コード例 #1
$field_data = self::$data['custom_field_defs'][$field_name];
// Data object we will save
if (!($FieldObj = CCTM::load_object($field_type, 'fields'))) {
    die('Field not found.');
$field_data['original_name'] = $field_name;
$data['change_field_type'] = '<br/><a href="?page=cctm_fields&a=change_field_type&field=' . $field_name . '&_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('cctm_change_field_type') . '" class="button">' . __('Change Field Type', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN) . '</a></p>';
// Save if submitted...
if (!empty($_POST) && check_admin_referer($data['action_name'], $data['nonce_name'])) {
    // A little cleanup before we handoff to save_definition_filter
    // Handle editing of the associations
    // All associations were removed
    $post_type_defs = CCTM::get_post_type_defs();
    if (!isset($_POST['post_types'])) {
        // die('All associations removed...');
        foreach ($displayable_types as $pt) {
            $def = array();
            if (isset(CCTM::$data['post_type_defs'][$pt])) {
                $def = CCTM::$data['post_type_defs'][$pt];
            if (is_array($def['custom_fields']) && in_array($field_name, $def['custom_fields'])) {
                $revised_custom_fields = array();
                foreach ($def['custom_fields'] as $cf) {
                    if ($cf != $field_name) {
                        $revised_custom_fields[] = $cf;
                CCTM::$data['post_type_defs'][$pt]['custom_fields'] = $revised_custom_fields;