コード例 #1
ファイル: Json.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Delete session that are older than the given time in secounds
  * @param int		$time
  * @return void
 public function gc($time)
     foreach (\CCFile::ls(\CCStorage::path('sessions/*')) as $file) {
         if (filemtime($file) - (time() - $time) < 0) {
             if (!\CCFile::delete($file)) {
                 throw new Exception("Manager_File::gc - cannot delete session file.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: Ship.php プロジェクト: clancats/devtools
  * initialize the ship
  * @return void
 public function wake()
     if (!\ClanCats::in_development()) {
     // get all controllers in the dev namespace
     foreach (\CCFile::ls(\CCPath::controllers('Dev::*Controller' . EXT)) as $path) {
         $name = \CCStr::cut(basename($path), 'Controller' . EXT);
         \CCRouter::on('dev/' . \CCStr::lower($name), 'Dev::' . $name);
コード例 #3
ファイル: CCLog.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * write the log down to disk
  * @return void
 public static function write()
     if (empty(static::$_data)) {
     $buffer = date("H:i:s") . " - " . CCServer::method() . ' ' . CCServer::server('REQUEST_URI') . "\n";
     $buffer .= implode("\n", static::$_data);
     CCFile::append(CCStorage::path('logs/' . date('Y-m') . '/' . date('d') . '.log'), $buffer . "\n");
     // clear
コード例 #4
ファイル: Builder.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Compile the view
  * @param string 		$builder
  * @param string 		$view_file
 public static function compile($builder, $view_file)
     if (!isset(static::$_view_builders[$builder])) {
         throw new CCException("CCView_Builder - view builder '" . $builder . "' is not registerd.");
     $builder = static::$_view_builders[$builder];
     if (!class_exists($builder)) {
         throw new CCException("CCView_Builder - invalid view builder '" . $builder . "'.");
     $builder = new $builder(CCFile::read($view_file));
     return $builder->compile();
コード例 #5
ファイル: phpunit.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Builds the phpunit.xml file
  * @param array 		$params 
 public function action_build($params)
     $test_directories = array();
     // check if there is an application tests direcotry
     if (is_dir(APPPATH . CCDIR_TEST)) {
         $this->line('found tests in your application.');
         $test_directories['App'] = APPPATH . CCDIR_TEST;
     // add the core tests
     if ($params['-include-core']) {
         $test_directories['Core'] = COREPATH . '../' . CCDIR_TEST;
     // check all bundles for tests
     foreach (\CCFinder::$bundles as $bundle => $path) {
         if (is_dir($path . CCDIR_TEST)) {
             $this->info('found tests in the ' . $bundle . ' bundle.');
             $test_directories[$bundle] = $path . CCDIR_TEST;
     // we have to remove CCROOT from the paths to get the relative one
     foreach ($test_directories as $key => $dir) {
         $test_directories[$key] = './' . str_replace(CCROOT, '', $dir);
     // finally generate an phpunit.xml file
     $xml = new \DOMDocument("1.0", 'UTF-8');
     $root = $xml->createElement("phpunit");
     $testsuites = $xml->createElement("testsuites");
     foreach ($test_directories as $key => $dir) {
         $testsuite = $xml->createElement("testsuite");
         $testsuite->setAttribute('name', $key . ' tests');
         $directory = $xml->createElement("directory", $dir);
         $directory->setAttribute('suffix', EXT);
     $root = $xml->appendChild($root);
     $root->setAttribute('colors', 'true');
     $root->setAttribute('bootstrap', 'boot/phpunit.php');
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     \CCFile::write(CCROOT . 'phpunit.xml', $xml->saveXML());
コード例 #6
ファイル: doctor.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Try to generate a security key in the main config file
  * @param array 		$params 
 public function action_security_key($params)
     $path = \CCPath::config('main.config' . EXT);
     // Check if the file exists
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         $this->error('Could not find main configuration file.');
     // Now try to replace the placeholder with
     // an new generated key
     $data = \CCFile::read($path);
     if (strpos($data, '{{security salt here}}') === false) {
         $this->error('The key has already been generated or set.');
     $data = str_replace('{{security salt here}}', \CCStr::random(32, 'password'), $data);
     // write the data back down
     \CCFile::write($path, $data);
     $this->success('The key has been generated.');
コード例 #7
ファイル: shipyard.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * generate ships
  * exmample:
  * run shipyard::ship <name>
  * run shipyard::ship <name> <namespace>
  * run shipyard::ship <name> --no-namespace
  * @param array 		$params 
  * @return void
 public function action_ship($params)
     $options = \CCDataObject::assign($params);
     $name = $options->get(0, null);
     $namespace = $options->get(1, null);
     // get name if we dont have one
     while (!$name) {
         $name = CCCli::read('Please enter the ship name: ');
     // set namespace
     if (!$namespace) {
         $namespace = $name;
     // no namespace?
