');
     $sort->new_option(__('Price descending', 'cart66'), 'price_desc');
     $sort->new_option(__('Name ascending', 'cart66'), 'name_asc');
     $sort->new_option(__('Name descending', 'cart66'), 'name_desc');
     $sort->new_option(__('Menu order', 'cart66'), 'menu_order');
     $plugin = '<a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/intuitive-custom-post-order/">Intuitive Custom Post Order</a>';
     $sort->description = __('When sorting by menu order you may enjoy a plugin such as ');
     $sort->description .= $plugin . '<br/>';
     $sort->description .= __('This plugin lets you drag-and-drop the order of your products and product categories', 'cart66');
     // Add setting for number of products on a page
     $max_products_value = $option_values['max_products'];
     $max_products = new CC_Admin_Settings_Select_Box(__('Products Per Page', 'cart66'), 'max_products');
     for ($i = 2; $i <= 50; $i++) {
         $max_products->new_option($i, $i);
     // Add start markup wrapper box
     $start_markup_value = $option_values['start_markup'];
     $start_markup = new CC_Admin_Settings_Text_Area(__('Start Markup', 'cart66'), 'start_markup', $start_markup_value);
     $start_markup->description = __('If using the Cart66 Product post type upsets your theme layout, the problem is most likely caused by the markup wrapping the page content. This is usually fixed by copying the markup from your theme\'s page.php file into these settings.', 'cart66');
     $start_markup->description .= ' <a href="http://cart66.com/tutorial/content-wrapper">';
     $start_markup->description .= __('Learn more about fixing layout problems.', 'cart66');
     $start_markup->description .= '</a>';
     // Add end markup wrapper box
     $end_markup_value = $option_values['end_markup'];
     $end_markup = new CC_Admin_Settings_Text_Area(__('End Markup', 'cart66'), 'end_markup', $end_markup_value);
     // Disable default css
     $default_css = new CC_Admin_Settings_Radio_Buttons(__('Include Default CSS', 'cart66'), 'default_css');
     $default_css->new_option(__('Yes'), 'yes', true);
     $default_css->new_option(__('No', 'cart66'), 'no', false);
     $default_css->description = __('You can choose whether or not to include the default cart66 CSS for product templates.', 'cart66');
     // Add Post Type section to the main settings
     // Register all of the settings