コード例 #1
    require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php";
$entity_id = "IBLOCK_" . $IBLOCK_ID . "_SECTION";
$sTableID = "tbl_" . (defined("CATALOG_PRODUCT") ? "catalog" : "iblock") . "_section_" . md5($type . "." . $IBLOCK_ID);
if ($_GET["tree"] == "Y") {
    $by = "left_margin";
    $order = "asc";
$oSort = new CAdminSorting($sTableID, "timestamp_x", "desc");
$arOrder = strtoupper($by) === "ID" ? array($by => $order) : array($by => $order, "ID" => "ASC");
$lAdmin = new CAdminList($sTableID, $oSort);
if ($_GET["tree"] == "Y") {
$arFilterFields = array("find_section_id", "find_section_timestamp_1", "find_section_timestamp_2", "find_section_modified_by", "find_section_date_create_1", "find_section_date_create_2", "find_section_created_by", "find_section_name", "find_section_active", "find_section_section", "find_section_code", "find_section_external_id");
$USER_FIELD_MANAGER->AdminListAddFilterFields($entity_id, $arFilterFields);
//We have to handle current section in a special way
$section_id = strlen($find_section_section) > 0 ? intval($find_section_section) : "";
$find_section_section = $section_id;
//This is all parameters needed for proper navigation
$sThisSectionUrl = '&type=' . urlencode($type) . '&lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&IBLOCK_ID=' . $IBLOCK_ID . '&find_section_section=' . $find_section_section;
$arFilter = array("IBLOCK_ID" => $IBLOCK_ID, "?NAME" => $find_section_name, "SECTION_ID" => $find_section_section, "ID" => $find_section_id, ">=TIMESTAMP_X" => $find_section_timestamp_1, "MODIFIED_BY" => $find_section_modified_user_id ? $find_section_modified_user_id : $find_section_modified_by, ">=DATE_CREATE" => $find_section_date_create_1, "CREATED_BY" => $find_section_created_user_id ? $find_section_created_user_id : $find_section_created_by, "ACTIVE" => $find_section_active, "CODE" => $find_section_code, "EXTERNAL_ID" => $find_section_external_id);
if (!empty($find_section_timestamp_2)) {
    $arFilter["<=TIMESTAMP_X"] = CIBlock::isShortDate($find_section_timestamp_2) ? ConvertTimeStamp(AddTime(MakeTimeStamp($find_section_timestamp_2), 1, "D"), "FULL") : $find_section_timestamp_2;
if (!empty($find_section_date_create_2)) {
    $arFilter["<=DATE_CREATE"] = CIBlock::isShortDate($find_section_date_create_2) ? ConvertTimeStamp(AddTime(MakeTimeStamp($find_section_date_create_2), 1, "D"), "FULL") : $find_section_date_create_2;
コード例 #2
ファイル: fileman_admin.php プロジェクト: DarneoStudio/bitrix
$db_DirContent->NavStart(array("sNavID" => "fileman_admin" . $path, "nPageSize" => 20));
// Init list params
// List header
if ($logical == 'Y') {
    $arHeaders = array(array("id" => "LOGIC_NAME", "content" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILE_NAME"), "default" => true), array("id" => "NAME", "content" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_REAL_FILE_NAME"), "sort" => "name_nat"), array("id" => "SIZE", "content" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_ADMIN_FILE_SIZE"), "sort" => "size", "default" => true), array("id" => "DATE", "content" => GetMessage('FILEMAN_ADMIN_FILE_TIMESTAMP'), "sort" => "timestamp", "default" => true), array("id" => "TYPE", "content" => GetMessage('FILEMAN_ADMIN_FILE_TYPE'), "sort" => "", "default" => true));
} else {
    $arHeaders = array(array("id" => "NAME", "content" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_FILE_NAME"), "sort" => "name_nat", "default" => true), array("id" => "SIZE", "content" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_ADMIN_FILE_SIZE"), "sort" => "size", "default" => true), array("id" => "DATE", "content" => GetMessage('FILEMAN_ADMIN_FILE_TIMESTAMP'), "sort" => "timestamp", "default" => true), array("id" => "TYPE", "content" => GetMessage('FILEMAN_ADMIN_FILE_TYPE'), "sort" => "", "default" => true));
if (!CFileMan::IsWindows()) {
    $arHeaders[] = array("id" => "PERMS", "content" => GetMessage('FILEMAN_ADMIN_ACCESS_PERMS'), "sort" => "", "default" => true);
$arHeaders[] = array("id" => "PERMS_B", "content" => GetMessage('FILEMAN_ADMIN_ACCESS_PERMS_B'), "sort" => "", "default" => true);
if (IntVal($show_perms_for) > 0) {
$arVisibleColumns = $lAdmin->GetVisibleHeaderColumns();
if (!$bSearch && strlen($path) > 0 && ($logical != "Y" || rtrim($arSite["DIR"], "/") != rtrim($arParsedPath["FULL"], "/"))) {
    $row =& $lAdmin->AddRow(".", array("NAME" => GetMessage("FILEMAN_UP")));
    $dbSitesList = CSite::GetList($b = "lendir", $o = "desc");
    while ($arSite = $dbSitesList->GetNext()) {
        if ($arSite['DOC_ROOT'] == CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site) || $arSite['DOC_ROOT'] == '') {
            $resSites[] = array('ID' => $arSite['ID'], 'DIR' => $arSite['DIR'], 'DOC_ROOT' => $arSite['DOC_ROOT']);
    $cnt_resSites = count($resSites);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt_resSites; $i++) {
        $dir = trim($resSites[$i]["DIR"], "/");
        if (substr(trim($arParsedPath["PREV"], "/"), 0, strlen($dir)) == $dir) {
            $site = $resSites[$i]["ID"];
コード例 #3
    $db_extras = CExtra::GetList(array("NAME" => "ASC"));
    while ($extras = $db_extras->Fetch()) {
        $arCatExtra[] = $extras;
if ($bBizproc) {
    $arWorkflowTemplates = CBPDocument::GetWorkflowTemplatesForDocumentType(array(MODULE_ID, ENTITY, DOCUMENT_TYPE));
    foreach ($arWorkflowTemplates as $arTemplate) {
        $arHeader[] = array("id" => "WF_" . $arTemplate["ID"], "content" => $arTemplate["NAME"]);
    $arHeader[] = array("id" => "BIZPROC", "content" => GetMessage("IBLIST_A_BP_H"));
    $arHeader[] = array("id" => "LOCK_STATUS", "content" => GetMessage("IBLIST_A_LOCK_STATUS"), "default" => true);
    $arHeader[] = array("id" => "BP_PUBLISHED", "content" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_FIELD_BP_PUBLISHED"), "sort" => "status", "default" => true);
$arSelectedFields = $lAdmin->GetVisibleHeaderColumns();
$arSelectedProps = array();
$arSelect = array();
foreach ($arProps as $i => $arProperty) {
    $k = array_search("PROPERTY_" . $arProperty['ID'], $arSelectedFields);
    if ($k !== false) {
        $arSelectedProps[] = $arProperty;
        if ($arProperty["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "L") {
            $arSelect[$arProperty['ID']] = array();
            $rs = CIBlockProperty::GetPropertyEnum($arProperty['ID']);
            while ($ar = $rs->GetNext()) {
                $arSelect[$arProperty['ID']][$ar["ID"]] = $ar["VALUE"];
        } elseif ($arProperty["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "G") {
            $arSelect[$arProperty['ID']] = array();