     if ($params['no-namespace']) {
         $namespace = false;
     // custom target
     $target = $options->get('target', ORBITPATH);
     if (substr($target, 0, 1) !== '/') {
         $target = CCFPATH . $target;
     if (substr($target, -1) !== '/') {
         $target .= '/';
     $target .= $name . '/';
     // check if the module is in our orbit path
     if (is_dir($target)) {
         if (!CCCli::confirm("there is already a ship with this name. do you want to overwrite?", true)) {
     // create the blueprint
     $defaults = \CCConfig::create('shipyard');
     $blueprint = array('name' => $name, 'version' => $defaults->get('defaults.version'), 'description' => $defaults->get('defaults.description'), 'homepage' => $defaults->get('defaults.homepage'), 'keywords' => $defaults->get('defaults.keywords'), 'license' => $defaults->get('defaults.license'), 'authors' => $defaults->get('defaults.authors'), 'namespace' => $namespace);
     // create file
     \CCJson::write($target . 'blueprint.json', $blueprint, true);
     $ship = \CCOrbit_Ship::blueprint($blueprint, $target);
     // create event files
     if ($namespace) {
         // create forge instance
         $forge = new \CCForge_Php($namespace);
         // add header
         $forge->comment($this->make_comment_header($ship->name . ' ship', array('package' => $ship->name, 'authors' => $ship->authors, 'version' => $ship->version, 'copyright' => \CCConfig::create('shipyard')->get('defaults.copyright'))));
         // add class
         $forge->closure('class Ship extends \\CCOrbit_Ship', function () {
             $forge = new \CCForge_Php();
             // add init function
             echo $forge->closure('public function wake()', '// Do stuff', "initialize the ship\n\n" . "@return void");
             echo $forge->line(2);
             // add init function
             echo $forge->closure('public function install()', '// Do stuff', "install the ship\n\n" . "@return void");
             echo $forge->line(2);
             // add init function
             echo $forge->closure('public function unsintall()', '// Do stuff', "uninstall the ship\n\n" . "@return void");
         \CCFile::write($target . CCDIR_CLASS . 'Ship' . EXT, $forge);
     } else {
         // create forge instance
         $forge = new \CCForge_Php();
         // add header
         $forge->comment($this->make_comment_header($ship->name, array('package' => $ship->name, 'authors' => $ship->authors, 'version' => $ship->version, 'copyright' => \CCConfig::create('shipyard')->get('defaults.copyright'))));
         \CCFile::write($target . 'shipyard/wake' . EXT, $forge);
         \CCFile::write($target . 'shipyard/install' . EXT, $forge);
         \CCFile::write($target . 'shipyard/uninstall' . EXT, $forge);
     // sucess
     CCCli::line("'" . $name . "' succesfully created under: " . $target, 'green');
コード例 #8
ファイル: CCStorage.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Write a file to the storage
  * @param string		$file
  * @param string		$key
  * @return string
 public static function write($file, $content, $key = null)
     return CCFile::write(static::path($file, $key), $content);
コード例 #9
ファイル: File.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Send the mail
  * @param CCMail 		$mail	The mail object.
  * @return void
  * @throws Mail\Exception
 public function send(CCMail $mail)
     $data = $mail->export_data();
     $filename = 'mails/' . date('Y-m') . '/' . date('d') . '/' . date("H-i-s") . '-' . \CCStr::clean_url($data['subject']) . '.log';
     \CCFile::append(\CCStorage::path($filename), \CCJson::encode($data, true));
コード例 #10
ファイル: CCImage.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Save the image 
  * When you set the file to null the image will be send to the output buffer.
