CValue::setSession("praticien_id", $praticien_id); $sejour = new CSejour(); $ds = $sejour->getDS(); $where = array("praticien_id" => $ds->prepareIn($praticien_id)); if ($date_min) { $where["sortie"] = $ds->prepare("BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2", $date_min, $date_max); } else { $where["sortie"] = $ds->prepare("< ?", $date_max); } /** @var CSejour[] $sejours */ $sejours = $sejour->loadList($where, "sortie ASC", "{$start},{$step}"); foreach ($sejours as $_sejour) { $_sejour->makePDFarchive(); CAppUI::stepAjax("Archive créée pour le %s du patient '%s'", UI_MSG_OK, $_sejour->_view, $_sejour->loadRefPatient()->_view); if (CModule::getActive("dPprescription")) { $prescriptions = $_sejour->loadRefsPrescriptions(); foreach ($prescriptions as $_type => $_prescription) { if ($_prescription->_id && in_array($_type, array("pre_admission", "sortie"))) { if ($_prescription->countBackRefs("prescription_line_medicament") > 0 || $_prescription->countBackRefs("prescription_line_element") > 0 || $_prescription->countBackRefs("prescription_line_comment") > 0 || $_prescription->countBackRefs("prescription_line_mix") > 0 || $_prescription->countBackRefs("prescription_line_dmi") > 0) { $query = array("m" => "prescription", "raw" => "print_prescription", "prescription_id" => $_prescription->_id, "dci" => 0, "in_progress" => 0, "preview" => 0); $base = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . "?" . http_build_query($query, "", "&"); CApp::serverCall("{$base}"); CAppUI::stepAjax("Archive créée pour la prescription de %s", UI_MSG_OK, CAppUI::tr("CPrescription.type.{$_type}")); } } } } } if (count($sejours)) { CAppUI::js("nextStepSejours()"); }
/** * Make a PDF document archive of the sejour (based on soins/print_dossier_soins) * * @param string $title File title * @param bool $replace Replace existing file * * @return bool * @throws CMbException */ function makePDFarchive($title = "Dossier complet", $replace = false) { if (!CModule::getActive("soins")) { return false; } $query = array("m" => "soins", "a" => "print_dossier_soins", "sejour_id" => $this->_id, "dialog" => 1, "offline" => 1, "limit" => 10000, "_aio" => 1, "_aio_ignore_scripts" => 1); $base = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . "?" . http_build_query($query, "", "&"); $result = CApp::serverCall("{$base}"); $content = $result["body"]; $file = new CFile(); $file->setObject($this); $file->file_name = "{$title}.pdf"; $file->file_type = "application/pdf"; /*if ($file->loadMatchingObject()) { if ($replace) { $file->delete(); // New file $file = new CFile(); $file->setObject($this); $file->file_name = "$title.pdf"; $file->file_type = "application/pdf"; } }*/ $file->fillFields(); $file->updateFormFields(); $file->forceDir(); $file->author_id = CAppUI::$user->_id; $compte_rendu = new CCompteRendu(); $compte_rendu->_orientation = "portrait"; $format = CCompteRendu::$_page_formats["a4"]; $page_width = round(72 / 2.54 * $format[0], 2); $page_height = round(72 / 2.54 * $format[1], 2); $compte_rendu->_page_format = array(0, 0, $page_width, $page_height); $content = str_replace("<!DOCTYPE html>", "", $content); CHtmlToPDFConverter::init("CWkHtmlToPDFConverter"); //CHtmlToPDFConverter::init("CPrinceXMLConverter"); $pdf = CHtmlToPDFConverter::convert($content, $compte_rendu->_page_format, $compte_rendu->_orientation); $file->putContent($pdf); if ($msg = $file->store()) { throw new CMbException($msg); } return true; }