  * Examples:
  *     $image = CCImage::create( 'path/to/my/image.jpg' );
  *     // save to file
  *     $image->save( 'my/new/image.jpg' );
  *     // quality (80%) and type (gif) 
  *     $image->save( 'my/new/image.gif', 'gif', 80 );
  *     // send to output buffer
  *     $image->save( null );
  * @param string		$file
  * @param int		$quality 	between 1-100
  * @param string		$type
  * @return bool
 public function save($file, $quality = null, $type = null)
     $type = $this->set_type($type);
     // create directory if not exists
     if (!is_null($file)) {
     switch ($type) {
         // PNG images
         case 'png':
             if (is_null($quality)) {
                 $quality = -1;
             } else {
                 $quality = $quality / 100 * 9;
             return imagepng($this->image_context, $file, $quality);
             // GIF images
         // GIF images
         case 'gif':
             return imagegif($this->image_context, $file);
             // JPEG images
         // JPEG images
         case 'jpeg':
             if (is_null($quality)) {
                 $quality = 90;
             return imagejpeg($this->image_context, $file, $quality);
コード例 #11
ファイル: CCJson.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * write a json file
  * @param string			$path
  * @param array 			$data
  * @param bool			$beautify
  * @return array|object
 public static function write($path, $array, $beautify = false)
     return CCFile::write($path, static::encode($array, $beautify));
コード例 #12
ファイル: CCConsoleController.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Run a console script
  * @param string		$controller
  * @param string		$action	
  * @param array 		$params
 public static function run($controller, $action = null, $params = array())
     // always enable the file infos
     // this allows CCFile to print an info when a file gets created or deleted.
     // execute by default the help action
     if (empty($action)) {
         $action = 'default';
     $path = CCPath::get($controller, CCDIR_CONSOLE, EXT);
     // check if the file exists, if not try with core path
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         if (!CCPath::contains_namespace($controller)) {
             $path = CCPath::get(CCCORE_NAMESPACE . '::' . $controller, CCDIR_CONSOLE, EXT);
     // still nothing?
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         CCCli::line("Could not find controller {$controller}.", 'red');
         return false;
     // all console classes should be on the CCConsole namespace
     // this way you can easly overwrite a console script
     $class = 'CCConsole\\' . $controller;
     // add the class to the autoloader
     \CCFinder::bind($class, $path);
     // create an instance
     $class = new $class($action, $params);
     // run wake function
     if (method_exists($class, 'wake')) {
         call_user_func(array($class, 'wake'), $params);
     // run the execution
     call_user_func(array($class, '_execute'), $action, $params);
     // run sleep
     if (method_exists($class, 'sleep')) {
         call_user_func(array($class, 'sleep'), $params);
コード例 #13
ファイル: File.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Write the file down to disk
  * @return array
 protected function write_file($file, $data)
     return CCFile::write($file, '<?php return ' . var_export($data, true) . ';');
コード例 #14
ファイル: orbit.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * uninstall an orbit module
  * @param array 		$params 
 public function action_uninstall($params)
     $path = $params[0];
     if (empty($path)) {
         CCCli::line('no ship path given.', 'red');
      * direct install if starting with /
     if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') {
         // fix path
         if (substr($path, -1) != '/') {
             $path .= '/';
         // is directory
         if (!is_dir($path)) {
             CCCli::line('could not find a ship at path: ' . $path, 'red');
         // are ya serius..
         if (!CCCli::confirm("are you sure you want to uninstall this ship?", true)) {
         // run the uninstaller
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             CCCli::line($e->getMessage(), 'red');
             CCCli::line('ship destroying failure.', 'red');
         // also remove the direcoty?
         if (CCCli::confirm("do you also wish to remove the ship files?", true)) {
         // we are done
         CCCli::line('ship destroyed!', 'green');
     // check if the module is in our orbit path
     if (is_dir(ORBITPATH . $path)) {
         // there is a ship yay
         CCCli::line('found ship at path: ' . ORBITPATH . $path, 'green');
         return static::action_uninstall(array(ORBITPATH . $path));
     // nothing to do here
     CCCli::line('could not find a ship at this path or name.', 'red');
コード例 #15
ファイル: migrator.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Create new migration
  * @param array 		$params 
  * @return void
 public function action_create($params)
     $name = array_shift($params);
     $file = \DB\Migrator::path($name);
     \CCFile::write($file, "# ---> up\n\n\n\n# ---> down\n\n");
コード例 #16
ファイル: CCView.php プロジェクト: clancats/core
  * Build a view cache file
  * @param string 		$path 
  * @param string 		$builder 
  * @param string 
  * @return void
 protected function build_cache($path, $builder, $view_path)
     CCFile::write($path, CCView_Builder::compile($builder, $view_path));